New Thread Ratings

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Review for v0.1

    Jokes about the game name aside, this was a decent enough start that I'd come back to try it out again in the future. However I also think this is way too early to give any sort of in-depth review or truly recommend it, so take this with a grain of salt.

    For the knowers, The easiest comparison for me to make is that this game is almost like a medieval Solo Leveling. People awaken as "hunters", have rankings based on their power (F rank to S rank), Have special skills and classes, and a "system" that displays their stats and stuff. Of course the system can't recognize the MC because he's some sort of special anomaly.

    While the writing hasn't been deep or intricate so far, it has enough personality to it to stop it from feeling dull. It blends a lot of humor into things, but not in a way that feels too overdone. Hard to tell where the actual story is going and there's not much to go on as far as characters and love interests yet.

    As for feedback: The UI isn't great, the game could use some music/fitting music as well as sound effects, and there's some grammar issues to get the basics out of the way. I'm going to ignore the opening dream scene, but the first real sex scene was no where near intimate enough for a seemingly long awaited reunion with our girlfriend(?) imo. That whole ending montage thing was a little weird honestly, not sure what the deal was with that.

    Again a case of it being too early to say anything concrete about the game, but maybe it'll turn into something fun down the road. Hope to see it get there. I'd say wait for more content before playing, but this was interesting enough so far.
    VN Ren'Py  Kingdom cum Deliverance [v0.1] [Mr.X]
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    characters : 10/10 goth girls? nurse with "normal outfit" im sold
    story : 9/10 build up story looks great, school setting also make it like "i'am the real mc" vibes but with additional harem stuff

    no mini games is also a plus for me, keep up the good work!
    VN Ren'Py  Between Humanity [v0.2.0] [DebatingPanda]
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    What a nice game!

    The version 0.7 offers three situations where you interact with a lusty woman aboard a train car.

    The world-building is simple and well shown trough a short intro and the gameplay itself: there is an exhibitionism problem, you and the women are part of the problem.

    The women are sexy, eager to fuck once aroused and assertive enough to stop you if they need to. You need to convince them to open up while avoiding causing a fuss. It's a great way to have two consenting actors while still having a challenge to overcome.

    The controls are not as intuitive as they could be for a gamer but improve immersion. Some important interactions to break the ice are triggered by the unassuming the "Casual Talk" after other actions, and the Wait button is essential for reducing the alert level. It's refreshing to have the characters react to what happens instead of acting like machines driven only by their Arousal level.

    The game rewards you for completing a day without getting caught by making the woman start with higher arousal on the next day, although this resets if you change target. The game also tracks achievements for each girls and rewards you with various abilities you can use once per day with that girl, making it easier to complete other achievements or just get to the sexy part easier. These achievements are not reset after visiting a different woman.

    Overall, I just love how this game focuses on the gameplay and interacting with the girls, with only enough story to set the ambiance.
    Ren'Py  Lewd Passenger [v0.7.0] [Druidly Games]
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games I've ever played. The plot content is reasonable, the characters are excellently shaped. I have played many good games, but I don't think any game has characters as well-shaped and meticulous as Reunion. Every female character is hot and attractive, even the supporting female characters like a waitress or a certain girl on the street. The duration and developments in the game are good, events happen continuously so players do not feel bored. But I hope there will be more group sex scenes, I mean it would be a waste not to do that because they are so beautiful. Additionally, what I'm most looking forward to in future updates is that the MC will have sex with the girls while they're pregnant, possibly turning all of them into sex slaves.
    VN Ren'Py  Reunion [v0.70] [Karabinek]
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Ren'Py  The Pilgrimage [v2.00] [Messman]
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    perfect, its a very nice mod that helps you to do anithing that the game can offer.
    i really recommend it, cause this is the type of game when is no really nescessary fail to feel the correct experience
    Ren'Py  SnowDaze 1.6: Galleryfix, Hints, Replay mod [v0.6] [amanapanama]
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    A stripped-down version of Leane 2.

    A lot smaller map, and a lot fewer characters, scenes, and other events than in the sequel. Battles are very simple with barely any skill usage. The story is so-so and I felt there were barely any events. It was still a fun game for me to play. I played on Black difficulty and smashed through the game in a few hours.

    I give it a solid 3.
    VN Others Completed  Leane of Evil Blade [v1.27] [Makura Cover Soft]
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Excelente juego deberia el creador tratar de que sean mas actualizaciones mensuales y que no tarden tanto en subir las actualizaciones............................................................................................
    RPGM  TakenoteR [v0.9] [HNStudy]
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    Search History

    There have been a lot of games that have been shared on this website but unfortunately with the sheer volume of games there will always be good games and bad games. Personally, I find it the most disappointing to see games rush to end, or stop development. I found this game in completion, so I cannot judge based on the game's development. But what I found so nice was how much care the developer took in how he ended the romance. It was not just a single render with a title card but a series to reward the chosen path. I found myself playing the game multiple times just to see how the ending differ.

    TLDR: Renders and Characters are beautiful. Consideration put into endings puts this game on the top of my list.
    VN Ren'Py Completed  Bare Witness [Ch. 5] [AlterWorlds]
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Great, but not excellent.

    I'll be honest with you guys: this review is probably unfair. Stormside is an incredible game, and as a hentai indie VN, it's markedly better than dozens others I've played here that I've given a similar rating to. Compared to the remainder of this website, Stormside is a 5/5, and you'd be doing yourself a disservice if you don't play it. That being said, the game is so good, I'm comparing it in my mind to other stellar VNs, and not to the usual sandbox slop we get; and also, comparing it to what I believe the fully finished game will be, given the current state of development.

    Just about everything in Stormside is nice. There's three markedly different routes for each main girl, the soundtrack is fine, dialogue AND writing in general is very good (minus some spelling mistakes; notedly, the dev messes up your and you're sometimes, and is particularly prone to writing "hearby" instead of "hereby"), interactive elements feel nice, the phone system is cute, et cetera.

    So why am I giving it a 4? What's holding the game back from the 5 that by all means I've already made clear it deserves?

    Stormside suffers from two main issues: there's too many fucking chicks, and there's too much branching. Allow me to explain.

    The part of having too many fucking chicks is simple enough: Some of these girls are entirely forgettable. The main driving point of the game, despite some mystery undertones, are the girls and their own personal plots. Therefore, you'd assume that by 0.23 and after two years of development, I'd have some inkling of all the main LI's at least. That does not happen. Olivia is only relevant to the story in some points, and she's memorable mostly due to her character, which is quite different from the others. Cassie serves quite a bit early on due to being one of the only 3 characters really early into the VN, and then gets yeeted out of existence once we get to Stormside Academy proper and assume our position. Taliya just really, genuinely, does not exist. She does not have a single moment where she does anything of note in the entire VN. You can argue Cassie and Olivia have had points where their lines and dialogue affect the story, even if they're few; Taliya does not. Sasha's story also feels entirely self-contained and apart from the rest of the characters and group, and makes it feel very disjointed. This all culminates in a lack of cohesion where I'm unsure how to feel about some characters, simply do not have enough information beyond their stereotype for others, or in the case of Taliya, don't have anything related to them at all. Despite the fact not all main LI's are developed or given the time of day, we're then met with yet another barrage of side characters, who again some get some time in the sun and others don't. There's some side characters that genuinely have more characterization with less time in the story than some main LI's, and that doesn't feel quite right.

    Branching. Branching is usually not an issue, but this game overdoes it a bit. I'm fine with leaving a lot of agency to the players, and I think it's wonderful; but I believe this is happening in this game in detriment of other things. Some variance is expected, yes; each main LI is meant to have three routes, after all, and I'd be fine with all three having separate scenes. That is not the case. Riley, for example, has one night where her entire Romance route can branch into - and I shit you not - SEVEN different gallery scenes. Admittedly, some of these are continuations of a previous scene, so in total, there's only really four variants of this scene; but come on, there's FOUR variants of this scene for one of THREE routes?! I spent more time replaying this single night and reading every option than I spent on entire days with all their different options previously. I'm probably not exaggerating when I say this night is like 1/3rd of the game. It's fine with the (sub, slave, romance) versions because they're meant to showcase different entry points into a new route, but even then, they can feel a bit redundant; much like Akemi having three different possible scenes at the end of the update, instead of simply just two. It feels as if the game forsakes progression for variance in the development and in the gameplay; I spend more time branching out laterally, examining stuff in width, instead of actually choosing something and playing it in depth to see how it changes something further down the line, and this quickly becomes tiring, as regardless of the scenes, the plot itself is fairly unchanged between these variances within the same route (romance/sub).

    Despite how lengthily I've spoken about these two things, they're truly not that much of an issue. The characters are all quite appealing and work, the game design is fantastic, the characters are expressive, their movements and soundcues are all on point, their expressions are vivid and full of charm; the soundtrack works fine on almost every occasion even if not memorable, and the writing quickly makes you latch on and feel attached to the characters that actually do get their chance and spot to shine (such as Riley and Hikari thus far). The H-Scenes are good, and the difference between routes is markedly felt - there's even some extra mystery in the slave route, with some red pulses on screen that happen when you take actions that are far too harsh with the other girls which point to something more at play in the VN itself. All in all, Stormside is great; unfortunately, with the width issue I've previously mentioned, I'll by no means hold my breath for this to finish any time soon, sadly.
    VN Ren'Py  Stormside [v0.23.1.4] [Atemsiel]
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best h-games there is. Over 20h of content already. Writing and characters are top tier. Updates are somewhat frequent but provide a lot of content per patch. Art style is great and only improves overtime.
    Ren'Py  Hero Party Must Fall [v0.5.0 Bugfix 2] [Nitrolith]
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    This review is directed towards version [Alpha Build 8]. which is the latest version posted in the site.

    To be completely honest, the only ever thing that I have enjoyed about this game are the unique sex scenes that I've managed to see before I had enough of it. If we leave aside the... how should I say this... not pleasing at all to hear grunts that happen when someone ejaculates as well as the fact that you can't skip scenes, they are actually pretty good.

    Nice physics to them, different camera angles and unique poses.. but my goodness did the grunting take away from the scenes. It feels as if the guy was experiencing high degrees of pain when it's ejaculating instead of actual pleasure, it doesn't add anything to the scenes and it isn't really erotic

    As for the rest, there were moments where I had a laugh or two and characters that were cute, but the game doesn't make any sense whatsoever. There isn't any semblance of plot or worldbuilding to this game, except for the first couple of bits in the introduction.. but even then, when did those characters meet, when did they become partners.. there's so many questions that this game raises which aren't answered at all, our character apparently trusting people out of nowhere for no reason whatsoever other than needing money to go pursue the next fuckbuddy

    It just tells me absolutely nothing, whatsoever. It's sex scene after sex scene after sex scene, and that does not make, at least personally, for an enjoyable game at all.

    There's also the fact that, the flow of the game is.. pretty bad, there's so many cuts in between what's happening.. Chapters are excessively short and doesn't really bring up anything new or important to the table

    There are no choices that you can make besides taking a shower, going from place A to place B and the minigame with the drinking challenge.. which is basically clicking endlessly and hoping you win.

    This game needs to be fleshed out a lot.

    Add systems like for example you going to a bar and doing challenges and the more you drink the more tolerant you get and the more chances you have to win the minigame... exhibitionism build-up where the more she exposes herself, starting from not being an exhibitionist at all but maybe feeling an inkling to it from something she might see.. the more she feels more inclined to do it

    Fleshing out her personality more, which characters are going to be important for the story and which others aren't.. and so on

    The game has a few decent bits, but could definitely use some improvements in interactability and believability.
    RPGM  Thot Life [Alpha Build 8] [AndreaTheNord]
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    This is not a good game, I am really surprised it has such high rating. For people who used AI chatbots this type of conversation will be familiar.
    It's basically just an AI chatbot with a couple of choices that don't matter at all, you only get a different response from girlfriend but the story continues in a fixed direction.
    I like slow burn but this "game" is literally watching a paint dry on a freshly painted wall.
    VN Unity  Netorase Phone [v0.5.1] [Le Stag]
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    Unfappable, and simply not fun to play. There's nothing enticing about this game. Two stars for not being actively bad... it's just a complete absence of anything worthwhile. It's coming up on a year, and that shows the design itself is just barren.
    Others  Whorehouse Manager [v0.1.9] [Redsky]
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I literally had to come back and write a review months later just to say this is one of if not my number 1 favorite game on this site... (other contenders probably like Cyberslayers and Goons Raid Her) I still haven't finished playing through Autumn Boulevard but the lore, the tonal shifts, the horror, the renders, and obviously what brought me here in the first place, the ugly bastards, also the oddly tender moments when the ugly bastards face the horrors and bond with the mc... It is truly the greatest western horror VN I've ever seen... And I can't lie the doll tattoo the dumu en (probably misspelling that) I would actually get that tattooed as this game is responsible for getting me into the dollification sub-genre of bimbofication (already was a fan of bimbofication, another under-represented kink on here).. Well done and please finish this Disciple of Virginia; lol I maybe bring this dev up as an erotic horror example more than any other indie dev that's how enamored I am with this and Autumn Boulevard (but I'm more of an Of Birds And Bees fan let's be honest)
    VN Ren'Py  Of Birds and Bees [v0.7] [DiscipleOfVirginia]
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Looks like an excellent start I do actually enjoy this style of game coming around at the moment so that's a plus from me. Has great potential as long as it gets consistent updates I think it'll make a great NTR game.
    VN HTML  Graduation [v0.1.0] [Devorny]
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Im a nitpicker motherfucker that likes to prented to know more than I actually know about a lot of stuff. And having developed a taste for VNs...
    All I can say is that, this game is so unparallel that for the first time I simply enjoyed a sex scene, this is like.. beyond triple-A story, it's like from some reaaaally great obscure romance, this is erudition in form of a game... bravo!
    VN Ren'Py  Pale Carnations [Ch. 4 Up 4 Public] [Mutt & Jeff]
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    A town of passion is more like a town of boredom.
    Here is a list of cons:

    1. Most of the girls look almost the same, with similar faces and characters.
    2. Animated scenes are barely animated and mostly consist of 3 phases, are mostly random, and take forever to reach.
    3. The game is a walking sim. 95% is spent just walking.
    4. It takes forever to have anything done without any help with progression.
    5. Pixelated sex scenes that are so small that they might not even exist.
    6. Sex scenes are plain and boring after the first few. They all feel the same.
    1. Multiple girls?

    Well, that’s pretty much it. The game feels like a waste of time, just wandering around expecting ANYTHING to happen. A lot of things are scripted, and if you go around the trigger with Noclip, it breaks progression.
    The game also has lots of basic puzzles that get boring after the first 5 of them, and there are a ton more.
    RPGM Completed  Town of Passion [v1.1] [Siren's Domain]
  19. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted Member 69

    Animations are terrible and that's the biggest of turn-offs for me.

    It's literally a lazy frame 1>frame 2 loop, I wish they were at least optional. I'd prefer static scenes, since the renders and the characters themselves are HOT, possibly the best I've ever seen in a NSFW game.

    Did I mention about the animations? No? Well, then PLEASE fix that and I will be more than happy to edit this review up to 5 stars.
    VN Ren'Py  Pandora's Box 2 [v0.26] [Void Star]
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    Pretty standart.

    The story is very simple and not that engaging, you are a cuck and can only get hard when you get cucked, wife wants baby, so she cucks you with different people who you chose, then endings and oh no I don´t love you husband I am now with this person togehter bye. Just very predictable.

    I wouldn´t mind an extremly simple story if the character are good, but sadly they are almost nonexistent. The characters are, boring looking wife who loves you but slowly doesn´t love you because of the cucking, the MC who is a cuck, and he thinks like a cliche cuck and nothing else, most of the time you don´t even hear his thoughts which made it really hard to connect with him which isn´t good in a NTR game. Well what about the cuck partners? They are very shallow, and you don´t really hear their thoughts or dialogue either only through the reports which is kinda boring and in the endings but not much. Not that it would change much because they are just stereotypes and nothing more. There is a playboy, who in the ending makes the wife work his debt off. There is the landlord who loves boobs, the ex-boyfriend from highschool, the fat otaku pervert, the black foreigner who can´t speak japanese and has a big cock and is horny, then there is the inexpericed shota, and then there are the homeless people, who are homeless and horny. Wow what creative and engaging characters.

    The gameplay is boring, grindy and nothing more, the card game to make money is annoying.

    Music is okay it was fitting.

    The dialogue was very cliche, nad not really intereting.

    The art is alright,

    The sex scenes where pretty boring, because they don´t look or feel special or do anything new. Every sex scene I am sure I have seen exactly as here before, which wouldn´t be too much of an issue if they were anything more than that, but they weren´t.

    All in all, I would say it is a pretty standard, almost "vanilla" NTR, if you played or even seen a wife NTR story before, I wouldn´t recommend it, it could be good for newcomers though.
    RPGM Completed  Netorase no Saki [Final] [Closed Garden]