Super Missionary - Text Based Sex Simulation Idea



So I decided to create a very simple text based game that focuses on simulating vaginal/anal sex. Similar to era and some Java games like Lilith's Throne but focused heavily on the sex mechanics rather than story and setting.

I work at my parents' place as well as study so this will be open, free to everyone hobby project where anyone can contribute or help with. I looked around the internet and never found something specifically dedicated on it so decided why not.

Currently not sure about which language or software to use so I can take any suggestions you guys can give. Currently I plan to focus on finishing the mechanics and functionality and maybe after that we can put visuals in it since a good skeleton is needed for a good body.

It will mainly focus on sizes, volumes, penetrations, fluids, etc. and how they react with each other. Since it will be text based, it will be more creative and experimental.

What are your thoughts on it? I would love to hear them. :)


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2018
When you say text base, I can think of three things one person could mean.

1. story-based game, but you have ruled this out.
2. you interact with the game using text, but by mostly selecting pre-written dialog and options.
3. you interact with the game by writing text and commands.

2 should be easy enough with just about any engine you can find, most games rely on a similarly functioning dialog mechanic.

3 however, can be much more complicated and would require some coding for sure just to be able to costomize the commands. I would use unity just because I am more comfortable using it, but I could similarly create such a game in java or even in C through

edit( XD so I guess I never clicked post on this message this morning, so here is my comment a few hours later after classes.)