New Thread Ratings

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    First off, I want to praise the game for being compact in size (<100MB), which seems to be a rarity these days. Though, this is of course just a detail. More importantly, the art style is fairly charming and all the sex scenes are done well and feel satisfying.

    Each girl is somewhat unique and interesting. Unfortunately, the same can't be said about the progression system. It functions identically for each girl: text in class -> meet after school -> move to hideout -> ending. This makes the game feel rather repetitive despite being a very short experience as is.

    The translations were good enough to get the point across and the writing wasn't lengthy, which I like. Another good point is that you basically get to sex immediately, once you figure out the controls. This however brings me to the biggest downside, as others have already pointed out. The UI is terrible. It's one of those cases where prioritising aesthetics has hindered the functionality of the game.

    Very often, you'll be fiddling around the screen, trying to figure out what to do. For example, it took me quite a while in the very beginning to realise that I can click on the MC to reach the bubble "Text her." Likewise, at another point, you're required to have sex with a certain girl in a very specific manner in order to progress, and none of it is clarified whatsoever.

    Lastly, despite of finishing the main three lines and unlocking the 4P mode, I still haven't found out how to save your progress―and whether that's even possible at all, which should tell you just how bad the UI design is. Overall though, I can't completely knock the game since you're basically done with it in like 2-3h anyway. So it's a fun, very short experience with some minor frustrations along the way.
    Others Completed  6th Month for You and Me [Final] [Koguma Project]
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Well for me this game was 3.5 rounded up to 4.

    Good art, even though I don't like hentai style that much.
    Fluid animations
    Decent setting
    Seamless dungeon gameplay

    Dungeon grind doesn't achieve that much? All those upgrades for what?
    Much more texty than needed for a porn game
    It is kinda vanilla for this much lewd focus
    Even though setting is good plot is kinda quirky
    Ren'Py Completed  Unveiling the Unknown [v1.1.0] [TwistedScarlett60]
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    v0.10 REMASTERED Part II

    This game feels buggy. I'm not sure if it is, but it never prompted for name even if it probably was supposed to ("Hi, my name is Player" everywhere), the quest guide was always a step or two ahead of whatever you were supposed to do, the navigation tutorial was pretty much "blind guess which button takes you to auditorium, I'll let you know if you get it right"... The MC went to a 0 minutes sleep a few times (???), then there comes a sex scene (with not much instruction on how they operate, but that wasn't hard to figure out)... and it is then night and you're supposed to head to lecture in morning. Some blind guessing led me to the clock, and nothing happened at 06:00... Moving clock to 12:00 on auditorium made... the results of a test?? At that point I was already fed up with the game, and it wasn't even twenty minutes (15 minutes fiddling with interface, trying to figure out where tf things were).

    Lets ignore stuff like Codex button doing nothing, save button giving no feedback whatsoever (but working, at least, with a single slot), combat apparently possible with a button in the HUD... Except it made no sense at all; what was that button for? Where am I? So yes. If they can't be bothered to make a half-decent prologue, why should I be bothered to play it without a walkthrough? At this point you need the walkthrough for basic operation. Hard pass.

    Note: First time playing this game, there's obviously no "previous data" the other reviews mention. I can't understand how anyone can get past the first day. The bugs and issues gave me nightmares IRL. If you haven't downloaded this one yet, don't bother, you'll only stress yourself.
    Collection Unity  Wanderer: Broken Bed [v0.10 - REMASTERED Part II] [TopHouse Studio]
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Story starts out fine in season one but from season 2 it just gets to boring.

    Game is very repetitive which you kinda would expect from being a groundhog dag plot, but its a bit to much of the same dialogs over and over, so it really gets boring pretty fast.

    The the other thing is that the game is all out kinetic just hiding it behind a sandbox...i wish devs would learn to put in kinetic tag even if it is a sandbox since not all are kinetic like this one.

    That also means LIs are forced on you, same with kinks and fetishes and to me thats one of the biggest turn-offs, when you can pick who to fuck since not everyone is into mother/son sex or big tits or loli and so on.

    Like i said its a sandbox game and its one of worst types where you have no freedom at all, you just follow the kinetic set questline which makes the hole point of sandbox pointless and a waste of time, its so bad that even questlines are tied together so you cant progress untill you have done everything with every girl, so you truely have 0 controle over anything when it comes to relationships.

    MC is also the type i truely hate, hes very childish and absolutly brainless and add to that massive pervert, playing him is just not fun and that alone ruins alot of the story and game.
    MC dosent make sense either, first he meets a girl in the pool and just from putting hes hand on her bikini touching tits MC cums..??? i mean either he has a serious problem or its just idiotic and yeah its just idiotic since a min later he fucks her fine, which makes 0 sense since he should cum before even putting it in, its just a very weird game.

    Girls 4/5
    I liked the look for the girls and theres a bit of diversity in builds as well so thats all good.

    Animations 3/5
    Pretty standard stuff nothing special.

    Music 3/5
    Average background music.

    Sandbox and Choices 1/5
    Its kinetic hidden behind being a sandbox game, you have no freedom other then follow the quests and since they are tied together you cant skip someone you hate either.
    Ren'Py  Lust Theory [S3 E3] [Inceton Games]
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    Vexxxy V

    I love the game. The characters are beautful and have great personalities. It doesnt contain a single character that is unatractive or unlikable which is a rarity. I've revisted this game after ever update since it dropped and there is never any mistep. Dev keep up the good work, you'redoing great.
    VN Ren'Py  Unnatural Instinct [v0.7] [Merizmare]
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    It was good at the start, but got practically butchered in the middle. Even the harem ending didn't save this shit:confused: And that's just plotwise. The minigames are a letdown too. For instance, trying to beat the main one in the last days is practically impossible. The drinking one is just braindead. My best guess is that the dev just forgot that different difficulty levels should have correcponding rewards. Otherwise its meaningless to even make them, if I can just choose the easiest one and get the same result. The one with the fliers would have been a good one, if not for the fact that you need to (a) buy every single try
    Unity Completed  Bartending Master [Final] [Honey Rider]
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    Very bad game.

    First of the story is just boring and nothing interesting happens.

    The dialogue has typos and just isn´t fun too read.

    The UI is ugly and way too small.

    There is only music in the titel not in the game which is just garbage and makes the game feel empty and emotionless.

    The sex sound effects are annoying.

    The art and animation are both meh sometimes even just bad, and the moments where the faces have no eyes is just creepy and ugly, I don´t mind if the MC has no eyes but at least don´t make him look in the camera with short hair so you can exactly see how eyeless he is.

    The characters are, boring, but in the end I even disliked emma and yuji, because of how they treated suvi which I don´t think was intented, not that I like suvi she is boring too.

    The "few moments later" "few days later" are way too often and just feel cheap and annoying, the effect was way too overused.

    And the relationship happens way too fast so I couldn´t connect with any of it.

    I wouldn´t recommend playing it.
    VN Others Completed  Isekai Slave [Final] [HotBamboo]
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    If you want to play as a girl in a sandbox game, this is the best choice for you.

    I only mention disadvantages because I really can't find another female-protagonist game like this:

    1. You need to be used to the QSP engine. It will be very annoying when you firstly play a QSP game compared to Renpy, HTML, RPGM, or others.

    2. This game is very grindy, like real daily life. Drink, eat, sleep, go to school, get ready for the period, etc. So don't hesitate to cheat to improve your looks, skills, somethings else before you quitting. Or you can disable some daily routines, like eating or drinking, even sleeping.

    3. Some people may hate the game at first, because they don't know what to do and get frustrated due to some many options. But you can give it a second or third chance. Like I said, this is literally the best sandbox game in terms of female protagonist.

    4. It's hard to be a prude in this game. You can try to be a good girl, but this is a porn game after all, and there are too many random events. It's more likely a "slutty girl life" than a "GIRL life"

    5. Apply the biological intelligence to getting used to the changing avatars or images from various real pornographies. Imagination can make the game much more interesting.
    QSP  Girl Life [v0.9.3] [community project]
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Is a good dinamic history (for a sex game), with good choises that don't punish, but just delay the sex stuff in order to proceed the plot. The images and the girls are beatiful, but really lack any sort of animation, variety, quantity... the game is really lazy in this area. The resourse manage is realy great and interesting, it could use a better interface. I hope dev continue to produce.
    VN Ren'Py  Clover Revenge [Final] [Evelai]
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    damn boy! I have no word for this masterpiece. the music, soundtracks, story, graphics, gameplay. all of these are superb. this game is literally deserve 5 star rating. wish there are more game like this in this site. I have a weak spot for mystic-fantasy worlds like this. I hope the dev keep continue develope this game. I have no words. 5/5 Game.
    VN Ren'Py  Zero End [v0.2.4d] [StolenRose]
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    It's THE best animation in a h-game I've seen. Not a fan of shota-like characters for obvious reasons but damn, the art is good, the voice acting is great, the scenes are great... Even good quality X-ray? T.T
    The only bad thing I'll say is the dialogue on h-scenes is mostly onomatopoeia, so it makes me want to skip chunks of it.
    VN Others Completed  Lovely Moment with a Married Woman [v1.00] [stick]
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the few adult games that feels like a genuine game.
    It reminds me a lot of Darkest Dungeon,
    The music is excellent, and the narration is charmingly voiced.
    I really appreciate the unique art style, which shows the developers put a lot of heart and effort into this project.
    However, I do wish there were more sexual events or encounters.
    I’m looking forward to seeing these aspects expanded in future updates.
    Others  Ero Dungeons [Beta 1.2] [Madodev]
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    First things first, I really want to like this game, but I just can't.

    The gameplay itself is okay (soulslike) but there are way too many design choices and glitches that destroy the whole game.

    Here are some examples:
    There is a map with playgrounds and you have to go up a ramp to reach a Chest. (there are multiple such sitations) You can get stuck between the ramp and the wall and have to restart from the last savepoint every time this happens.

    The jump passages are just annoying. The control is not precise enough and 75% of failed jumps you just die.

    The skill system is not balanced. I almost irgnored every stat except attack and 98% of my deaths are environment.

    There is a stage with escalators which drops down if you walk over them. These piles don't reset with saving and you have to restart.
    Unity Completed  Cursed Pantsu [v1.2] [Grim's Studio]
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly, this is 5 star for a demo . i dont encounter much issues. just some grammar. nothing really major. This is how i imagine kaguya sama with ntr. this have a ton of potential honestly and i cant wait for more.

    note: i call this a demo but its really not. it have decent content. he manage to put all of the foundations in this prolouge which very rare for a demo. anyway you should try this one
    RPGM  Everything is Fair in Love and War [v0.1] [Cypher_66]
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Currently the game has about 2hrs worth of content.

    The artstyle caught my attention. It's decent and original.
    Characters have simple and appealing design, i like it.
    In the current state of the game storylines are quite fast-paced and each character only has 4-6 scenes but i think this will be changed with the future updates.
    The game has futa content (avoidable) which is a plus for me
    Some quests require you to play a minigame for a certain amount of times to progress but the minigame is quite short, so this is not a big problem
    The game is good overall and i loved playing it. Will definetly look forward for future updates
    VN Ren'Py  Become a Menace [v0.1.1] [drezmain]
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I eager to see how the story will unfold once the college starts. Good animation and art style, might be the best for me personally. The game delivers very emotional story. I would love to see those thugs gets avenged, but then it might be less interesting. I don't know, but blood and death makes the story more interesting than giving vanilla harem story.
    Ren'Py  Goodbye Eternity [v0.8.1] [RNGeusEX]
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    Basic RPG gameplay, it ain't very good.
    The game is a bit rushed, first time interacting and the "antagonist" already bangs someone.
    The art is cute and the story is fine by me, if it had sound effects it would be 4 stars, animated, voices and more corruption, it's a 5.
    RPGM Completed  Your playboy partner steals all your girls RPG [Final] [wandowando]
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Great writing, great character development, great renders and an actually interesting plot. Animations are pretty meh, but still a great game do recommend for anyone who likes Ren'Py games

    Damn you for ending on a damn cliffhanger though
    VN Ren'Py  Tales from the Unending Void [v0.19 Extra] [Perverteer]
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    I didn't think we could do worse than 1st.... I was wrong
    it takes up all the faults of the 1 (except RPGM) and goes back on the path of the demo for a paid version with a shaky story and images from the prehistory of 3d (ok! it's true I'm exaggerating, the 3D is far from being horrible but the lighting and the staging are really not great)

    as someone had already said for the 1st game, if you give more than 2 stars, it means that you are a bot (see the author himself!) because it is bad and only seeks to take advantage of you. money with FULL version
    VN Ren'Py  Mother Village: Invitation to Sin [Ch. 2 Part 2] [SHADOWMASTER]
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is enjoyable, and probably would be 4 stars, if the protagonist understood what consent is. In his first time with most of the girls, they usually tell him to stop, and he just ignores them. These are just SOME of the examples:
    -you fuck Taliya through her protests and gentle moans. She is gradually warming up to you.-
    “N-no! Wait! I’m too sensitive!” *protagonist doesn’t wait*
    *Penetrates Rhea* [Rhea]“W-who said you could fuck me already?!… W-wait!” [protagonist] “I’ve waited long enough. You’ve teased me enough.”
    There's a scene with Magna and Yuni, where Yuni has no idea that the protagonist is fucking her. That can’t be consensual.
    and it goes on.
    In the real world, the protagonist could easily go to jail for MOST of his first sexual encounters. That kind of stuff shouldn't be in a game. A girl may be a tsundere, but that doesn't change the rules of consent.
    There are not enough choices - and no explanation of what some of the important choices mean.
    The graphics are mediocre. The (consensual) sex scenes are decent, but not great.
    I quite dislike some of the girls - although I like that they're not just cock-obsessed sluts - which would be fine, if there were options to not be on their paths. But you basically have to fuck everyone, despite the fact that it isn't labelled as a mandatory harem.
    Overall, it would be a decent game if it were all consensual.
    Ren'Py  Wartribe Academy [v1.9.6 Public] [Mr.Rooster]