4.00 star(s) 2 Votes


Game Developer
Jun 13, 2017
i liked the idea of this game and agree if you suddenly had his powers you would test first if you had sence.
my probem i not that the girl gets horny or that the married is possibly getting some with the young girl.
but that its because of me the MC that he's possibly getting some when i could tell before hand thats where it would be leading.
you see i'm all for experimenting but i'm not the kind of guy that would willingly push the experiment to the point that someone else was possibly getting the sex. If i knew as i did just before the next lvl that it was gonna happen. I also wouldn't if I knew the either man or woman was married. but what realy bothered me in this case is the why you named the the fetishes being minipulate Exabitionism for the girl yes. but for the Married man Vouyerisum no don't think so only vouyer was actualy the MC. the married man stoped being a Vouyer the second he started to participate with the girl. and therefore the desprition of his fetish became meaningless. and had i known from the start that his Vouyerism actualy refered to the MC and not the married man i wouldn't of increased his lvl. yes i did top out both lvl's just to confirm my suspiction that the Vouyer used for the married man was incorrect.
of course this is just my opinion.
and the game may yet prove interesting.
Interesting thoughts. Increasing fetishes does not fixate the character on them. It basically does what real fetishes do - arouse one when the theme is right. And arousal leads to different things. Turned on voyeur won't run away when the target of his excitement starts flirting with him and/or inviting him closer. He will come closer, he's aroused, he wants more. And that might lead to more. So I'm gonna disagree with you on that. :)
And, as I understand, you also mentioned lack of choice there for you. It's temporary due to lack of content and due to my desire to show how the fetishes system will work.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Interesting thoughts. Increasing fetishes does not fixate the character on them. It basically does what real fetishes do - arouse one when the theme is right. And arousal leads to different things. Turned on voyeur won't run away when the target of his excitement starts flirting with him and/or inviting him closer. He will come closer, he's aroused, he wants more. And that might lead to more. So I'm gonna disagree with you on that. :)
And, as I understand, you also mentioned lack of choice there for you. It's temporary due to lack of content and due to my desire to show how the fetishes system will work.
this is also an interesting thought however my understanding of a Vouyer is someone that actualy derives sexsual gratification solely from the act of Vouyerism, I could be wronge I'm sure I will be told if I am but I believe they are meant to take their pleasure from the act of watching only. it dosn't matter if it's someone undressing , masterbating, be it a couple, couples or even groups having sex and it is therefore highly unlikely for them to be willing to actualy partisipate.
infact in almost cases I have heard of when noticed these individuals tend to attempt to hide or leave.
only in comics and porn films have i ever known a Vouyer to take part when asked.
as for the game once again i mean no offence but to me the closest charactor that could possibly be classed as having Vouyeristic tendances is the MC since he do's the most watching were as what the neighbour do's with reguards to the girl next door ie. takeing photos, pulling his dick out and flirting with her and then later shoving his cock in her mouth despite being told not to touch only to watch. Actions that are less vouyerism and more a case of being a Perv, a Horndog, a opportunist, an adulterer, he may even be classed as a player???. but he has very little to do with vouyerism.
again not getting at you or the game as such I understand it was mainly a demostraction of concept and game machanics.
I like the potential of the game althought it will be better once the daily chats change to match the story progression and you add more content. all in all could be a good game so please don't be put off by me I like it sofar my only gripe is that had you called the neighbours fettish something other than Vouyerism I wouldn't now be feeling slightly missled by the final out come with neighbour and his girl next door from haveing raised both their Fetishes to the top lvl. although i just had a thought if MC had a Camera for that last scene he could of used the photo for blackmail or to convince the neighbours wife to bang the MC as revenge who knows. anyway i'm sure you have your own plans and I look forward to seeing them keep up the good work.
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Game Developer
Jun 13, 2017
...only in comics and porn films have i ever known a Vouyer to take part when asked.
...my only gripe is that had you called the neighbours fettish something other than Vouyerism...
...I look forward to seeing them keep up the good work.
First of all, thanks! I already started developing second version. It'll have more action for MC(not only MC), I hope you and everyone else enjoy it!
Secondly, about the "only in comics and porn..." part. We are talking about basically a porn game, aren't we? ;) I also would like to add that from personal experience, voyeurs do tend to take part sometimes. Not that I was specifially looking for it or anything, a lot of different(!) stuff just happens to me by itself. I've been on both ends. When I was "voyeured" not only the guy wanted to participate, he actually suggested it himself. He came to me and my girlfriend and offered. We refused. :D
Thirdly, how would YOU call it if not voyeurism? Maybe there is a more specific term that I don't know about?
You're quite close about the camera by the way. Not exactly, but close. ;)
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Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
If I'm perfectly honest i'm being too critical but although I have tried no matter how i look at it i just can't call what the Neighbour do's Vouyerism. when you stop to think about it Vouyerism has an extreamly wide degree of scope to it in fact we are all Vouyers enjoying Vouyerism to a degree playing porn game's, watching Porn Films, going to a strip joint, Doggin (if you don't know that one its watching a couple do it at Night/Day but normaly in a parked vehicle somewhere out of the way in woods or the country side ect.) then you have other forms like watching TV, watching films at the movies, even sitting in a Coffee shop watching the people pass by is a form of Vouyerism with you being the Vouyer but admittedly the last few don't tend to be considderd Vouyerism.
so I apollogise you are right someone who enjoys vouyerism to a lesser degree would have no issues joining in, and i can see your issue with what it could be called other than Vouyerism that would possibly fit it better,
things like faithfulness or faithlessness or even just Horniness might discribe him better but probly wouldn't look right.
so ignore my rants and like i said before just do what you want to do it is your game after all.
because I full intend to try the next update :) Lego or no Lego.
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New Member
Aug 4, 2017
I've done all ashley & Fred events with all different combinations of flame lvls but I cant get any other scenes from anyone else. All the other people have the same 3 lines everyday/everytime I sleep -Jessica talking about furniture and not ready for coffee, Carol being bitch 3 same lines and Ethan re-meeting/me introducing myself again to him everyday. Also never seen any different lines of text from Susan and her husband at their home apart from the first time MC met them individually. Really enjoying the game though, its just killing me that I cant get that special event you mentioned in previous posts. Don't know what i'm doing wrong, if its my pc or if I have already seen all the content available. Somebody help. Cheers.
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Eerie Entity

❤︎ Victoria Shields' One True Love ❤︎
Game Developer
May 28, 2018
Hmm, yet another game marked abandoned, been several of those lately :/
  • Haha
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Jan 26, 2019
Found a few bugs,
No time to explain on the screen no matter what if i click it, it takes me back to the menu, And the book type button next to the map button also does the same thing,


Game Developer
Jun 13, 2017
The book type button is actually a door. xD It's the exit button. "No time to explain" isn't supposed to be a button at all lol, never tried clicking on it, just checked it, the date also works like a button. xD I'll add it to the Fixlist, thanks! Not gamebreaking though to fix it right away, if anything serious occurs I'll make sure to fix them along with it. If not, then I'll do it for the 0.03.


Game Developer
Jun 13, 2017
What do you mean by everything else? Zzz button sends me to the bedroom, eye button hides the interface, back button moves back. Do they not work the same for you?
4.00 star(s) 2 Votes