[R>Artist 2D] [R>Programmer] RPG Maker soft femdom game - Artist and Programmer needed.


Apr 3, 2024

-Undecided name: Working towards demo release, some eventing needs to be done. Maps are finished, scenes are written, around 50% of eventing is finished.

About the game: I am a big fan of soft femdom games, but I think they get a little repetitive when it comes to scenes. The scenes feel very copy and paste with no uniqueness, so in my game I created scenes that have just a bit of extra spice to them. These differences can be based on the setting, the enemy's personality, attributes, etc. I want each character to feel unique and have something special about so players can differentiate them.

Looking for:
- 2D Artist
Preferred if already interested in soft femdom games but not necessary if you can get the job done.
This game will be using Anime style art exclusively. If you are not well-versed in this art style, please reconsider applying for the position. I will post some samples of what I am looking for below.
Able to create original characters, and accurately portray their characteristics. Creative thinking is NEEDED!!!

-Programmer: Highly proficient with RPG maker MV experience, comfortable with JavaScript.
Will discuss payment through discord.

Employment Type:
-Artists will be paid per your terms for pieces of work, I am happy to negotiate price with you, paid regardless of game success or status. Deadlines will be implemented to keep the development of this game from stalling. Slow artists that can't dedicate good time to efficiently upload art are not wanted.

Work commitment:
- Long term commitment as this game will be consistently updated requiring more writing, artwork, and translating. Do not bother responding if you are unsure of your availability in the future.

Preferred method of contact:
- Until you officially join the project, contact will be limited to dms on discord or email.
You can add me on Discord @ BlueHare02
Gmail: BlueHare02@gmail.com

Job Description:
- Ideal 2D Artist:

- Able to draw enemies in battle that match their scenes.
- Efficiently produce pieces of art and consistently deliver before the deadline.
- Comfortable with femdom, non-consensual, and unique situations.
- Able to draw nice femdom sex scenes, helping the player visualize what is happening in the moment.
- Consistent style and able to draw the same character in different scenes/positions.
- Available to take on a large quantity of commissions and designs.