RPGM < > Illusion CG


New Member
Dec 4, 2023
Being a new apprentice in the RPGM tool, I discovered at the same time all the potential offered by the character generator of illusion games, and especially this anime-like characters.

My request can be explained in different ways:
1)- is it possible to add the png face of a character made on RPGMV/Z to KK/HS/HC/EC/CR or SS ??
2)- is it possible to convert an Illusion character into a spritesheet usable in RPGM games?
3) - is there a tool that can do this automatically so as not to have to use a lot some drawing software like Photoshop or Gimp?

Optional: - Does anyone have a link to download the Game Character HUB: Portfolio Edition tool ?

Thank you in advance for your answers.