README The Copyright Wall-Of-Shame


The Angry Person
Former Staff
Aug 18, 2016
The Copyright Wall-Of-Shame
Reminder for all that 9 out of 10 times, the people who make a shitstorm about morality and ethics are the same people who don't abide by them and actually do worse things.

This number increases to 10/10 with anti-pirate collectives as they have been observed and proven in these past few years of:

60. The creators of Denuvo, while advocating how secure their anti-tamper technology is.
59. French tax authorities accusing VideoLAN of having financial ties to a torrent website named Torrent9, . While the accusation was later retracted due to public protest, the act highlights the misconceived ideology of those who have enforcement powers.
58. Casey Tebo by pretending to steal clam chowder ingredients from a supermarket in an effort to spread awareness of his film.
57. Finding two principals of Prenda Law guilty of the charges of conspiracy to commit fraud, money laundering, and perjury by a Minnesota District Court of law, demonstrating acknowledgement by the U.S. Government who accuses Prenda principals
56. Having to force an due to an original agreed settlement amount of $750 plus reasonable attorney fees. Showing that a copyright advocate believes an entire bill sum is a 'reasonable' amount only later to be forced to to the defendants.
55. The Hamburg Regional Court and are required to properly attribute it's license, if any exist. Expressing that a lack of knowledge of infringement does not equal innocence.
54. Voltage Pictures being found guilty of wrongfully accusing others of copyright infringement and , while others who can't afford a proper defense susceptible to legal threats and intimidation regardless of any factual proof of innocence or guilt..
53. The of generated from educational institutions such as to favor the goals of mainstream copyright advocates.
52. Forcing game enthusiasts to wait through endless hours of loading screens due to , which also illustrates the lack of motivation for content creators to challenge such vague patents in the pursuit of their own product enrichment, preventing the advancements of innovation.
51. Topdawg Entertainment Inc., Interscope Records, and Universal Music Group Jonathan Emile's music track from YouTube, iTunes and Soundcloud.
50. The CEO of anti-piracy outfit MarkScan , in an attempt to lure the clients of their competition. Demonstrating how copyright advocates believe that common law doesn't apply to them.
49. Movie chief Graham Burke comparing the actions of file-sharing site in an attempt to please his investors.
48. Estonian Theatrical Distribution in an attempt to remove News articles that has the word "Trolls" in the title from search engines, demonstrating a lack of concern from these enforcement outfits.
47. , only to reject any accusation of wrong doing when caught and threatening to claim "sovereign immunity,” in an attempt escape any charges.
46. Russian anti-piracy executive after getting caught offering a $800k settlement to Russian file-sharing site Lib(.)rus(.)ec to make charges of infringement simply 'go away'.
45. Anti-Piracy Outfits like NBC Universal in an attempt to show piracy as being a larger problem than it really is.
44. HBO, Paramount Pictures, and others sending multiple DMCA notices for in an attempt to show how allegedly ineffective the DMCA is.
43. Rights enforcement outfit Copyright UNIVERSAL going on a and attempting to censor anything that crosses their path.
42. FOX using a game clip video from YouTube in a Family Guy episode, and then video.
41. The MPAA's chief saying: "I’m proud to say that the state of our industry has never been stronger.... To paraphrase Mark Twain, ” the former US Senator, MPAA chairman and CEO Chris Dodd said."
40. Sending thousands of false DMCA notices to Google and other providers , wasting everyone's time while the copyright enforces gets paid to have others waste resources.
39. Troll services company Hatton and Berkeley lying in public and when the company’s zero-liability speculative invoicing business model was revealed.
38. Warner/Chappell . With a settlement amount being a tiny fraction of how much revenue was generated by claiming false copyrights, all while deterring restaurants from singing the song on a child’s birthday, due to the fear of being sued. aka Copyright Innovation.
37. Portugal placing a at their tax-payers expense.
36. Placing a Music-Release News site on the Portugal website blocklist for the reason of .
35. The Anne Frank Foundation , in an attempt to prevent the book from going to the public sector.
34. Compromising forums of file-sharing sites and , for use of copyright enforcement persuasion and harassment tactics.
33. Allowing over the course of five years.
32. The Regardless that tax payers paid for the funding of said research.
31. Hosting a SoundCloud causing the uploader to receive a strike on their account.
30. Sentencing a young adult to a debtors prison when he is , placing his life in ruin and forcing taxpayers to foot the bill for the benefit of a multi-million dollar industry.
29. Prison guards , and during prison movie time. And getting away with what many have been convicted of.
28. The encouragement of and .
27. Attempts at invoking political favour by and encouraging their use as free Hollywood cinemas for lobbying efforts.
26. Drug trafficking ( )
25. Defamation ( and )
24. Uploading torrents and copyright material themselves unlawfully ( , file-lockers, and .
23. Breaking the 8th Amendment of the USA under the justification of example making. ( )
22. Actual cyber-crimes of spreading malware and trojans on the Internet ( )
21. Unwarranted and unlawful incarceration beyond what the law regards as a legal period by filing new charges after a great time span. (Piratebay founder )
20. Bribery, blackmail and perversion of the justice system (TPB Trials, US Gov & Holders Vs Kim Dotcom, )
19. Wasting more tax-payer money than artists lose to piracy over unlawful use of police forces ( and ) when the police could be saving actual lives... So anti-pirates are also potentially indirectly responsible for civilian deaths due to siphoning police reserves.
18. Filing millions of false DMCA notices and taking down many legitimate sites while hurting many businesses in the process. ( )
17. Supporting the economic crisis by indirectly propagating and supporting one of the main reasons that lead to it ( )
16. Fraud and embezzlement. (SMAIS scandal and )
15. Misappropriation of funds and being worse at lying than a 12 year old ( ]
14. Falsifying statements and signatures of various artists in order to gain support for several anti-piracy measures including a pirate-levy. ( ),
13. Attacking the freedom of speech and the freedom to report and inform of newspapers and .
12. Extorting over half of the income of artists and more even though the publishers/companies/3rd parties don't create anything, and subjugating them to insane contract offers while playing a "defender" of artists against piracy which is a justification to protect the .
11. Projecting losses of income due to piracy in order to create money out of thin air and evade taxes. ( )
10. Influencing supposed neutral agencies to favor their organization demands above others ( )
09. Forcing Internet Providers to implement easily circumvented blocking tactics to protect another countries financial interests while forcing the local ISP's and citizens to foot the bill. ( )
08. Injecting anti-piracy curriculum into multiple schools to persuade our children to protect their corporate interests above civil liberties ( )
07. Perversions of fair-use and allowing content to be removed from the public domain and placed . ( )
06. Creating questionable business tactics and actively pursuing them. ( , )
05. Systematically targeting open sourced projects to prevent the innovation of file-sharing. ( )
04. The film industry hiring digital-hitmen to and .
03. ISPs become the digital police as civil liberties to privacy become diminished. ( )
02. The silent introduction of new laws that are vaguely worded to allow legal perversion of the judicial systems. (SOPA, PIPA, & )
01. The participation and contribution to an ever growing copyright-enforcement industry that neither supports the artists nor fuels innovation. ( )

Plenty more can be added...
-Kopimi ( )

Alexander Krisnov

The Dead Commisar
Sep 14, 2016
good job bloo .... the thing is and i say i have been saying it for a long time piracy doesnt do anything to dampen the profit of the artists or the company....the people just use it to see how the product is and if they want they can just buy it sure you can make a case for how it doent motivate to people to not buy .But after a game or movie has sold of $400-500 million world wide can you really say 2016's annual movie profit was higher than 2015's and that too in the emergence of piracy

BLOO talking: I didn't make this list, it's a re-post.
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Aug 15, 2016
I actually have been in trouble for downloading torrents for music. I downloaded a david bowie album and i got a letter from verizon saying if I do not delete the torrent ( I was seeding them after I finished downloading) they would revoke my internet. So as a good citizen I deleted them. Do not really see the big deal of downloading the music but oh well.


The Angry Person
Former Staff
Aug 18, 2016
I actually have been in trouble for downloading torrents for music. I downloaded a david bowie album and i got a letter from verizon saying if I do not delete the torrent ( I was seeding them after I finished downloading) they would revoke my internet. So as a good citizen I deleted them. Do not really see the big deal of downloading the music but oh well.
Tell them to fuck off or you'll switch ISP. Also, use a VPN.
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The Angry Person
Former Staff
Aug 18, 2016
Wish I could I like my provider. How should I go about using a vpn always been told too but, I do not know how. Any tips?


is one of the best (if not the best) sources of information for all the pirate scene news. It's a legit news site.

Here's a list of good vpn

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Alexander Krisnov

The Dead Commisar
Sep 14, 2016
is one of the best (if not the best) sources of information for all the pirate scene news. It's a legit news site.
Shit m8 its very hard to find a non-fake news site this days


Quote my posts if you want an answer
Former Staff
Aug 5, 2016
PIA is bae. Good speeds, really cheap and reliable. And it's totally anonymous. Staff members on kat I believe are also using this one for the most part :)


Active Member
Aug 5, 2016
Does anyone of you have experience with getting a VPN working on a NAS? From what I can see on the PIA support forums it's not really supported, but should be possible. More specifically, I'd like to protect the torrents downloading on that box.
(This is a bit of a tangent from the OP, but I couldn't find a thread discussing VPN's specifically).


Aug 17, 2016
One on my friends was loving them to death a while ago.... though they are a designer (and I am a sucker for shiny things). Not to poop on designers but he (and I) tend to give a lot of weight to initial UI design of websites. I haven't signed up with them or any other pay service as I've changed my geographics and jobs enough to make regularly paying non-essential bills a bit bothersome.


Nov 11, 2016
Intellectual property is a total bullshit. People who get butthurt from resemblances or copies from their stuff should try to adapt to the circumstances without using the violence (and the hell called State) or develop their own anti-piracy technologies, like Denuvo's attempt.
Once that ideas and digital things aren't scarce, there must be no ways to restrict them.

This thread is so satisfactory that made me cry from below for these copyright pricks.


Quote my posts if you want an answer
Former Staff
Aug 5, 2016
Can we add New Zealand over what they just did to Kim Dotcom? o_O