Unity - Seaside Mystery [v0.24.1] [KsT]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I really enjoyed KsT's new game. I played a lot of "The Twist" but eventually I dropped it when became too long and I didn't had patience to find where I was in the walkthrought. The new hint system works perfectly. The models kept his style, but are better. The animation is very smooth and good, the scenarios are beautiful and the game runs smoothly too. I really enjoyed start playing now that there's a lot of content already. I understand some complaints, but as I know and like the style of the creator, I think he's doing the same, but much better.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Characters look terrible, especially the giant breasts,
    women wear high hells at home, even in the bathroom, really?
    minigames not avoidable,
    long loading times when changing locations,
    tons of typos / spelling mistakes
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Overall a top notch 3d game from KsT. The Twist was good. But this? Takes it to a whole new level. This is like Summertime Saga if it was 3D and ACTUALLY delivered timely updates.

    I have to give points for a lot of things:

    • Great character models -- holy shit is Brenda and Emily absolutely gorgeous. Probably up there in the pearly gates of Mom/Daughter character models
    • The great build up. Seriously -- this is one of the best slow burns I've seen, and once everything starts to heat up it gets exponentially better. I've always hated games that had the love interests DTF from the getgo with no real buildup of emotions, especially to a stranger they haven't met until the game starts.
    • The amazing character customization -- letting you pick how you want your ladies to look, in addition to the plethora of cosmetic options and variants (day/night/workout/etc.) gives so much control to the player how they want to see their love interests.
    • The lewd scenes are fantastic -- camera controls that allow for not only 3rd person views but POV perspectives make the already great sex scenes even more immersive.
    • The walkthrough system is intuitive and easy to understand -- this renders the gameplay pretty linear and makes it clear to the player what they need to do in order to progress with the story. A big peeve of mine is having to rely on a .pdf document or user post to figure out the sequence of events to trigger a naughty scene, with no help in-game. Seaside Mystery's navigation system is simple and easy to understand.

    Some minor grievances, but not overall big enough for me to lower the score:
    • The movement takes a bit of time to get used to, but once it clicks it seems largely very intuitive.
    • Aside from that, the only other minor issue is that blasted volleyball minigame with Janice (but I finally got it!)

    Absolutely stellar game. Really helped cement my decision to support the creator financially.

    If you're a fan of slow burn games like this, definitely try out this game!
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    lot of potential this game , nice customization of characters , only problem is that dev should add pov button other angle buttons to experience the intimate moments
    load up screen slightly slow, may be rectified
    milf, teacher, roomate are all very hot
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Is the attemp ok? Sure.
    Is the game ass? Yes.

    Yes the models are passable but we have all seen better.
    Yes its 3d navigable. To what point, I am not sure, it is just a waste of time.
    The minigame encountered (voleyball) is absolute ass. (Waste of time)

    The entire game is built on wasting your time (not grinding, just World of Wrcrafting you to navigate an empty 3d world).

    The game is less than mediocre so far.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Overall: 2/5 - If this game were completed, it wouldn't be worth more than $10. No way I'm going to be a supporter and pay at least $1 every time there's an update just so I can save my game while also being a beta tester and having to deal with bugs.

    Story: 3/5 - I didn't get very far into it, but it was average at best.

    Writing: 2/5 - English is abysmal. I've seen worse, so I give it 2 stars. I found it really ironic that one of the first quests was to find a book about Advanced English Grammar.

    Graphics: 3/5 - I very much appreciate the dynamically-rendered 3D models as I think that's where adult games really need to go, but... the graphics/models really look like they're 15 years old.

    Gameplay: 2/5 - Gameplay was a complete letdown. It's tedious and non-intuitive and reeks of a disconnect with best-known practices in gaming.
    • Moving around is slow and clunky.
    • The user interface for controlling the MC is non-intuitive. Game studios have been making 3rd-person and 1st-person games for 20 years and the dev chooses to create a garbage interface because... not invented here.
    • Dialogue stops the character from moving, yet players can still change the camera orientation. Why? Seriously, why? Especially, when it's just the players thoughts like "I don't have to pee, now."
    • Hint system is sometimes broken because it requires a specific day or to wait a specific amount of time.
    • The world available to the player is really empty.
    • Progression is too linear for the type of game.

    Lewd content: N/A - I never reached any. I gave up beforehand.

    Bugs: N/A - I think that I hit a soft lock, but I'm not 100% sure. After I read more of the thread and realized I might've hit a soft lock, I decided this game wasn't worth pursuing.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Another good game From KST, can't wait every update. Models are great, Animations and scenes also promising. Graphics are also updated, I feel free when I play the game. There is long road ahead for this game for sure. It needs to more update to play.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Good animations, is not a simple visual novel, nice content and very good characters. If you played The Twist this game will like you. One of my favorites, I love this kind of games.

    Graphics - 7/10
    Animations - 8/10
    Gameplay - 7/10
    Sound/Music - 5/10
    Story - 6/10
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    My feelings are telling me to rate this lower however the visuals are good enough for a star. The biggest issue really is it seems like the dev didn't learn anything from their previous game. Everything is incredibly linear despite being a sandbox (an incredibly prevalent issue across many sandbox games both H and non-H), and while you are given hints on how to progress with the characters kind of they aren't always available and most of the time it has to be a specific day and time which isn't told to you. I understand sandboxes are very hard to make so if you don't want to make one then just don't. Because both of this dev's games are not actually sandboxes.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This game truly stands out and deserves more appreciation. Serving as a worthy successor to The Twist, it introduces various enhancements that significantly enhance the overall experience. What sets this game apart is its unique feel in comparison to others in the same genre. While the current content might be somewhat limited, the developer openly acknowledges that the game is still a work in progress. Despite its current state, I have confidence in the developer's ability to deliver something exceptional. I suggest giving it a try or, if you prefer, waiting for a few more updates to experience additional content.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Played: v0.22.1

    Just like KsT's last game, this one has a bunch of pro's and cons. The game can feel very grindy, even more so then The Twist. You will be walking around a lot which can be annoying. The story is nothing special, there is a main story thread that just started about your parents, but the game doesn't really seem to focus on that.

    One of the good things about this game are the graphics and animations. They are great. There are a bunch of new effects since The Twist, like body and hair physics. Characters get sweaty or wet and overall it just looks a lot better.

    The characters are pretty standard. There are a lot of milfs, and some teens. The buildup is slow and there is not a lot of sex yet. But the sex that is there does look pretty good. There are even some sounds now in certain moments.

    I really liked The Twist, even though that game was slow as hell and pretty grindy if you didn't use cheats. I hope that Seaside Mystery will go as far as The Twist. Currently it is very vanilla, but that was the same for the last game. I also hope the updates will be in a timely fashion now that The Twist is over. This game has been a tech demo for multiple years, but in 2023 it finally started to become a game.

    - 3d engine (so nothing is pre-rendered)
    - Characters look pretty good (some limbs and shoes could use some work)
    - Some sounds added

    - Pretty grindy
    - Walking around gets annoying real fast. You can teleport in your house, but the game would be a lot better if the other locations had something simular.
    - Even though there is already multiple hours of centent, there is not a lot of sex yet, and only with a limited amount of characters.
    -Pretty vanilla compared to the last game, but that might change in the future.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    A whole of nothing, just like their last game, you roam around a strangers house like an autist trying to force corvesation to happen all to get some pussy. The controls hold true to the devs in-abillity to comprehend something simple, trying to re-invent the wheel for no fucking reason. Time is completely fucking pointless that the same thing could be achieved with 4 different timezones, but that would not add to the MC autism of wandering the house. I am a proud owner of vega 64 and believe me that this game utilizes the entire GPU for such a game as this. 1,5/5 because I believe this game would be better in time unless they follow their old ways.

    P.S. The college is pointless waste of space that the same thing could've have been achieved by teleporting us inside the class hallway, and by adding 2 other rooms.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I have always had prejudices against these 3D unity games, but this game breaks all my prejudices. I have played a lot of +18 renpy games and unity games and I can easily say that it is one of the best unity games. Especially the character costumization is perfect.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Damn this game is amazing so far, must be 5/5. Zero errors, zero bugs, nice graphics, uncensored. It's really amazing KST is the GOD making videogames.
    I love the 3D, Can't wait for play this game finished
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is improvement from KsT previous game.
    The Graphics and performance are improve, the game run smoother and better in my pc compare to KsT previous one.
    AS the sandbox game enjoyer I think the sandbox element is at the perfect balance. It give freedom freeroam content that tied with the girls corruption progression without too much grind, I think at the most you have to play some scene 3 times with 3 different end choices that lead too deferent scene to progress to the next step.
    The Graphic and girls models is not the best but it have unique 3d aspect to it and the character customizations is always welcome additions.

    For me the biggest problem is the control. You mainly move the MC with mouse by clicking the ground but some action require you to use keyboard like fast walking, so then you have to use two hand and lets just say it much more enjoyable if we have one hand free while playing this type of game. Also with click movement become super awkward in certain area specially with third perspective camera with Mc blocking 1/4 of the screen . There is fast travel button, not all place have it at the moment so you have to walk quite far distance with slow to moderate walking speed, like in the uni/campus and town for example.
    The game have huge potential, it refreshing to see something different and I think its delivered.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I like the gameplay alot. Yeah, things can be frustrating sometimes but it's really a game, in contrary to so much other "games" on this site. The graphics got a big boost since The Twist also. It's certainly not a perfect game but it's much fun to play!
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    - I really liked this game in this genre, in my opinion 9.5/10
    - 3d, a good camera
    - good normal difficulty
    - presence of hints
    - from the minuses, turning the camera through the right mouse button and the presence of a small ntr (not for all)
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Writing as of version 21.1:

    Excellently crafted game with real 3D visuals and atmosphere which truly immerses the player in another place. Caters well to MILF fantasies and to people who want a simply, relaxing retreat.

    - Good fast travel system
    - Attractive females
    - MC is attractive but relatable (dick isn't too big or too small, looks his age, etc.)
    - Customization options that exist are good without being too in-depth or causing glitches.
    - Minigames/overall gameplay is minimal but polished where it exists.
    - Quests are more or less straight forward.
    - Coherent storyline with variety and the right amount of depth.
    - Beautiful setting and design.
    - Game runs quite well with a variety of settings to choose from.

    - Adult females look pretty similar (bimbo porn milf types like Lisa Ann and proportions that can only exist with surgery, but surprisingly realistic at that), particularly in the face.
    - Customization is still limited (for now) but I suspect this will be only a temporary con
    - Too many characters relative to storyline progress for each (a pitfall many of these games run into)
    - walking is TOO SLOW
    - Certain camera angles aren't centered correctly during scenes
    - Large game size (but in my opinion worth it in its current state)

    My main suggestions to get to a 5 are to:
    1. Add more content with existing females (which appears to be in process). 2. Making walking FASTER.
    3. Fix Camera angles during certain scenes.
    4. Add a more in-depth guide either in game or separate to game for people who get stuck (this mostly comes down to telling where player can get/buy certain items or meet certain people).

    The engine and game design overall are much improved over The Twist, which is also a great game in its own right.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    First off: When using average hardware (I am on a 3070 underclocked laptop setup) this game looks insanely better than the pictures in OP, props for that. Either everything was upscaled/updated or the those were taken on weakass hardware, if you don't have a dedicated graphics card you have no business playing games like this.

    When actually playing this game you will fall in the worst case scenario of free roam games; If you refuse to follow guides like a chad you will chase around the girls around the house for weeks just to hit a trigger and make a miniscule step forward. If you play with a guide you know where to be and you stand there like a retard from sun up until sun down waiting for the correct event for multiple days.
    The world is completely dead, you go to college with one other student, a teacher and a librarian (in charge of like 25 books). Other than your family and those guys no other people exist in this universe.
    MC is a slackjaw roody poo who considers "You should stop drink coffee, it is bad for you" as pantydropping small-talk. Yes, it's another underaged looking pussy MC with the sex appeal of a squashed turd who magically gets the girl when he changes a lightbulb or takes four(!) days to bring a drink to the Brenda in the pool. Doesn't matter the man of the house slaves 7 days of the week to have the whole family live in a giant mansion with nobody wanting for anything, everyone is just happily freeloading and hanging around the kitchen or swimming pool. This guy even goes out of his way to adopt both the daughter and this mc dipshit, probably even has to make overtime to pay for their educations. Meanwhile, the wife has no loyalty whatsoever to what is seemingly a loving husband, which makes her kinda cheap and gross.
    If you really want to do this. This is literally the most unoriginal setting in porn game history, draw on that and take what's good and improve on what is not, make me hate this man of the house and make me want to take over.

    My two cents, drop the whole free-roaming thing and just make it a choice driven kinetic novel. If you make all these locations you got to fill them, if you want super linear gameplay why have an open world anyway? If you want your players to do everything in one specific order why make your game completely unintuitive? How am I to know the only possible way to progress is to be at the pool at a specific day and time to help your stepmother set up her chair? Your selling points are great models, animations and settings, just build on that and you'll do great. Maybe consider VR support? This has pushed some games who have less to offer than yours in the 100k+ a month.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    So, one very obvious thing is, the author never, ever plays his own games. Because if he tried to play it even once, he'd immediately know what's wrong with it.
    The amount of tediousness to do anything here and push the story even one inch further is truly staggering and drags the whole thing down like a pair of cement boots.

    To be fair, the game is technically better then it's predecessor and it looks better as well, but in terms of gameplay, not that much, unfortunately. And that's precisly why it will most probably never grow out to be anything more then mediocre without a solid, in depth rework.