Ren'Py {the land of arabasta} quastion about maps and location


Arabasta is a nightmare
Game Developer
Jun 27, 2019
hey right now i finished and intro to my game then i made an imagebutton that opens up a map and i put locations and all but now i want to know how to add a system where whenever i click a location for example first time it gives me a scene second time another scene and event without making day and night cycle cuz my pc sucks and i suck at making art so i dont wanna make a lot of renders for night noon and morning at least not for this version

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
[...] but now i want to know how to add a system where whenever i click a location for example first time it gives me a scene second time another scene [...]
The most basic way is something looking like that:

default quest1 = 0
default quest2 = 0

screen whatever():

        textbutton "go there" action Jump( "there" )
        textbutton "go here" action Jump( "here" )
        textbutton "Cancel" action Return()
label whatever():
    call screen whatever
    "Ok, well you take a short nap instead."
    jump whatever

# Method 1, pure and annoying to code /if/ structure
label there:
    $ quest1 += 1
    if quest1 == 1:
        jump thereFirst
   elif quest1 == 2:
        jump thereSecond
       "You reach the actual end of this story line."
       jump whatever

label thereFirst:
label thereSecond:

# Method 2, benefit from Ren'Py dynamism
label here:
    $ quest2 += 1
    if renpy.has_label( "here{}".format( quest2 ) ):
        jump expression "here{}".format( quest2 )
       "You reach the actual end of this story line."
       jump whatever

label here1:

label here2: