VN - Ren'Py - A Perfect Marriage [v0.7b] [Mr Palmer]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Hands down one of the best Games on this site.

    The story is captivating, sexy, humorous and emotional.
    Lead, Anna is gorgeous.
    Dialogues are well written and specially the chats are something that you'd not want to skip.
    Updates are although short but frequent.
    Overall a perfect Marriage is a perfect game.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    + The writing is great
    + Beautiful wife model
    + Game with great potential
    + Characters are reasonably believable
    (villian acting like Gollum. That easter egg was funny)
    + The build up to NTR is slow and believable
    + Decent renders

    - Choices got less impact. Didn't seem to change much (maybe will effect to future episodes)
    - Some thoughts and dialogues too long.

    I loved game bcz i like the slow burn pacing and soap opera games. ( ''if'' with good dialogues and good writing)
  3. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1096322

    It turned into a soap opera. Not worth it. I expected better characters from this game. Although, the male protagonist was decent, the female counterpart doesn't even feel like a character. The villain is comical. I hoped that it'd be something like Scenes from a Marriage, except what I got was a
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  4. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 5359661

    Has the potential to be one of the best cheating/NTR games on this site. The dev has clearly given significant thought to the story and characters. The relationships are all meaningful and give significant context to make the cheating exciting. Finally, the model for the wife is beautiful! All the people complaining about pace should direct their attention to the dev's own words that realism and pacing is important to him. Also, the game takes place so far only from the husband's POV, but we will soon see the wife's in the next update.

    All the best, really hoping this game turns out good!
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Playing on v0.5
    The game is just insanely slow. Very few important events, all you'll see after 5 updates is one pair of boobs. It's not an insanely complex set up, the situation is quite common on this type of games, characters are kind of being idiotic clichés, and when anyone but the wife/husband try to trap them you can almost hear an evil laught in the background.
    Visually it's not bad, but nothing to praise either, and again no action so nothing much more than two dudes having a drink in sofas of different locations (70% of the game, MC and his "buddy" are the main characters right now).
    Maybe it will become a great game after a bunch of updates, but right now, after 5 updates I don't feel more progress than on most games that got their first release. And the anouncement at the end saying next chapter will be the wife's pov just means nothing will happen again, just a different person trying to f*** up their marriage.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I really enjoy this VN, it's sexy in ways that most games are not. The writing is great, and upon further playthroughs I have noticed things that foreshadow stuff, that happens later on. The story seems really well thought out.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    There is almost no sexual content (ver 0.5). The choice has almost no effect on anything. The author does not develop any parallel paths, just adds minor nuances to the inevitable outcome.
    The author calls his development of slow burning, but it is more like regular milking. "Spicy" texts would be interesting if they were accompanied by appropriate graphic accompaniment. Tentatively, this will probably be playable in the second half of '23.
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 5123464

    This is an unusually excellent VN if you're a fan of NTR. If you were hoping for an equally fleshed out purity route, you may want to wait to see if that plot gets expanded later, or simply move on.
    It's definitely a slow burn, but that is honestly a plus for me. A common issue I have in corruption/NTR games is that the woman at the heart of the story is either already corrupt and just waiting for an opportunity to fall prey to someone, or changes instantly from a perfect angel to a whore. This game is giving a slow breakdown of her character. Obviously there are some cliches, and the wife doesn't make totally realistic/pure decisions (otherwise the game would never go anywhere) but she is much more realistic than most corruption/NTR games. The character motivations are very reasonable and relatable, at least in comparison to the majority of other games in the genre. This semi-realism makes the NTR much hotter and is the primary reason I am so excited about this game.
    The renders are solid, not a lot to say there. I do think the women are hot and the facial expressions/poses are good. I haven't noticed any unnatural limb angles or otherwise surprise sharp edges on a human body. There is some variety in the men, not all the men will be ugly bastards, not all of them will be more attractive than the husband, there is a selection of both. We haven't seen too much in terms of what the sex renders will look like yet but based on what little we have seen I think they will also be above average.
    The plot, as mentioned before, has cliches. However most of them simply set up common NTR tropes. A big part of NTR games is the buildup to the cheating. If the wife cheats out of nowhere in an unexpected manner, there isn't a build, and the payoff suffers. So the cliches, while lacking some originality, assist the player by signalling whom the wife will cheat with or what difficult situations will arise to split up the marriage, etc. I will say that these are similarly handled in a way that is somewhat believable.
    As an example: the husband's financial troubles is setting up an issue for the family which will cause the wife to need to provide more income than before (or at least her income will be more critical to the family finances). I picked an option to have the husband not tell the wife right away that they were in financial trouble. The motivations were reasonable, the husband didn't want to worry the wife and wanted to see if he could resolve things before she even noticed. The wife finds out eventually and, in a stroke of writing genius, doesn't immediately fly off the handle and fuck every guy in a 10 mile radius. She is angry at the lack of transparency but understands. This doesn't split them up immediately, it plants a seed that can be expanded on in later plot points. It sets up problems that the writer can increase in severity later, and their trust is being tested, not instantly broken. This also serves to heighten the buildup for the player.
    I am overall very excited to see where this goes, this may be my favorite new game of the year (new to me at least), and it certainly is in the NTR category.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Really good writing, makes you feel immersed in the story. Gorgeous wife model, and I like the slow burn pacing. She's not a brain dead bimbo that instantly gets on her knees, like in some other games. You can just feel the slow corruption seeping in. In my experience it's rare to find games of that quality, so I had to drop a 5 star.

    Also, some of the 1 star reviews are just intellectually dishonest, don't listen to them.

    Currently on v0.4, can't wait to see what's next.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    TLDR: A game with great potential, but with serious problems that hold it back.

    Plot: Fairly standard corruption game, those around a married, attractive woman take advantage of her and seek to corrupt her. It's what I like and what I'm here for. I have seen some reviewers complain that the choices of the wife don't make sense and I disagree. I think if you carefully look at the situation the wife is in, it explains her actions (often overexplains see below). There's moments where the story builds great tension that I don't want to spoil, for being a standard corruption plot it's artfully done at times. Pacing may seem a little slow, but that's only because of....

    Writing: It's frustrating. Mechanically it's great, no spelling or grammar issues. There's even moments where it's quite clever and tantalizing. But most of the time it's remarkably repetitive. There's a long background section at the start (fair enough the game leans into the character's history to develop the plot). However, it is then largely repeated by character monologues. There will be four screens worth of character thoughts that are then perfectly summarized in a single line of dialogue. This need to overexplain makes the game hard to get through and robs the writing of any nuance (no, in this day in age you don't need to explain to consumers of a adult game that "come" can sound like "cum"). This game is badly in need of an editor.

    Renders: Good quality, but not uniquely great. The scenes are well designed, clearly a lot of care went into making them. An opportunity was missed in making a possible love interest for the husband into the same curvy, pear-shaped, model as the wife. A more athletic looking model would have given us some variety.
  11. 3.00 star(s)

    Purple Lagoon

    review v0.4

    • The writing is solid (most of the time)
    • The graphics are decent
    • The music is great
    • Characters are reasonably thought out/believable (not always, though)
    • It's just too cliché. Every male in the game is a sick pervert who's only purpose in life is to fuck the main girl (Anna).
    Random thoughts
    • More than half of all the text in this game is the thoughts of perverts, of what they wanna do to Anna. If this is your thing, fine. I found it rather disgusting.
    • The constant messaging between Anna and Chris wasn't really plausible and believable. Broke immersion.
    • Tried different choices and their outcome. Didn't seem to change much. Really scared this game is railwaying into one path while giving the illusion of choice.

    Contemplative ending thought: I find it very strange that when you have one obvious main character (Anna), you don't get to make choices for her.
    Imagine a game where you play as the male protagonist and you don't get to make any choice for him. It's just weird.

    Fans of corruption games will love this, I hope however for something more than just that. Especially since the writing isn't that bad.
  12. 1.00 star(s)

    The Wicked One

    Update- The latest chapters are literally nothing sandwiches. She is still texting Chris, it is still the same level of nothing content, and it hasn't evolved since the second chapter.

    Now, I am going to give you two stars for the story. It is awful and moving at a snails pace. It says a lot that the most exciting parts about your story are relegated to text phone messages.
    Yes, tension building is fine and dandy, but your story, in 4 chapters, hasn't had a single thing exciting happen. Not one.
    I wish I could give you a higher score, because games like these are few and far between, but look to games like The Adventurous Couple, which does a great job at building tension while still providing some action.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    :love::love: This game is definitely going to be great in the future so far only the taunts are perfect style corruption but not any one is a corruption that you know will be much better than the others and several games are delicious it has a lot of potential the theme is amazing the only problem is that there is very little content and exactly no nudity but i understand it is the beginning of the game i still hope there will be lots of teasing and wild sex with Anna and her future lovers and i would love to see her squeezing her breasts full of milks to have that kind of scene will be very sexy because she just got out of a pregnancy i love pregnant women and with huge boobs hehehe I highly recommend it for those who are new you will not regret it is an amazing game even though it is still young.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm a little new to these types of games but I want to say this is a great game for a couple I'm really enjoying David is the gym girl I'm still not sure if she is hired by Mc's ex the first part was good. beautiful we are controlling David But what I really want is to be able to control the wonderful Anna I hope the game has scenes of Anna breastfeeding her lovers with her fertile tits I want to thank the creator of the game you are to be congratulated I know it still is I'm new to this game but I have to say this is one of the biggest couple games I've ever seen here at F95zone. I want to say something to some people who come in just to criticize the game even though they haven't even played it to see how it is you are losing making this kind of comment because it's a great game I'm going to try to save Anna and David's marriage Even if I don't like NTR I respect those who like it, there's nothing good about creating gratuitous hate without saying that you have to be very young to worry about other people liking NTR... if you just get sick of this game being posted or why there are people who enjoy a game of this genre this just proves that you are too young to be on this site… I apologize for my outburst let me not be calm when I see someone criticizing a game without having played it
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game so far. The build up to NTR is close to a masterpiece. The characters are well written and the dialogues feel natural and immersive. My favourite NTR scenario so far is the best friend.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    I quite like this game and I am excited to see updates. I'm not a huge NTR fan but this story is done in such a way that I am rooting for the cheaters. Good renders, good story, just the right amount of tease. I'm giving it 4 stars and will probably update to 5 once there is some more action!
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game. I t promisses a lot. Good quality of renders, good text and gorgeous girl. I only complain about the boss. I have seen him so many times that he looks like as a porn actor who participates in all the films, as John Holmes.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    'A Perfect Marriage' has all of the makings of being a very high quality visual novel with a tried and true but always enjoyable premise that makes the most out of its corruption gameplay element. It seems to be a slower burn but there is content and overall I would say that the pacing of the game is very solid and I expect that it'll be ramping up as our MCs are placed into more and more scenes and we move past the prologue.

    Speaking of the MCs, they look good. Especially the FMC's renders. The game/visual novel utilises a dual-protagonist mechanic for decisionmaking and it seems to be working (though I usually prefer female protagonist games) and I look forward to the perspective shifts that will be occurring after we progress through the prologue and how that will affect their marriage and how corrupted the FMC can get (I'm already liking the relationship developing between her and the bestfriend). Of course, NTR is a big component of the story, and I know a lot of people do not enjoy it so if that's a turnoff then unfortunately this won't be for you.

    I think this will be a great visual novel with good writing (for example, I think the wife is written realistically and I can already see her personality in contrast to what other reviewers have said.) and an interesting setting for the corruption and NTR elements to occur. I also don't get the impression there will be a lot of choice in the novel, but that's not always a bad thing. Not all visual novels need to branch into a million different substories that just lead to long development times with no consistency in updates. I look forward to which direction Mr Palmer takes this and future updates for 'A Perfect Marriage'.

    To wrap up, if you can get over the lack of choice in this VN and the potential for NTR then check it out. And remember to treat it more like a novel where you watch what happens rather than dictate what happens.

    Reviewed as of v0.3b
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    I agree with the previous review. The game is relatively well done, but the characters.....oh boy...where to start and where to stop?!?! This is not a classic VN by any means...but quite simply a KN (Kinetic Novel). The "choices" you can make are completely pointless and useless. The "wife" acts like a stupid retarded child. On the one hand, the "wife" is sold as a successful lawyer/businesswoman, on the other hand, the "WIFE" is unable to defend herself against sexual harassment from the husband's (supposedly) BEST buddy. Seriously...this is just STUPID. The graphics are quite good and the characters are well drawn, but the story (if any) is complete nonsense. The player has no way to intervene and has to watch helplessly as the "wife and mother" is harassed and groped. It is painful to watch how the woman is portrayed as a successful businesswoman and is so totally stupid. I don't even want to talk about the annoying "Chris" character. This character is a complete joke and in the real world the guy would have gotten the beating of his life. I'm missing the tags "kinetic novel and fantasy"! Since when does "stop grabbing me" actually mean "go on"??? If you're looking for a pointless comic with no choices and stupid forced decisions, feel free to grab this.
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    So bad. Let´s get this over with. Technically the game is fine. The woman, yes just one, is hot and will be probably great fap material. The overall story is also okay, but the characters... bad... There are 3 main characters: the husband is ok, probably a bit on the boring side, but whatever. There´s a friend that is a total jackass, if the writter wants us to hate this guy to the core: well done, completed with flying colors. Now we come to the final main character, the woman or the wife, whatever you wanna call her. She´s all over the place, makes no sense. Either she´s smart or dumb. You can´t write her has smart and then make her do dumb sh*t. She´s super hot, smart and faithful and doesnt throw the other guy out of a window when he grabs her ass? She´s sending selfies in nighties? Is she 16? Unemployed? Has a OF? Come on. This is version 0.3 and i´m not coming back unless i see a "rework" or "rewrite" on the title.