VN - Ren'Py - SpaceCorps XXX [S2 v2.7.1] [RanliLabz]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This will be the best game in this whole forum in about two years or so, the potential of this thing is mind-boggling.
    The way this game is amazing for everyone is by doing two things:
    1) Having every (way too many) fetish.
    2) Allowing the player to turn off all the fetishes that turn the player off.

    Thanks to this ingenious system of "choice", everyone will feel completely fulfilled by this game, no matter how straight and boring you are, or how pan and weird you might be.

    P.S. to the Developer - If I can't let Sam Top the MC, I'll change this review to a 1-star one, this is a threat, and should be taken seriously.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    wasn't sure what to expect besides the interesting character models. but then i played... had a fucking blast. funny as hell, interesting, fun, and hot characters. and the soundtrack is perfect. has many varied fetishes that are bound for at least a few to be in your strike zone, and several more that make you go "intersting, i think i like this" or " hmm, i don't mind this."
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is a real breath of fresh air! I'm still a bit new to this genre of game, but most of what I've seen is pretty generic stuff in terms of choices and acts. This game is certainly not that! Lots of options and paths to follow to suit just about every taste imaginable. It's also funny and even occasionally thoughtful.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    SpaceCorps XXX is one of the best games of this genre (you know, the ones with naughty stuff in them) that I have played. It's not often that a game manages to make me laugh but Ranli managed to pull it off several times during the playthrough. The writing quality is really exceptional which already makes it stand out amongst others. The game has a very lighthearted and silly tone to it which personally I very much enjoy. It helps getting to like the characters and makes it a pleasure to read through.
    On top of that the character designs are really neat and clean. It's a joy to look at the plethora of characters available. I can't remember a single model (be it alien or human) where I thought ''This could've used a few more hours in the workshop''.
    What's important as well is that this game has a very elaborate M/M route which isn't something that happens often and it doesn't feel like an afterthought but an integral part of the story.
    Overall instead of reading this review, why won't you go play the game? You won't regret it! I promise.
    (I do not take responsibility in an event of you regretting having played the game. All I'm here to do is make empty promises.)
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    An unfinished game yet but with a lot of good potential. Nice story so far and I like the jobs on the pictures. Keep up the good work and it will turn into an awesome adult game for every person to try!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    A really interesting game with no limitations, a variety of choices, and odd situations you've never expected to get into. Honestly can not tell how the story will end and if it never does I wouldn't be mad.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I have to admit in all honesty that this game really showed my why I should consider Liara's romance cutscenes in Mass Effect a bit underwhelming. Those could be so much more!
    Who knows, maybe Andromeda 2 will learn from it's predecessor mistakes and expand in this particular field. ;)
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Good Points
    +Story have potencial but writing is not good.

    Bad Points
    -Menu, UI and Hud looks prety weird, cheap and complicated.
    -Render and animation quality needs lots of improve for being decent enough. They look pretty cheap and bad.
    -Content, renders and characters is not lustful its more like pleasure killer. They look awfull...
    -Story and story writing is weird and complicated aswell.

    For The End
    This is pretty much waste of time and little bit headache to play...
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    scenes are decent, the brilliance of this is how the very worldly developer goes though the kinks that you may or may not have. PS the alien with the teeth that you get stuck in the jail cell with. Brilliant except my compliment would have been her ass in that mini skirt thingy. So far great job!
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    As of V0.3.3, this is one of the more enjoyable and fun games I have played so far. Including the VN's that have gone to full completion. @RanliLabz has definitely placed decision above story here, where I felt it was much more of an interactive game than a typical play through VN.

    That being said, the game does play through scripted decisions, and an abundant amount at that, but definitely pulls the player towards the what-if and what would you do point successfully. While I don't believe the audio cues were meant as such, they did give off the right/wrong answer vibe. Which, to me at least, gave more of a forced choice feel. I understand it was meant more of a warning to missed opportunity, but the feel for me was more right or wrong.

    Character introduction was very well done, and in some instances very notable and fun. The hairdresser scene is a prime example of this. WELL DONE with that intro.

    Dialogs were very well done, as well. Dialect and accenting were implemented nicely. Purposeful misspells were done well, too. Continuity, though, had a slight aspect go unnoticed. The reference to a fav. sci-fi series was early on referred to as one title, only to be called something else later on.

    I can't wait to see future updates and have hopes it continues going in the direction I am seeing the potential for. One of which is hinted within one of the scenes with CIS and look forward to more laughs I am having with my current exploration of the game.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    In short : a sexy funny slightly silly but still coherent space adventure of a naive mc VN.

    In details :
    Story and characters : Informations concerning the game universe, factions and general background are disseminated during the playthrough when relevant and not in one big unnecessary chunk of exposition. Some characters are more flesh out and don't feel one dimensional which is good in a VN.

    Images Quality : Since the remaster every part of the game is on par and of good quality.

    Audio : No generic soundtrack for the game every segment has a soundtrack that set or reinforce the mood. Usually very funny and also some french songs.

    Humour : If you like silly situationnal jokes then you will like it. Most of the humour is derivated from the combination of visual, audio and text. A well crafted part of the game but I guess for some it can be hit or miss.

    Kinks and choices : A lots of them. Only the characters' gender isn't a choice the rest is up to you : straight, gay, trans, aliens etc you choose if you want them or not. There is most likely something that can interest you. Also the number of choices mean either a big harem playthrough or several smaller ones. And that not counting the story non sexy choices.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    A weird game to be sure. The story has multiple paths but the way it's constructed makes it annoying and a lot of times you have no choice but to be someone else's bitch. Lots of great fapping material here, but story-wise it's not always great and often is a snooze.

    Things I like:
    + Some choices are absolutely yours, namely fetishes and who you're attracted to.
    + The renders are pretty decent, we're not talking professional levels here, but the Developer doesn't appear to be an amateur.
    + Sandbox elements are limited, but they're not as bad as other games.

    Things that I don't like:
    - Main Character is a bumbling, moronic, brain-dead dumbass.
    - 90% of the story is watching the MC practically get raped (by who depends on your choices), which is pretty hilarious to watch but isn't something I want happening to me or my character.
    - Game (like so many others) suffers from short update syndrome.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    i downloaded this game because of that huge genre list. I was not expecting the game to be as wild as it was. it's so damn good. this is how a parody should be done. just do you self a favor and play it.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This is easily my favorite game of its kind. I was initially draw to it because it offered a decent amount of m/m content, and as time has gone on that amount has steadily increased in both amount and quality, and the same goes for the m/f content as well!

    The humor is top notch, and the characters feel distinct and have personality. The music choices are apt and hilarious as well! There is an actual plot, but also enough lewd content sprinkled in that you never go too long without a sexy scene, regardless of an m/f path or m/m one. The sheer number of kinks available are astounding, and it's really convenient to have the choice to enable or disable them. The renders are great and very much have their own style, with a comedic flair! If you're the kind of player who enjoys porn more when they have an investment in the plot or actors/characters, you should definitely try this one!
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is pretty much what I was looking for. Horny as hell, yet utterly tongue in cheek. Or cheeks. Or wherever. Also, on a purely personal level, as a bisexual with all kind of kinks, I'm surprised at how many boxes the game is able to tick. Thank you so much! :)
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Lord Soth

    5 Stars for this bad boy!

    SpaceCorps just oozes quality and effort with much love added to the mix.
    The story is just fucking mad - bit like me without my meds really..

    It`s set on a biiiiig ass Spaceship with lot`s of Aliens (some sexy, some downright scary) and fellow humans, you start as a little itty bitty recruit...yeah you`re fresh meat....

    There`s lots of lewdness as everyone seems intent on molesting yo cherry ass...and other bits. There`s even demons...fucking DEMONS.....yeah....and...DEMONS fucking....
    THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELS THEE!....yeah suck it meatbag!
    It`s enough to get an Exorcist moist..

    There`s LOTS of great renders...the art style is spot on...real smexy sexy.
    Also the dev made great UI additions like a virtual stable for tracking your hotties....and even in-game walkthrough charts...what a guy huh?

    My only complaint is the MC is like some red headed step child that got dropped on his melon as a baby....(no offense to gingers..I love red haired ladies..) Seriously, the MC is dumb as fuck and annoyingly timid....this guy has the ability to go fucking Conan at some point...although you kinda can at one point with the wildman ability....MORE OF THAT SHIT< PLEASE DEV...

    I fucking loved the shared cell with a certain scary female was HAWT and personally, fuck the human LI`s I want my MC to shack up with her and get some more kitty love going....she is bad ass and sexy as fuck. Looked like someone blended a furry girl and an orc to get her looks...yeah Orc love baby.

    Okay I`m tired, so just take my word and play the fucking game alright?
    5 fucking stars.
  17. 3.00 star(s)

    Love in a cup

    Renders aren't that great yet, but epic story idea! The amount of options and kinks in this game is staggering and the game is pretty funny. You should play it for the humour alone. The H-scenes are good also. The two major critiques are the MC is lobotomized and the renders are meh. good game tho.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Played this over the weekend. Appreciate the m/m content. More please, and more than just handies and bjs. Maybe the MC has to ease into it given his upbringing, and I know that the game has non m/m content to consider, but so far it's been very tame compared to the rest from what I've seen.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I've played quite a few games that have been rated 5 stars on this site that have not lived up to the hype. SpaceCorps XXX (v0.3.2b) is not one of those. The story is actually engaging (and literally had me laughing out loud at times), the kinks are myriad (and entirely optional) and the sex scenes are extremely well done. I for one am eagerly watching this for updates. I'd also highly encourage anyone who can spare a few $$ to join the author's Patreon and support this amazing work.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    As a fan I am eager to see this game continued.
    SpaceCorpsXXX has earned a permanent spot in my library of visual novels.
    One of the few games I play with the sound on.
    I did not encounter any bugs.
    This is a very enjoyable and professionally made game.
    The array of potential kinks available is astounding and I am looking forward to enjoying more of them so I can breed all the women! Especially a harem with family fun.
    I am giving it a 10/10 as I have no doubt this will be a great game when fully released.
    I am looking forward to its continuation, will download each update and fap again XD