VN - Ren'Py - SpaceCorps XXX [S2 v2.7.1] [RanliLabz]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    This shit is surreal.

    You play as bumblemcfuck, a man apparently born with only half a brain. Who is joining the space corps. So you go off to get scanned or whatever by a nurse who doesn't even wear any fucking underwear. And you may think ''huehuehueh I know where this is going ;;;;;;;D''. But you'd be wrong. He pops an erection, and she gets genuinely fucking mad about it. She dresses like a whore, forces him to strip, and threatens to have him thrown out for it. What the fuck?
    His reaction can be to apologize, for doing the same shit she did, or get mad and try to rape her. There's no medium between these extremes. You have to be a door mat or an attempted rapist. Attempted since picking that option is an instant game over; one of far, far too many.

    Its like every character in this is schizophrenic.

    Because every character is like this: A complete and utter piece of shit asshole who apply one standard to you and another to themselves

    After this extremely questionable opening, it'll just ask you if you want to see more. And present a bunch of other options that don't seem to really matter. Then you'll be randomly dumped into another scenario, sometime vaguely in the future, starring our gingerhaired man.
    You'll wrestle some muscle woman, naked, and have her literally try to fucking murder you because you popped a boner.
    Mind you, she's the one who forced you to be naked.
    It was her idea to fight the naked man in melee.
    And its treat as being okay to kill the MC for this, so long as its 'official', its at worst just a bit of paperwork.
    Why would anyone willingly work with such terrible fucking people?

    During all of this you'll get colored choices, which corrospond to fetishes, and if you don't pick them it'll say that its denied that fetish. It will then proceed to entirely ignore your choice and have that colored option pop up all the fucking time. So what was the point of this 'system' of picking fetishes, if I still have to manually avoid them for the entire game?

    Oh and you get sent to hell a few times. You just do. It happens. Just a thing that happens, that you do, you go to hell. And just kind of nope out of it. Its actually the most overall pleasent place you ever fucking visit in this game; the characters on the ship are so overtly mean spirited literal hellspawn come off as a polite distraction from them

    So in summary;

    Nearly every character is an asshole
    Nearly every character is in power in every scene, regardless of how much or little sense that makes; the MC is a total pushover
    Things just kind of happen for little to no reason, like you being naked constantly against your will yet being lambasted for it
    The art is... meh. Its a lot more realisitcallu proportioned for the humans than most games, but then the aliens are just... alien. Not enough to not look human mind you, they look like humans who have condoms for skin, or ugly imps

    But even if it was amazing art I wouldn't rec this when the writing is so relentlessly, inexplicably and unjustifiably mean spirited from every angle, and it didn't just feel... weird. Why does it keep pausing the game to ask me if I want to see more, when the only option is yes?
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Haven't found a game with such comedic timing since Acting Lessons by DrPinkCake. Good use of soundtracks and pretty decent story writing. Despite being relatively new into its creation i reckon the amount of content is pretty hefty. Definitely going to get big!
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I have been lurking in this forum for over a year now, and I basically just registered here in July just to comment on this game. However, I forgot to rate the thread and I did not provide the long and insightful analysis this game deserves.

    English is not my first language, so, sorry for any fumbles in that regard.

    As a lifelong science-fiction fan, it's very hard to find visual novels that can grasp the sci-fi elements in a way that's engaging and not superficial. I'm so used to medieval set visual novels, I forget that you can get it right with sci-fi.

    I have some health issues that prevent me from playing actual games so visual novels are all that I can play, it's very limiting since most aren't very good. So when I find a good one, I cherish it.

    Now, SpacecorpsXXX is IT. It really is the thing I'm always looking for in a VN. I don't remember from which version forward I started playing, but the only gay scene there was at the time was the male computer, I think? I was so engrossed though that the lack of gay content didn't bother me all that much.

    As someone who grew up in the 90s, it's really entertaining to find references from all the science fiction movies I used to enjoy in my childhood and teens. When I first played the game I got this huge craving to re-watch Starship Troopers and just bask in the nostalgia.

    The humor is also very much on point, making me literally laugh out loud at times (sometimes ruining my fap session. Worth it, though.) I think the dialogue is a high point, and growing up on Buffy, I place a high value on good banter, and boy, we get that here.

    I can't really NOT talk about the music. The Run Lola Run spoof sequence alone makes playing this game worth it. Many games forget how music and sounds in general are important for creating a mood to the game, so even the low hum from the ship helps set the scene.

    The visuals are especially great, particularly after the remaster. I'm not bisexual, so I can't comment on the women from a sexual standpoint, but the men are fucking hot. Especially Jimmy himself. I'm a sucker for redheads, and well, I understand why Pastor got a hard-on whilst spanking Jimmy. The extreme unrealistic dick sizes sometimes take me out of it, but really, can't complain. Even the scenery is beautiful and you can see the craftsmanship that goes into every background. I feel like I'm in Star Wars. Kudos.

    I also must praise you for striving to balance out the gay content with the straight content. It's so rare to get a good gay game, and I think that making it a bisexual one with so many choices was a smart move. That way you make everybody happy (in theory.)

    Anyway, sorry for the long message, but if I were a creator I would enjoy a detailed feedback and I wanted to give back after being throughly entertained by your creation for months now.
    I really wish I could afford to donate via Patreon, this game certainly deserves it.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    The game has a lot of kinks and fetishes and it lets you avoid stuff if you want.
    The story so far is good with some very good characters.
    It has a nice balance with the story and scenes.

    Sex. 8.5/10
    Story. 9/10
    Characters. 9.5/10
    Renders. 9/10
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Renderers aren't that great yet, but epic story idea!
    There are way too many male genitals in here.
    I love sci-fi games which doesn't end after 10 seconds skipping.
    Please keep going and then i'm maybe your next Patreon :D
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This is an odd game to write a review for. I think it is probably safe to say that I am not a fan of at least 50% of the game's content.

    The game casts a wide net and covers most kinks, fetishes and sexual orientations known to man which leads it to having tags which would usually make this a hard pass for me. But just about everything in the game is optional and can be filtered.

    I'm probably comparatively vanilla for this game and based on the game's "psychosexometric" (ie: the in game content filter) I have locked away almost half the in game tags, going for only f/m content, with no futa, NTR, cumswappting or what have you. But there is still more than enough content that I do like, with several different paths for it to not be a problem. And the beauty of it is that you could have literally the opposite taste to me and likely find just about the same amount of content for you to like.

    Obviously this does have the downside that if you are picky with the content you're into then some updates will feel a bit short and progress a bit slowly compared to more focused titles, but purely quality-wise this is a fun, well-written albeit absurd and non-nonsensical space romp.

  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Rorschach Weston

    So much personality, so many jokes, SO MUCH SEX. For real the best smexy game I've ever played just because of the immense creative liberty Ranli takes in making things hilarious and unique. Each character is distinct and quirky, each is funny af. The scenes(especially now with the re-master) are beautifully rendered and done. It is AMAZING. Keep it up Ranli!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    While I'm not the one to write reviews - in fact, this is the first time I've done so, I really believe that SpaceCorps XXX is one of the best games on this site (if you highly value humour, than perhaps even the best), but at the same time often overlooked and probably sometimes skipped by potential players for the same reason I didn't try it out at first.

    The first time I noticed this game among the updates and checked out the screenshots, I noticed balloon sized tits, grotesque and exaggerated body parts and situations, and thought to myself that it's probably just another game that tries to use lousy and childish humour and big tits to mask the lack of good story - like so many of other games here. So I didn't try it the first time I saw it update, the second, the third... and so on. Then, there finally came the day I was bored as hell and REALLY didn't have anything better to do, so I said to myself - let's try it out, even though I'll probably delete it after half an hour if not sooner. Damn, was I wrong.

    It turns out, that not only that this game has a really interesting story, a staggering amount of choices, fetishes and likes to explore and many different (be it by their character, body figure, sex or species) potential partners, its humour is what makes this game my favourite - even when compared to some other masterpieces on this site. Sure, it's often silly and over the top, but in spite of that it's also intelligent and often a genuine satire of our society or expectations. I'm not ashamed to say that this game often managed to make me actually laugh out loud and snort in amusement, even though I generally don't do that out loud. The icing on the cake is the author's ingenious use of songs to amplify the humour in each situation and while I usually mute the sound in most adult games - believe me, you'll deprive yourself of a lot if you'll do that here.

    As I already mentioned, the amount of options and kinks in this game is staggering - granted, you're not able to pick a custom MC but are instead put into a body of a rather thick headed, comically naive and strapping young country bumpkin from a backwater planet for story reasons, but everything else is completely optional and there's probably hundreds of different combinations already. You like girls but don't like sharing them - sure can do; love gangbangs with them - can do; prefer guys but are not into girls - check, can do; both - sure, if you want; like futas but don't want to do nothing with their dicks - check; like them and want to be railed by them - check; like licking your own jizz out of thick bodied French maid - hey, if that's your thing then check; like getting your dick and balls licked by a long prehensile tongue of an evil dry-squid-like looking alien female - erm, sure, check.

    Now I think you got the picture by now that the amount of choices (and an option to only pick the ones you like) in this game is on a whole different level and so is its ambition. That is actually the main thing that worries me about this game - author RanliLabz is a single person and as dedicated fellow as he is, his game is truly very ambitious and complex, so I really hope he won't burn out or loose ideas. So far, he has an excellent track record though, the game is updating very regularly and it has been around for quite some time now, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed he manages to pull it off (and manages to finish it before the actual starting year of the game arrives). :p

    Speaking of him, he's a great lad, who not only releases the game few weeks after each Patreon release here himself, but also immediately tries to answer and help anyone who posts here. So if you like this game and can afford it, then consider throwing a buck or two his way on Patreon or at the very least show him some appreciation in this thread - I'm certain he'll appreciate it.

    So if you want a short answer as to what SpaceCorps XXX is like, well, imagine the result of finding Sir Terry Pratchett in his horny teenage years, feeding him Spanish fly and showing him German hardcore porn for a few weeks, getting him absolutely wasted and then asking him to rewrite the script for Starship Troopers film - and that's as about as accurate comparison as it gets. :ROFLMAO:
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I have no words to describe how amazing this game is. The story, characters, visuals - all 5 star quality. Updated monthly and gets better with each new chapter. It's obvious this is the game developed with passion and love and that's why it's so unique among all the other games. Hope to see many many more chapters. Definitely number 1 VN game for me.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    The Gay Tag review

    The gay and straight contents are almost perfectly balanced; the MC starts as a (very naive) str8, but it's totally possible to avoid all the str8 scenes and just play the gay ones, especially since the remastered version added a couple of scenes at the beginning.

    OK, this game hits my sweet spot with the combination of great graphics, funny and intriguing story, funny and self-deprecatory dialogues, likeable characters and sexy scenes. If you like silly sci-fi setting that doesn't take itself too seriously but still with a decent story around it, that's the game for you. The developer is progressively adding new facilities and mechanisms, and after all we're still at the prologue, so I'm really curious what the future will bring.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I was late to finding this game but it's quickly become one of my favourites on here. Great characters, writing and humour and lots of options. I can't wait to see where the story takes Jimmy.

    I love that in the latest update you can choose an entirely gay route if you want, and if not then it's totally avoidable. I want more Sam/Jimmy content though, please and thank you.
  12. B
    5.00 star(s)


    Great content, with probably the most variety of kinks and sexual stuff in any other game around, but it still doesn't have many scenes or character development. It has some very funny moments in the story and the character variety is just top notch. The in-game walktrhough is a blessing. Looking forward to having more content.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I have been playing this game for a long time. The developer has been really good about consistently putting out updates. The game has an adaptive system that allows you to avoid content you don't like, and the dev has even put out walkthroughs to help make sure that you can achieve the content you would like. The animation is really good. The remastered version has obviously improved it, but I honestly thought it was really good in the first place. There is a lot of humor in the game, which I really appreciate it. The dev is also really good about not putting massive walls of text to get to entertaining content. One of the best things is this dev is really good about responding to messages, as well as releasing free content to non-patreons as well. It's really refreshing to see how much they enjoy their non-patreon fans. I genuinely think this is one of my favorite adult games of all time. I've been following it for a LONG time now.

    Note: as a gay fan, it's been a lot better than a lot of adult games I've played. I'm not forced to go through hours of content, or tons of M/F scenes just to get to the gay content, and there's a substantial amount of it, it's not one of those games with a single gay/bi scene thrown in it. But it's also all entirely avoidable. Great work
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    ---Creativity with Aliens (not just elves called aliens)
    ---Decent BGM

    ---That the game has several tags that were not reported when posted (i.e. NTR)

    ---Story line is confusing as hell with no real rhyme or reason

    ---Continued use of the deep backwoods cult camp stereotype. I mean seriously it's funny once or twice then it gets old.

    ---Along lines of previous con, MC is denser that the center of a black hole.

    ---Points felt forced as if you tried to move outside the original character you were penalized or even killed.

    ---The kinks system never affected the regular dialogue. I picked only strong and dominant traits and my MC is crying like a little kid.

    Seriously I tried my hardest to enjoy this game but once you got past the first few scenes it was a mess. Some might enjoy this but if you want a deep story and characters that you can care about this isn't the game. The only saving grace was a smart ass AI and some good music.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I'd say this is one of the best games out here, it creates sense of freedom with how much kinks/choices you can have here. A lot of scenes, nicely done characters, even stupid stuff that is there to fill the plot is enjoyable because of how simplistic and funny it is written, aliens, humans, demons, maybe angels in the future? But the variety is great and fun to look at.
    Naicu game, me very happy, thank you.
    Bad endings are logical (Somewhat, lol)
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Review for version 0.3.1

    What an incredible surprise !

    This game is really amazing, i think it's the one with the greatest number of kinks, and you can enable and disable every one of them, which makes it one of the most flexible games out here.

    The plot is really fun, the characters too, the scenes are great, and there is already a lot of content !

    You really should try it, if you have any kink you will find it here, if you don't like one or multiple ones you can disable them very easily.

    I'm really waiting for the next update !
  17. 1.00 star(s)

    Wolf Larsen

    This game progress slowly with short updates... but well, I can imagine the amount of work.

    It has two main routes, the straight one and the gay one. Lots of kinks as well. It's funny and with some nice fapping material here and there.

    I'm starting to have some issue on how this game is progressing though. It's pretty much because of my personal preferences, but here we go: for most of the time, the character (at least in the straight route, but I suspect this also holds in the gay route) is being dominated. He never takes charge. In the few times that he tries to take the lead, it's game over. This might change in the long distant future, which I hope so, because it's not so hot anymore for me, as he is always being dominated. If you're a femdom fan, you might enjoy this, but I'm getting tired.

    Also, the choices update your stats, some leading to "content lock" (like "No NTR with other male characters" for example). Great idea, but the scenes are still happening, kind of. The image just turns black with dialogue only. And yes, the game is always presenting situations for you to break some of the locks, always assuming that you haven't already made your mind.

    I'll be still looking out for the next updates, but I'm not as interested in this as I was before, to be honest.

    Edit January 2022 (v.0.3.8): I wrote this review a long time ago and... nothing changed. There's no problem with you creating a game with gay, NTR, any type of content. But SpaceCorps promises you that you can choose your kinks and there will be a content lock. But it's bullshit. The scenes still happen, you simply choose not to look (the black screen that I mentioned above). And the game keeps shoving into your face kinks that you already decided that you don't like (again, I also mentioned this above, a long time ago).

    I remember that RanliLabz sent a message to me after this review telling me that would be more scenes with the women without the MC being an overall moronic submissive loser. The thing is, they didn't make a game for this type of audience. They should have been honest about it. Then I would have simply not played this game instead of writing a negative review here.

    If you like gay content, NTR/sharing, or even femdom, you might enjoy this game. But it wasn't for me.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    The music,art,humour,characters and especially the concept are all top-tier ! Love the choices and it genuinely made me laugh, the game is very creative and different from other games. I'm checking your patreon and I hope the developpers are rewarded for their efforts. I'll definitly keep an eye on SpaceCorps XXX !
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I like the whole sci-fi concept of this game, that makes it very enjoyable. The scenes are awesome, the graphic is very well developed and meets my expectations. I look forward to seeing the future content.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I wasn't sure what to expect with this one, but it was great! Adult version of the old Space Quest games I loved so many years ago. Humor alone was worth the 5 star. A very entertaining game all around. Can't wait for more updates.