Identify Need Help Recalling A Game


Oct 8, 2019
I don't have much to go off sorry advance. The part I can recall is that the MC - Male and his Landlady/Mother go to a officer to have something read to them. I think it was the last will and testament of MC's Father. When they get to the office MC has a horny moment and then speak to Landlady/Mother and this leads them to another room after the Landlady/Mother speaks to another asking for privacy I think. Then they have a H-moment in this room. I think I recall the mother being in a office dress, Skirt and fine dress top and I think I recall when the reading of the last will and testament of MC's father is read he leaves it to his son and the mother gets little to nothing. The game was Ren'Py I feel, it was a VN if I recall right. Any hints would help. Please/Thank you.


Oct 8, 2019
It's been a looooong while since I played these so I honestly don't know if they have that specific scene, but they came to my mind while reading your description.

Glimpses of the Past
53x Homecoming
Not what I was looking for, but thanks for recalling 53x Homecoming, that was such a great game, sad to see it abandoned. I will keep the dig going.. going to strike gold at sometime. Thank you for you time.
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