Identify I need help remembering the name of a Bondage RPGMaker game


New Member
May 13, 2020
I downloaded and played an RPGmaker game a while ago, that I deleted and would like to play again, where you play as a female knight/hero, there was little if any movement (most if not all of the gameplay was in combat or dialogue).

Here's some more details that may or may not be accurate based on my memory: IIRC, the character you play as is defending a location (town or home) from bandits, and you have to defeat a certain number of enemies, in waves maybe? With each wave becoming more difficult and the enemies could add bondage restraints to your character that needed to be struggled out of. If your character was defeated, she was restrained in a bunch of restraints and moved to a bandit hideout, fighting more waves of enemies. If you escaped from that section, by winning, you'd go back to the previous area, but if you were defeated again, I believe it was either game over after that point, or possibly losing a 3rd time in a new area. After the final loss I'm pretty sure your character gets sold as a slave. I think the character's armor/clothing needs to be fully damaged before they can be restrained?

I don't really remember many details about the MC, I think she was cocky and confident early on and slowly got corrupted and less resistant as you lose more battles.

I think there were H-scenes after losing in each area, or possibly one H-scene before the game over. I remember that the combat loss H-scenes were VERY repetitive and was the main reason why I deleted the game.

I think I found the game originally through a seeking/recommend thread, but I can't remember the keywords I used when searching for it, and I just finished looking through tag combinations with no luck. I think I played the game sometime near the end of last year. (Maybe around November-ish?) So most likely nothing newer than that.