New Thread Ratings

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Для первого работа разработчика очень хорошая, но мои замечания такие: Не делайте на карте 3д объекты, если в основном другие объекты 2д - это очень заметно и портит картинку, или делайте маппинг всего 3д сразу. Карта мира, где мы ходим в школу, немного запутанная и ее обязательно стоит переделать для улучшения будущих обновлений, моя проблема как игрока в том, что я не понимаю, какой урок дает толчок событию дома и с кем. Видео, которые воспроизводятся вместо картинок плохого качества и на 2К-мониторе, выглядят ужасно. Идея переодеться для какого-то мероприятия тоже выглядит глупо и разработчику нужно придумать, чем это заменить. Разговоры в этой игре немного непонятны, персонаж не особо разговорчив практически во всех моментах (надеюсь, что в будущем диалоги поправят и будут интереснее), интерьер ночью сделать светлее даром не видно . Ставлю игре 5 звезд, даже с учетом тех багов, которые есть на данный момент, для меня они не критичны. Насчет НТР, надеюсь, будет хорошо и гладко реализовано с Мирайей. Надеюсь разработчик это прочитает и возьмет что-нибудь себе.
    RPGM  Tim's Adventures [v0.1.0] [Err Yopo]
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    It was made for me or what? it totally get the draining kink. Love the idea to use the money et the merchant scam. It would be great to make scenes with just some slime hiding on/in you after a battle, which use the adventurer while resting. i'm also into urethral rape, and maybe it can included ?
    Ren'Py  Charmed [v2.5] [ImpCharm]
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    The game isn't long and there aren't a lot of significance to the player choices, but the quality of the renders and animations are absolutely top notch and the setting is cool too. It is quite unlike all the other content in here, in a good way :).
    VN Ren'Py  Tales from the Deep: Eve [Ch1a3.1] [Mrsloap]
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Story 2/5
    Story is just idiotic, i dont mind NTR aslong as its good and make sense, but the way this game does it makes absolutly no sense, look at the football match with Ace and Emma, one you cant win the game just fake choices which is very common in this one as well.
    Then MC is asked to leave which he dosent want to but still does? you can see the brainless NTR attempt coming from 50 miles away which is a huge fail on top of it, Emma isent even with MC at that point either....

    Oh and lets add a bit more brainless stuff before getting into the idiotic scene, even if you have multiple good points with Emma scene still happens, pretty sure it said you cant save all girls but you can focus on one so i tried to focus on Emma which did fuck all she still tried to fuck Ace? even after telling MC the last person in the world she would do anything with would be Ace?...

    Next Emma desides to make out with Ace?? which makes aboslutly no sense, Emma hates him but the dialogs are soooo damn bad, instend of barking like a dog she desides its better to make out with Ace? then hes dick gets pulled out and she talks about how gorgeous Aces dick is? cringy as hell and she talks about how it wont fit inside her while shes touching it? she even tries to ride him? but cant get it in? and for the hole story shes hated him and whats hes done to the MC but she still tries to fuck him?

    Its just absolutly idiotic, when trying to make NTR atleast try to make it feel real and not just something stupid out of the blue like that, it feels way off point and against everyting the story has been about which only results in ruining the game.

    Also MC dosent even see it so you dont even get the pleasure of calling her a whore to her face after trying to fuck Ace.....making the hole scene completely pointless...

    In any case this is how game goes on, to many story fails and very poor attempts of making NTR scenes when they dont connect with the story and once story dosent makes any sense its just not worth playing.
    Dont even want to get into all the bugs that seems to pop up all the time, atleast dev tries to fix those along the way.

    Another fail is with Lily, i couldent care less about her and never went to get any points with her but then game turns kinetic and gives you only 2 choices vanilla scene or bull scene? wheres the no scene? i thought you atleast could deside who to have relationships with but apprently game now forces girls on you?
    Even picking bull scene MC tries to stop Lily to have sex with her boyfriend? i just dont get it, i tried to help him as much as i could and never went after Lily and MC does this shit? why? again it follows nothing of what ive done doing the story....

    Even tried to lower LIs score by letting the rumor shit run wild but thats so bugged as well, sometimes it goes like Lily told Lily about....? never losing any points...

    Some renders looks extremly weird like when someone used a comdom it looks like a freaking bottle 10 times bigger then hes dick? lol...

    Girls 3/5
    I found them mostly just average looking, there is some diversity in builds but not a single smol but multiple bimbos which is just meh.

    Animations 2/5
    Just like some renders they can be very grainy at times and overall quality is pretty poor and scenes arent that good either.

    Music 3/5
    Pretty decent background music, nothing with real lyrics but they arent bad.
    Ren'Py  Nemesis Party: NTR, or NOT [v0.08] [NemesisGames]
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I think if you take this for what it is, a short 1 hour-ish story game then it's very good. It has a story that it wants to tell and it does so in a way that's significantly more mature and reflective than 99% of games on this site. A sort of melancholic listlessness permeates the entirety of the game and sets the tone for the characters to interact with one another.

    I was a little weirded out by the central theme of "Your father's mistress" but the narrative behind it was solid enough that for the most part I was able to disconnect from reality a bit and just take in the story.

    I saw another review talking about how they didn't enjoy it, but I thought the ending was actually rather good. The creator had something that they wanted to do and they did it., there were some pretty solid twists included (even if you saw them more or less coming), and it made me feel something other than horny.

    But this is f95 so I'll talk H content briefly. It's solid for this short of a game, frankly. Again, the main theme is a bit weird but the art is great and the voice acting is pleasant. There's no CG viewer so just save at various points, and there are like 5-6 different CG 'scenes' with a few variations, and then I think 2-3 gifs.

    Overall I'd give this game a 4.5/5. I was considering a 4 flat out because it's so short but I don't think a good short story is necessarily any worse than a good long one, it's more about how they use your playtime and this game uses it very well.
    VN Others Completed  That Woman Who Was My Father's Mistress [Final] [fujikino]
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    No, just no............You should be ashamed of yourself for releasing this. I knew it was a good choice to stop supporting your Patreon a few months into following this game. I've never played an update to a game where the majority of past content was removed WITHOUT reason (new code/art/or rewriting is not an acceptable excuse after 2 years of nothing). We're you by chance a past Bungie Dev and thought "D2 did it, so should I".
    Ren'Py  Summertime Saga [v21.0.0 wip.4468] [Kompas Productions]
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Game is funny, a very good parody of Female Agent Game that pokes holes at how ridiculous its progenitor is. The game also has its own appeals, if you like mind control, hypnosis, bimboification, it's a great choice.
    HTML  Future Agent [v0.32] [Parsifal123123]
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    This used to be THE porn game. Like easily one of the best of all time. The Tech update was the beginning of the end. Instead of giving storylines to existing characters (Ronda, Annie, Judith) we just got more new characters and scenes for characters that already had a ton (more Odette scenes but no 3ways with Eve or Grace???). And now to top it all off after 3+ years they removed 90% of the game. Originally this was a 5 star game, now it's just embarrassing
    Ren'Py  Summertime Saga [v21.0.0 wip.4468] [Kompas Productions]
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Can only assume Didyoupraytoday? just likes being on his knees because this update blows in a bad way.

    In all meanings of the word the game just went LIVE today, not February of 2023 because that was a laggy unplayable mess and it stayed that way till an update of 9 months of "fine tuning".

    Now we have no lag, no content, and a gig taken up on your device of choice. But that's an improvement on one front because the game didn't have content in the first place. I'm going to be blunt, the dev does not make the art, that's commissioned. So what we have is a situation where rpgmaker is doing what it does best for low content big map; spend thirty minutes hunting a scene while you spam attack of choice. There is no story because the game hasn't gotten that far, there is no art because the dev hasn't commissioned enough or hasn't gotten far enough along to implement it.

    COULD this game be fun? Yeah, because the art has a redhead MILF in need of dick and a muscle tomgirl in need of the same, that's the bait. Unfortunately there isn't enough bait to actually bite. I can't even give it two stars because the memory gallery STILL doesn't work properly and therefore old content, what little of it there was, isn't showing like promised.

    For a game that has us burn through a mana bar like fentanyl is burned through in your inner city of choice, you'd think the dev with this UI update would give us the ability to use our "exchange currency for mana" spell out of combat. But this isn't a triple A studio and I'm suuuuure RPGm doesn't have that as a basic mechanic. Furthermore on the side of story telling if you are going to narrate a scene with the words "the male is thrusting" then don't animate the girl with the movement, do vice versa.

    Constructive criticism with a heaping of sarcasm. It's better than bending over for this and watching nothing improve.

    In all fairness I'll change this to 2 stars when they can actually get the gallery/memories to work. Then I'll change it to 3 when the rest of the original cast are back in, then I'll change it to 4 when the story gets far enough long one of the main characters has penetration sex, and if you've figured out my thought process then I'll give it 5 stars when it's actually finished. Because that's how a game of this nature should be reviewed.
    RPGM  Netorare God; Netorase Devil [v0.065] [CulturedGamer]
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    Well...what do we have here!? This is the Story of Loren (FMC) and her Husband. After 2 Min of Gameplay, Loren realized that everything she wants and needs in her Life are Dicks and Pussys. So she doesn t care if she gets a dick or a pussy, she gets hory as soon as she sees a human being on two legs. So she s constantly horny, gives a shit about her husband and always giggeling. So much to the Story. If you want a choice based VN...this is NOT for you. The Dev gives a fuck of the Choices you make. She s getting fucked or fingered , doesn t matter what you choose. The Dudes in this Game are almost all ugly af. You CAN NOT avoid any of them. Therefor this isn t not really a VN, it is more a Kinetic Novel.

    Pros :

    - Loren (FMC) is Hot...but thats it.

    - Cheating, Sharing, NTR NOT avoidable (forced)
    - Forced Sex with almost every Person (not avoidable; forced)
    - Story and Story writing awful (simpliest pornlogic ever)
    - FMC went from a decent women to a almost prostitute in an instant. (forced)
    - Choices doesn t matter at all (Dev obviously doesn t care)
    - Point System usesless (if you have less "Hornypoints" shes getting fingered; if you have more "Hornypoints" shes getting fucked) -NOT AVOIDABLE-

    If you need a quick fap, feel free to grab this. Otherwise i recommend watching a porn movie. 2 Points for the FMC Renders.
    Ren'Py  Hard Days [v0.3.9] [VNAdults]
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Great slow corruption game with nice animation. It is very interesting to discover new ways of interacting with girls. The text is also a pleasure. There are a huge number of interesting situations in which additional characters can be included.
    Ren'Py  Straitened Times [v0.50.0] [HRelease]
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Review for V0.2
    "Lustful Voyage" caught my attention right away with its unique setting. There aren't many games that delve into the world of pirates, so it's refreshing to see something new.

    However, I'm not too sure about the main character (MC) being the one to introduce us to the story as the narrator. I feel like it kinda ruins the immersion. It might have been better to have a separate narrator or a side character do the introduction instead.

    The way the crew members are introduced in the beginning was a bit overwhelming and not very creative. There's a lot of information just dumped on you all at once. It would have been more engaging to meet the crew through scenes and interactions rather than just being told who they are. Also, having only 6 to 8 crew members for such a huge ship feels unrealistic. Normally, you'd expect at least 50 crew members on a ship that size. It's not a huge deal, but it does make the game seem a bit unrealistic.

    Rescue Scene
    The scene where the MC saves the captain was well done. The music really added to the immersion, making it a memorable moment. However, I think it would have been great to have a choice added in that scene to make it more interactive. Like if or how you are going to save the captain for example.

    Well-Executed Sex Scenes
    The sex scenes in "Lustful Voyage" are done really well. The animations are smooth, and adding sounds was a nice touch. The girls in the game look amazing, and the overall visual quality is good.

    The romance aspect of the game isn't very strong. For example, Savannah is just crazy about the MC (which is a friend of her own son) for no apparent reason, which feels forced and unrealistic. It would make more sense to drag this out a bit longer. Like Savannah having to repress her feelings because of the taboo of it, but slowely losing her composure until she cant no more. That would make more sense and make the romance/lust way more intense.

    The story develops fine overall. It's not mind-blowing, but it's decent. However, it's still very much in the beginning stages, so there's not much to say about the characters' personalities yet. There hasn't been much character development so far.

    In conclusion, "Lustful Voyage" offers a fresh and interesting setting with well-executed sex scenes and impressive visuals. However, there are definitely improvements possible, and the unrealistic romance aspect detract from the experience. The story is off to a decent start but needs more development. Despite its flaws, it's a game with potential.
    VN Ren'Py  Lustful Voyage [v0.2] [Scallywag Games]
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    Actually,it's not a bad game,smooth action,good H anime,and beautiful characters.
    But when it comes to update speed,it becomes really really bad.
    they are not making a game,they just milk supporters dry.
    Unity  Pure Onyx [v0.104.0] [Eromancer]
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I like the corruption aspect of this. I wish there's more of those instead of kinetic events. I hope MC gets the queen or dominate her soon.
    The animations are not bad, and the corruption aspect is good. Again, wish there are more.
    Ren'Py  Dark Magic [v0.17.5] [F.Lord]
  15. 1.00 star(s)

    Vic Cain

    the game has regressed a lot in terms of development velocity. changing tech stack makes sense if it can be done without compromising content and even with content being paused. this is a major regression - going backwards in content after a long development cycle for tech update.
    i know the game is free here, but i won't recommend investing your time and attention on this one. its no longer the VN i remember from its earlier days.
    Ren'Py  Summertime Saga [v21.0.0 wip.4468] [Kompas Productions]
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    (Written after playing EP1)

    - Overall graphics and models look really good
    - animations also dont dissapoint
    - music is also great, looks like dev really tried to get something better then just some generic songs
    - minigames are fun but if you're not a fan u can skip them and the same goes for other things if there is something u could possibly not like u can always (or at least most of the time if im forgeting something) skip that
    - story is also really nice
    - its not just another fuck fest
    - the size of one episode seems really good it took me few hours to complete

    cons (and i really have trouble finding them):
    - if u like loads of sex u probably will have to get some patience, its not just another fuck fest for ep 1 we got
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    - no milf LIs

    Overall the game goes to my top games list. Definitely worth playing if school setting is your thing.
    VN Ren'Py  Law School [DEMO] [MisterMaya]
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    This recent update to v21.0.0 which has been in the works for years, removed approximately 90% of the game content including music for some unknown reason. Avoid until the original content is restored.
    Ren'Py  Summertime Saga [v21.0.0 wip.4468] [Kompas Productions]
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    This game has so much text it feels like it's actively encouraging you to hold down the skip button. I was able to overlook the insane amount of text and continued to play the game only to be met with an UNAVOIDABLE NTR scene. I was told that you can avoid NTR by doing the right actions each day but it turns out there are three NTR scenes you cannot avoid. The only reason I didn't give 1 star is because the game is interesting in it's own way, even if I didn't enjoy it.

    P.S. Turning off NTR in settings makes it so you don't see it, but it will still happen
    VN Others Completed  Oyako Rankan [Final] [AliceSoft]
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    I tried really hard to like this game, and yet i found myself just not being able to.

    Dialogue seems to get worse as the game progresses.
    Choices often make no sense what so ever.
    Reactions are all over the place and not matching what is going on.
    Quality of the renders is inconsistent.
    Story is neither here nor there, and it does not even make up for it with copious sex scenes to make up for it.
    And often times felt like it was in dire need of proofreading to make it work.

    In the end neither the story nor the porn was enough to keep me interested.
    VN Ren'Py  Mech Academy [v0.5.3] [Space Samurai Games]
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    I want to review this as fairly as I can, as I think the base game has an interesting enough foundation and I would like to see it improve.

    I think the biggest thing about it that I can critique is how it opens. When you boot it up initially, it basically has you go through lists and lists of fetishes, toys you have, specific phrases, exact settings for sliders, it's a LOT. It's honestly overwhelming, and I think the best way to handle this would have a default preset to help you get into the game faster. In fact, I think having general presets would help a LOT in speeding up people's time between opening the game and playing it. It should encourage you to alter them as you want, but as it is now? It's just so much. I think the best ideal "starter" preset is to assume the user has no toys and let them pick between different types of personality layouts, like a "Yandere", "Tsundere", "Sadistic", etc.

    The next thing I would love to see get a major overhaul is appearance options. Specifically, body types/body sliders. I know I'm asking for a lot by saying that but the whole draw of this game is that she's supposed to be your ideal succubus. So letting me make one that is plus sized, or muscular, 7' or 4', I think stuff like that adds a lot to the game, and would absolutely keep my attention on it longer. With that also said, in time I think it would be cool if certain appearance options became sex options. IE: I know there is a dick tail in the game, but a version of a dick tail without balls and was much longer/prehensile that she could fuck you with would be something I would love to see. It's a huge request, i know, but I will still ask for it in hopes that maybe one day we could see something like it.

    Speaking of gameplay, it felt very difficult for me to adjust the settings in a way that made the succubus act how I wanted her to. I would pick a ton of different submissive options and it felt like all she would ever do is edging mini games over and over. That and counting. The sessions also felt way too long, even when I set them to the lowest amount of time. I get a lot of this game is sexual frustration, but after 15 minutes I felt more bored than desperate.

    I hope the dev(s) continue working on this, I think they have something really amazing here and I hope that what I said can help them in making the game better.
    Unity  Virtual Succubus [v0.45 R1] [SuccuDev]