VN - Ren'Py - Our Red String [Ch. 12 Full] [Eva Kiss]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    The story gives you many of options to play around with. Depending on what you choose, like which LI to go after or how you handle relationships (whether you're all in, open, or cheating), the plot takes different turns. You get to control both main characters, so you can shape the story to fit your style and decide where it goes. This cool feature makes you want to play again to see what other paths you can take, like going after a different character or trying out other scenarios. There are many combinations to try, like totally changing Lena's vibe, which adds a whole new layer of fun to the game.

    If you go for a romantic gameplay style, the game might feel a bit boring and shorter, with fewer sex scenes. But if you go for a more wild and naughty gameplay style, it turns into a crazy party, especially if you're hooking up with everyone. Lena really stands out as a character with some serious kinks, which is a fun contrast to Ian's more laid-back attitude. The characters and their relationships are portrayed realistically, focusing on Ian and Lena. Their story is complicated, with themes of love, heartbreak, and a phase of trying new things in their lives.

    I just finished all 11 chapters and the prologue of chapter 12, and now I can't wait for more of this adult visual novel. (By the way, Cindy is my fav character, and I'm really hoping for some more romance with Ian in the future updates!)
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    one of the best games in the making, not only the art is one of the best 2D out there, from the recognized developer of "good girl gone bad" the story makes you play as 2 main characters, with tons of secondary characters, with good writing and great H-scenes
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Even better than EvaKiss' previous game in every department, especially on the renders and drawings which are far more detailed and realistic than the previous game.

    Will be watching this game's development with keen interest as it's incredibly unique and now has you playing both a MMC and a FMC that can be each others' LIs if they both choose.

    You can have one of them be bad while the other is good, or have them both be bad or both be good. Incredibly unique and a must-try, especially for fans of GGGB.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Just finished and I am in love with this game both the art work and the characters Eva kiss has outdone them selves with this entry into their universe (I assume in same continuity as gggb cause of Jess and jack) .

    Not only do the characters feel real but I also like how decisions have consequences in relationships not just if you can have sex with them or not and when the sex scenes do happen they are a work of art they are beautifully drawn and animated and I can't wait for future updates and to see how this story ends.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Alright, so I played this game through once and gotta say, it was a wild ride but not always in a good way.

    I tried to get the main characters to cheat with the same person, but there were no options for same-sex cheating, so that plan flopped. The game's got this double standard where the female MC gets to call out the male MC for cheating, even though she's doing the exact same thing.

    The entire thing made me not a fan of the FMC. She cheats with no consequences, while the guys in the game get dragged for it. Her character feels all over the place, probably because of the different paths you can take. The male MC's storyline was pretty stale until the end, where it felt like the devs suddenly remembered he had a life.

    Ran into bugs too, like choosing an open relationship but the game still acting like you're exclusive.

    I ended up hating the game more as I played, which is why I'm giving it a sad 1/5 stars. Should've bailed earlier. The only cool parts? The diverse character personalities, the impact of choices on the game, the art, music, and some well-crafted adult scenes.

    But, too many cons, like the main guy Ian being too passive, a repetitive storyline, and characters like Robert fading into the background.

    Despite all that, it's got potential and I hope future updates fix these issues. For now, though, it's a 9.9/10 for effort and the hope it gives for future games in this genre.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    this is how these types of games should be made. so many options so many characters , different routes to follow , different routes clashing and making the the choices even more impactful. this is THE game. congrats , keep up the good work
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    An interesting VN, with a refreshing 2D style which is a massive improvement from GGGB. Although from the beginning the plot dont particularly stand up specially like its predecesor, it ends up being a really simple but interesting story. Every character has something to it. And the scenes are *cheff kiss*. Has a really good pace and really leaved me waiting/aching for more chapters.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    This is definitely the most down-to-earth game in this site. I believe it is due to the creater being a women and it relates to the strongest and the weakest points of the game imo.

    - There are some characters such as the parents and the coffee shop owners that I don't see any reason why they are in the game .
    - The setting is the same every chapter and they go to the club everytime. This is honestly the weakest point of the game because every chapter feels very bland and I dont feel like I played anything new when I play the new version. (Its like this for 2 years)
    - I like the porn scenes but they feel very similar after a few chapters. Maybe there needs to be a new approach like animation.

    Aside from the points I have listed and slow production progress this game is the best porn game.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    love the game so much. 2D, female domination lesbian,I don't want being a men. I would change my sex if I had the chance. Thanks to Evakiss, game have eased my anxiety about my gender and allowed me to make choices in these games that are close to my own thoughts. Hope to see you update all the time.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    I know this rating may be unfair, but this was not what I was expecting.

    If you play this game, you'd better be into NTR and/or cuckolding. No matter what you do, you're going to have to watch the girls around you sleep with other dudes.

    I will say, the writing is really really good. Very intelligent, visceral, its a lot better than you typically see in VNs. The art is also really good. There are no animations, and you would expect that with 2D. But there are some really sexy renders.

    There is A LOT of side character focus, which as previously mentioned, if you're not into having to constantly be reminded about the girls around you hooking up can get pretty annoying. Not many games try to pull off 2 main characters, and I can't really say this one does a good job. I was certainly invested in both, but at the end of my playthrough I felt like the female protag was clearly the favorite and received a lot more time. I could be wrong, but thats for sure the way it felt for me.

    There were also a lot of weird choices by the characters and/or context left out for no apparent reason. I often felt myself asking "why in the hell are they doing that?" or "why aren't they doing this?" I said the writing was great, and I stand by that, but some real weird choices in my opinion.

    TL;DR as long as you're cool with NTR and/or being a cuck, you'll enjoy this game. If you AREN'T cool with those things, I'd probably give this one a pass.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This together with Good Girl Gone Bad are serious badass, excellent plots and graphics too...Too bad GGGB ended but thoroughly waiting on the next chapters for this one. Looks like Jack arrived from GGGB so good to see him again...Way to go Eva!!!
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    > A complex and meaningful web of choices and consequences unlike literally any other game on the site.

    > A phenomenal upgrade over the first game in the quality of writing, visuals, mechanics and overall game design.

    > A well-implemented dual protagonist feature offering you basically two equally good modes of play: a corruption game and a dating sim.

    > Relationships are treated with proper respect thus enhancing the impact of breaching boundaries -- all the cheating scenes are awesome, seriously.

    > Much like the author's first game, it's still limited by the traced porn nature of the artwork: not only is it simply not very aesthetically pleasing, it also severely limits in what kind of poses you see in-game (to no one's surprise they're all very mainstream porn-y which is off-putting). The sex scenes themselves, without the context, are definitely not the game's strongest suit.

    > Still a little bland thematically: the game mostly follows boring daily lives of fairly nondescript people. You'll never indulge in much mystery or intrigue that goes beyond cheating behind your partner's back but the characters do open up a bit as you play even though initially it's difficult to justify getting invested in their lives.

    All in all I gotta admit I really slept on this when I first tried it a couple years ago. Not sure whether they game had a leap in quality or I simply saw the light but it's especially exciting now that all the setup is out of the way and every chapter offers PLENTY.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    the best game also the cutest, extremely hot characters deep personalities, though there r some mehs, technically very superior than previous game. Though not supremely perfect this game is a sure in top 10 on this site.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    i love the art, story, sex scenes, diversity in choices, its amazing. Ive replayed it many many times already, mostly ntr routes. Hopefully more and more ntr as the game continues. Allison is the hottest character imo, but Lena has by far the best scenes (ofc). I JUST WANT MOREEE
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This might be the best game on F95. It looks fantastic, it has legitimately well written storylines with tons of paths, characters, and important decisions.

    5 stars isn't enough for this game and puts a lot of the other games i've rated 5 stars to shame. It's a must play and the dev deserves our support. It's a brilliant game.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the second game in the porn genre because of which there are hopes that young developers will follow the example of such games!
    - One of the best and dramatic stories
    - Very beautiful picture
    - HUGE variation Walkthrough
    - A lot of gameplay and other things
    - Great music
    I hope that all future updates will be as exciting. Thank you, only because of such games I still play porn games)
    9.9 / 10
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Best game I've ever played. I'm downloading Ch12 and can't wait to see what new material and options are available for our protagonists

    I love the different ways I can corrupt Lena but it's not only the NTR options I love, the romantic opportunities are also good.

    Can't wait for more.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the best VNs out there. I really love the 2D art and I appreciate the hard work that Eva Kiss puts in the drawings. EVERY choice in meaningful and has impact on the story. I love the fact that I can play it over and over again and each time the story can be different.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent VN, both in the graphic section with beautiful illustrations and in the narrative section with the descriptions and dialogues. Evakiss offers us a game full of love, corruption, drama and humor, infinite paths for the taste of almost every user. The sound section shines both for the music and for the rest of the sounds. Its only lack is in the animation section, they are not the best animations you will find, but they fulfill the role and add value to the game, unfortunately there are few.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Who wants classic corruption game? Corruption is Good. After GGGB, another exciting story brought by Superstar Eva Kiss. Yours is truly an Art. Keep doing this fantastic work. Would be lured to subscribe your patron.