HTML Community opinions on corruption and/or sissification HTML games?


New Member
Sep 3, 2018
First, the issues you are complaining about can be found in any game of this nature not just HTML. So you could have left that out of the description entirely.
As for sisification I don't like it at all usually is liked by a different reader class or group than I am a part of. That said I understand how it can be viewed a part of the corruption genre.

Grindiness - Not exactly the smartest complaint I heard regarding these types of games.
Understand other than using magic or drugs making a person change their behavior pattern is a process. The point is it isn't something that is instantaneous. Using something like violence to get the desired effect doesn't work in the long term. It causes other undesirable effects over long term. You are more likely to create a person who is a shut in and hides from society rather than change them in the desired way one wants.

Corruption is actually called behavioral modification in real life. Usually the most successful way of making a long term change in a person's behavior takes on several combined methods incremental exposure and changing the way the person views something through therapy of a nature. (Therapy doesn't mean they need to sit and talk to a therapist or psychologist) It can be as simple as them talking to different people who influence them through their normal daily interactions.

Ever heard the term, "You can judge the caliber of a man by the friends he keeps."? Well it's true in a number of ways. The type of people you choose to surround yourself will influence you over time and you them. You absorb all the stuff they say and your brain processes it. To what degree that takes place is dependent on stuff like your personality type and your resolve and how much you let others influence you and your education and intellect.

My point. There isn't a game that actually shows the full length of what is required and the amount of time. Authors have already short cut the process to living hell just to make it a game. You however are complaining about it being grindy. That makes me think you are the type that needs his gratification instantly. Sounds to me the game more suited to you is the magic ring that instantly turns every girl into a slut begging for your cock or the magic potion or chemical cocktail that does similar.

" -I despise how many times I have to click to do repetitive tasks "
This is the exact same as your first bullet about it being grindy.

"-Due to both of the above factors, I hate how a lot of these games don't have a cheat or even hint button "
Proving my point on that instant gratification here.
Here's a hint try something you haven't in the game! Visit all the areas you can and try all the different things you can. That's pretty much the way all those games are played. Not real difficult. In fact its so simply I can setup a script to play the games.

"-The left sidebar in these Twine games "
This is a complaint about the twine Engine. It's not all html games use twine. It also has shit to do with corruption games in general.

" -Some of these games have way too many submenus which compounds on the too much clicking problem "
So you want a game that plays itself. Laziness goes back to what I said about instant gratification.
I think the perfect game for you would be a slide show of the pictures. That way you don't need to click it just runs through the images.

"-Some of the gifs used are just really low quality or are too uninteresting "
Again this hasn't anything to do with corruption games. This is an issue with individual games and the quality of art used.
This is the type of shit you should put in that games review.

" -Some don't have the dang time-skip/wait button despite having lots of time-based events. "
Again an issue of some individual games. That issue is created by that authors choice. Something that belongs in the games review and again has ZERO to do with corruption.

" -They'll feature corruption but more often than not, you get like 3-5 love interests " Again a content complaint. Belongs in a review.

Your like list is some what better but still relies a lot on the content and author individual choice and game engine.

It doesn't seem your literary instructors ever taught you how to pick a topic and stick to it.
Most of what you wrote is complaints regarding twine game and content of some games you played.
You pretty much wrote nothing at all that is directly specific to corruption games in and of themselves.

In short this would better have been titled, "what I dislike about a lot of twine games."
Right so first, kinda hostile ngl, you seem to be making some assumptions about me that aren't entirely true. It seems you think that I view everything under my dislikes section as equally bad issues. They're not. Some are worse than others, and hell, none of them are all that huge on their own. However, they do tend to compound on one another. In any case, since this post seems kinda hostile, and I got pretty heated writing my response, I hope you don't mind some minor swearing.

About the left sidebar: There have been games I've played that have made excellent use of the sidebar and also don't make me scroll too often. But what often happens is the dev will shove everything and the kitchen sink in the sidebar and after a while, that gets kinda annoying. It's by no means a big complaint, just an annoyance I thought I'd point out.

About the grind: First off, fucking no, I don't want the game to be "instantly turn people into bimbos". I find the corruption process pretty hot, if it's handled properly, and isn't mindless tedium like the "go to work" example I gave during my second point.

And about the cheat/hint button, I definitely should've placed emphasis on the hint button specifically. Some of these games just expect you to figure it out with no direction. That is objectively bad game design, because all you're doing is trapping the player in a loop of "do tedious tasks until something potentially happens". Give me a hint button, a progress bar, a schedule where your important events show up, hell, anything is better than going to the therapist 25 times and getting "you're progressing quite well" repeated to me verbatim every two or three times I go. And if you're not willing to direct the player in any meaningful way, then put a fucking cheat button in so I can see the content I've spent three hours clicking for, which I would've been led to naturally if the game was better designed.

Oh and when you tell me to go to the other areas of the game, you mean how I can go to the park, the mall, the fucking post office for all I care, and doing so contributes nothing to the progression of the character's journey because the only worthwhile events(aka not just pressing the "jog" button in the park and the next screen is just a picture of someone jogging and the screen says "that felt nice" or whatever, every single fucking time because there's not supposed to be an event there other than that but I have no way to know because I'm supposed to "explore the world" in hopes that I find something worth the hours I've invested so far) that actually occur are location and/or time-based with the added deficit of not knowing what's supposed to happen because THERE'S NO GOD DAMNED DIRECTION?

Also, no I don't want a game that plays itself, smartass. Take Young Maria for example: "put on uniform and go to school" as opposed to "HEY, go back into your room, click the wardrobe button, select EVERY FUCKING PIECE OF CLOTHING because we MADE you take it all off when you went to bed, and then go back into your room, then the living room, then the fucking world map, enter the school, and THEN enter your classroom and start classes, like we expect you to because you're penalized if you don't". See the difference? One is padding, the other respects my god damn time.

Finally, I recognize that a lot of the issues I listed come down to, I suppose, two things. Now, I'm going to explain why they're both relevant here.

1. Content: Sigh... Right so I think grind falls into this section. Let me be clear when I say that reasonable grind is fine. However, when you have to click ad nauseum to go from A to B with absolutely nothing bridging the gap, that starts to become a problem. We don't all have 5 hours to send our main characters to work every day until the game decides it's been an appropriate amount of shifts to go from "mild-mannered waiter with no interest in cross-dressing" to "oh yeah I suddenly feel like I wanna wear a dress in public" with no change in between. That's just not fun, engaging, or worth anyone's time. Again, I feel the need to mention the hint button again.
And when I mentioned bad quality gifs or images, that's a problem because I've seen it often in this genre of games more than any other. Like it's pretty egregious at times, but despite that, it's not a major issue. If the games in the genre have this problem a lot, then I think it's worth mentioning when talking about the genre. This is because, while not an issue with the genre itself, it's an issue found in a decent chunk of the games within the genre. At some point we have to start expecting a certain level of quality if we want this genre to grow into one with even better games for us to sink our teeth into, and I know I'm going to get my fair share of criticism that I hope to be able to turn into direction for how to better make a game of this nature.

2. The engine being used: considering the fact that I specifically flaired this post as HTML related, and Twine is the single most used engine for these types of text-based HTML games with visual media added on, I think that it's pretty relevant to talk about how the devs have decided to use Twine. The sidebar issue isn't necessary, like I stated above. The submenus issue isn't necessary, as I demonstrated with my Young Maria example. The failures you seem to chalk up to the engine are actually more so on the developers, because it's been proven in other games made IN THIS ENGINE that you can fix/get around these issues.

I think that's everything. I got pretty heated over the course of writing this, so yeah make of that what you will.


Dec 9, 2019
Right so first, kinda hostile ngl
Fully justified, because surprise, surprise, your complaints can be applied to any engine, and, surprise, surprise they still can even after you rephrase them.
I respectfully decline your demand to participate in your schizo delusion.


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2020
Again you are saying that I too am of the opinion that this has to do with the genre or engine. I never said this.
No, it's not. I'm going to assume you simply forgot or were not paying attention that day they taught this in school.

Ever heard of a union, intersection and compliment in math. Well you have an intersection in where you both agree on one aspect. The sentence shows the union of that connection. It doesn't require you to agree with him or have done the same thing as he has. The reason its a union was because none of what either of you said was related to the topic headline.

The intersection:
Your issue was the mechanics of the game.
His issue mechanic of the game and engine.
The intersection is the mechanic of the game.

The union:
The topic in title was about (corruption/sissification html games)
Your: mechanic
His: mechanic & Engine
Union: Your & His (had nothing to do with topic)

Yes, I could have broke it down to what each of you said. That however would have taken it from an 8th grade reading level down to a 5th grade reading level. I figured that wasn't necessary give everyone on here is an adult and should know what they said and the conversation is posted in full. I write most things at an 8th grade reading level for the same reason the US military manuals are written at that level the majority of the population reads around that level.


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2020
Right so first, kinda hostile ngl, you seem to be making some assumptions about me that aren't entirely true. It seems you think that I view everything under my dislikes section as equally bad issues. They're not. Some are worse than others, and hell, none of them are all that huge on their own. However, they do tend to compound on one another. In any case, since this post seems kinda hostile, and I got pretty heated writing my response, I hope you don't mind some minor swearing.

About the left sidebar: There have been games I've played that have made excellent use of the sidebar and also don't make me scroll too often. But what often happens is the dev will shove everything and the kitchen sink in the sidebar and after a while, that gets kinda annoying. It's by no means a big complaint, just an annoyance I thought I'd point out.

About the grind: First off, fucking no, I don't want the game to be "instantly turn people into bimbos". I find the corruption process pretty hot, if it's handled properly, and isn't mindless tedium like the "go to work" example I gave during my second point.

And about the cheat/hint button, I definitely should've placed emphasis on the hint button specifically. Some of these games just expect you to figure it out with no direction. That is objectively bad game design, because all you're doing is trapping the player in a loop of "do tedious tasks until something potentially happens". Give me a hint button, a progress bar, a schedule where your important events show up, hell, anything is better than going to the therapist 25 times and getting "you're progressing quite well" repeated to me verbatim every two or three times I go. And if you're not willing to direct the player in any meaningful way, then put a fucking cheat button in so I can see the content I've spent three hours clicking for, which I would've been led to naturally if the game was better designed.

Oh and when you tell me to go to the other areas of the game, you mean how I can go to the park, the mall, the fucking post office for all I care, and doing so contributes nothing to the progression of the character's journey because the only worthwhile events(aka not just pressing the "jog" button in the park and the next screen is just a picture of someone jogging and the screen says "that felt nice" or whatever, every single fucking time because there's not supposed to be an event there other than that but I have no way to know because I'm supposed to "explore the world" in hopes that I find something worth the hours I've invested so far) that actually occur are location and/or time-based with the added deficit of not knowing what's supposed to happen because THERE'S NO GOD DAMNED DIRECTION?

Also, no I don't want a game that plays itself, smartass. Take Young Maria for example: "put on uniform and go to school" as opposed to "HEY, go back into your room, click the wardrobe button, select EVERY FUCKING PIECE OF CLOTHING because we MADE you take it all off when you went to bed, and then go back into your room, then the living room, then the fucking world map, enter the school, and THEN enter your classroom and start classes, like we expect you to because you're penalized if you don't". See the difference? One is padding, the other respects my god damn time.

Finally, I recognize that a lot of the issues I listed come down to, I suppose, two things. Now, I'm going to explain why they're both relevant here.

1. Content: Sigh... Right so I think grind falls into this section. Let me be clear when I say that reasonable grind is fine. However, when you have to click ad nauseum to go from A to B with absolutely nothing bridging the gap, that starts to become a problem. We don't all have 5 hours to send our main characters to work every day until the game decides it's been an appropriate amount of shifts to go from "mild-mannered waiter with no interest in cross-dressing" to "oh yeah I suddenly feel like I wanna wear a dress in public" with no change in between. That's just not fun, engaging, or worth anyone's time. Again, I feel the need to mention the hint button again.
And when I mentioned bad quality gifs or images, that's a problem because I've seen it often in this genre of games more than any other. Like it's pretty egregious at times, but despite that, it's not a major issue. If the games in the genre have this problem a lot, then I think it's worth mentioning when talking about the genre. This is because, while not an issue with the genre itself, it's an issue found in a decent chunk of the games within the genre. At some point we have to start expecting a certain level of quality if we want this genre to grow into one with even better games for us to sink our teeth into, and I know I'm going to get my fair share of criticism that I hope to be able to turn into direction for how to better make a game of this nature.

2. The engine being used: considering the fact that I specifically flaired this post as HTML related, and Twine is the single most used engine for these types of text-based HTML games with visual media added on, I think that it's pretty relevant to talk about how the devs have decided to use Twine. The sidebar issue isn't necessary, like I stated above. The submenus issue isn't necessary, as I demonstrated with my Young Maria example. The failures you seem to chalk up to the engine are actually more so on the developers, because it's been proven in other games made IN THIS ENGINE that you can fix/get around these issues.

I think that's everything. I got pretty heated over the course of writing this, so yeah make of that what you will.
You missed my point entirely.
I wasn't saying you were wrong about any of your complaints at all.
I was saying they had no direct relation to the title you gave your post.

Every single issue you listed came down to two things mechanics of the game and game engine used.
They weren't because the game was a corruption game or sissification game or even html.
In fact all those issue can be found in any other genre of game. At least the ones you listed in the OP.

As for games like these you generally have three types.
You have the type were the developer created an actual set of values that the game goes by to see if you made progress.
You have the type the author doesn't use any sort of number but checks to see if certain things were completed before moving forward.
Then you have hybrids. They make use of both those aspects.

The point is just because you don't see something moving you forward doesn't mean it isn't.
Given it is HTML you could always look at the code. Yes, I know some of these are obfuscated.

It can be De or Un obfuscated. Plenty of tools out there.

That said you shouldn't have to look at the source or make a mod to get around having to do shit that doesn't actually do anything in the game except waste time. If an author puts something in that doesn't have a purpose they suck ass. I can't understand why they would do it. It takes time to code it and if it doesn't add to the game all they are doing is wasting their and the players time. Makes no sense.

We both know some events have to be repeated several times. How many times can be annoying or not depending on what it is. Honestly games that show the exact same shower scene every time in the morning drive me nuts. People aren't there to play the game for the mundane shit they want to play the game for the parts that aren't normal.

What I am referring to is go back and to other areas and see if something has been added to the menu selections.
There could be a new action. There can also be actions that before you decided you didn't want to take because it bored you.
So while you may have built up enough points doing other stuff you may not have unlocked all flags you needed to move forward. I have that issue write now playing "Max's life chapter 2". Sure it would be nice in such instances to have a hint to tell me exactly which item I missed. But I also know the reality of how people play. Some get over reliant on the walkthrough as it is. Putting such a hint system in usually just ends with people abusing it and then they don't enjoy the game as much because it goes to fast. It also adds work to the programmer. You don't just have to show a list of flags but also only show the flags that are relevant at the time. If you just show the flag itself that won't do people have to understand where and what the action is so you need to write description for them basically acting like a road map. If you have to go through that level of why let the player play at all just have the game play itself. I say that because once you get to that point you might as well just make each of those hints a link to the action and let the person go down and click the list. The next step after that is why make them click let the game do it for them.


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
Corruption games I avoid like the plague, not my thing, don't like them.

I like sex, I like people enjoying sex. Once someone has been broken and had their body altered or whatever it's no longer them and it's not enjoyable.
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Deleted member 3145675

Corruption games I avoid like the plague, not my thing, don't like them.

I like sex, I like people enjoying sex. Once someone has been broken and had their body altered or whatever it's no longer them and it's not enjoyable.
/pedantic mode ON

(damn the mode self-activated again)
I'm deeply sorry My Good Man, but I have to interpellate you over your argument to ask you to pause and wonder whether or not such argument would gain more credibility should your signature not be including such (good) games as and
in its wording?

/pedantic mode OFF

(damn - sorry about that - the question remains tho)

(and I know i suck at posting links)


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
/pedantic mode ON

(damn the mode self-activated again)
I'm deeply sorry My Good Man, but I have to interpellate you over your argument to ask you to pause and wonder whether or not such argument would gain more credibility should your signature not be including such (good) games as and
in its wording?

/pedantic mode OFF

(damn - sorry about that - the question remains tho)

(and I know i suck at posting links)
Question dodged because you asked a man, no men at this keyboard.

However, from a woman's perspective, there is no corruption in Bad Memories. Jada and Ellie are already sexually active and instigate all contact. Katie is sub and just going through her kink, nothing has happened with anyone else as of yet.

No corruption has happened in Shattered. A feminine guy was put in women's clothes, realised it made him happy and he was in a far better place in his life than he ever has been and is now living his dream. He's gone from the slums where his life was in danger every second, he was starving, living in rat infested abandoned buildings and alone to working for one of if not the most important and insanely rich people in the country and has everything he could ever want including romance.

In my experience when first playing corruption games and the reason i avoid them is because nobody comes out of that in a good place except the usually fat/old/twisted men that have taken it upon themselves to completely ruin the life of a usually young girl.
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Deleted member 3145675

Question dodged because you asked a man, no men at this keyboard.

However, from a woman's perspective, there is no corruption in Bad Memories. Jada and Ellie are already sexually active and instigate all contact. Katie is sub and just going through her kink, nothing has happened with anyone else as of yet.

No corruption has happened in Shattered. A feminine guy was put in women's clothes, realised it made him happy and he was in a far better place in his life than he ever has been and is now living his dream. He's gone from the slums where his life was in danger every second, he was starving, living in rat infested abandoned buildings and alone to working for one of if not the most important and insanely rich people in the country and has everything he could ever want including romance.

In my experience when first playing corruption games and the reason i avoid them is because nobody comes out of that in a good place except the usually fat/old/twisted men that have taken it upon themselves to completely ruin the life of a usually young girl.
First I would like to apologize for addressing you with an incorrectly gendered apostrophe (my bad)
my point was more of a "tag" related nature - as both games have the "corruption" stigma attached to them - tho I admit "corruption"
like beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.
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Active Member
Dec 12, 2020
Corruption games I avoid like the plague, not my thing, don't like them.

I like sex, I like people enjoying sex. Once someone has been broken and had their body altered or whatever it's no longer them and it's not enjoyable.
But the weird thing is, as long as there is a path that allows resistance I can enjoy the added tension.

So back to the post original question

Shattered is, personal opinion here, one of the best of this genre for me because Blake (the MC) does have a path to resist throughout (and Yeda, the developer, says that is going to remain). But certain selections of choices lead to other paths where Blake becomes subservient through enforcement and/or manipulation.


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2020
Corruption games I avoid like the plague, not my thing, don't like them.

I like sex, I like people enjoying sex. Once someone has been broken and had their body altered or whatever it's no longer them and it's not enjoyable.
Interesting opinion.
You aren't wrong per se when talking about "breaking" someone.
However, not all corruption requires breaking someone. In fact it technically can be the exact opposite.

Corruption is just another name for behavioral modification. There are a lot of ways to do that.
People see therapist, psychologist, psychiatrists and other methods to fix behavioral issues in their life.
People also naturally change behaviors over their life time.

So would you say all those people are no longer themselves not enjoying sex? My guess is you probably are saying, "no, of course not".

That said the vast majority of adult games characters in them under go some level of change. In fact I can't think of a game that doesn't happen in. You can see my list of games in the image attached. So there are a few. There are plenty of games I have played that I chose not to keep because they suck. There are even a number in that list that suck.

How many things in life were you not sure of before trying it then you found out you liked it? Did anyone help convince you before any of those to try them and did it reduce your enjoyment level?

So if someone helps another person reduce their inhibitions and find they enjoy something is that a bad thing?
Is that person still themselves. That's actually how a lot of corruption games work.

Some use magic, drugs, and potions... I'd say depending on how those are used you would be write applying your measure to these also.
If they simply turn the person into wanting something rather than provide a temporary reduction in their inhibition, you would be correct. But lets say they only lower the person's inhibitions just enough to get them to feel at easy so they are open to trying something. Then the person is convinced to try it and they find out they like it. Then they would have a new natural lower level of inhibition to the action or event. Their feelings would still be entirely their own.

Think of it sort of like the woman who drinks a few bears and decides she wants to show her tits off which she would normally never do. She finds out she likes it and got a little exhilaration from. So a week or so later she does it again but this time it didn't take the alcohol.

Deleted member 3145675

Legal Disclaimer - the following post has been branded as "Pedantic" potential readers are considered to withdraw any claim to either civil or criminal nature regarding their potential reactions to said post.

To Corrupt (verb) bribe, buy off, debauch, demoralize, deprave, entice, fix lure, pervert, square, suborn, subvert
verb If something is corrupted, it becomes damaged or spoiled in some way.
usu passive
Some of the finer type-faces are corrupted by cheap, popular computer printers... be V-ed
...corrupted data. V-ed

in a Chemical sense any modification of the primordial nature of the original substance is a corruption of it.
in a Natural sense any interaction between carbon based lifeforms may induce a corruption of one or the other or both thru mere common observation or study. (you Can check this the next time you wander in a night life observation situ - like a bar or a nightclub)

It is only thru a "moral" approach that we take any "modification" for a "corruption" (perhaps thru the concept that Man being a God created creature to His own semblance - any attempt to modify it is a "sin" and should condemned as such)
(I'll let you judge on this one)

on the other hand all and any people adding either ice or water to a 20 years old Scotch is to be shot on the spot!


Game Developer
Sep 12, 2017
No, it's not. I'm going to assume you simply forgot or were not paying attention that day they taught this in school.

Then up your conservation skills because this is not how it works. I'm not saying it has anything to do with the genre, so don't combine my issues into a sentence that makes it about the genre.

Enjoy whatever you want to say while trying to be smart, but I'm out of here. This is more hassle than worth.


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
So would you say all those people are no longer themselves not enjoying sex? My guess is you probably are saying, "no, of course not".
I may not have worded that right, I meant I don't enjoy it.

Take Hannah's Corruption, it best explains what I mean.

At the start she's a gorgeous wife who loved her husband. After months of physical, mental and sexual abuse along with forced plastic surgery she's a mess who no longer resembles the Hannah at the start. Her mind is practically broken and acts like a sex crazed bimbo who no longer remembers who she was or anyone she knew.

That I don't enjoy, I don't see the point to it. At that point you're basically fucking a blow up doll with all the personality it has left. Hannah by then is no longer Hannah.

I started reading it on the hopes the husband would eventually stop what was happening to his wife and skip off happily ever after, I like romance.

That's what i'd call corruption.

The worst part is the plastic surgery stuff. I mean, they take an attractive girl and just make a complete mess of her. I guess some people like it but personally I find it hideous.

What some people call corruption really isn't.

None of us start life enjoying sex, people being opened up to the world of fucking isn't corruption it's character growth. Everyone goes through that, that's not what i'd call corruption.

Deleted member 3145675

None of us start life enjoying sex, people being opened up to the world of fucking isn't corruption it's character growth. Everyone goes through that, that's not what i'd call corruption.
You're correct - but in the end isn't it more about the degree of corruption than corruption itself?
a little is good but too much kills the flavor - some people don't know where to stop (or how to stop) before they go too far.
(or are pushed)
In a way it is good for you that you know your own limits for tolerating such behavior.

games should indicate whether the corruption is "softcore" or "hardcore".


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2020
I may not have worded that right, I meant I don't enjoy it.

Take Hannah's Corruption, it best explains what I mean.

At the start she's a gorgeous wife who loved her husband. After months of physical, mental and sexual abuse along with forced plastic surgery she's a mess who no longer resembles the Hannah at the start. Her mind is practically broken and acts like a sex crazed bimbo who no longer remembers who she was or anyone she knew.

That I don't enjoy, I don't see the point to it. At that point you're basically fucking a blow up doll with all the personality it has left. Hannah by then is no longer Hannah.

I started reading it on the hopes the husband would eventually stop what was happening to his wife and skip off happily ever after, I like romance.

That's what i'd call corruption.

The worst part is the plastic surgery stuff. I mean, they take an attractive girl and just make a complete mess of her. I guess some people like it but personally I find it hideous.

What some people call corruption really isn't.

None of us start life enjoying sex, people being opened up to the world of fucking isn't corruption it's character growth. Everyone goes through that, that's not what i'd call corruption.
What you are talking about is one aspect of it. Primarily the darker side of corruption.
I'm like you in that aspect I see no purpose in turning someone out that way or making them into a slut for many others.
There is something deeply wrong with people who see that as enjoyable.

There is an aspect of getting people to do stuff that they normally wouldn't that is addictive in nature that's the control or power factor. But I don't get that from a game.

How far you take something and what route can make a lot of difference.
You have corruption games like Cohabitation where the uncle grooms his brothers daughter and blackmails his wife. The daughter grooming uses incremental steps to lower her inhibition. The mother he blackmails. The game is good up until he has her star performing tricks in the malls bathroom.

Then you have one's like coming of age where, there girls inhibitions are lower by multiple events over time. The story progress through exposure and then to sex and stripping and prostitution. Primarily she is trying to pay for school but also some other people and self exploration influence her.

The point is there are a lot of games where the characters personality is changed to far beyond what is considered normal that don't go to the level you gave an example of.

But I am with you on not enjoying that aspect. Honestly, while I may manipulate people to some extent I don't do it to harm people. Well unless they deserve it. I'd rather build people up help them better themselves in whatever way I can.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2017
Did this thread have to devolve into "things I enjoy are good and normal, things I don't enjoy are bad and immoral" preaching?


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2020
I didn't say either of those things, I said I don't enjoy certain things.
They are probably referring to my comment about there is something deeply wrong with people who like certain things.
Let them whine its an opinion and I'll stand by it.
All I did is state why I didn't like it my reasoning. Sucks for them if they can't handle someone having a differing opinion of them. Not like I sent it to them hey stop this shit you being a bad person or some crap. No they decide to read a post that wasn't directed to them then got upset some stated an opinion they didn't like. How immature can one get?

If I got upset with every time someone pointed out something I did was bad I'd have waste a lot of my life caring way to much about others opinions.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2017
You come into a thread about a fetish you don't enjoy to tell people that there is something "deeply wrong" with them and when someone predictably tells you they aren't that interested in your opinions on morality when it comes to porn games, it's "whining?" That's pretty cringe.