Fan Art Dandonfuga Fan Art and Edits

Dr. Syndicate

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
Hey everyone as promised in the main thread I made the harley quinn & punchline wallpapers that dandon didn't do originally, took me longer than i wanted to make these but i made sure I made enough versions to suit your interests so beware of that as I made quite a handful, anyways enjoy them and have a good one

HQ & Punchline Wallpaper-SFW-01 (blonde).png
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Dr. Syndicate

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
Hi everyone i plan on doing some wallpapers with catwoman and harley quinn side by side if dandon doesn't actually do them but I just want a general sense of which backdrop I should use

Option 1

Or option 2

Both are good but can't decide which ones everyone would like the most, so if I wanna make these wallpapers for you I would like to hear your opinions before I start

Dr. Syndicate

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
So, the artworks are out and a lot of us enjoyed them and there's gonna be edits of them being shown off here soon

Now i said i would make the side by side wallpapers for catwoman if dandon doesn't actually do them herself, as i half-expected she officially made them

but i'm still going to make my own version due to not having enough options such as harley quinn dyed her on all versions as I know some fans prefer her hair dyed that match her color scheme than blonde

With that said I'm currently in the process of making them, I'm very likely going to have them done before or on the day of halloween since the amount i would be making is going to the same as my previous wallpapers I made

Long talk is over enjoy the september content, if you haven't got it yet jump over to the main thread and get it there and until we met again take care
Nov 11, 2019
If anyone does topless, shaved pussy wallpapers (magic mushroom is welcome), please let me know.

@ lixander
Yours are a perfect example! I love the nude magic mushroom one. Thanks for creating it! Please create more. :love: