Unity - Completed - Subhuman [v1.2] [Oxymo]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    The art is great and the scenes are nice. There is basically no dialog and the gameplay is trash, even if you cheese it.

    Please, take my advice, don't waste your time on this game. If you do want to cheese it, here is some info to help:
    • First and foremost, when you are in your home zone, you can exit to the main menu by pressing escape. When you continue your game, it will automatically start you at dawn. This means you can skip the useless night portion.
    • Supplies will be consumed naturally. It's best to stockpile wood which does not get automatically consumed, and convert it to supplies with the bartering guy when he comes around.
    • You need 300 gold to end the game. I got 100 and couldn't be bothered to get the rest. Don't spend gold on armor, it's useless because you can pretty easily fight without taking damage. That leads me to...
    • The best fight strat is to throw rocks with middle mouse button and use spacebar to roll away before anyone can hit you. If you build a club, you can make it a bit more efficient by hitting them and then rolling away, but you still use the rock strat. If you're disciplined, it is easy to take 0 damage in your full play through. If not, it is possible to get stun locked by 3 guys and die and lose your progress. Be disciplined.
    I wish so badly that this game wasn't trash but it is. It gets 2 stars because it's not all trash, but it's definitely not recommended, unfortunately.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Caveman-Game from Caveman-Developer

    The key commands dont work. I got attacked without reason. Couldn't sleep and need to use mouse and keyboard at the same time to navigate and fight in the game. Do i have an inventory? I dont know. My items disappear. Dont know where.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Nice art but gameplay is terrible. You're constantly under attack because by the time you rest in your house to restore stamina it's already dark and you get attacked, it's a vicious cycle implemented without any thoughts.