New Thread Ratings

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    I tried really hard to like this game, and yet i found myself just not being able to.

    Dialogue seems to get worse as the game progresses.
    Choices often make no sense what so ever.
    Reactions are all over the place and not matching what is going on.
    Quality of the renders is inconsistent.
    Story is neither here nor there, and it does not even make up for it with copious sex scenes to make up for it.
    And often times felt like it was in dire need of proofreading to make it work.

    In the end neither the story nor the porn was enough to keep me interested.
    VN Ren'Py  Mech Academy [v0.5.3] [Space Samurai Games]
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    I want to review this as fairly as I can, as I think the base game has an interesting enough foundation and I would like to see it improve.

    I think the biggest thing about it that I can critique is how it opens. When you boot it up initially, it basically has you go through lists and lists of fetishes, toys you have, specific phrases, exact settings for sliders, it's a LOT. It's honestly overwhelming, and I think the best way to handle this would have a default preset to help you get into the game faster. In fact, I think having general presets would help a LOT in speeding up people's time between opening the game and playing it. It should encourage you to alter them as you want, but as it is now? It's just so much. I think the best ideal "starter" preset is to assume the user has no toys and let them pick between different types of personality layouts, like a "Yandere", "Tsundere", "Sadistic", etc.

    The next thing I would love to see get a major overhaul is appearance options. Specifically, body types/body sliders. I know I'm asking for a lot by saying that but the whole draw of this game is that she's supposed to be your ideal succubus. So letting me make one that is plus sized, or muscular, 7' or 4', I think stuff like that adds a lot to the game, and would absolutely keep my attention on it longer. With that also said, in time I think it would be cool if certain appearance options became sex options. IE: I know there is a dick tail in the game, but a version of a dick tail without balls and was much longer/prehensile that she could fuck you with would be something I would love to see. It's a huge request, i know, but I will still ask for it in hopes that maybe one day we could see something like it.

    Speaking of gameplay, it felt very difficult for me to adjust the settings in a way that made the succubus act how I wanted her to. I would pick a ton of different submissive options and it felt like all she would ever do is edging mini games over and over. That and counting. The sessions also felt way too long, even when I set them to the lowest amount of time. I get a lot of this game is sexual frustration, but after 15 minutes I felt more bored than desperate.

    I hope the dev(s) continue working on this, I think they have something really amazing here and I hope that what I said can help them in making the game better.
    Unity  Virtual Succubus [v0.45 R1] [SuccuDev]
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Very strange game. It's somehow similar to Japanese novels, where you read a lot of boring dialogues but less action happens. The story is full of heavy, melancholic feelings; it brings me into a depressive state. And it's not the NTR that's the problem, but it just has no fun at all—just four people suffering in their own way. Also, the girlfriend model is not attractive to me. Lost time, will not come back.
    VN Ren'Py  In Her Service [v0.54] [Blue Factory Games]
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Review for Ch. 5
    When I first started "Bare Witness," I was impressed. The game kicks off with an interesting and unique story, and the character models are very attractive. It really seemed like it was going to be a great experience.

    Unrealistic Romance
    However, the game quickly dives into the romance aspects, and this is where it starts to fall apart. The romance feels forced and unrealistic. All the girls seem to be immediately infatuated with the main character for no apparent reason. Take Valeria, for example. She wants to hook up after a short conversation in an empty bar in the middle of the afternoon. It feels rushed and makes her character come off as desperate, which really detracts from the experience.

    Stellar Graphics and Sex Scenes
    On a brighter note, the models and sex scenes are definitely highlights of the game. The scenes are hot and frequent, and the overall graphics are top-notch. This is where "Bare Witness" really excels, delivering visually impressive and engaging content.

    Forgotten Storyline
    And then there's the story ... almost forgotten about it. What started as a promising plot about witness protection quickly fades into the background. Throughout most of the game, you hardly feel like the events are connected to the main storyline. The focus on the witness protection plot only comes up at the beginning of chapter one and again in the last chapter. In between, there are just a few flashbacks to remind you of the initial story, but that's about it. It's a real shame because the story had so much potential but was ultimately underutilized.

    Good gameplay
    You might think that I really disliked the game but that is not entirely true. I just feel like a lot of potential was wasted. The gameplay in this one is simply perfect. Choices u make matter and there lots of paths to discover. So you can replay this game a couple of time to find different outcomes if you so like.

    Overall, I feel kinda conflicted about "Bare Witness". It starts strong with a unique story and great visuals but falters with its unrealistic romance and lack of consistent storytelling. The sex scenes and graphics are definitely high points, but they aren't enough to carry the game through its narrative shortcomings. All in all, the game is definitely above average so four stars it is.
    VN Ren'Py Completed  Bare Witness [Ch. 5] [AlterWorlds]
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent opening premise for a game which is fully supported by brilliant writing and a varied cast. Visuals are good and choices feel impactful. The ending for Chapter 9 was eery with the MC feeling like he was in waay over his head, can't wait for next release. Easily one of my favourite games on this site.
    VN Ren'Py  Friends in Need [Ch. 9 v0.59b] [NeonGhosts]
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has a LOT of potential, and in the state it is now, it still offers quite a bit of content for various kinks!

    -Pure Love

    Pyr, the dev, has mentioned even more will be added, such as pregnancy, and male domination.

    The sharing/cuckolding stuff so far is really great, which is the main reason I started playing the game in the first place! Seeing the MC's thoughts when he's watching Elisabeth be with another man is such a huge turn on. The writing around those scenes is REALLY well down, really getting into the details of how MC is feeling and the turmoil and pleasure he's feeling.

    Don't let the RPG Maker engine turn you off! Yes, it is RPG Maker combat, and it can be annoying and grindy sometimes. But the game has a skill tree, and is trying to be as legitimate of a JRPG as it can be within the confines of the engine. If Pyr had a huge budget, and this game were done in a better engine with more modern graphics, it would be a masterpiece of a porn game. :)

    Anyway, that's just my review. Try it for yourself and give it a chance!
    RPGM  The Legend of the Hero of Edoriam [v0.2.1] [Pyrthenix]
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Build 0.4.1

    This is really a 3.5/5 VN, but I didn't think it deserved the full 3/5 rating so I stuck with 4 stars. The mini games aren't fun at all, so just go ahead and turn those off. The story alright, funny at times and completely nonsensical. Giving the option to have a sports or music career? Bruh, come on. If you're gonna go that far, just making them a future actor/software creator too. Go all out on the "jobs no one would ever be able to do and be good at all at once." Anyway, the models are nice and the animations, while relatively basic, hold up.

    The story isn't that interesting and you'll find yourself wondering if you should skip or not. I'd recommend not otherwise you may miss something important with one of the characters. Alyssa, the girl from the main image, is a stuck up b**** and not likable in the least. The only reason to romance her is to see if there will be any sex scene with her in the future. Next to the MC she's the most bland character in the bunch and about as tasteless as the chicken taco's described by the MC. The MC is a decent enough person, depending on what choices you make for him, but he's a really bland character that seemingly stumbles through life getting opportunities thrown at him left and right while seemingly not achieving anything of substance. Even the meeting with the sports agent is so bland I literally skipped it have way through the dialogue choices because I simply didn't care. And so far he's doing a great job of either building a harem or ending up alone, I can't tell which this VN is going for. Not that it's a bad thing I just wish the VN was a little more clear on whether any of these relationships will have any real bearing on the story.

    Anyway, the one story that seems to be worth seeing this through for is that of the one surrounding Mary, a very late introduced character that seems to have a past with the MC but he seems to see her as a sister more than what it seems she's hoping for. Honestly, if this is another harem VN I'm fine with that, but since there's no genre marker for that I have to assume that at some point all of the MCs deeds will come back to haunt him. Some are clearly one night stands while others seem to be be leading towards certain disaster.

    So far the best characters are:
    Jalen: he's a goof, but good people and well written
    Paige: this is the kind of girl you'd meet and take home to mom
    Leslie: cute and she's the kind of girl you'd befriend, help figure herself out so she's not living under the expectations of others, but would permanently be friend zoned in reality.
    And that's pretty much it. Everyone else seems to be so shallow or have so little interaction that I can't say whether I like them or dislike them. With the exception of June. She's a hit it and quit it type that really should be treated as such in my opinion. The tired old trope of the bad girl with more going on upstairs and in her soul is so played out with her it's just boring, but she allows for some extra animations I suppose.

    Basically, the story requires too much setup to get going and the setup doesn't exactly expand on specific characters enough to make the reader get fully engaged enough to care about what's going on in each of their lives. At least not at this point. I'll have to check back in on the story once things get a little more fleshed out in the future. All of that aside, the VN is well coded, the events/choices make sense, the fact that mini games can be turned off for the most part is good (had one pop up but it was doable), and the humor of the writing helps out a lot.

    As usual, I wish the developer all the best of luck and if you are a fan of this VN drop a review and think about showing some support to the dev.
    VN Ren'Py  Westview Academy [v0.5.1] [Tako Yuh]
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This project is abandoned and is kinda clunky in scripts but

    but it s good

    The interactions, the story, random encounter where a girl literally just touch your dick because she is into this stuff (with only one scene tho, which is sucks)

    night encounters after teasing is the cherry on the top and the reason I m giving 5 stars to this project

    The logic under this project feels like something artificial and forgotten

    RPGM Abandoned  MyXXXKin [v0.2.0.72a] [StickJump]
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    before i start my humble Review of this game, i want reader to know "English is not my first language"

    Game Story, is Terrible or pig poop because sandbox i give a chance to play it, my gosh is terrible mc homeless than meet surcubus than mc got mom and dad and sister.. game storyline is from 2019... a 4 year+ story is like not been develop or improve is like game design to milk cash, base on not much going on in the game...

    Graphic/model well is from 2019 but this remind me 2001 PS2 virtual fighter model... if game is free yes okay..

    my opinion.. game is terrible.. 4 year pass feel like game was made 6 month ago..
    Ren'Py  Corruption Ring [v0.13] [Ecchi Abyss]
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    Ratings on this game are BS lol. The minigames suck ass (I'm typing this review as I wait for a fish to bite on my fucking lure, all so I can click spam for food and love points?). The character progression makes no sense but I guess it's porn. Some scenes are fine but there is no dialog during unless you understand spoken japanese. Other scenes just don't work because the mouse scroll wheel mechanic randomly breaks, not letting you move. It's just a snore fest I wish I never gave the chance to.

    Edit: Oh, sorry, I forgot - no the fish still has not nibbled on my lure yet
    Others Completed  Mizuki Island [MASURAO]
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    A very simplistic NTR game. A good choice if you don't want the adventure aspect that comes with RPGM games, but still want some plot to spice up your meal.

    The writing is what we are all familiar with, a married woman's downward spiral. There are 4 endings, one is pretty much available at the start of the actual gameplay, and another is important to unlock bonus scenes. There aren't a lot of them, but they're pretty good. You can also watch the back story of the couple that isn't included in the intro scene of the game.

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    The images aren't really spectacular (duh), but don't let it discourage you from playing the game...unless you only like good drawings, I guess.

    The gameplay itself is simple. You use an item to watch all the scenes before advancing the story to unlock another batch of them. There are only 4 scenes per batch. The ending choices itself aren't complicated. You'll be able to notice right away on how to get them.

    Overall, pretty good short game for a quick fap... I say that, but it took at least an hour for me to unlock all of them. I definitely recommend you to play the game if you have the time.
    RPGM Completed  My Gyaru Wife Did It for my Sake [v1.10] [hijoguchiyuki]
    Likes: mesoru
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    I will first talk about 20.16 alone which is 4 stars easily. Old? Sure. But good.

    There is a nice variety of love interests, good scenes and a lively sandbox by AVN sandbox standards. Main downsides to me were the main story going basically nowhere so far, the old feeling and the update times being so slow it may as well be a running gag. Good fun for what it is with lots of content.

    21.00 as a tech update removes an insane amount of the games content. The benefits of modern features like widescreen do not justify this version yet to me at all. It adds next to no new content on top of this. A wait time of two years for this is extremely disappointing and updating the tech to match the content of the 20.16 will likely take ages.

    To anyone that has already played this, don't bother downloading 21.00 until its caught up with 20.16 in content. If you have never played the game before you can choose. Older game with loads more content in 20.16 or follow the development of 21.00 as it plays catch up so you get those quality of life improvements.

    3 stars overall and if it takes years for this new version of Summertime Saga to have the same content as 20.16 I will drop it to a 2 without question. Disappointing.
    Ren'Py  Summertime Saga [v21.0.0 wip.4468] [Kompas Productions]
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    The game is interesting with various and beautiful girls, who - it's rare enough to take time to say it - change hairstyles many time (after some point, not before where they have 1 model only).
    I liked how the "harem" option was in the story so it was good.
    The story felt a bit quick/easy and there was no real plot after some point, it was just sex scenes after random little evens. I liked it but the pacing was off.

    Heidi and Athena were really two gems, and I would have loved to see more of their interaction, more options, more variety in sex. As it is, the game is good but feels short.
    VN Ren'Py Completed  Bare Witness [Ch. 5] [AlterWorlds]
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    Haven't played the game in 3 years, and nothings changed. Every now and again he will release an update for same 5 characters over and over again, none of it advancing the story, just redoing sex scenes here and there, then "tech update" that's been talked about for half a decade, that will finally allow you to save game so you can continue from next update is taking half a decade to show anything for it, still isn't out, no update for over a year that adds anything to the game.

    In 8 years that game has existed Judith hasn't received a single update, despite making it to second place in a bunch of polls. He always adds a new char and people of course want more chars and vote for it. Just lame ass development overall. Regret every $ spent on this
    Ren'Py  Summertime Saga [v21.0.0 wip.4468] [Kompas Productions]
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    After two years of development with very little to no sex, and all art from now on is AI generated trash. I was cautiously optimistic about this game but with these tow major issues; No thank you, i'm out.
    VN Ren'Py  My Hypnotized Family [EP. 1 v1.00] [The Naughty Three]
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice Art, Good Story, The new rework could have more content by now. I played this game since it almost came out, shame to see this project abandoned because of bad reviews and don´t understand the work involved
    Ren'Py  Summertime Saga [v21.0.0 wip.4468] [Kompas Productions]
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    it's a point and fuck game, the choices are useless, the slut MC fucks everyone, father-in-law, uncle, postmen, the boss of work, women, men, the mother-in-law, every now and then to make him stupid, even the husband, there is no story , the interviews are all the same, also because as I said, MC woman, fuck is enough, who it is doesn't matter. porn made only of scenes.
    Ren'Py  Hard Days [v0.3.9] [VNAdults]
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Great art with a very entertaining story and setting. The women are drawn beautifully with large breasts and big asses. Only downside is disappointing camera choices and strange static effect during gameplay.

    Would highly recommend.
    VN Unity  Tenants of the Dead [v1.05] [NTRMAN]
  19. 1.00 star(s)



    well, i gave it a go.

    it is essentially just a stuttering video scene with writing splashed over it. a pretty lazy attempt at a game for this site so nothing really stands out for me.
    easily forgotten 'demo'
    VN Ren'Py  30 Minutes of Passion [v0.1] [Gylley Sanna]
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    Good gameplay, but no porn. Just a few pics. Just cannot understand this kind of devs.. You make a game and add a 3-4 porn pics and the game gains tag "adult". So what? Now nobody will play it as a simple game and porn seekers will be dissapointed with the content. WHY do what????
    A waste of time.
    Not bad sidescroller.
    But its a porn forum after all so 1 of 5.
    Unity  Yusha Prototype [v1.0009 Steam] [Solitaire Union]