New Thread Ratings

  1. 3.00 star(s)

    LooLoo Baloo

    I think this game has a decent start, it is still very short though. It's about 20 minutes long so far. My only real complaint is that some of the girls - mainly Vi and the step sister, look like they have 100% muscle and 0% body fat. They look like they've been competing in Olympic games their entire lives. Apart from that the game is fun, it has music which is good, and the characters are likeable for the most part.
    VN Ren'Py  My New Girlfriend [v0.3 Ch. 1] [CircleGames]
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Art reminds to melkor's mancin art, I've seen some ai cg based games but none of them is as promising as this one, not much content for now, no really decisions to be made in this release , i don't really mind anyways not making decisions in future releases if the story is as good and kinky like it is right now. Keep the good work.
    VN Ren'Py  My New Girlfriend [v0.3 Ch. 1] [CircleGames]
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Slave Matrix TLDR = Start off as a [[TRAINER]] End off as a [[Billionaire]] Cause you sold a girl with high demand lmao.

    The Gameplay: Fuck! Train them! But wait! YOUR POOR!!!!

    The Training Gameplay has a interesting curve. You start off with basically... a very generous amount of NOTHING... No tools, No slaves, No skills and no Knowledge. But that's what makes it fun! Just try stuff and you will eventually know how to train! And then you get more tools! more slaves! more fun! But.... Once you get everything? it gets a bit boring.

    The Sex: Plap plap plap get pregnant plz i need moni.

    This part is... kind of disappointing for me... Since there's only ONE pose. But making more poses are kinda hard! So yeah.... Buuuut that's honestly fine? Cause you have a LOT of customizations... From races to colors to special rare traits. And other stuff as well.

    Lastly... there is [ R N G ] Oh Boi... roll the dice, Cause your gonna have to do it a lot in this game!

    My least favorite part about this game... Why? Cause it can genuinely just ruin the game for you. How? Well.. if you get VERY lucky... and get a special rare trait? and buy it for a low price? Its gonna make you a fuck ton of money. like a stupid amount... this will let you skip basically half the game!

    And also? i have no idea why there isn't a fucking refresh option for the slave shop. So when your looking for a specific slave with a certain color or trait? You have to keep... checking, sleeping, checking, sleeping and you might get what you want. Which would be fine if you could reroll the colors of the slave? but you cant. so even more RNG.
    Others Completed  Slave Matrix [Auto Eden]
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    It is pretty solid.

    The parody is pretty good and resident evil 3 fans should definitly try it.

    The gameplay is simple but enjoyable it isn´t too hard.

    The art isn´t amazing but I liked it, I also liked that the sex scenes were animated.

    There are also differnet endings and routes which I really like because it is very fitting for a resident evil parody.
    Unity Completed  LEWDAPOCALYPSE [Final + DLC] [KG/AM]
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Pretty basic but can be good after several updates.
    Gameplay-wise nothing special: You grind until you get enough flags for a scene, you saw it hundreds of times. Though I almost gave up after several days of walking to school without any scenes, progression could be faster.
    Characters are fine, but it's a shame that apart of triggering scenes you can't just walk to them for interaction.
    MC might be the worst part right now. 1) You can't rename it -this MUST be changed 100% 2) He has no dialogue, just reactions and they are unskipable. Bad idea, should've just write his lines as usual or make his dialogue empty so player wouldn't waste time 3) he has a horse dick. Nothing wrong with big dicks but when someone who looks like he's 5'5 have disproportionally large one it looks awful.

    TLDR: have potential but need some polish.
    RPGM  Tim's Adventures [v0.1.0] [Err Yopo]
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I've come to the end of another great NLT media game. As always, I completed this game 100 percent and enjoyed every second of it.

    Of course, it is another immersive game full of plot twists, just like the previous games. You can't even understand where the story is going. Everything can turn upside down at any moment. This is what makes a good story anyway. We see quite a few of our friends from ToN in this game. Their stories are also completed with this game, at least it seems so.

    Gameplay. The general gameplay logic is still the same, puzzles, riddles, brainstorming, etc. But I have to say that a few minigames have been added. They're not a huge change or add much, but at least they were fun enough. It would be great if the next game goes further in this regard.

    Scenes and art, still great. Smooth like previous games. The characters are hot, the voices are good and there are still a lot of scenes. As always, each character has a different personality and they make you feel it.

    As I said, this is all my opinion and I love this type of games. I'm pretty impatient for the new game, I'm sure it will be a great game too.
    RPGM Completed  The Genesis Order [v1.03] [NLT Media]
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Love the game! There are a lot of games with a harem tag, but this game really deserves it! My only problem is that not everything is animated, and it needs more anal and blowjobs :) The energy level is just annoying and should be removed from the game.
    VN Ren'Py  The Roommate [v0.11.03] [togs]
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Still repetitive game, yet another plot with a BBC who corrupts yet another wife, with yet another cuck and nerd MC, comic graphics, improvable audio, but the story and dynamics are something already seen in every NTR played, I rate a boring 2 stars .
    Ren'Py  Sport and Lust [v0.7] [Skinny Rat Studio]
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    A game based heavily on the monologue of the girl Laura, for her cuckold MC, comic graphics, a Laura who almost with her story puts us players, or rather, us readers, to sleep, there is nothing game-like. If you have 5 minutes to spare, try it
    VN Unity  Netorase Phone [v0.5.1] [Le Stag]
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    Game based on the story of a boy who has a fetish, but who does nothing but trigger his girlfriend, who was already a slut in her own right, here too, the BBC abounds with super cocks, now a practice, graphically horrendous, but if Had the story been good, it wouldn't have mattered if it had better graphics or repetitive audio. passable, but only in spare time.Plus it's a nice bunch of cheating whores, some alpha males, other asshole males, but the women are all stupid and slutty, a game in brothel form, don't expect any plot
    VN Ren'Py  Let the Nightshine In [v0.17 Ch. 2] [Sieglinnde]
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    (n)(n)(n)(n)(n)(n)(n)(n)(n)Purely visual game, decent graphics, boring story has already been seen and reviewed in other ntr games, the BBC is essential for these games.:sleep::sleep::sleep::sleep::sleep::sleep::sleep::sleep::sleep::sleep::sleep::sleep::sleep::sleep::sleep::sleep::sleep::sleep::sleep::sleep::sleep::sleep:
    VN Ren'Py  Tifa's Dark Heaven [v0.2] [Sieglinnde]
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    Hmm, where do I start? This is not going to be a positive review, so if you do not want to read it, then move on.

    The writing is terrible. There is no character development and no suspense, drama, or storytelling. It jumps right into your mom is not dead, and I will hire you, without any story leading up to how the boss lady found you. Also, there is no suspenseful build-up to realizing your mother will be your boss. It is just wham bam, thank you, mam. There are no background stories for any main characters except for a few cliche fantasy troupes about fathers and families. I am not sure why this even has three stars. It feels like a horny 13-year-old has written this without any creative writing skills. Also, the story is a complete rip-off of many other titles without original ideas. I am not trolling, just stating facts and this is not an English is my second language issue either, it is just poor writing.

    Other issues:

    VN advertises you can select your relationships. This is entirely false.
    The MC is a terrible design. He looks like a Hobo.
    Relationships are poorly designed.
    There are many weird anomalies in renders.
    VN Ren'Py  Lost & Found [v0.9] [Jun1or72]
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    Unfortunately, this one is a complete miss for me too.

    It's too bad. I like that it includes JAV actresses, but that's pretty much the only positive thing I can say about this.

    I agree with everything the reviewer before me said.
    HTML Completed  Corpo Life [v0.18b] [CorpoLife_dev]
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Great visuals and hot characters. A better update speed is all this game needs now. I hope that the updates will focus more on scenes now than on the gameplay and other technical aspects. Also hope to see more of Varrick
    RPGM  Netorare God; Netorase Devil [v0.1] [CulturedGamer]
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is very smart and different. The art is enjoable an it's in general a project that I would like to see completed. It's rare to see a good management game these days

    I would like to see more races and more variety in the sprites. I don't know if it's a stylistic choice (I suppose it is) but the clients are all vectors, which is fine, but I think that in this type of game an actual sprite would be enjoable.

    Keep up with the good work!
    Unity  Isekai Parlor Simulator [v0.17.1] [Studio Echydna]
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a fun little time waster.
    If you want something to masturbate to, you should look somewhere else,
    But if you're looking for a well-made little game with porn elements, it's good.

    Not much else to say really.
    Unity Completed  Short Stax [v1.08] [Ellabelle]
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    Ravenous [Arc 1] [Lament Entertainment]

    I read only first arc and dropped it at some point, it was all over the place. Plus, I didn't really liked anyone here and got REALLY bored at some point. Story itself is not great, to put lightly. Models are f great, tho. Don't expect much, it's "story focused/romance focused" story. Ha! Sure.
    I'll probably try to brute force it and see what it has in the store at future arcs, but for now it's not worth it.
    Story - 3/10
    Choices - none, KN
    Characters - 3/10
    MC - 2/10
    Models - 7/10
    Romance - 1/10
    VN Ren'Py  Ravenous [Arc 2 Ep.1] [Lament Entertainment]
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    Doctor Shark

    v1.94 Review:

    Call me Rufio because, after playing this game, I am Hooked!

    This is a VN with a silly plot: You're a weeb virgin fisherman with a huge dick who clicks on an ad looking for adult actors because you're an adult and think acting could be fun. You end up interviewing for a job with three women who have never made porn before but want to start a video site with porn with acting and costumes. Basically, Naughty America: Origins.

    Silliness aside, the writing is solid, the graphics and animations are top-notch, and there's a good amount of content for a second release. There's no sexy-sex yet, the furthest anyone gets in this release is a titfuck, but what is there is very hot.

    One gripe is that the dev could use a proofreader to help them avoid using the word sow instead of sew thirty times which hurt my soul. Could also do with a gallery and/or replay feature.

    Otherwise, perfect game. Five stars. Looking forward to future releases.
    VN Ren'Py  Hooked! [v1.94] [BlenderKnight]
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    I love it. The only complaints are the somewhat jarring difference in art style between the sex scenes and the rest of the game and the grind. Don't be an idiot like me and accept the new dungeon plus.
    Ren'Py Completed  Unveiling the Unknown [v1.1.0] [TwistedScarlett60]
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is at least 3/5 just because of girls bushes and it has a lot more content than you expect from half year of development.
    But story after boat becomes erratic af to the point you don't even want to read it anymore. Random shit just happens.
    Also point system that locks you from seeing scenes by meaningless small choices dosen't work properly. Min/maxing relationships and karma points isn't fun.
    VN Ren'Py  Sophie: The Girl from the Zone [v0|3.00] [DavyCroquette]