VN Unreal Engine My Thought, Goals and Questions on using UE4..


New Member
Oct 15, 2018
I've posted this on the Discord, but since there may be people who aren't there, and while i got fantastic feedback from a couple of people there, i am nowhere near done with my questions and thought on the subject, i will make a thread here aswell. If it's not the proper place sorry, just tell me the right forum and i will re-post it there! So...

As i have posted here from time to time, i'm developing something small - proof of concept,really, and as i am making real strides with the art side of things, i was thinking lately for the engine i'm gonna use. Now the game is somewhat simillar with the rest out there - meaning point and click to go places, open dialogues, scene and of course progress the story.

Obviously Ren'Py is what 86% of the people use, but i come from a 3d art for video games background and the whole scripting aspect is little scary. So here is my question and of course all kinds of opinions are welcomed, as long as you ain't being dicks about it :).

I was thinking, as i have some experience in it, of trying to do my project inside UE4, for a few reasons:

1. If the game is interesting to people and they decide to support me and the project, i intend of implementing minigames, quest systems, character progression, which i know how to do in Unreal and with the blueprints system without the dread of scripting.

2. With just a little tweak, I am thinking of trying out creating cinematic scenes with the UE seqeuncer toolkit.

3. As most of the games we see on the market, the MC has multiple choices to drive the storyline forward. In the future (once again if the demo is intruiging enough, for people to support it) I was thinking of making a stat system, where you can see how many people played the game , using the same path (gonna be honest guys, i loved this concept when playing Detroit: Become Human), perhaps minigames leaderboards.

So the only thing that i don't actually get is the principal approach of it all. Do i use widgets and structures for the dialogue with blueprint to drive the visuals? Do i set up a canvas on the main camera (i believe people do this inside Unity)? So yeah.....if anyone of you amazing people here knows more on the subject or have experience in this engine, give me a buzz here or on DM and we can talk more on the topic and the project i have in mind!

Cheers, Jon
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Mar 9, 2018
I stumbled upon .
Haven't watched all the videos but from from what I understand it might help you in your project :)
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Mar 7, 2017
I'm a programmer so the time I've spent in UE4 (about a year and a half all told) didn't really touch on blueprints much and it was a couple of years ago now so may be out of date. What I will say is for anything you're doing that involves modifying or interacting with the UI make sure it works before you put time into anything else.

From the C++ side of things trying to do anything with the UI was absolute hell on earth, the engine isn't even set up to allow direct access to the UI from scripts by default and required modifying configs and adding files and just... ugh, even then it didn't actually work.

As I said, it may be vastly different from the blueprints side or they may have fixed the issue, just something to check.


New Member
Oct 15, 2018
I stumbled upon .
Haven't watched all the videos but from from what I understand it might help you in your project :)
hm....took a quick peek, it is wierdly simillar to the aproach i am taking in testing! :) Thank you for the response man, appreciate it !!

DreamBig Games

Active Member
Game Developer
May 27, 2017
I'm working on a ue4 game:

, and I'm heavily using UMG's... I'm still learning stuff, but if you want to ask something, feel free to join my Discord :