[SOLVED] Daz Install Manager Assets Install Fail with error "Requirement Failed"

Jul 2, 2021
Hello all, this is my first posting here but have been using this site for a short while now to grab assets for Daz Studio. While I try to pay for assets that I can afford, some of them are just not possible for someone not doing work commercially. Anyways, overtime I have installed many assets from this site, along with another website using the Daz Install Manager. I have found every so often I run into one that fails to install with the error in the log saying "Requirement Failed" which never made sense because they did not have any requirements. Till now I could not figure out why so I just put those off to the side to deal with later.

For the solution, there have been 2 scenarios thus far I have seen. First being that who ever made the package, named the parent zip file like the DIM installer package, but put the true package installer is in that zip file. For example, one that does this is "IM00064837-1_COGLeatherVestandBikiniforGenesis8Females.zip". Inside this zip was another zip file and a template zip file with the very same name for the asset zip. These all you need to do is just extract, install, and should be good.

The more complicated problem/solution is for some files that "appear" correct and should be installing, but will not. I found that who or what ever made the zip file, did it wrong and DIM cannot read them correctly and gets reported as "Requirement Failed". All you need to do is extract the contents of the zip file, then add them back to a new zip file with the same name, and it should work fine after that. While it should not matter, I used WinRAR for this but I am sure any program will work with just normal compression settings. I did notice with these that the file size of the original zip and my new zip were way off, so clearly they compressed them in some strange way, or some other thing like the wrong extension was used.

There is a alternate scenario that does not result in a error message, but instead the DIM does not detect/see the install package. If you have a asset package that DIM does not see, there are usually 2 reasons. First is that you already have this asset installed. Second is because the file name is not formatted correctly. The format of the file is always IM00012345-01_NameOfPackageWithNoSpaces.zip. The beginning part is a "Install Manager (IM)" 8 digit, zero padded number with the SKU of the asset from the Daz store, plus how ever many zero's it takes to pad it up to 8 digits. Also, the "-01_" can be a higher number depending on the package (seems to be related to whether it is a DAZ Studio, Poser, or Carrara asset or is multi part asset I think), but most of the time it is "-01_".

Below is a list of assets I have run into with problems and notes on how to fix them, if possible. There were a few others that are not on this list that I purchased and installed before I figured this out, but this should at least help others running into this problem even if theirs does not appear on this list. Something to keep in mind is that not all these files came from this site. I hope this information helps others as a google search never came up with anything.

I will add to this list as I discover more. If you discover any that are not on this list yet with issues, reply and let me know I can add them if I have the same issue. Thanks

EDIT 10/31/2022 - I more than likely will not be keeping this list up to date anymore. I am trying to stay away from getting assets without paying for them now that I am helping out with a certain commercial project. I have wiped out my entire asset database and only installed things I owned so I will no longer run into any issues like the ones I discovered with these downloaded assets. If nothing else, this list and the info provided can still help people, so I will leave this in place. Thanks and GL!

File NameNotes
IM00035093-01_WishfulThinking.zipJust repack to new zip file
IM00039853-01_TreesChestnutCollectionDS.zipJust repack to new zip file
IM00061287-01_KittyforKanade8.zipJust repack to new zip file
IM00063783-01_FGBusinessOffice.zipJust repack to new zip file
IM00064837-01_COGLeatherVestandBikiniforGenesis8Females.zipJust repack to new zip file
IM00067443-01_VYKIrisforGenesis8Female.zipJust repack to new zip file
IM00067509-01_ClassroomChaos.zipJust repack to new zip file
IM00071991-01_SexySkinzSecretDesiresVol1.zipJust repack to new zip file
IM00072403-01_FishingBoat.zipJust repack to new zip file
IM00078697-01_BiscuitsKitHairwithdForceforGenesis8Female.zipJust repack to new zip file
IM00079762-01_HecateExpansionforArcaneEnchantressHorns.zipJust repack to new zip file
IM00080642-01_NirvMediumStraightHairforGenesis8Females.zipJust repack to new zip file
IM00080696-01_202107HairforGenesis8and81Females.zipJust repack to new zip file
IM00081213-01_MRGayaforGenesis81Female.zipJust repack to new zip file
IM00081607-01_StellarSpacesuitforGenesis81Females.zipJust repack to new zip file
IM00081615-01_StellarSpacesuitTextures.zipJust repack to new zip file
IM00081694-01_JaneyHairforGenesis8and81Female.zipJust repack to new zip file
IM00082136-01_RoadRashforGenesis8and81Females.zipJust repack to new zip file
IM00082151-01_MeditationPavilion.zipJust repack to new zip file
IM00082160-01_ZFoldingSmartphoneandPosesMegaSetforGenesis8and81Female.zipJust repack to new zip file
IM00082167-01_SecretPartyOutfitSetforGenesis8andGenesis81Females.zipJust repack to new zip file
IM00082243-01_AjisaiforGenesis8and81Female.zipJust repack to new zip file
IM00082261-01_FGStockroom.zipJust repack to new zip file
IM00082518-01_dForceSteelwitchBaseOutfitforGenesis8FemaleandGenesis81Female.zipJust repack to new zip file
IM00082526-01_dForceSteelwitchOutfitAddonforGenesis8and81Female.zipJust repack to new zip file
IM00082576-01_dForceSummerSleevelessDressforGenesis8and81Females.zipJust repack to new zip file
IM00082646-01_WensdayforGenesis8and81Female.zipJust repack to new zip file
IM00082743-01_UrsulaHairforGenesis38and81FemalesPart1of2.zipJust repack to new zip file
IM00082743-02_UrsulaHairforGenesis38and81FemalesPart2of2.zipJust repack to new zip file
IM00022903-01_i13EclecticStyle.zipEdit "Manifest.dsx" and remove the ":" and the end of the file.
IM00081706-01_CyberpunkUnlimitedOutfitforGenesis8and81Females.zipJust repack to new zip file
IM00081770-01_ElectrifiedforCyberPunkUnlimitedOutfit.zipJust repack to new zip file
IM00022810-01_RiggedWaterIray.zipMissing Manifest and Supplement files, could not fix - I purchased myself, here is the contents of the and files for you to fix yourself.
IM00033937_SoWetBundleforGenesis3.zipHad packed zips inside it, extract and install those
IM00040309-01_7DeadlySinsVanityandEnvy.zipHad content inside a folder in the zip, had to repack
IM00049705-01_JeweledExcellenceSet01forGenesis23and8Females.zipHad content inside a folder in the zip, had to repack
IM00050459-01_VintageChangingRoomandProps.zipMissing Manifest and Supplement files, could not fix
IM00069889-01_LoloforGenesis8Female.zipManifests.dsx file in named incorrectly having an extra "s". Rename it to "Manifest.dsx". Credit to Falcon6
IM00022952-01_FabTexIrayShadersEllie.zipEdit "Manifest.dsx" and remove the ":" and the end of the file.
IM00022993-01_iRadianceLightProbeHDRLightingforIray.zipEdit "Manifest.dsx" and remove the "..." and the end of the file. Credit goes to gamer_automata
IM00078241-01_MetroInterior.zipJust repack to new zip file
IM00080229-01_FGCabin.zipJust repack to new zip file
IM00080429-01_FGKitchen.zipJust repack to new zip file
IM00080760-01_FGMovieRoom.zipJust repack to new zip file
IM00082008-01_FGFastFoodChain.zipJust repack to new zip file
IM00083073-01_PunisherBootsforGenesis8and81Females.zipJust repack to new zip file
IM00083074-01_DragonBootsforGenesis8and81Females.zipJust repack to new zip file
IM00083077-01_MohawkBootsforGenesis8and81Females.zipJust repack to new zip file
IM00080218-01_SunHairforGenesis8Females.zipJust repack to new zip file
IM00015224-01_DinerFood1.zipMissing Supplement file. Here is the contents of the file.
IM00035037-01_HongyusMiniDressforVictoria7.zipArchive was corrupt, original source I tried could have been corrupted or got corrupted later, unsure which. Re-doloaded from here and it worked.
IM00080230-01_TGHairforGenesis8Females.zipJust repack to new zip file
IM00080899-01_CalmLivingRoom.zipJust repack to new zip file
IM00081329-01_TimelessTreasuresHeadwearforGenesis8Females.zipJust repack to new zip file
IM00082622-01_dForceCorsicanRaiderOutfitforGenesis8and81Females.zipJust repack to new zip file
IM00082664-01_DaiosaHairforGenesis38and81Females.zipJust repack to new zip file
IM00082677-01_KatalinaforGenesis81andCoral81.zipJust repack to new zip file
IM00082798-01_CaptainsQuartersEnvironment.zipJust repack to new zip file
IM00083035-01_dForceCrispLinenOutfitforGenesis8and81Females.zipJust repack to new zip file
IM02155889-01_ChieSatonakaforGenesis8and81Female.zipNot an official Daz store product. Unsure why it would not install like the other assets from the same creator. Everything looked ok from what I could tell in the dsx files.
IM00078725-01_SeforaHDforGenesis8Female.zipJust repack to new zip file
IM00045325-01_KillZombieMeleeWeaponsJust repack to new zip file
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