New Thread Ratings

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Extremely customizable and a great gameplay loop. there is a lot of content. I find myself too lazy to read without pictures. if they added ai images to this game or an ai generator for images, i would be extremeyl pleased. Regardless, this is a great reading erotica game and i will be back when im in the mood for erotica ;)
    HTML  Course of Temptation [v0.5.0f Patreon] [Anthaum]
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Has a lot of potential. models look great and the animations are very hot. hope this project gets some help because i can see the dev cycle being pretty slow. regardless, i will check it out in the future.
    Unity  D.Sim [v0.2.6a] [Hachigames]
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    only 1 real choice. great first entry though. the animation is top notch, the voice acting is great, sound effects good and the narrative is story driven. really looking forward to subsequent episodes.
    VN Ren'Py  Vaygren - Lustful Temptation [Ep. 1] [Cyberframe Studios]
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    i've come to the point where the game is over...for me.... all the bags are shagged and story has gone stale. i have commented many times about this or that, thing i like or not. that's what we do. but i think the gig is up.
    so here's the breakdown: OMG what an amazing new AVN, i said. it has a great story, beautiful women and Action.
    it has Attitude!! oh boy does it have attitude. vastly different points of view in the characters, a man out of time and a World at stake. the starting setting and views are common in the world today not just in the 'fictional' world of this earth. we are faced with challenges to conquer both physically and emotionally/physiologically.
    and once we get past or well into those hurdles we have a War to win against an enemy that has conquered the universe. so set in the Far future (200 years, Fallout??) where life is changed and not for the better in the MC's eyes.
    now all is good, there seems to be a plan. both for and in the story by the author, but we also seem to be losing focus on the story and doing tons of fan service. it's one fuck after another in unnatural situations (aren't they all) but keeping the freak in check. and what about those very important battle plans.... well we have to make sure everybody has a bit of the MC in them first. <wink wink nudge nudge> and this is where i quit. with the commander spread eagle for her turn finally...

    WHY??!!?? ... so here's what goes down in MY story....
    MC 'finishes' off the fickle pickle hater (the Commander) and feeling proud and a bit curious walks down the hallway buck nekked to the hold cell of the alien prisoner. he thinks to himself that he could get all the information they need if he just had a bit of time with ...Her.
    so of course he, being full of confidence and sperm, he deactivates the force field and proceeds to 'torture' her. first a little licky Licky, then a finger or two, and finally the whole 9 Inches... he pounds that alien pussy so ...'good' that she can't stop orgasming and it Blows her Mind.
    well we new they were a powerful psychic race, but we didn't realize they were a Hive Mind and this was the Queen!!! so in one not so swift Fuck the MC turned the Whole race into drooling vegetables. the END.
    VN Ren'Py  Mech Academy [v0.5.3] [Space Samurai Games]
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    peak 2 vvvvv
    RPGM Completed  Fear & Hunger 2: Termina [v1.9.1] [orange~]
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    RPGM Completed  Fear & Hunger [v1.4.1] [orange~]
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    There aren't words for what has happened to this game. This game was fairly advanced, 6 years in the making, when the creators saw the end in sight and decided to milk it for all they had. I feel for anyone who paid the patreon, as it must suck knowing your that your dollars are being used by Dark Cookie to wipe his ass after dropping this shit update.
    Ren'Py  Summertime Saga [v21.0.0 wip.4468] [Kompas Productions]
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is pretty good. Even though the pacing is fast, I would rather have a shorter game than have to read through 2 hours of boring story. The writing is funny, got me chuckling a few times. The art style is unique and it looks good. I would jork to this game
    VN Ren'Py  Become a Menace [v0.1.0] [drezmain]
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    In a single sentance, " Not worth your time, try another game"
    Most of the scenes and senerios are portrayed through words but if you are into reading then you will still find it boring as hell because the writing is lame as fuck. I downloaded the game because of the good character models and the incest tag, but it turns out to be stepcest. Normally it doesn't bother me but in this case you can see that they look the same, they are clearly blood related yet the story tells me they are step family. It infuriated me even more when I find out that it's a sandbox game yet you can't interact with the characters as much as a sandbox should. The home layout and ui is so bad and small, I could not figure out any good reason for this game to be a sandbox. The only good thing about this game is the lack of any significant bugs
    Ren'Py Completed  A Loving Family [Ep. 1] [Mr. Taboo]
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This one you need to try. It has great premise, chad MC not gigachad tho, haha. Beautiful renders and animations. The quality of renders have been greatly improved since it's early versions without any rework, you know what I mean. Pretty good story not the top tier.
    Only con is that the dev is slow in updates all because of his life problems and it's genuine.
    VN Ren'Py  Hot Sand of Antarctica [v0.09] [Grinvald]
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game for gay players. It's a nice change from porn type games focusing on the emotional aspects of a relationship and romance with a story line that is relatable to someone coming to terms with sexuality on an emotional level and challenges with being gay or bisexual dating same sex.
    VN Ren'Py  New Hope [v0.6.1] [YahBoi Blayke]
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Goated one. Interesting plot, story is fresh and different from what we see in most AVNs. Top quality renders and animations. The build up for sex scenes is osm and well executed. And man, the models look so fine and sexy.
    VN Ren'Py  New Antioch [R0.4] [TheRedMyst]
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Great story, great renders, witty, knowledgeable, erotic... I really can't think of too many better AVN's than this. A 5-star rating is not something I give lightly (I've seen them bestowed on way too many mediocre games), but this one deserves it. Even without the sex, the story is compelling -- and the sex is neither lacking nor too m uch. It's the Goldilocks game -- it's just right!
    VN Ren'Py  New Antioch [R0.4] [TheRedMyst]
  14. 1.00 star(s)

    Brok TheDog

    Test carried out on 0.385a. After 2 years of development, it's just unthinkable that a game could be so buggy. From the first minute of the game we encounter problems, the game lags to death. As soon as we manage to finish the first quest, if we have the misfortune to enter the laboratory we are blocked (no action to go to another room).
    As soon as we enter the city for the first time, the saleswoman gets stuck and says nothing (no action possible). I didn't go any further after all that, if there are any other bugs I wouldn't be able to give them, I completely gave up.
    Unity  IslanDeity [v0.385a] [Forlorn Faun]
  15. 5.00 star(s)



    It perfectly serves the purpose it was created for; it's not trying to be something it's not.

    The Dev seems to have taken all the feedback from the thread into account, fixed all the bugs, and as far as I can tell, I haven't seen any issues with the mechanics.

    Even the art has been improved a bit (I'm talking about the game's name being incorporated into the background image's chips and on the back of the cards).

    Now Ace & 17 rules works well, and the sums match the cards shown.

    The game is a blackjack where you play against different girls. If you take all their money, they'll fuck you to get it back.

    It's elegant, simple, and relaxing, with a good atmosphere and good music.

    If you're looking for a Fortnite, this isn't for you. :ROFLMAO:
    HTML  PornStars Blackjack [v1.03] [Dextersmith]
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Quick review: There's no story. As your wife complains about not getting the sex she wants, a man with a gun enters your house and forces you to watch him fuck your wife. You both then pleasure her afterward.

    It's a sex simulation where you can walk around while watching preprogrammed sex positions. The only game aspect is that you can rotate the camera. It's build quality is average and the graphics are passable, but this needs more gameplay to actually be a game and more story to be fun.
    Unreal Engine Completed  Cuckold House [Final] [Lustful Universe]
  17. 5.00 star(s)

    No ladies

    General thoughts: If you're like me and played the original, this have been a breath of fresh air that has an interesting take on Female Agent.

    Gameplay: Nothing to say really, play just like the original, but if you dont know the original it basically is not much gameplay in the sense that its very linear in story telling compared to other html games that's choice based

    Conclusion: I gave 5 stars which I understand is probably biased but that's because the original version post so little updates that a spin off like this garners a lot of interest for me.
    HTML  Future Agent [v0.32] [Parsifal123123]
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    As of version 0.19.0
    It's Harem Hotel, except without any of the plot being explained ever.
    "I'm in this mystery house owned by my bastard father that's filled with girls, what the hell is going on.... oh wait, boobs, never mind, I'll just go along with it."

    And that's pretty much it. The Dev tries to be cute or clever and leave in tidbits about some greater story, but it comes off as pointless since there isn't even enough plot about the girls themselves for you to care about what's going on. Zoe's interactions jump to sex so fast the MC just forgets she's a catgirl. Not to mention you know literally N O T H I N G about her by the time it gets to that point.

    Interactions with her go like this: Watches boring TV, works at a cafe, surprised to be called prettty, make out, make out, make out, sex. That's it.

    It's fine if you can't write a good story yourself, but if you aren't going to hire a writer then just stop.
    Ren'Py  Mystic Valley [v0.19.0] [Mucski]
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    Sakura Hime [Final] [GirlGames]

    After playing all the ''Sakura Hime'' and seeing that they are practically the same game, but with very insignificant variations, I will do the same review on each game.

    The game has null originality, since the same game is reused, what is changed is the girls. The amount of content is low, in half an hour you can pass the game, and since it is exactly the same in the 3 games, passing 1 of them is more than enough.

    The gameplay is simple and the interface is very nice, the graphic aspect is quite good, it has graphic effects, good resolution and animations, the music and sounds are also nice. The story is boring and short, so you end up skipping it and go straight to the game itself.

    In the H section, there is very little variety of poses and scenes for each girl, although there are quite a few girls (10 specifically), also, there is no cum button, which would have been nice to have. There are also not a lot of scenes, the game has 10 scenes, 1 per girl and little more, it falls short.

    The positive part is that the quality of the animations is very good and uncensored, which saves the game quite a bit, so if they worked on giving it a more original touch, more scenes and content, it could be a very good game.

    I give this game a 6.25 out of 10.
    Unity Completed  Sakura Hime 4 [Final + DLC] [GirlGames]
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    A wonderful concept marred by broken gameplay and unwatchable h-scenes.

    This title is essentially Super Bomberman, but watered down and boring to play. That is, if you're even able to get the damn game to run properly. I was constantly running into severe frame drops when planting bombs, made worse when the things exploded and turned the entire program into a PowerPoint presentation. Mind you, I'm playing this on a decent laptop that's more than capable of running simple games like this; the devs are fully to blame here.

    Base gameplay sees the player going through nine mazes and trying to reach the exit, all while blowing up destructible terrain and enemies in the process. Thing is, nothing prevents the player from making a mad dash to the exit of each stage and beating the game in five minutes. The Super Bomberman series hid switches and keys to the exit door behind enemies and destructible terrain, which actually made those games feel like a fun puzzler as opposed to Running Simulator 2024 over here.

    Upgrades to your bombs, instead of being hidden in terrain, are purchased with points earned from killing enemies/collecting point bags across the map. Again, nothing prevents you from collecting the point bags along the way to the exit and, with upgrades being super cheap, maxing out stats within a matter of seconds. Power-ups like invincibility can be found in destructible terrain, but the only ones worth grabbing are remote controlled and super bombs, which chew through multiple blocks and enemies.

    On the note of enemies, something that really pisses me off is how they get stupidly long IV frames after getting hit by one explosion. If you plan ahead and line up a row of bombs that all hit an enemy at once, the blast of only one bomb will register. It removes any sense of satisfaction from getting the drop on an enemy, and pads the game out for no reason if you decide to not book it for the exit. Getting grabbed requires you mash a couple keys to escape, which, while tradition for hentai games, is a design that really needs to be taken behind the barn and shot. Mashing isn't fun nor intuitive; it's just annoying as fuck when you're getting chain grabbed into unskippable hentai scenes.

    H-scenes, for some reason, cause the game to fucking chug worse than gameplay does. I was legitimately surprised the entire damn program didn't give up the ghost and crash, it's that bad. The scenes themselves are standard nudes and male monster rape slop, nothing wild or groundbreaking. You can find it in a million other hentai games, although this title does give you ability to unlock everything in the gallery from the get-go. There's not a ton of scenes, but those desperate enough for coom content will be pleased.

    Honestly not much more to say here. If anything, the way this game crashed and burned makes me want a proper Bomberman H-game. One that, at the very minimum, functions properly.
    Unity Completed  Exploding Girl: Alchemy of Darkness and Flames of Bonds [v1.00] [PiiBGameStudio]