Unreal Engine Where to find free NSFW models for Unreal?


Jan 14, 2024
I'm currently working up to a rather big game project in Unreal Engine 5, but right now i'm just practicing, and i'm gonna start off making a few smaller projects, one of the projects i'll be doing soon might even be fun to release if it pans out, but for that i need an unreal engine ready female character 3D model (and preferably also a male one really) with working genitals and mouth that has permissive licensing such as creative commons so I could release it for free if I decide to.

I know we have smutbase for SFM and Blender, and for those willing to pay there's Artstation and CGTrader.

I suppose importing something from smutbase might theoretically be possible but most of these models are using rigify which as far as i know just won't really translate to unreal and i'm not really motivated to port those models to unreal as most of the tools that would simplify the process seem to be locked behind paywalls and seem unreliable at best and complicated at worst

I'd much rather get something that's completely ready to go from the start if it's an option, are there any? Currently i'm just using stuff i've found on f95's asset section as placeholders but i couldn't really release those unless i actually paid the original creators for those models since they only have commercial licensing options.


Game Developer
Sep 2, 2018
If you're practicing, translating those rigify skeletons for UE4/5 could be a good skill to learn and know, maybe there are alternative tools or methods? I'd expect Unreal to play more nicely with blender skeletons.

Also, unless said project big project has to be in Unreal, it could also be an opportunity to experiment a different 3D engine.
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Jan 14, 2024
If you're practicing, translating those rigify skeletons for UE4/5 could be a good skill to learn and know, maybe there are alternative tools or methods? I'd expect Unreal to play more nicely with blender skeletons.

Also, unless said project big project has to be in Unreal, it could also be an opportunity to experiment a different 3D engine.
A different 3D engine would only make things harder, unreal has better support for this kind of stuff than any other engine.

Hehe, it has to be unreal, about a year or so ago i started experimenting with unity, then there was that business model drama of theirs and I instantly bailed on that engine, the whole point of unity was that it was at it's core free, and this threatened that, sure they fired that ceo and hired an actually great ceo instead but the damage is sorta done as far as I'm concerned, and besides, they can take their 2.5% and stick it where the sun doesn't shine cuz Unreal is such a vastly superior engine at the end of the day that paying 5% royalties to use unreal instead of 2.5% to use unity is a freaking no brainer. Throughout unity's history I have only ever seen one truly amazing looking game, I'm sure there are others i just missed but also I have also only seen one game that was well optimized. And both of those are the same game, sons of the forest. This isn't a very good look for unity at a glance.

Sure, it's deifnitely because the vast majority of unitygame devs are incompetent programmers and the sons of the forest devs are simply not. But compared to unreal's track record of good performance even in the hands of incompetent programmers... Yeah, 2.5% is a small price to pay for the upgrade. Compared to 5% requiring some consideration compared to more or less free.

Anyhow, business model drama, so I tried godot. I really liked godot. But godot doesn't have working IK for 3D. At all. It didn't back then and it still doesn't now, you try doing nsfw shit without inverse kinematics and let me know how it goes... So godot is out because critical features for what I want to do are just broken and I'm not gonna be the one to fix them.

That sorta just leaves Unreal. I'm not using Cryengine, damn thing has an even worse track record than unity, the only company that's ever made a beautiful and well optimized game on it is Crytek themselves, star citizenn is the prettiest game ever made with it, but despite a truckload of competent programmers it's far from being optimized. I'm not using amazon's shit, mostly just cuzz it's amazon's shit (and also cuz it's technically still just cryengine).

There's a lot of other engines but these are the biggest ones. Unreal is the only logical choice for me, and as it turns out besides how crash happy the damn thing is (about as much as Godot was actually), I really like it. I generally hate epic games cuz of their stupid store, but just how amazing unreal engine is has been making me reconsider a little if this amazing game engine isn't enough to balance things out and make me actually kinda like them. Or at least neutral.

As for porting models from blender to unreal... I could do that, I absolutely could do it, I just do not want to, my time is better used on other things. I have a 3D guy who's gonna handle this kind of stuff for our main project, he's just kinda been busy with school but he's graduating in like a week. Basically learning to translate models like that would be a waste of time for me in the long run.

So in summary, the only two options I'm willing to consider are Unreal and Godot. And Godot is missing critical features largely because it's 3D game 'stuff' is relatively new, whereas unreal has an overabundance of absolutely insane features. I tried enabling nanite for some materials and i got +50fps from it, just like that, just clicking a button a few times, it's absurd. And that's just one of many things that i love about that engine.


May 12, 2018
as far as i know there is no 3d model that is ready for porn that have unreal 4 or 5 bone that is free.

you should learn to retarget in unreal or in blender that is really a must learn for most game that need good animation.
even if your model is using other bone, you can retarget in unreal to unreal bone so you can link up to other animation .
although it can be hard or weird on the hand .
you need to know your bone well if you want to control it well in animation blueprint.

there is addon (paid) in blender that will and can make it very easy and fast to make bone for unreal.


May 24, 2020
Making an nsfw model and porting it is technical artist work and no one is going to teach you how to do it unless theyre a game dev or deep into rigging proper. Unless you want to learn and be comfortable with rigging, rigify like that guy said earlier is your best bet. Also dont use smutbase models, almost none are free for commercial use. Its just an unwritten agreement that people can make vids with eachothers models, a tangible product like a game breaks that trust.


May 12, 2018
Making an nsfw model and porting it is technical artist work and no one is going to teach you how to do it unless theyre a game dev or deep into rigging proper.
it is best to learn how to rig for unreal if you want to make a game. just because there is a artist does not mean that artist know how unreal work.

in the end some one have to learn more then what their job need to.
and from what i see it better for the person that going to use the animation blueprint in unreal to learn more. since you can just retarget animation from other model/animation.

if the artist have to learn that, the artist may as well learn the whole blueprint .


Jan 14, 2024
you should learn to retarget in unreal or in blender that is really a must learn for most game that need good animation.
Like i said, i have someone else who's gonna handle that for me. Sure, it's possible for one game dev to do absolutely everything, but the more tasks that are handled by just one individual, the longer it'll take to make anything, and the less grand that anything can potentially be in scope. I might one day perhaps try to do it, but honestly i'm of a mind to wait with it until there are tools that can just automate the whole process for me rather than learn to do it myself (seems like we're pretty far along the way there anyhow, you should see how easy retargeting is in unreal these days, you literally press a button. For instance if you need some free anims from mixamo, translating them to the UE mannequin is as easy as downloading a mixamo model and anims for it, right clicking the anims in ue and clicking the retarget button, then retarget from the mixamo model to the ue mannequin and hit export animation, and you're done. It's that easy.)

All I really need is a working model with a working rig in ue, the rest is easy.

As for learning more than my job description, I'm already doing a truckload of that, I don't need to tack this on, modeling and rigging is complicated as fuck, I draw the line at learning to do something like niagara vfx, which is already beyond the scope of what i should be doing (I'm a programmer not an artist lol), but i'm gonna be doing that anyways because there's nobody else to fill that role for me. For now. Also even if i'm neither an artist nor animator, I'm learning more than my fair share of how to work with animations and control rigs, i'm even learning actual procedural animation... That shit's complicated enough already, i'm only really determined to learn it because it has massive potential for nsfw games if utliized correctly.

Ideally i need fewer things to divide my attention, not more... So no learning to convert blender models to unreal ones, or converting rigify rigs to unreal ready ones. I'm sure i could do it if I put my mind to it, it's just not worth the effort, it's one of the things that's got to give.

If my 3D guy turns out not to deliver then maybe i'll reconsider, but that'd be 2 years down the line at least so until then I've got more important things to focus on.
Making an nsfw model and porting it is technical artist work and no one is going to teach you how to do it unless theyre a game dev or deep into rigging proper. Unless you want to learn and be comfortable with rigging, rigify like that guy said earlier is your best bet. Also dont use smutbase models, almost none are free for commercial use. Its just an unwritten agreement that people can make vids with eachothers models, a tangible product like a game breaks that trust.
I wasn't planning to make a product in that sense, certainly not a commercial one, with models from smutbase.I intend to respect the licensing, i literally just wanna turn free stuff into more free stuff, but it's ultimately just something i'm doing as practice before i work on a bigger project. Something small scale like an SDT clone or something (I mean there's quite a few of those already, but i'm pretty sure I can do better than all the ones i've seen and it wouldn't even take me that much time, but it's a moot point if i don't have a suitable model for free release, i'm still gonna make it in that case,i just wouldn't release it)
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May 24, 2020
it is best to learn how to rig for unreal if you want to make a game. just because there is a artist does not mean that artist know how unreal work.

in the end some one have to learn more then what their job need to.
and from what i see it better for the person that going to use the animation blueprint in unreal to learn more. since you can just retarget animation from other model/animation.

if the artist have to learn that, the artist may as well learn the whole blueprint .
Im probably the only person who will respond to this guy that can do the whole process including making a custom rig in blender, animating it, bring it into unreal, and use the animation. The animation blueprint is just one very small insignficant part of that. Saying just retarget the animation isnt helping anyone and also requires rigging knowledge. Without it you just suffer trying to understand why your retargeting isnt working and youre at the mercy of anyone nice enough to answer if at all.

I wasn't planning to make a product in that sense, certainly not a commercial one, with models from smutbase.I intend to respect the licensing, i literally just wanna turn free stuff into more free stuff, but it's ultimately just something i'm doing as practice before i work on a bigger project. Something small scale like an SDT clone or something (I mean there's quite a few of those already, but i'm pretty sure I can do better than all the ones i've seen and it wouldn't even take me that much time, but it's a moot point if i don't have a suitable model for free release, i'm still gonna make it in that case,i just wouldn't release it)
I dont know what SDT is, my friends make and put models on smutbase. Commercial work is anything you profit off of, if you steal someones model from smutbase, put that in a game, then have a patreon open that you profit from, that is commercial use and youre directly profiting off their work. Either you need to learn how to work with DAZ assets that have commercial options to cheat some the process, learn how to create them from scratch, or just ask the creators what is required to use their work in a game. Its really clearcut, just stop trying to skirt around it


May 12, 2018
Im probably the only person who will respond to this guy that can do the whole process including making a custom rig in blender, animating it, bring it into unreal, and use the animation. The animation blueprint is just one very small insignficant part of that. Saying just retarget the animation isnt helping anyone and also requires rigging knowledge. Without it you just suffer trying to understand why your retargeting isnt working and youre at the mercy of anyone nice enough to answer if at all.
animation blueprint is just one very small part? animation blueprint is for unreal to know when to read and play the animation. is not a small part. well unless you want to make shit animation that can only play one animation at a time.

and for rigging is. it is that easy to learn rigging and i don't really understand what you make it sound like it hell.
and as for retarget, base on what you say i can tell you have no ideal why people use unreal bone then.

and by not knowing how thing work is being mercy at other people hand.


May 12, 2018
Like i said, i have someone else who's gonna handle that for me. Sure, it's possible for one game dev to do absolutely everything, but the more tasks that are handled by just one individual, the longer it'll take to make anything, and the less grand that anything can potentially be in scope. I might one day perhaps try to do it, but honestly i'm of a mind to wait with it until there are tools that can just automate the whole process for me rather than learn to do it myself (seems like we're pretty far along the way there anyhow, you should see how easy retargeting is in unreal these days, you literally press a button. For instance if you need some free anims from mixamo, translating them to the UE mannequin is as easy as downloading a mixamo model and anims for it, right clicking the anims in ue and clicking the retarget button, then retarget from the mixamo model to the ue mannequin and hit export animation, and you're done. It's that easy.)

All I really need is a working model with a working rig in ue, the rest is easy.

As for learning more than my job description, I'm already doing a truckload of that, I don't need to tack this on, modeling and rigging is complicated as fuck, I draw the line at learning to do something like niagara vfx, which is already beyond the scope of what i should be doing (I'm a programmer not an artist lol), but i'm gonna be doing that anyways because there's nobody else to fill that role for me. For now. Also even if i'm neither an artist nor animator, I'm learning more than my fair share of how to work with animations and control rigs, i'm even learning actual procedural animation... That shit's complicated enough already, i'm only really determined to learn it because it has massive potential for nsfw games if utliized correctly.

Ideally i need fewer things to divide my attention, not more... So no learning to convert blender models to unreal ones, or converting rigify rigs to unreal ready ones. I'm sure i could do it if I put my mind to it, it's just not worth the effort, it's one of the things that's got to give.

If my 3D guy turns out not to deliver then maybe i'll reconsider, but that'd be 2 years down the line at least so until then I've got more important things to focus on.

well, one can only do so much but as i say there is no model that is free and have unreal bone that is porn ready, unless you buy/pay.

and i do know how easy is to retargeting as i use unreal too . but having a working porn ready unreal bone is very hard to find that is why you need to learn how to retargeting to another set of bone. which is not very hard. although hand can be weird .


May 24, 2020
Just stop larping, you cant help him if you've never done it and you arent even saying things that make sense.

i dont want to be toxic, but people like you made things hard for me when I had to learn. At any rate I wont help anymore


Jan 14, 2024
I dont know what SDT is, my friends make and put models on smutbase. Commercial work is anything you profit off of, if you steal someones model from smutbase, put that in a game, then have a patreon open that you profit from, that is commercial use and youre directly profiting off their work. Either you need to learn how to work with DAZ assets that have commercial options to cheat some the process, learn how to create them from scratch, or just ask the creators what is required to use their work in a game. Its really clearcut, just stop trying to skirt around it
Ur assuming i'm planning to use patreon, you're wrong, but if i was, I don't see how that's really any different from animators making videos out of them and using patreon, it's literally the same thing, mine would just be more interactive, and unlike them i wouldn't be locking anything at all behind patreon if i were to use it.

But as I said iwasn't really planning on using patreon, idk why you assumed that. I said i wasn't planning to use it commercially and I meant it.


May 24, 2020
Ur assuming i'm planning to use patreon, you're wrong, but if i was, I don't see how that's really any different from animators making videos out of them and using patreon, it's literally the same thing, mine would just be more interactive, and unlike them i wouldn't be locking anything at all behind patreon if i were to use it.

But as I said iwasn't really planning on using patreon, idk why you assumed that. I said i wasn't planning to use it commercially and I meant it.
Animators and model makers have a tighter relationship, technically what animators do falls under commercial use and its an unwritten agreement to just allow it. A game is a tangible product and even worse is you are directly redistributing their work. idc if its substar or only fans, whatever payment platform you use still applies


Jan 14, 2024
Animators and model makers have a tighter relationship, technically what animators do falls under commercial use and its an unwritten agreement to just allow it. A game is a tangible product and even worse is you are directly redistributing their work. idc if its substar or only fans, whatever payment platform you use still applies
Technically yes, but their work is already freely available on smutbase, ripping it from a game would be a wasted effort compared to just grabbing it from the original creator.

If they have a problem with their works being used in free stuff, they shouldn't use creative commons licensing.

And there is no payment platform i was planning to use, which part of 'free' do you not understand? is it the f? or the r?

Anyhow, you're basically full of shit, most of them are under CC 4.0

Which allows even commercial use...

The real reason you can't go crazy with commercial use is that most of these models are using character designs that are copyrighted, so even if the model itself is free, the characters aren't theirs to license in the first place. Which is why, as i said, I would only ever use those assets for free stuff.
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May 24, 2020
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Technically yes, but their work is already freely available on smutbase, ripping it from a game would be a wasted effort compared to just grabbing it from the original creator.

If they have a problem with their works being used in free stuff, they shouldn't use creative commons licensing.

And there is no payment platform i was planning to use, which part of 'free' do you not understand? is it the f? or the r?

Anyhow, you're basically full of shit, most of them are under CC 4.0

Which allows even commercial use...
You literally cant read, almost every single model is not for commercial use and there are different cc licenses. Its made so stupid simple that if you cant handle this now you cant handle making a game


Jan 14, 2024
you're not worth debating with, you are literally just supporting my point here, you're the one who seemingly cannot read.

just went to smutbase, clicked first model i saw, checked license, it's using cc by-sa meaning it can be used even commercially so long as modifications are re-shared under the same license (somewhat similar to gpl)