VN - Ren'Py - Torrid Tales [v0.8.2] [JWBNovels]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Story is average, graphics and CGs are average as well. You follow multiple character stories, rather seeing events from their perspective, which makes it bit uncomfortable as there is a lot of jumping.
    Scenes are quite good and it satisfies some kinks, but sometimes it feels dragged.
    Overall very average visual novel.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    There's some games where you want to push in a bunch of different type of genre, and sometimes, the story line, the overall quality of the scene are simply not for you.
    The stories are fromt multiple presentation, while the tag Multiple Protagonists along Female and Male Protagonist showing, I prefer one or the other. I did saw some cool games where there was some choices where you were able to choose from both. Not here. This is more a visual novel where you follow all the protagonist they throw at you and ngl, the POV of Female protagonist is just not for me.

    weak 3/5 star
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    This game has average graphics and average story. There are a lot of imperfections in there. On the other hand, the game has some interesting scenes. It is definetely visible that the game is unfinished.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    The story is, at times is hard to follow but overall is good and very original. It could use some proofreading and grammar corrections, but it's still an enjoyable story even with that.
    The sex scenes are hot. Animations are ok could be better. I have been following this game for a while now, and it gets better with each update.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    The images at the start arent that good but get a lot better as the game progresses The story has a lot of funny humor that I enjoy but it might not be for every one. I give this game a huge thumbs up
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Well, I hope you are interested, it caught my attention so let's see what's up with this title., Esperando que me deje descargarlo xD, debido a las rewies no es tan fácil descargarlos, que es esto jajajaja
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Another NTR game where I'm really conflicted.

    The Good:
    --The NTR content in this game is better than most I've played. I really want the Mom to Cuck the husband. The story behind the Wife's efforts to please her husband and her internal justifications for cheating on him is well played.
    --Renders are pretty and there is some diversity in the body types.

    The bad:
    --This is basically a linear story. Whether you go the moral, neutral, or corrupt route only affects the mother's relationship with her kids and her extended family near the end of the content. Nothing else is affected. Your decisions don't change the main story at all.
    --The story is compelling, but the grammar and how it's written are poorly executed. You can have a good idea for a story and not execute it well.
    --Why is there a trans character in this story. The whole scene feels pointless. It's easily skippable if that's not your thing and the character never shows up again.
    --SPOILER: If she tells her husband about her "date" with Leo it has zero impact on the story nor on the decisions, she makes later on. He always tells her after the fact not to trust Leo. It's just skipped over and no good reason is offered why.

    --The different threads of the story compel me to want to finish this but it can be a confusing mess.
    --The Alien stuff provides an interesting pretext for the family's change in behavior, but they spend way too much dialogue on it and the humor is more miss than hit. A lot of this content should be on the cutting room floor.
    --It's really unclear at this point how they intend to finish the missing and murdered girls aspects of the story. It's way too chaotic right now. It's unclear how all of the disparate characters will fit together in the end. But, I'm interested enough to want to find out.

    So, what does this mean? For now, I'm giving this 3 stars, and that could change. There are some good ideas and beautiful renders, but it's pretty uneven, poorly executed, and some of it just doesn't make sense.

    However, if you love NTR, but don't care about the linearity of the story or poor narrative execution, then you should go for it. Even though I give it only 3 stars, I will still play it, cause I'm curious to see where this is going.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    underated game! sci-fi wasnt necessary here, maybe even little weird, but all kinks are pretty good and women are variable, many nice scenes and pleasurable moments. Game maybe isnt top here, but definitly deserve higher rating than 2.5 stars.
    Good luck to developer with continue his story.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Grade Rubric:


    Poorly done to the point that it makes me want to stop playing.


    Generic. Done just as well/poorly as most other adult games.


    Solid. Done well enough to be noticeably good and a reason to keep playing.


    So amazing that it stands out far ahead of this game's contemporaries. A stand out reason to come back for more.


    Impossible to achieve. Perfection, essentially.​

    Menu and Navigation 2/5

    Your standard start load, preferences menu. Although the only language is English, there is a nice note asking if you'd like to help translate. Fluid and responsive, but nothing you wouldn't find from a game like this.

    It would be nice to change the opacity of the text box, as the font tends to blend in with the images.

    Music & Audio (If Any) 2/5

    Opening music is actually nice. The radio noise and voice sample is cool. The crash hits a little too hard in certain areas, which creates some harsh frequencies and there is a noticeable jump in the loop after a certain amount of time, but I can sit down and listen to this for a long while. Starting volume can be jarring when you first open the game, but that can be fixed by turning it down.

    Sadly, the other songs tend to be mixed a bit poorly; there are boxy sounds and noticeable harsh tones in the mix that make it a hard listen. I did enjoy the 'Romantic' track. Very well mixed and catchy jazz chord progression that sets a mood even without any visuals to back up.

    Sound effects are dialed way too high and took me off guard with the overall lack of ambience followed by sudden FX. Moaning sounds feel out of place at times as well. In fact, the same moans are repeated, and not when they should be, like when open mouth moaning is heard when a character is giving a blowjob.

    Visuals & H—Scenes 2/5

    There is a moment in the beginning when someone is supposed to be talking, but the mouth movement is distracting at best. I don't think it's work animating unless it looks realistic and is paired with voice acting., but this is a small thing.

    I actually have a bit of a bone to pick with animated scenes. There aren't enough frames (they look choppy) and are too slow. For me, the animation wasn't good enough and actually took away from the scenes.

    When there aren't animations there are actually a few hot scenes and situations the characters find themselves in with various positions and places, which helps to spice things up and keep it fresh.

    That said, sometimes it felt like while there were so many fetishes introduced.. They were like cameos that would appear in the "corruption/NTR" show. Now, that's fine, but if there isn't enough of a fetish for someone who's into that thing for the entire play-through, it doesn't make much sense. It's like someone labeling something NTR when there is a singular NTR scene in a game. It's technically true that there's NTR, but not true enough that a genre label should apply. I think the fetish changing might have felt less out of place if they were tied to the whole corruption theme, where each fetish introduced another leap into depravity (TBF, this was the case for at least half of the fetish scenes).

    Gameplay 1/5

    I spent a LOT of time reading dialogue that wasn't very easy to read because of visual and grammar issues + not being invested in or caring for any characters. Then there was the occasional choice, which is nice, but it didn't come up often enough and my eyes eventually got tired between H-scenes.

    Characters 1/5

    The character design is somewhat varied, but many aren't very pretty. This is partly due to the issue with the textures, but there also isn't much variance of body types. The characters aren't very memorable, either, unfortunately, and that's mostly because of the dialogue issues.

    Story and Dialogue 1/5

    The idea of aliens manipulating creatures by increasing their sex drive and reducing their moral values seems beyond weird. I think there are better ways to achieve a high sex drive character with low moral values than by using aliens, which begs why they were necessary to exist for the core play experience.

    There are also a ton of grammatical errors. Simple things, like the difference between 'your' and 'you're', found in the discussion between ed and Vicky on day 1 on the couch. And funny enough, in the next scene, Vicky's lines are golden: "Whispering: Mayhab be Darkling Mayhab be."

    But the more important thing is the blocks of unneeded text that are likely to be skipped by players, only to be scrolled back for a quick reference when choice boxes pop up. The skippables had everything from exhibition to unnecessarily long discussions between characters.

    Setting 2/5

    Aside from the aliens, it's your typical modern setting. There isn't a way to interact with the world, but that's not a negative. Not much to say here.

    Total score: 1.6​

    I hope this isn't harsh. It's meant to help others interested in trying the game and is valid for v0.7.4, although I doubt the important talking points I went over will be addressed in further editions. I wish the developer the best!
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    Very few choices, including no way around NTR. Story is weak as are the characters and they are all over the place. Renders are ok. Not great, but hardly the problem with this. I really can't make suggestions because it would essentially take a total restart to make this barrable,
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    The visuals solid but not earth shattering and there is a good variety of content. However there are so many characters that it easy to get lost in trying to remember why certain people are important to the story and where is the story at right now.

    If you really like reading then this game is a good choice but for an adult sex game its not quite good enough to offset the knot of a story that you have to sit through.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    Second time today that a game that can be NTR, is not actually NTR since theres no involvement of any kind with any of the characters.

    I feel this is like a senseless free for all at all levels. Theres kinks that seem randomly assigned to character, it feels like is trying to fill a quota of some sorts.

    Writing is just average, no laughs no emotions for me, no emotional investment so i just dont care about anyone.

    When this happens the game at this point its just a slideshow of porn pictures, that can not compete against 4K porn, and thats why i cant keep playing this.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I'll tell you the truth, there was nothing for the game looking at the cover and images, I avoided looking several times even though I liked the genre.
    What a beautiful surprise I took, the beginning of it is horrible I was almost going to close the game but I continued, the graphics improve a lot throughout the game, The wife of the mc is undoubtedly the best in the game and the story with her too, the part from the rain and then at the cinema they made me cum to the point of almost no touch, just for the conversation and the teasing of almost giving a blowjob.
    Congratulations, I hope it improves more and grows in followers
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I really love this game. It is not perfect but has a lot highly erotic scenes. It is easy to play and has an interesting plot full of fetishes . In my opinion it needs a remake as it will be much better without any alien staff. There is good use of fetishes but the blackmail part with the neighbor is quite rushed and brother pimping his sister in public toilets without any background story is awkward . Conclusion: very good game but needs improvements to be great.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    well, the game get me in its eraly stages as it seems that will be an lesbian sidestory/s. was kinda nice to play.
    but the story become more and more wired, its exhausting to read and hard to follow - did skip most of the text since some versions,
    the fetishes are wildly mixed,
    the art is not that bad.
    the lesbian side story turns into bisexual-harem garbage, which is a dealbreaker for me, but it seems normal for this game.

    however, if you like trashiest pornstuff this game will be your choice.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    To be honest...without this aliens theme at the beginning I did like it very much. Expecially the part at the restaurant uptil the tax-driver scene...that was damn hot. If you are into swinging, ntr, voyeur the game is getting better and better as longer you play it. :) :p :cool:
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    really fun story with lots of humor. image quality is good. update pace is also good. i like that you can skip fetish scenes if you don't want to see them. you can also replay to see story from different characters viewpoints in some areas.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    It's not a bad game and is kind of on the cusp of 3 stars, it has some okay renders and there's some charm to the weirdness, unfortunately it's got a history of being buggy even for a game at the stage it's at and it's going multipath but doesn't have a walkthrough or enough of a gallery. Forcing players to grind for hours to find everything isn't so much replay-ability as it is questionable design.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This is very well done. I'm a fan of Sub Women, and this is mostly straight to the good stuff here. The VN is really taking off. I like the models used, the fact that there is a strong consensual vibe to the actions, and a lack of grinding and waiting around. While I'm not a huge fan of NTR, it's mostly used in reverence to the Husband and at his command. I'm looking forward to how things progress with the rest of the characters as well.
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    this game looks like a bunch of provisional, strange and not "torrid" but terrible "tales"/scenes...It seems to me as a kind of wide sticky net, supposed to catch as many pervs as possible, at once...but - where is the story, believable characters, any sense at all?...NO, they just put in almost all possible ingredients and mixed it, and served it raw...luckily there is an option/warning to skip certain scenes, but future, I'll just skip this game.

    sorry for such negative review, tastes differ - one star from me.