New Thread Ratings

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This one you need to try. It has great premise, chad MC not gigachad tho, haha. Beautiful renders and animations. The quality of renders have been greatly improved since it's early versions without any rework, you know what I mean. Pretty good story not the top tier.
    Only con is that the dev is slow in updates all because of his life problems and it's genuine.
    VN Ren'Py  Hot Sand of Antarctica [v0.09] [Grinvald]
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game for gay players. It's a nice change from porn type games focusing on the emotional aspects of a relationship and romance with a story line that is relatable to someone coming to terms with sexuality on an emotional level and challenges with being gay or bisexual dating same sex.
    VN Ren'Py  New Hope [v0.6.1] [YahBoi Blayke]
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Goated one. Interesting plot, story is fresh and different from what we see in most AVNs. Top quality renders and animations. The build up for sex scenes is osm and well executed. And man, the models look so fine and sexy.
    VN Ren'Py  New Antioch [R0.4] [TheRedMyst]
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Great story, great renders, witty, knowledgeable, erotic... I really can't think of too many better AVN's than this. A 5-star rating is not something I give lightly (I've seen them bestowed on way too many mediocre games), but this one deserves it. Even without the sex, the story is compelling -- and the sex is neither lacking nor too m uch. It's the Goldilocks game -- it's just right!
    VN Ren'Py  New Antioch [R0.4] [TheRedMyst]
  5. 1.00 star(s)

    Brok TheDog

    Test carried out on 0.385a. After 2 years of development, it's just unthinkable that a game could be so buggy. From the first minute of the game we encounter problems, the game lags to death. As soon as we manage to finish the first quest, if we have the misfortune to enter the laboratory we are blocked (no action to go to another room).
    As soon as we enter the city for the first time, the saleswoman gets stuck and says nothing (no action possible). I didn't go any further after all that, if there are any other bugs I wouldn't be able to give them, I completely gave up.
    Unity  IslanDeity [v0.385a] [Forlorn Faun]
  6. 5.00 star(s)



    It perfectly serves the purpose it was created for; it's not trying to be something it's not.

    The Dev seems to have taken all the feedback from the thread into account, fixed all the bugs, and as far as I can tell, I haven't seen any issues with the mechanics.

    Even the art has been improved a bit (I'm talking about the game's name being incorporated into the background image's chips and on the back of the cards).

    Now Ace & 17 rules works well, and the sums match the cards shown.

    The game is a blackjack where you play against different girls. If you take all their money, they'll fuck you to get it back.

    It's elegant, simple, and relaxing, with a good atmosphere and good music.

    If you're looking for a Fortnite, this isn't for you. :ROFLMAO:
    HTML  PornStars Blackjack [v1.03] [Dextersmith]
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Quick review: There's no story. As your wife complains about not getting the sex she wants, a man with a gun enters your house and forces you to watch him fuck your wife. You both then pleasure her afterward.

    It's a sex simulation where you can walk around while watching preprogrammed sex positions. The only game aspect is that you can rotate the camera. It's build quality is average and the graphics are passable, but this needs more gameplay to actually be a game and more story to be fun.
    Unreal Engine Completed  Cuckold House [Final] [Lustful Universe]
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    No ladies

    General thoughts: If you're like me and played the original, this have been a breath of fresh air that has an interesting take on Female Agent.

    Gameplay: Nothing to say really, play just like the original, but if you dont know the original it basically is not much gameplay in the sense that its very linear in story telling compared to other html games that's choice based

    Conclusion: I gave 5 stars which I understand is probably biased but that's because the original version post so little updates that a spin off like this garners a lot of interest for me.
    HTML  Future Agent [v0.32] [Parsifal123123]
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    As of version 0.19.0
    It's Harem Hotel, except without any of the plot being explained ever.
    "I'm in this mystery house owned by my bastard father that's filled with girls, what the hell is going on.... oh wait, boobs, never mind, I'll just go along with it."

    And that's pretty much it. The Dev tries to be cute or clever and leave in tidbits about some greater story, but it comes off as pointless since there isn't even enough plot about the girls themselves for you to care about what's going on. Zoe's interactions jump to sex so fast the MC just forgets she's a catgirl. Not to mention you know literally N O T H I N G about her by the time it gets to that point.

    Interactions with her go like this: Watches boring TV, works at a cafe, surprised to be called prettty, make out, make out, make out, sex. That's it.

    It's fine if you can't write a good story yourself, but if you aren't going to hire a writer then just stop.
    Ren'Py  Mystic Valley [v0.19.0] [Mucski]
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    Sakura Hime [Final] [GirlGames]

    After playing all the ''Sakura Hime'' and seeing that they are practically the same game, but with very insignificant variations, I will do the same review on each game.

    The game has null originality, since the same game is reused, what is changed is the girls. The amount of content is low, in half an hour you can pass the game, and since it is exactly the same in the 3 games, passing 1 of them is more than enough.

    The gameplay is simple and the interface is very nice, the graphic aspect is quite good, it has graphic effects, good resolution and animations, the music and sounds are also nice. The story is boring and short, so you end up skipping it and go straight to the game itself.

    In the H section, there is very little variety of poses and scenes for each girl, although there are quite a few girls (10 specifically), also, there is no cum button, which would have been nice to have. There are also not a lot of scenes, the game has 10 scenes, 1 per girl and little more, it falls short.

    The positive part is that the quality of the animations is very good and uncensored, which saves the game quite a bit, so if they worked on giving it a more original touch, more scenes and content, it could be a very good game.

    I give this game a 6.25 out of 10.
    Unity Completed  Sakura Hime 4 [Final + DLC] [GirlGames]
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    A wonderful concept marred by broken gameplay and unwatchable h-scenes.

    This title is essentially Super Bomberman, but watered down and boring to play. That is, if you're even able to get the damn game to run properly. I was constantly running into severe frame drops when planting bombs, made worse when the things exploded and turned the entire program into a PowerPoint presentation. Mind you, I'm playing this on a decent laptop that's more than capable of running simple games like this; the devs are fully to blame here.

    Base gameplay sees the player going through nine mazes and trying to reach the exit, all while blowing up destructible terrain and enemies in the process. Thing is, nothing prevents the player from making a mad dash to the exit of each stage and beating the game in five minutes. The Super Bomberman series hid switches and keys to the exit door behind enemies and destructible terrain, which actually made those games feel like a fun puzzler as opposed to Running Simulator 2024 over here.

    Upgrades to your bombs, instead of being hidden in terrain, are purchased with points earned from killing enemies/collecting point bags across the map. Again, nothing prevents you from collecting the point bags along the way to the exit and, with upgrades being super cheap, maxing out stats within a matter of seconds. Power-ups like invincibility can be found in destructible terrain, but the only ones worth grabbing are remote controlled and super bombs, which chew through multiple blocks and enemies.

    On the note of enemies, something that really pisses me off is how they get stupidly long IV frames after getting hit by one explosion. If you plan ahead and line up a row of bombs that all hit an enemy at once, the blast of only one bomb will register. It removes any sense of satisfaction from getting the drop on an enemy, and pads the game out for no reason if you decide to not book it for the exit. Getting grabbed requires you mash a couple keys to escape, which, while tradition for hentai games, is a design that really needs to be taken behind the barn and shot. Mashing isn't fun nor intuitive; it's just annoying as fuck when you're getting chain grabbed into unskippable hentai scenes.

    H-scenes, for some reason, cause the game to fucking chug worse than gameplay does. I was legitimately surprised the entire damn program didn't give up the ghost and crash, it's that bad. The scenes themselves are standard nudes and male monster rape slop, nothing wild or groundbreaking. You can find it in a million other hentai games, although this title does give you ability to unlock everything in the gallery from the get-go. There's not a ton of scenes, but those desperate enough for coom content will be pleased.

    Honestly not much more to say here. If anything, the way this game crashed and burned makes me want a proper Bomberman H-game. One that, at the very minimum, functions properly.
    Unity Completed  Exploding Girl: Alchemy of Darkness and Flames of Bonds [v1.00] [PiiBGameStudio]
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Priscila is a very good model and the other models are very HD and very beautifully designed. There are no bugs in the game, that is, there is no element that spoils the enjoyment of the game. It is a game that progresses with choices, so making different choices leads to different progress and I think this is a very good thing. I hope this goes well. And I would like to see the old man in every update. Because he is one of the main roles in the story ;)
    THX chef, let's cook this game now <3
    VN Ren'Py  Celebrity Hunter [Ep.6] [Geiko Games]
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    Has a long way to go but has potential. I like the facial expressions of the girl when you show them. However right now this just seems like a way to show off animations than an actual VN. Also you should export your animations differently, they're not very high quality.
    VN Ren'Py  30 Minutes of Passion [v0.1] [Gylley Sanna]
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    It seems others really enjoyed the game, me, not so much.

    For a game that resembles a grinding points kinetic novel, it has terrible, performance, sometimes, I had to close it and open it again to fix the slow perfomance problem.

    The model ain't bad, proportions were way too exagerated, but to each their own.

    The first affection level is a bit of a grind, the rest of the game is not. Sadly I quickly found similarities to other game I rated a while ago, exactly same premise but in 3D. Don't know which came first, and it does not really matter.But I must admit, that having played the other one, this felt way worse.

    Story is decent, won't win any prices, but not bad. Averall, it was an average experience.
    RPGM Completed  Busty Milf and Summer Country Sex Life [Final] [Mandarin Farm]
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    Can't believe my first comment in this website is about this dumb game design. I had played so many games that includes many nsfw games, this game is the only normal game or nsfw game that I knows have five forced battles in the same plot! It didn't even give a chance to leave and save but only a break, and it is very hard too! WTF!?

    Even if this is a normal game, no matter how hard or how shitty it is, I never played a game have five forced and hard battles! Not to mention this is a nsfw game! Even Japanese nsfw rpg would not make it so hard to have five forced battles! Yes, I am unprepared, but not totally prepared! You don't need to design it so hard on a nsfw game! Why is it have to be like that? I had played so many Japanese rpg, and it did not make me so disgusting!

    This game did not let you make money and defeat enemy so easy, and I would say "fine" if this is a normal game, but this is a nsfw game! No nsfw game that played have to be designed that hard! Who would spend his time so much time to play nsfw game on upgrade and battle? This is not BG3, and it is not worthy! I am ONLY the one who wrote some much and spent his time to criticize it!

    By the way, this game even has a quest to make you pay 2000 debt, which cost a lot! Don't want to pay? NTR your girl, take your girl, and it make you to have eight battles to pass the time! What would I say this is the most disgusting dan stupid design?
    First, like I just said, the game is hard, and the quest still have to take your main role girl in battle, Sarah. Without her, it is very hard to fight.
    Second, like I just said, it is very hard to fight and make money, so you need a lot of time to get upgrade and make 2000.
    Third, this game not only design to NTR player but also make you to go somewhere and fight some enemy in eight times! As I said before, it takes your main role girl in battle, is hard to make money, and is hard to fight, so you need to spend time about this.
    Lastly, this game tries to delay the gameplay for not letting you to finish it so fast. Who would make a pay debt and NTR quest, to make player to fight and spend their unnecessary time that takes so long in a nsfw game? No matter you want to make money and pay it, or just fight eight times to pass the quest. Whatever you choose to pass the quest, the game still make you have to sacrifice your more time and game resource (money and item) and make you unhappy to watch NTR.

    Because of these reasons, I will not spend my time to play this game. There are so many games you can play including nsfw's, why must you have played a game that makes you disgusting and unhappy?
    RPGM  Harem RPG Remastered [v3m8] [Fylokon Games]
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    An obnoxious button masher with little, if any, fun to be had.

    First, the controls. The format on the keyboard is screwed to high heavens, and there's no in-game option to rebind them. Sorry, but you've gotta play through the entire fucking game with a shitty control scheme and no way to circumvent it. I'm no coding expert, but how hard it is to program the ability to rebind keys into a game like this? When did the idea of simple convenience become obsolete?

    The game itself is super choppy, with noticeable input delay from the controls. Attacks take forever to come out and don't feel like they pack the punch they should. Your move set consists of a basic 4-hit combo, a grab/throw, a useless charge attack, a defensive attack that consumes health (a-la Final Fight), and a super situational parry that usually whiffs. There's a an ero attack too, but it's just a grab you use on KO'd enemies to view the h-scenes. No jumps or jumping attacks, no dash attacks (despite there being a run button), no pummels, no weapons, nothing. Beat 'em ups on the fucking NES had larger move sets than this pile of garbage does.

    On top of that, enemy variety is also down the shitter. You've got enemies that stand and throw a punch/kick or swing their sword, those that charge at you, and ones that occasionally toss projectiles. One has a shield that can absorb a few hits, but it's practically just a life bar extension. Most bosses are reskins of common enemies; I can remember only three unique boss fights in the game with a creative gimmick. Enemy AI is also programmed to do a lot of standing around, so the game never feels engaging or challenging. Even if they do manage to land a hit on you, enemy attacks do about as much damage as getting smacked with a pool noodle. The difficulty really comes with how tanky enemies are, combined with how many of them you need to fight in a "stage", which is nothing more than a box containing a few healing items. You'll find the best strategy for fighting enemies is doing three attacks followed by a throw, and that's all you'll be doing for the rest of your playtime. No using the environment to your advantage, memorizing enemy patterns, or weighing risk/reward with healing through ero attacks since enemies surprisingly stand still while you hump their ally's brains out. Just mashing.

    The game attempts to make up for the half-assed combat by having every successful ero attack increase you're damage by 1% (yeah, get hyped), but I found it obnoxious how stop-go the already stale gameplay became with needing to sit through unskippable h-scenes. The scenes themselves are animated alright, but the same four to five animations are reused for the entire game until the final boss provides another four scenes. I'll admit that male monster rape is far from what I'd get my rocks off to, but the lack of scenes for 99.9% of the game is absolutely inexcusable. Giving the devil his dues, though, you do have the ability to unlock the entire gallery from start of the game, which is always a nice touch. Too bad there's not much to begin with.

    Overall, it feels as though this game was designed with as much padding as possible to prevent suckers who bought this piece of monkey fuck from getting refunds. A common practice for games published by the little pink badger of death that is Shady Corner, and another reason to stay the hell away from their products.
    Others Completed  Monster Girl Conquest Records Battle Orc [Final] [mozu field]
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a very good start. A bit odd that you have to go through the first chapter to unlock the other options, but it makes sense as you go. The Story is mostly pretty depressing to start with and personally I hate cliff hangers so having to wait for why SPOILER has been missing, where they've been and where they've gone to is a pain in the ass, but it's certainly better than I thought it would be as a whole after that first chapter. If you're unsure of whether you'll like this because of how the 1st part ends, do yourself a favor and keep going. I personally hate seeing people mistreated and seemingly no justice to be done about it, but this is a story I hope that will rectify any animosity felt after the starter. And I'm hopeful that there will be some light at the end of the tunnel.

    Overall this VN is pretty good and well on it's way to being a personal favorite, but that'll heavily depend on it sticking the landing (the end). I do have to say I half expected the MC to kick Zora's father's ass when he was holding that gun to him, but one can dream. The models, the setting, the plot are all on point and overall this VN is well coded. I experienced zero errors. 4.5/5 so far. I'll update this review as the story progresses. If you're a fan of intriguing story telling and decent character development I highly recommend this.

    As usual, I wish the dev all the best and if you're a fan of this, show the dev some love, write a review and if you can find a way maybe send him a little monetary support too.
    VN Ren'Py Onhold  Circumstances [Ch. 4] [MrHoneyCraft]
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    Would have rated this very highly 5 years ago, but now it's become the longest running joke on Patreon.

    Visuals are still decent, though Sophia has not aged well at all.

    Any hope of family fun times should probably be checked at the door, it's never going to happen.

    Kind of the poster child for the milk machine business model that is encouraged by Patreon, and as long as people keep paying for content no one cares about, that's unlikely to change.

    I was invested at some point but have long ago gotten over the heartbreak and moved on. You probably should too.
    VN Ren'Py  A Wife and Mother [v0.201] [Lust & Passion]
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    I really, really enjoyed this game. It hits all my favorites, with a cheating wife, non-cuckold husband (as in, he's unaware of the cheating), lots of various characters, corruption, and multiple POVs. All good stuff. Even the minigames aren't entirely insufferable.

    My only complaint is that, the further along the story moves, it is starting to feel like stats/mechanics of the game are too difficult to manage. This is a LONG game, there is a lot of content, so restarting to try and make different decisions is a tall order. Yet, despite always choosing to have the wife cheat, I still frequently get stat-locked out of choices that would be entirely in-character for an unfaithful wife.

    It's frustrating. I suspect that's due to the dev wanting people to sign up for his patreon (and thus access cheats), which is why I dropped a star from the review. Regardless, even with that complaint, I still put this as the top HTML game currently out.
    HTML  A Tale of Love, Lust & Murder [v0.9] [MacAd Games]
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    the new update killed this game. the update wasn't even a update it just a restarted from the start with 2 character sex scenes. its been over two years and the game still isn't even close to being complete but the creator will gladly take money from everyone for a subpar product. save your time and money don't subscribe to his patreon or anything . Just wait 5 more years for a game that most likely only be 35 percent done.
    Ren'Py  Summertime Saga [v21.0.0 wip.4468] [Kompas Productions]