Unity - Completed - Metamomenta [v1.2.0] [ENROF]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    At first, this game looked bad to me and i wasn't impressed by it at all.

    -Can't scroll down the camera (which is important in a platformer).
    -Game feels really quiet at the start and there is no tutorial as well.
    -Can't go down platforms.
    -Very basic controls and can't evade (only at the end).
    -Can't hold and fire (have to mash buttons all the time).
    -Some bosses are a joke (3rd boss and 4 arms boss).
    -Ending's pretty underwhelming and gallery not fully unlocked...

    But even if Metamomenta has many flaws, the gameplay was fun and gave me enjoyment ngl. It is pretty forgiving on healing items as well. Good for explorers and rewarding if you get the upgrades. Has some atmosphere especially in the plant area and the final section of the game.

    The reason why i give 4 stars is because of the gameplay and enjoyment it gave me and not the h-content.
  2. 4.00 star(s)

    redux / stlmtrdx

    Reviewing right after reaching the end of the game. This game was SO CLOSE to being the perfect game I've been looking for for a very long time and it pisses me off.

    Gameplay wise, not too bad. Main issues are:

    -To me, the game got too forgiving at a certain point (past the second boss, and only got worse as the game went on), particularly because of how many energy tanks I was given so easily (and maybe the laser weapon too ig). At least in Hollow Knight you had to go out of your way to be overpowered, here I'm pretty sure I played through the game fairly normally and still got a bit too much health for my liking. There was a point where I irreversibly became too tanky and finished bosses with no real threat of death as long as I was trying. I feel like the game needs options regarding this. There are people here complaining that the game is too HARD rather than easy after all. I don't think it's right that I stumbled into being overpowered and couldn't go back without starting a new game. Either make this reversible to some extent or make it clearer what the challenging and easy paths are so that a player can choose one. Plenty of games do this. "if you're struggling, do [challenging or time consuming thing] to become more powerful and make fights easier!". This game meanwhile really doesn't lock energy tanks behind much, I just found them while trying to progress through the world and they eventually trivialized fights. I didn't know they'd do that, I thought the later fights would be tuned to still be challenging with them. The fact I never know which path is optional and which is the main path doesn't help either. The abundant health pickups also don't help.
    This is what prevented the game from being the 5-star experience I was looking for, but maybe if I end up replaying the game with some self imposed challenge (like less health) I'll get that experience and revisit this review.

    -The ghostly boss (the one that opens the third gate iirc) seemed to bug out and completely stood still without attacking, and it also didn't seem to die (although maybe I didn't shoot him enough, who knows). This persisted after deaths and reloads. I have to assume this is a bug since iirc there was no indication this was supposed to happen, or any indication on how to make the boss actually function. I went on a maddening (especially without a map) journey through the entire rest of the world that I had access to, found the laser weapon in the process, and then when I went back he was fixed. Judging from the comments, the laser weapon isn't necessary to beat the game so yeah, pretty sure this was a bug, and one that shat all over my first playthrough because of how much time I spent trying to fix it.

    -Finally, this is the one's everyone's yelling about, and yeah, come on, would a map really have hurt?
    To be clear though- this wasn't a big issue for me during most of the game. It honestly wasn't THAT hard to navigate the world, especially when the goal was just to explore, go forward and costantly find new things and places. A map still wouldn't have hurt, but I didn't mind it much.
    But once I got to the bug with the ghostly boss, this became an issue and it remained that way until the end. So much fucking frustration was caused by the lack of a map when I was trying to figure out what to do to fix the bug. And once I got past that, I had to go back to the lab and remember where the fuck to go to find the room with the three gates, and I didn't remember the lab's layout since I hadn't visited that much of it since I moved on to the area after it. There was a startlingly massive portion of my playtime I spent just being fucking lost. Even after finishing the game it's not like I actually remember the world's layout, I kinda stumbled around until I found the right place- another reason why replaying the game might be rough.

    But hey, I said "not too bad" and truly, by H-game standards, it's not. As a game, this is one of the biggest and highest quality H-games I've ever played and could probably pass as a worthwhile proper game even without the NSFW stuff. Hell, I could see this having some okay reception on Steam even without the NSFW. It's a neat albeit kinda short and kinda generic metroidvania. At the end of the day it controls very well, and overall it's just decently fun to fight, platform and explore in. The visuals are also quite nice, like a popular indie game with pleasant looking pixel art.

    But I have more criticisms to make, this time with the actual H part of this H-game, the part that disappointed me the most by far. My gameplay criticisms were things I could tolerate, overlook even. But these issues are more severe for this aspect of the game, I think. For context, the H-game experience I desire is one where the game is pretty fair and I try to play it seriously but the game still manages to defeat me and fuck me. That's the way of experiencing the H that flows most naturally- you play normally and it might happen, you don't just go die on purpose when you wanna see it, because I think at that point it's not a part of the game that's properly integrated into it.
    That's my thoughts and my taste so it's the basis of my issues.

    -The grab system is basically non-functional- unfortunately not an uncommon issue for this type of game to have. If you get downed, you can mash out of it before an enemy even has the chance to grab you with 100% consistency, even with subpar mashing. This leads to a system where you will only get grabbed if you want to get grabbed, which defeats the point (again, this exact pitfall is unfortunately not uncommon for H-games). You just mash out too fast regardless of anything, and the enemies take a solid like 1.5 seconds standing still until they realize they have a grab opportunity and start moving to attempt a grab. And it doesn't matter anyways because you can mash out before they stop standing still. All of this applies even if you literally down yourself right on top of an enemy. And past ALL OF THIS, even if you manage to get grabbed, what happens is you will only take damage once the enemy cums in you while your pink bar is full. If you mash out before then, you'll have just filled a bit of your pink bar at worst. When the bar is at a high value this becomes much harder, but even this damage is not that high for how badly you'd have to fuck up to get yourself in this situation, or for the fact it resets your pink bar.
    But believe it or not, it gets more absurd. There is a self-down button. When you get up after being downed, you get iframes. Since as I explained there is no risk to being downed, this makes the self-down button an unlimited free iframes button. Yeah. Good lord they didn't think this through, did they?
    It's clunky and easy to opt out of though, so not a massive issue, just funny.

    -But, there is another way to access the H-scenes naturally! Death!
    Yeah and in theory this would work, except for what I explained earlier about the game eventually getting easy once you get enough health. I only died naturally to the first two bosses and those were the moments when I truly uh, enjoyed the porn. Again, this would probably cease to be an issue if I replay the game with less health, but it was present in my first playthrough regardless.

    -As for the porn itself, the illustrations are good, can't complain, it's a fairly distinct style and I like it. As for the animations... Well, they're what they are. It's what you'd expect from a sort of GBA-esque protagonist getting fucked by enemies in sprite form. They're obviously not the greatest out there, but for what they are, I do appreciate them. They fit the game.

    Overall, these issues with the H side of the game aren't fundamental to the way the game is and could realistically be fixed with a patch or mod, which is sad to me because they probably won't.

    Final thoughts:
    A very above average gaming experience for an H-game but a disappointing H-gaming experience, if that makes sense. Again, if I end up replaying the game, which would be a playthrough with less health (and maybe even more self imposed challenge) and it's amazing enough to change my opinion and overrule my first playthrough, I might edit this review.
    But with this many issues, why is it still 4 stars? Because for this kind of H-game the standards are so low the bar is in hell, so even a game as flawed as this needs a 4-star rating for how it compares to the rest, IMO.
    I would recommend it if you like this kind of action-based H-game. I still had a relatively good time with it, gameplay is fun and smooth to control and it's just an experience that feels good to play through overall. Just a bit disappointing, mostly on the porn content integration side of things.
  3. 2.00 star(s)

    A middle-aged Femboy

    I haven't played that long, so all I'll say is that my impression of this game is just meh.
    The pixel art is serviceable but the aesthetic of it doesn't exactly make me all that attracted to it, the setting of the game seems rather bland, the CGs are still images but look serviceable, and the gameplay is just metroid with an og mega-man skin, but lacks a map and generally just felt linear.
    Some suggestions I have for improving the game is just adding a map, expanding the levels to feel more open/inter-connected, maybe add a bit of kick to combat, and maybe add a bit more flavor to the setting. You could also take it a step further and try to make the pixel model for femc a bit more eye-catching or sexy imo, but thats about it

    Generally just felt like the same bland meh as the first axiom verge.
  4. 2.00 star(s)

    Sir Charles McTea

    It's a Metroidvania, in 2024, with no map, and no fast travel. Not even dash boots.

    It takes far too long to get the charge shot, only for many enemies to basically ignore it anyway. Adding insult to injury, it's hit box makes absolutely no sense. You need to aim about 5 pixels of height above the floor if you want to shoot something on a level above you, or the charged shot will collide with nothing and vanish. Stand too close to a wall and the charged shot will hit it, even if you're aiming away from it.
    Ceilings are similar nonsense. You can't shoot at all if your head is even slightly touching any surface. This makes killing small enemies up there not worth it if you have to jump. Okay, so just aim up? Except you can't even do that!
    It's painfully obvious environment tiles were copy+pasted en-masse to save time. "You can tell this is a totally different lab area because now the blocks you've seen a thousand times already are red instead of blue! Not enough for you? Okay, how about another lab area with green blocks?!"
    Finally reaching the plant infested area feels like a breath of fresh air, until you realize it just makes landmarks even less striking.
    There is a button you can push to fall over on purpose, but half the enemies don't care to lood the protagonist anyway, and the high-quality CGs only prock on a Game Over.

    Overall, the quality art and very smooth pixel animations are the only things that make this game worth mentioning, let alone playing.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Beautiful pixel art. Smooth movement and a nice variety of animation. Downsides are a lot of backtracking with new weapons to unlock different areas, without you having a map. It can be quite tedious at times.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    It's janky. Stuff like rubber banding shots and button presses doing nothing.
    The level design is some of the worst I've seen in any platformer... Which is not actually something I've ever thought about much before playing this?
    But of course, the worst part is that the sex animations are pretty awful. They are like 8bit pixel kinda stuff, can't even really make out what's going on.
    The actual art is alright, so it makes me wonder why the creator didn't make the sprite sex higher resolution.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    A metroidvania without a map and void of content, but decent enough gameplay and h-content.

    There are so many areas with nothing in them. or just a few repeated enemies. Some areas even lead to dead ends. The areas are so big with so little content that they feel empty while also quickly feeling stagnant due to the same enemies being repeated over and over again. You will mindlessly run around in circles through empty areas trying to figure out where to go because of not having a map.

    There are no ways to fast travel, so you will spend a lot of time back tracking. This is especially tedious when you unlock a new item that let's you bypass certain blockades and you think you there might be such a blockade in an earlier area , but you are not sure, so if you go to check you will spend so much time back traveling just to have wasted that time if you remembered wrong.

    The bosses are damage sponges that have easy patterns. The boss movesets are actually pretty fun and creative compared to most other H-game metroidvanias, but the bosses still end up becoming boring due to them dealing low amounts of damage while taking forever to kill.

    There are high quality h-content for when you get knocked down in combat and when you get completely defeated., but the pixel animations don't do it for me personally since it is a bit too low res, but still good animations regardless.

    There is a gallery, but you only unlock gallery entries when you die to an enemy, so if you didn't know this before playing and just played normally then your gallery will be mostly empty at the end of your play through.

    If this game had a map and if it unlocked the h-scenes when they actually get played in game instead of only when you die, it would be 3.5 or 4 stars. Since this game does not have a map, giving it a 3 star rating is generous.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Metroidvania (I assume, given the abundance of locked doors) with very empty levels and little atmosphere. Few enemies have sex scenes and those are a single tiny animation that loops and that you can't zoom on. No clothes breaking or anything else I could spot to make this more interesting.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    I want to like this, I really do. I love metroidvanias, and the art is good.
    Overall score: (3/10)

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    All in all, I'll give the actual gameplay a 1.5/10, and the art a 7/10. The artist did a very good job, but unfortunately the game designer severely missed the mark. I imagine this was a first project for the dev, and I hope they learn from their mistakes and continue their journey in making some more polished games in the future, as the ideas here aren't bad; just excecuted poorly.
  10. 4.00 star(s)

    Detective Cancer

    Cute little Metroidvania title.

    Only problem is some enemies seem to have way too much health and the bosses don't have super good tells for attacks. Very good otherwise though, the game is game first sex second but it is a factor if you get stunned. If you played Kurovadis I wholeheartedly recommend this, it's not easy, but it's not unfair hard either.

    Please support the dev if you like it! It's only $5 and we need more lewdvanias <3
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Very good game! I love the fact that this game is really a whole gaming experience apart from the sex scenes.

    The only minus for me is the fact that the game does not explain very much in the beginning, a little more explainations of what to do and and introduction to the commands would have helped