Tool Pixel Game Maker MV extractor


Feb 12, 2020
Sadly the program seems to crash because the file is too big and something about the encryption process is tied to the overall file size so I can't decrypt it in chunks.
I spend some time looking at it but wasn't able to figure it out
TY for effort on trying, I guess dis game will just have to sit in the HDD, and collect dust bunnies then. >w<
(Keeps getting raped by the hords of enemies, Im was trying 2 do a 0 rape play through, and game 2 hard to beat with virgin status. XwX )

I hope in the future U can get mar program knowledge to increase the max file size so the program can handle it. ^w^
Prays 2 RN JESUS. X3
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Feb 12, 2020
Any progress yet for support on bigger file size? :3

Still determined 2 get dat project.json decrypted, so I can modify this "GearLiberators" game, since there's a level in it dat I can't get pass without being raped, U can get raped early at the start of this level/stage, although the biggest problem is mid or near end of level/stage, if u get raped just one time its GAME OVER OOF (which happens 2 meh no matter wat loadout I choose), the level/stage is set up as you defend the base against waves of enemies as they try to breach the base's defenses, so only a few enemies are allowed 2 get past U but 2 many and yep U get K.O'ed. XwX

1. Why not have it decrypted the entire project file in RAM? ?w?

2. Make a decrypter that gets the key from running game exe, and save it to a txt file, then another decrypter solely for the purpose of decrypting the project.json using the key from txt? ?w?



Nov 4, 2017
1. Why not have it decrypted the entire project file in RAM?
That's pretty much how it currently works

2. Make a decrypter that gets the key from running game exe, and save it to a txt file, then another decrypter solely for the purpose of decrypting the project.json using the key from txt?
For that I need to figure out what the actual encryption scheme is. Currently the extractor "tricks" the game into extracting the files for it.


Feb 12, 2020
That's pretty much how it currently works

For that I need to figure out what the actual encryption scheme is. Currently the extractor "tricks" the game into extracting the files for it.
Assuming U attached a debugger 2 it while it's working on trying the game to decrypt the files; So the reason it can't decrypt the project.json file is because of the encrypting techno they used I guess (Looked in the readme and programming along with graphics visuals came from dev em selves), since I can easily see the Key for decrypting the game which is right in "data/info.json"? >w<

So is there a way 2 make a decrypter program dat can use dat key to then decrypt the JSON file dat one without relying on the game's exe? ?w?

Also the game is kinda weird, using UR program with teh methods I can get the images and audi decrypted, then just delete the imgs in the game original "Resources" folder replace em with the decrypted ones and game doesn't seem 2 mind me doing dat LUL. X3
I did try other decrypters on the project.json file for the span of these two months, with 0 luck. XwX
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Nov 4, 2017
So is there a way 2 make a decrypter program dat can use dat key to then decrypt the JSON file dat one without relying on the game's exe? ?w?
In principle, sure. You just need to figure out what the exact encryption algorithm is.

If you have the technical skills it's feasible to figure this stuff out, but it's time-consuming.
Personally I don't feel like putting the time in, especially when the MV tool still works for most games.
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Feb 12, 2020
In principle, sure. You just need to figure out what the exact encryption algorithm is.

If you have the technical skills it's feasible to figure this stuff out, but it's time-consuming.
Personally I don't feel like putting the time in, especially when the MV tool still works for most games.
Dats understandable, maybe in future U or others could being AI in 2 help with encryption algorithms. X3

Well thanks 4 UR support in the matter, I just hope no other devs in the future DO NOT* start doing wat dat dev did. >w<

So, with no way 2 decrypt the project.json file at dis time, the only method left is to yep U all get the clear answer, U Have To Rebuild The Entire Game From Scratch. XwX

And therefore won't waste any more of UR time, and abandon the idea and hope of modifying this game, so I can get past dat one level. TwT
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New Member
Feb 9, 2023
Can someone please extract the image file for this game and send it to me by email? It doesn't run on my computer.
I will send you the game file via email.


Nov 4, 2017
Can someone please extract the image file for this game and send it to me by email? It doesn't run on my computer.
I will send you the game file via email.
That image is not encrypted, it's just in the webp format.
Just find a tool that can edit/convert them. (google chrome should be able to open them locally)


New Member
Feb 9, 2023

This is the game download link When I enter the img file of this game, it says that png files are a format that cannot be supported.


Active Member
Mar 16, 2018
I tried cheat engine for a game made with pixel game maker to give myself unlimited cash but it didn't work for me :(


Nov 4, 2017
Try moving the game to a path without any special characters (preferably without any spaces either)


Jul 19, 2019
Try moving the game to a path without any special characters (preferably without any spaces either)
Hi, can you help me decrypt this game?
i tried your tool but nothing in the extracted folder, i even try using python command but still no luck.


Nov 29, 2023

I've also put together a Pixel Game Maker MV decryptor. It's easier to use than the previous one, because no need for any code injection or patching and running the game. Actually it works independently to PGMM, uses no libraries.

How to use: extract the zip in the game's folder (next to player.exe), and then execute decrypt.exe once. That's all! All the images, audio files and plugins will be decrypted (the game will work just fine with unencrypted assets).

In case there's a false virus warning, the source is also attached, you can compile it yourself (extremely simple, one source file only). License is Public Domain, use as you please.

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Nov 4, 2017

I've also put together a Pixel Game Maker MV decryptor. It's easier to use than the previous one, because no need for any code injection or patching and running the game. Actually it works independently to PGMM, uses no libraries.

How to use: extract the zip in the game's folder (next to player.exe), and then execute decrypt.exe once. That's all! All the images, audio files and plugins will be decrypted (the game will work just fine with unencrypted assets).

In case there's a false virus warning, the source is also attached, you can compile it yourself (extremely simple, one source file only). License is Public Domain, use as you please.

I've been using the approach of injecting into the DLL and having the game decrypt for me since it's an approach that doesn't require you to figure out the details of how the encryption works, but grabbing the key and doing it directly is far more elegant.


Nov 29, 2023
An extractor must already exist, I have seen many RPG Maker games extracted.
This is not for RPG Maker MV, this is for Pixel Game Maker MV, they are different kind of beasts. (For the records, the former engine's decrypter is here: )

I've updated this decrypter a bit, because one of the games now ships encrypted project.json, so this now decrypts that file as well.



Nov 29, 2023

I've made a slightly modified version of my tool specifically to help translations. The original idea is from but I had some issues with that.
First, it cannot handle encrypted games
Second, it gives you no control on what is going to be translated and how, which is an issue because
Third, it deserializes and serializes the entire tens of megabytes worth project.json, so runs painfully slow. Seriously, extremely slow.

So instead I've modified my tool and here's texts.exe, which you copy in the same folder as the game (where player.exe is).

To extract texts, just run it, works with encrypted games too out-of-the-box. This will save "texts.csv", which you can open with Excel, LibreOffice, GoogleSheets, whatever and you can edit it as you please. Adding a new language is simple as adding a new column (you can copy'n'paste an entire column into a translator and then copy'n'paste the result back for example).

To update texts, run "texts.exe texts.csv". This will locate the "textList" array within the json, and it does not even parse what's before or after that (which is 99% of the file), just copies both verbatim, so it is blazing fast (less than a second on an over 50 Mb project.json). Even within the "textList" array, only "text" arrays are replaced, and only if there's a row in the csv with a matching id. Everything else, even the linebreaks are copied verbatim, so it is extremely safe to use, it won't mess up the json for sure (but it's always better to create a backup first).

Example csv: (couldn't upload as texts.csv, just rename it after download. It's for this game)