New Website Idea (Improve Facet Classification(Add More Labels))


New Member
Dec 17, 2023
I'm a seasoned coomer, don't let anybody tell you any different, and I know exactly what I like. My tastes are very niche and specific, however despite that, I can't seem to find any games that have content I like. Allow me to be as concise as possible as to what I like.

I enjoy when a curious female protagonist that is also down to earth yet kind is put in a humiliating situation in which they still personally have agency over the outcome of the situation. For example, a scene in which a young business woman is told by an older more mature male that they want to make a "business deal" in a motel room. Despite how shady and obvious as hell this is, the business woman may choose to deliberately show up and even go through with letting the mature male have his way with her. How am I supposed to find a scene like this with the current facet classification system?

Here's my idea for more labels based on what I feel combinations of labels can't really abstract-
1. Consensual Exploitation: This is when someone knows they're putting themselves into a sexually exploitative situation such as a trap set up for naive people to be sexually exploited, but for whatever reason such as curiosity, risk taking thrill, information gathering, or other reasons, the character has purposely put themselves in the trap to deliberately be used for the sexual pleasure of someone else.
2. Gradual Submission: This isn't really corruption, but more so when a character who was previously either not enjoying themselves or had more so been indifferent to the sexual situation they find themselves in begin to find themselves succumbing to the culmination of pleasure they're experiencing, possibly even forgetting the context of the situation in the moment.
3. Anticlimactic Potential: A story that has multiple endings has an anticlimactic ending as well, in which the good guys lose and/or the bad guys wins.
4. Complicit Acquiescence: When the protagonist of a story deliberately pleases an antagonistic character any time after gaining knowledge of their antagonistic deeds.
5. Stranger Danger: When the game features some kind of sexual scene involving a stranger.
6. Spectrophilia: The game includes sexual interactions with a ghost.
7. Quicktime Events: When a game features quicktime events that make the player have to choose an action before the time runs out.

Just my simply opinion.