
Active Member
Game Developer
Aug 2, 2017
Here you go.
Ok...I see the problem, but not what caused it. The player's arousal is "null" instead of a number. Something must have set it to null, but it'll take me time to track down what.

Btw, if you open up a browser console, you can see the cause yourself. (If you don't know how to open a console, try right-clicking and "inspecting" the page, then switch to the "console" tab in Chrome.)

Type this, after your game is loaded:


It'll say null.

If you can find the point where your arousal changes from a number to null, that'll be supremely helpful. Otherwise it'll take me a little while to figure it out.


Dec 11, 2018
Ok...I see the problem, but not what caused it. The player's arousal is "null" instead of a number. Something must have set it to null, but it'll take me time to track down what.

Btw, if you open up a browser console, you can see the cause yourself. (If you don't know how to open a console, try right-clicking and "inspecting" the page, then switch to the "console" tab in Chrome.)

Type this, after your game is loaded:


It'll say null.

If you can find the point where your arousal changes from a number to null, that'll be supremely helpful. Otherwise it'll take me a little while to figure it out.
Does getting the corrupted bracelet/having sex with Kawae/ having the succubus vist you in your dreams change your lust? I think that might be where the change to null is occurring. Might be a good place to start.


Active Member
Game Developer
Aug 2, 2017
Does getting the corrupted bracelet/having sex with Kawae/ having the succubus vist you in your dreams change your lust? I think that might be where the change to null is occurring. Might be a good place to start.
I'll be looking at those over the weekend. Hopefully I can track it down. Btw, when I loaded the save and then manually changed that arousal value to a number, everything started working just fine.

Furyous D

Aug 11, 2017
Thanks for the bug reports.

Over the course of this coming weekend, I'm hoping to finish all of the debugging and relase a "bug-free" version (crosses fingers).

As far as having Patreon-only content goes, here are my thoughts on that.

Giving a time delay between Patreon release of a version and public release has definitely been done before, by many other game creators. In some cases it seems to work pretty well, and in other cases...people just take what they can get for free.

Giving content away for free and reserving some content as a paid-only exclusive is a tried-and-true marketing tool, used in e-publishing, consulting, freelancing, etc., etc. I understand that it rubs you the wrong way, and that you'd like to see the "whole game" without paying in...but let me share my perspective on that.

The game itself is a labor of love for me. I adore tentacles, love transformation (of MANY different kinds, not just breast expansion or futanarization!), and enjoy games that actually have a plot and interesting characters. I'm going to develop the game whether I'm earning something from it or not, and it's comments like Awolfe's earlier that keep me going.

But...commissioning art isn't free. I'm paying for that art out of my Patreon, and sometimes (especially early on in development, when my Patreon was a much smaller fraction of what it is now -- and it's not really a whole lot now, either!) with my own money. Text-based games have their own small niche audience, but games WITH art command a larger audience. I hope to keep improving the game experience, both with plot development AND artwork, for a long time to come. I just need the finances to do it.

I understand if you can't contribute right now, and see the "whole game." To be honest, I haven't had the time to put much "exclusive content" in the game lately. What's there is what's been there for several months now (with a few small exceptions). If you want to subscribe for a month to see what's there and then cancel, you won't be missing much. I do plan to change that, but for the month of January I'm planning on adding just a small chunk of exclusive content so I can focus on progressing the rest of the game as much as possible.

I've also occasionally offered a Patreon version of the game in exchange for ongoing debugging help, or in exchange for contributing content to the game. I've already got one contributor who LOVES plant-based fetishes and transformations, and is helping add that kind of content. I had another, temporary contributor who wrote the "beginner" dancing scenes for the Service the Tip bar. If anyone would like to contribute game content, I can likely work with you to make it happen.
i appreciate the feedback on my opinion and while i disagree with keeping parts of the game locked away i would still pay to unlock it if the rest of the content that is free is good enough to warrant it (as of right now i can't really tell in full because of well the bugs i encountered but has been fixed and the fact that i stop playing allot cause of the sex scenes (there really good so don't worry about that) lol).
On another subject if i had my new computer i'd be all too willing to help out with the artwork since i'm an artist but i can't do my artwork atm because my computer is getting very old and can't handle the programs i use anymore


Active Member
Game Developer
Aug 2, 2017
i appreciate the feedback on my opinion and while i disagree with keeping parts of the game locked away i would still pay to unlock it if the rest of the content that is free is good enough to warrant it (as of right now i can't really tell in full because of well the bugs i encountered but has been fixed and the fact that i stop playing allot cause of the sex scenes (there really good so don't worry about that) lol).
The previous major release about a month ago (0.10.0) was mostly not buggy, just ran a lot more slowly. In any case, as far as the free vs. paid content goes... 90% if the game will always be free. It'll eventually be a complete game in and of itself, so you won't have to pay to see an ending (hopefully many different endings!). The paid portion will be a small percentage of bonus content as a reward for supporting the game.

As far as helping out with artwork goes, I currently have two main artists -- one for non-furry art and one for furry art -- to try to keep a consistent style in the game. I also have a third artist that I've used to "furry-ize" the main character's portrait, since there's an (optional) point in the game where you can get yourself slowly transformed into a vixen or tigress. I pretty much have the artwork covered for now, although in the future I might add background art.

Furyous D

Aug 11, 2017
The previous major release about a month ago (0.10.0) was mostly not buggy, just ran a lot more slowly. In any case, as far as the free vs. paid content goes... 90% if the game will always be free. It'll eventually be a complete game in and of itself, so you won't have to pay to see an ending (hopefully many different endings!). The paid portion will be a small percentage of bonus content as a reward for supporting the game.

As far as helping out with artwork goes, I currently have two main artists -- one for non-furry art and one for furry art -- to try to keep a consistent style in the game. I also have a third artist that I've used to "furry-ize" the main character's portrait, since there's an (optional) point in the game where you can get yourself slowly transformed into a vixen or tigress. I pretty much have the artwork covered for now, although in the future I might add background art.
i was actually wondering about the furry character portrait art, it's really good the art in general is really good props to your artists, i figured there would be a transformation somewhere and i can't wait to find it, but i was wondering how far into the game do u have to be b4 u can trigger the start of it? I've only ever gotten a few days into the game cause i've been too preoccupied with the sex scenes usually when i play it :) did i mention they are really good lol, jk i know i did


Active Member
Game Developer
Aug 2, 2017
i was actually wondering about the furry character portrait art, it's really good the art in general is really good props to your artists, i figured there would be a transformation somewhere and i can't wait to find it, but i was wondering how far into the game do u have to be b4 u can trigger the start of it? I've only ever gotten a few days into the game cause i've been too preoccupied with the sex scenes usually when i play it :) did i mention they are really good lol, jk i know i did
Check out the game guide, but pretty much:

  1. Don't follow the mysterious woman
  2. After the dream event (the third night), go into the forest and find the cave
  3. You'll have to go back to the cave the next night and choose a priestess to join with. "Don't choose yet."
  4. Search for the Fae priestess, "past a bridge that isn't there."
  5. Ask to join her.


Active Member
Game Developer
Aug 2, 2017
Ok, I've done some more debugging. I wasn't able to find anything wrong with arousal handling that might've caused the loading error bug, but I added a check to the arousal display which will trigger an alert whenever arousal goes null. That should help track down what might be causing the problem.

I think the game is fully debugged now -- or at least, debugged in terms of the errors from the major refactor I just did. I'm posting a "debug" release for now. By the end of the weekend, I can likely make that an official release -- or fix any bugs that people come across in the meantime and THEN do an official release.

Same as before...unzip this into your Tentacle Slave folder, and delete the previous HTML file.

Enjoy, peeps.


Active Member
Game Developer
Aug 2, 2017
I have some bug-testing requests!

Here's a list of previously reported bugs (from 0.10.0) that I want to be sure are gone from this "debug" release before I mark it as official:

  • Dinner not being correctly reset, prior to the tentacle attack on your house. This results in the tentacle attack not happening the same evening that Keawe crafts the bracelet for you.
  • Quest log weirdness immediately after getting the hint to "find Keawe"
    • <<run>> bad evaluation:["Council Ball"] is undefined
    • "Retrieve a stolen family heirloom" is already crossed out
  • If arousal at max when turning in the wood to craft the bracelet, the "continue" link doesn't do anything.
  • If arousal at max and you submit to tentacles, clicking continue doesn't do anything.
  • The harvest tentacle jizz option doesn't appear the second time you take down a tentacle beast with hypodermic darts.
  • Tentacle fights display errors from attacks: 'Error: <<if>>: bad conditional expression in <<if>> clause: Cannot read property 'p' of undefined.'
  • Tentacle fight gives the option to use the bracelet on Keawe even if she isn't in the fight.

Would you all help me to test and verify that these are either fixed, or still issues?

I do have two known (related) bugs:

  • Clicking the back button doesn't always get you to the right place. For instance, if you're exploring the forest and run into an encounter (tentacles or bandits), clicking back sends you back to the Forest Glen, instead of to the previous location.
  • Viewing your personal stats while you're at your house, then clicking on the "back" link, will send you back to Tyrmidon Square.
Fixing both of these is possible but tricky. I might do it this weekend, or postpone it for the next release -- in lieu of working on actual new content for now.


Jun 20, 2017
In the guide it says
"After the fifth visit to Vivianne, return to Sensua to collect a corrupted crystal.
Note that if you are tentacle-altered, you’ll end up fucking Sensua and either tentacle-impregnating
her directly (if you’re male-altered) or convincing her to experience the transcendent joys
of tentacle sex herself (if you’re female-altered)."

How do I get tentacle-altered before collecting the crystal?


Active Member
Game Developer
Aug 2, 2017
In the guide it says
"After the fifth visit to Vivianne, return to Sensua to collect a corrupted crystal.
Note that if you are tentacle-altered, you’ll end up fucking Sensua and either tentacle-impregnating
her directly (if you’re male-altered) or convincing her to experience the transcendent joys
of tentacle sex herself (if you’re female-altered)."

How do I get tentacle-altered before collecting the crystal?
Go down to the riverfront, encounter one of the tentacles there, and DON'T WIN THE COMBAT. Just "guard" until you lose.

Recommended for after you get a futa cock from Sensua, if you're into futa.


Jul 4, 2017
The only trouble with that is, there are multiple ways to progress in the game:

You can choose to be a Hunter, Alchemist, or Sorceress (or in the Patreon version, a Witch too)
You can choose to follow the mysterious woman, or not follow her (leading to vastly different plotlines)
If you choose to follow her, you can choose to gather "pure" ingredients for Keawe (when you finally meet her) or corrupt ingredients, for the bracelet which can protect you from tentacles
You can submit to tentacles enough times that Keawe no longer wants to help you
If you stick with Keawe, you can win or lose against the tentacles when they attack your house
If you don't choose to follow the mysterious woman, you can seek out help from Sensua, from the coven of priestesses of the Old Gods, or from a wizard living in a tower south of the woods -- or even from more than one source!
If you choose to seek help from the coven of priestesses, you can choose which goddess you wish to ally yourself with -- and there are FIVE of them!

There are also a bunch of other side plots which don't impact the main storyline, but do contribute significantly to several scenes. Among them are dealing with bandits in the forest and getting a herm cock from Sensua.

I haven't fully updated the game guide, but you can find a MOSTLY complete guide linked to the first post in this thread.
Is there anyway I can go through the game with as much control as possible? Including controlling odds of encounters etc? Because despite the guide, I still struggle.


Active Member
Game Developer
Aug 2, 2017
Is there anyway I can go through the game with as much control as possible? Including controlling odds of encounters etc? Because despite the guide, I still struggle.
If you want to go the "control" route...

  • Follow the mysterious woman
  • The first TWO times you randomly encounter tentacles in the evening, in the city, "defend yourself" and answer "yes". After that, you can "stride boldly forward" whenever you meet them, without fear that you'll be molested.
  • Earn enough money (via dancing at the Crooked Kitten, or via dancing in the Service the Tip bar) to buy yourself a knife and about 10 hypodermic darts
  • Go to combat training and practice with hypo darts and with the knife at least 6-7 times each.
  • Follow the guide to get to the Riverfront area
  • If you want to be able to get NPCs tenta-pregged, then find one of the tentacle beasts in the Riverfront area, and deliberately lose (by guarding and not attacking).
  • If you want to be able to impregnate NPCs yourself, then do the "get a herm cock from Sensua" side quest first, before you lose to one of the tentacle beasts in the Riverfront area. If you'd rather they get influenced to be tenta-pregged, you can skip doing that.
  • Once you lose to a tentacle beast, you'll get tentacle altered. You can choose to be "male" tentacle altered if you want to be able to impregnate NPCs yourself. If you don't have a futa cock, then you'll be "female" tentacle altered instead.
  • You can lose to tentacle beasts in the Riverfront area JUST ONCE, if you want to stay on the "control" path. If you lose more than once, Keawe won't help you any more.
  • Once you've done that (or skipped it, your choice), then go see Keawe and get her first fetch quest.
  • You can choose to get a corrupt crystal and corrupted fae wood (which will allow more lewd tentacle "control" variants later on) or get the pure crystal and pure wood (which will eventually force you into a confrontation with Ka'lahani the succubus -- not implemented yet -- after the tentacle attack on your house)
  • Once you've had Keawe craft the bracelet, the tentacles will attack that evening
  • You have to WIN the tentacle attack on your house, to stay on the "control" path. To make that easier, do as many house repairs as you can, before going to see Keawe with the fae wood and before the tentacles attack.
  • During the tentacle attack, knock out at least ONE tentacle beast with hypodermic darts. After the attack, ask Keawe NOT to kill it.
Then you'll be on the "control" path. That's pretty much the end of the "control" content (and the "submit" content too, for that matter). I expect to add some content to that path either this month or next month, though.


Jul 4, 2017
If you want to go the "control" route...

  • Follow the mysterious woman
  • The first TWO times you randomly encounter tentacles in the evening, in the city, "defend yourself" and answer "yes". After that, you can "stride boldly forward" whenever you meet them, without fear that you'll be molested.
  • Earn enough money (via dancing at the Crooked Kitten, or via dancing in the Service the Tip bar) to buy yourself a knife and about 10 hypodermic darts
  • Go to combat training and practice with hypo darts and with the knife at least 6-7 times each.
  • Follow the guide to get to the Riverfront area
  • If you want to be able to get NPCs tenta-pregged, then find one of the tentacle beasts in the Riverfront area, and deliberately lose (by guarding and not attacking).
  • If you want to be able to impregnate NPCs yourself, then do the "get a herm cock from Sensua" side quest first, before you lose to one of the tentacle beasts in the Riverfront area. If you'd rather they get influenced to be tenta-pregged, you can skip doing that.
  • Once you lose to a tentacle beast, you'll get tentacle altered. You can choose to be "male" tentacle altered if you want to be able to impregnate NPCs yourself. If you don't have a futa cock, then you'll be "female" tentacle altered instead.
  • You can lose to tentacle beasts in the Riverfront area JUST ONCE, if you want to stay on the "control" path. If you lose more than once, Keawe won't help you any more.
  • Once you've done that (or skipped it, your choice), then go see Keawe and get her first fetch quest.
  • You can choose to get a corrupt crystal and corrupted fae wood (which will allow more lewd tentacle "control" variants later on) or get the pure crystal and pure wood (which will eventually force you into a confrontation with Ka'lahani the succubus -- not implemented yet -- after the tentacle attack on your house)
  • Once you've had Keawe craft the bracelet, the tentacles will attack that evening
  • You have to WIN the tentacle attack on your house, to stay on the "control" path. To make that easier, do as many house repairs as you can, before going to see Keawe with the fae wood and before the tentacles attack.
  • During the tentacle attack, knock out at least ONE tentacle beast with hypodermic darts. After the attack, ask Keawe NOT to kill it.
Then you'll be on the "control" path. That's pretty much the end of the "control" content (and the "submit" content too, for that matter). I expect to add some content to that path either this month or next month, though.
Just an fyi, when control i meant more like how in the game free cities cheat mode you can select which events occur. Like a semi-debug/cheat thing.


Active Member
Game Developer
Aug 2, 2017
One more fix for an error popup when you lose a conbat. Just posted a "final" 0.10.7 bugfix release.

Now it's on to new content!

So far on my Patreon poll, continuing the "submit to tentacles" storyline tops the choices of what new content to work on next, with allowing a player to switch from helping Keawe -- after she rejects you for getting fucked by tentacles too many times -- to joining the coven of Priestesses of the Old Gods, coming in a distant second.

Both of those choices will get new content this month!

After that, it's a toss-up between moving forward with the "tentacle control" storyline, corrupting the Church some more, and focusing on Athra and Pink Minx. All three of those choices are nearly even with each other in the polls. I need to add a new, corruptible character to the Church anyway to forward both the "submit to tentacles" and "tentacle control" storylines, but other than that...

Keep voting, everyone. Hopefully by the time I've finished with the "submit to tentacles" and "switch from Keawe" storylines, there will be a clear third-place winner that also gets some more love this month.


Active Member
Game Developer
Aug 2, 2017
All right, this is a patched version of the game. I'll also post the release normally, but since nothing else has changed since the last release, you can just download the HTML file and save yourself the trouble if you already have a copy of 0.10.7.


Active Member
Game Developer
Aug 2, 2017
After getting some more bug reports, I'm posting another 0.10.8 patch. I'm also posting this as a game release. Hope this FINALLY works for everyone!


Active Member
Game Developer
Aug 2, 2017
Based on the results of my Patreon poll, it looks like this is the roadmap for this month:

Both "submit to tentacles" and "tentacle control" storylines:
  • Get Vivianne's help (whether you've met her before or not) with researching the life cycle of tentacle beasts
  • Vivianne will need a "live" specimen to examine, and you'll have two different ways to accomplish getting her access to one!
  • What kind of results will Vivianne's new research bring? (different depending on which path you took, "submit" or "control"!)
"Submit to tentacles" storyline:
  • Followup visit with Keawe at her shop
  • Keawe's visit the next evening
"Switch from Keawe to the coven" storyline
  • Followup visit with the priestess of Ukemochi, who explains the next step in your path
  • Dinner event (discussion) with your household
  • Gain a new, special ability!
There are, of course, some things that I'm NOT listing here, so that you can enjoy discovering them for yourselves.
  • Like
Reactions: Snugglepuff


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Jan 21, 2018
I'll say up front that I'm rather fond of tentacle porn, especially well done tentacle porn such as in this game. With that caveat out of the way...

There's something regarding the backdrop to this game that I find more than a bit puzzling. Succubi are demons. Demons are supposed to be evil, right? There are two of them in this game, one of which plays a major (and unavoidable) role behind everything that happens in the game. The other can also have a MAJOR impact on the story. If the (evil?) demons are promoters / proponents of the tentacle beasts, then it's kind of hard to swallow that the tentacle beasts are just poor misunderstood creatures who just want to co-exist with people. It's especially problematic if one goes down one of the paths that involves submitting to the tentacles and/or corrupting the church. If you're infected/infested by them and hence carrying out their will, then you no longer have free will. Worse, your offspring are now abominations. This isn't evil?

In one of my earlier playthroughs I became a follower of one of the old gods, beginning to be transformed into a cat-girl, and supposedly being protected from the succubus in the process. But this same MC was also infested by the tentacles. So are the tentacles not something demonic? If not, then why do both of the succubi want to see the tentacles spread? And if the tentacles are demonic, then why does the god fail to protect you from them? I'm confused.
3.20 star(s) 6 Votes