VN Game won't download, need some help


Sep 19, 2018
Hey, I'm trying to download this game-

I'm able to download the file(I'm on Android) but when i try to install it, works fine for a bit, then just when it's close to finish (you can tell by the Loading bar) it says app won't install.
Just app won't install, not why or anything else, so i kinda feel stuck here.

All help is appreciated, thx in advance


I Was Once, Possibly, Maybe, Perhaps… A Harem King
Respected User
Game Developer
Aug 17, 2019
Unofficial ports can have problems sometimes, in which case it's usually best to contact the modder/dev who created the port for help.

If it isn't a port issue, then it's usually the sign of an older phone not being able to handle a larger archive. Usually has to do with lack of available space (and one case of a RAM shortage, that I've seen at least) on the device. One thing I've seen help other people is intalling the .apk file through a third party file explorer (and not the notification bar). Cx file explorer or something of the like should be fine. After installing the explorer, go to where the .apk is being stored on your device and install it via the file explorer. It's hit or miss from what I've seen, but worth a shot nonetheless.