Ren'Py - Completed - Personal Trainer [v1.1.2] [Domiek]

  1. 4.00 star(s)



    Should I make a short review for this one? I’m not sure because I want to talk a lot about this game but I also have no idea what do I need to say here. Whatever, I will write anything I can gather on my brain.

    Okay so, this game is almost 7 years old and the creator managed to remastering it (thumbs up from me). It’s a sandbox game, some people don’t like it but I do because I like its UI. Very cool, clean, and not confusing. Personal Trainer has 9 girls that you can approach with unique stories behind them. Some of them are fine, some of them are pretty depressing, and the other is wholesome. If I did it correctly, some of the girls have a singular ending, and the others have different endings depending on your choices.

    From every girls I’ve went through with them, Sophie is the only one that I can care about. Her story is pretty sweet, she’s the cousin of the MC (yeah I know it’s incest). But the love between her and MC is genuine, unlike other girls where the MC manipulated/forced them to do this and that to fill MC’s sex urges. I like the way he and Sophie calling each other with animals’ names, it’s cute. I almost felt sad In the end because Sophie had to leave him alone again because she got work in another state, miles away from home. Dude got depressed afterward. But if you play your cards right, you could get a happy ending for it.

    One more thing, every music in this game are made by the creator himself. So, another thumbs up for him? Ha, I guess. Anyway, it’s a good game, one of my guilty pleasures. It’s a good game in my book, but sadly it isn’t perfect.

    I think that’s it, I don’t have much to say anymore.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    QR: A straightforward game with good renders, ok animations and a fun story although simple and at a bit rushed with a nice cast of girls.

    Now, I really like the idea of having a music player to change the music yourself, it fits the gym theme and all, but sometimes I felt like the more serius scens could use a different song, but I didn't bother me that much. The way you progress is very simple, you have to be in the right place and the scene happens, or just use the interact botton for the special ones, that's very nice, sometimes you don't want to grind, just to enjoy the story of the girl of your choosing, that's why I don't enjoy kinetic novels that much. But in order to advance the story, for example, Amy, you have to do the others, it's similiar for other characters, that's not bad and even helps to enjoy more of the game and not get vision tunnel on one girl and burn out of the game. Specialy when some of the stories feel kind of short, maybe I like longer (hehe) stories, but I would've a more fleshed out story for Amy, Jenna or Maria, something similar to Sophie. Also the tow receptionist girls whose names I dont remember were kind of meh to me story wise. You're not going to get a bug romance for most of the girls, maybe Sophie, but I felt good and enjoyed what there is.
    It's important to understand that the animations and renders for today's standards aren't the best, but compared to others with the same conditions PT is good enough.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    I played this game before the remake and now replayed it, although the game is better its still okay to decent at it best.

    Some models are nice and their development is cool to follow.
    Repeatable events added
    Good amount of content
    Sophie's story was long and more fleshed out than before.

    My main complaint with the game is the open world is still really not that necessary and tends to be tedious summing into nothing more than just checking where and when the next event with the character you want to advance with is. The next point I'd like to add is that some of these models are not attractive and you are forced to progress with them to continue the story of others. The renders are okay and even the new added ones weren't great sometimes and looked quite rushed. One thing that continues even in the new renders is that the size of the MC's dick continuously changes, its quite jarring. The endings added were nice, but really quick and for some added so little that its like why even bother.

    Its not terrible, I was disappointed with the rework and kind of just happy Dominek will go back to working on his newer game.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    The game totes a lack of grinding and y'know, that's neat, but that's only part of the problem I have with sandbox games. The other, as have said in many other reviews at this point, is that all the sandbox features really serve to do is pad your games runtime by adding a lot of pointless clicking about.

    Having a map and needing to consider time does nothing to make a game more engaging and while I have played a couple of exceptions this ain't one of them. And honestly when I do like a sandbox games it tends to be in spite of the extraneous BS rather than because of it.

    I give PT props for having mildly amusing writing and decent enough renders, the few that I had seen anyway. But none of it was enough for me to overcome my aversion to pointless game mechanics.
  5. 1.00 star(s)

    Gari Fuze

    The story is a complete mess.
    Until the guy pretends to be gay to infiltrate all-female gym.
    There are dozens of ways to make it better just at this point.

    The sandbox/passing time just does not feel right, same with events progression.
    There is a small circle button on screen to do something, but it feels impactless and a waste of time.
    Renders are outdated and poor quality.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    This AVN initially released in 2018, so you're getting:
    1. Dated renders compared to newer games
    2. Crappy animations for the lewd scenes, which is mostly vanilla and in line with the typical Brazzers marketed porn you'd see.
    It's a sandbox and it's mostly competent and it functions, avoiding the pitfalls of bad sandboxes with broken quests and crappy UI.

    As with most sandbox renpy games, the story isn't the main selling point. It mostly consists of quests that players complete in order to progress relationships and unlock lewd scenes.

    Each love interest has a storyline that you eventually finish by fixing their life problems. They'll feel shallow compared to the typical story heavy AVNs.

    The story is really porny, where the premise is you're a personal trainer that fucks a lot of ladies at a women's only gym. The biggest problem is there are no strong story arcs that should form the backbone of the sandbox story.

    By the end of the game, it FEELS unfinished and unsatisfying because it just wraps up and ends without any climax or strong resolutions. Better sandbox games have stronger main or 'core' storylines.

    This gets bonus points from me because it's one of the few finished AVNs. Kudos on the dev for that.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    First off, any potential new player should know that this game is not actually completed. It's been abandoned. If you're looking for a game with an ending, this isn't it. All of the story arcs just cut off, a couple of them without much even really starting. Then the characters react to you the same as always.

    What exists of the story is fine. He's cheated on by his fiance, falls into a depression, and gets fired. So he moves in with his cousin and gets his revenge on his ex by... fucking a bunch of random chicks she's never met in a different and far away city by lying about being gay to get a job at an all women's gym. Ok, I guess. It's porn so, whatever. Suspension of disbelief required is not totally unexpected.

    The MC's personality seems to swing a little wildly. I'm guessing because depending on which girls you interact with first, you're also kind of wildly swinging through the development cycle of various updates. He can be genuinely kind of charming at times, then hideously cringeworthy, or a huge asshole for no apparent reason. The girls are mostly fun with varied personalities, ethnicities, ages, and body types. There are many stereotypes utilized for good and ill. The cousin's story was my favorite bit because their relationship felt the most real. They had an obvious history. Every other interaction is someone the MC is just meeting and becomes hopelessly devoted to him after a couple weeks because of....his sparkling personality? Magic dick? Who knows.

    Despite this technically being a sandbox, there are very few actual choices to be made. It's basically a just a VN with a ton of wasted time built in. Repeated events that make no sense being repeated, waiting around in specific locations for people to show up, etc. I followed the in-game hint system pretty closely, and it was still fairly time-wastey. Any attempt to actually explore and progress on your own would be frustrating beyond belief as so so so many options are either empty or offer repeated bland dialogue. Or repeated bland sex too I suppose.

    The writer seems like a native English speaker at least. There are attempts throughout to throw in humor, some of it is successful, some of it is not. I'm sure the exact percentage will vary based on your taste. But a good amount of the humor is centered around references to now-dated current events that I was just kind of like "oh yeah, that was a thing that happened".

    Renders are mostly dated looking, though do seem to improve over the course of the game. Animations are laughably bad for the most part, basically a step above just having two frames cycling back and forth. Most are incredibly short with minimal movement, and at least a couple are just blatant static render manipulations with corresponding awkward distortion. Though there are a handful of longer, much improved animations in the final scenes of a couple of the girls.

    Overall, I don't recommend it. There is certainly some enjoyment to be found here, but unless you're super into one of the character models or the gym setting, you shouldn't have any trouble finding much better games to spend your time on.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Personal Trainer has an intriguing premise: a jilted fiancé seeks solace and, perhaps, revenge, at a women's only gym. The idea of navigating a gym full of unsuspecting women under a hilarious (or maybe disturbing?) false pretense is ripe for dark humor and clever social commentary. Unfortunately, the execution feels like a half-hearted rep at best.

    The story starts strong, establishing the protagonist's downfall and his reliance on his supportive cousin, Sophie. However, the narrative then takes a backseat to the gym setting. While there are some funny moments to be had with the "undercover gym rat" scenario, the lack of clear objectives leaves you feeling adrift.

    he biggest letdown is the user interface. Menus feel clunky and unintuitive, hindering the overall flow of the game. Similarly, the lack of in-game guidance can leave you unsure of what actions to take next. Despite its flaws, Personal Trainer has potential. The core concept is solid, and with a tighter narrative focus and a more user-friendly interface, this game could be a hidden gem. For now, it's a decent diversion, but it won't leave you feeling particularly pumped.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    Review of Personal Trainer v1.0 ...

    ... as a game:
    * Poor story. Just has a introduction, then you follow each girl story.
    * Poor dialogs.
    * No BG music, sounds or voices.
    * Has hints to progress in the girls story.
    * No bugs, no crashes.
    ... regarding its erotic side:
    * Character design is great. The girl models are good in general, great is some cases. Each main girl has different personality.
    * Scenes are good. Most of them are vanilla scenes but there unskippeable NTR(netori), pregnant scenes for example.
    * Animations are decent at most. Looks like animation were added in the middle of the development, so expect no animations early and decent ones at the end.
    * No BG music, sounds or "moans" (so no voices).
    * Has Gallery Mode. But only u can review non repeteable content.
    * Looks like the game was abruptly completed with some content unfinished. Some main girls has no sex scenes, some has not repeatable content...
    Likes: Rh64
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This is like, one of the best vn oat. It has most of the kinks you can wish for (except for scat, thats nice) and in the ntr scenes you are not the victim!
    Also, the bodies are pretty real, not "bimboed", and special mention to the redhead, she's the hottest VN character ever.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    I write this rather belated review because I think Personal Trainer is quite underrated as far as kinky trainer VNs go.

    This is clearly a trainer-like game with episodic progression. The characters are very well written, but ultimately only offer different ways in which they succumb to your cunning corruption. Even during the wholesome path each interaction is mostly sexually intrusive, no matter how encouraging and rewarding it may be for the LI.

    That being said, it has a strange BDSM flair to it, so despite some crepiness you can end up in a very warm and loving place. Like with BDSM where with the pain and desperation comes a strange form of resolution and fulfillment, so PT also offers some very wholesome interactions and rewarding moments when all is said and done.

    What has been mentioned in so many other reviews is still true though. The game basically ends prematurely when you successfully corrupt an LI. There is no prologue, flavor or any type of cherishing the rewards, it just... ends.

    But from my perspective this is mainly because the developer wanted to move on and use what he learned on a different project rather than disregard for fans of this particular game. It was frustrating when I experienced it, but PT is still an enjoyable experience up to that point.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    1- The story is original, I mean finally someone paid attention to the gym porn.
    2- The models look nice.

    1- The renders look like they're from early 2000s, so outdated.
    2- The story was way too short, and all of the characters' arcs ended in the middle without any closure, so I don't understand the title "completed" when it should be "abandoned".
    3- Sandbox without any guidance, the hints were not helping and they only show up after you talk to the characters, grinding for the sake of grinding.
    4- The side characters in the gym were weird and the sex scenes with them were even weirder, a huge turn off for me.
    5- Speaking of the sex scenes, there were only like 5 or 6 guaranteed sex scenes and they were short and poorly animated, and not with all the characters, the rest of the characters you only get to see them naked and sometime only half naked.
    6- The story was just straight porn, which something I wouldn't mind if it was executed in a good way, but here, it was just boring repetitive naked/sex events depends on which character we're talking about.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    i really liked the perversion and variety of character. i found the image pretty good and i think there are sex scenes for almost every taste.
    I also liked the fact that you can play this game without too many struggle.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    I never bothered until now to review anything but this game pissed me off so i had to do it...

    First of all this game isn't even completed, some characters story arcs stopped literally in the middle lol

    Second of all i dont know how can anyone put up with terrible free roam system which forces you to play this game for like 5 hours even though there is story material for 2 hours at best, also the same events repeating time after time is just pure laziness

    Models ain't much better either, chicks are either more muscular than prime Arnold Schwarzenegger or have more fat mass % than the shoe number they wear
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    This game could have been good, but it lacks a lot of polish and is clearly unfinished. Events don't always properly trigger in the correct or logical order. Dev spends too much time on jokes and the game is weirdly homophobic and transphobic (his jokes completely ruin the MMF and trans scenes)...
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I like it. 8.575/10

    Just reminder, I've played this game with android since I dont play adult games on PC unless I have to. So it'll have some cons that dont matter for the rating since its PC recommended (well, all of adult games recommend you to play on PC to get full experience).

    I like the female characters, but not all of them. Some of them have great personality and good art/visual/render and some of them have uninteresting personality and ugly. But the big plus is (and big minus at the same time) almost all of them easy to fuck. No grind needed to get scene and completed gallery but its too fast to make it interesting since they easily fuck the mc in short time. But for me its a big plus since I hate grinding to fuck. Also why the fuck you name her Alex?

    One of the best thing this game have (and not alot of them have it) is repeatable scenes even its different scene than the gallery and lack of content but its still a plus. Most games have system/feature where you fuck a character and it only one time only scene, so you have to reload or play it in your gallery to rewatch it. But still, after I completed the game, its kinda empty and boring.

    (Its for android user out there in the cave)
    The UI (+1 hour, +6 hour and zzzz button) is too small to tap, I have to repeatedly tap it to skip time, but its not that hard to get it clicked so Im not concern about it. So I probably re-play it on my PC since I like it.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Personal Trainer is an overall good game. The scenes are hot, the writing is better than a lot of other sandbox dating sims I've played, and the models aren't just your typical skinny girl with big boobs and a nice ass.

    I think the main gripe I have with this game is how each love interest's route ends pretty abruptly. Some of their routes seem like they were never even finished and the creator was just ready to move on to making a new game. The game is listed as completed which in this case means it's completed being worked on.

    I still definitely recommend this game, especially if you want something a little different in terms of how the women look. You'll probably get a couple good fap sessions out of this.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This might be one of the most underrated games on this site. The story is solid (for a porn game) and the models are hot. Plus, it's nice to see a creator actually finish a game (though I definitely would have liked to see more content for this). All in all, definitely worth a look.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    Cool game with good animations and renders and all. Women are different from each other so you don't feel like doing the same thing with just different looking girl. Jenna's and Sophie's stories were really great.
    Another good thing about the game is unlike most of the Sandbox games it's not a slow burner.
    The only problem I had with game was -and it's a big one- this game is NOT completed. Now I don't know why Dev decided to do that but there is a lot of unfinished stories. Mayan's story was not even close to ending for example.
    This is a game which you are going to have a great time playing but at the end you will feel like you were given a middle finger with the note ''that's it, go back now.''
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a really good game that's just... weird in a way. What I mean..
    The game has some great characters. A couple of them particularly are really top tier and some of the best I've encountered. I'm talking about Dani but especially Sophie, the cousin. Sophie is fucking amazing and her model is just stunning and I think she has the most content out of all of them.

    The game is weird because when you finish every girl's content it just ends in a cold and anti climatic way. There is no big scene that concludes and just ties everything together, there is not a lesson learned, there are no credits or anything just a message on the girls' stats that says that you completed all events and all girls return to their old routines for some reason like nothing happened at all. The game does a really crappy job at creating events and situations that have a basic structure with a beginning, a middle and an end and just leaves them hanging and incomplete, many of them unanswered with what the hell happened.

    Some of the more side girls like the blond receptionist and Mayan have it even worse. Their stories end so fucking abruptly it feels like they will continue in the next update if the game wasn't already completed! Jenna's and Amy's arcs were quite alright and felt more complete. Same with Hikari. Great girls nevertheless.

    Despite my bitching monologue I really enjoyed the game! The humor is fantastic and witty, the MC creates his own harem in a gym and sometimes he's quite the douche but never too much and the sex scenes are plenty and really well made! What's not to like?

    Occasionally the game deeps into darker waters with subjects like domestic abuse, grief, loss, alcoholism, intense breakups and illegal/forbidden love affairs but brushes them off quickly enough so it doesn't bring down the player.

    I'd suggest the game for the hot girls and the sexy scenes but not for the plot because it leads nowhere.