VN - Ren'Py - Monster College [v0.8.4] [Monster Eye Games]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    This AVN is a school-based story where all the horror film/pop-culture monsters (and, some that are unique to this AVN) are present as characters for the MC to interact with.

    Overall, the game is worth it if you like monster girls. The variety of LIs is pretty significant, the models and sex appeal of the LIs are good, and there are various harem and non-harem options. Most of the storytelling revolves around the incompetence/dbaggery of other male characters and various side quests for the female characters, with an over-arching plot driver that has very little development and isn't treated seriously within the story. (It should be way more significant and a student should not be working harder to solve it than the faculty. More below.) The story is blissfully free of the mundane and uninteresting activities of day to day life. I'm not in favor of roleplaying taking a dump or brushing my teeth. But, there are problems.

    The major issues with this game are kind of typical:
    1. The translations are not great, probably especially bad in English.
    2. Because of the poor spelling/grammar, the dialog choices are sometimes hard to properly interpret and meaning of certain things in the story are easily misunderstood.
    3. The story doesn't seem to have any real purpose. It seems to meander around, bouncing from girl to girl, like a pinball in a pinball machine. Almost all the story events are just solving issues the girls around the MC are having. The story is an after thought, whose purpose is provide opportunities to meet hot chicks.
    4. None of the characters are really believable, monster attributes aside. And, the poor English really constributes to the problems with characters.
    5. The main plot-driving part of the story is something that the reader is supposed to be invested in, but the MC and the other characters generally aren't working on it much (And, not very effectively, when they do.)

    If you just skip through for the scenes, with a guide in hand, there are some very sexy models and scenes If you like monster girls. This is huge fan service to that. It's worth bit of time for the sex scenes, but it mostly needs better translations and a commitment to the story. Why else have a story at all?
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Reviewing 0.84 (I'll try to keep this as spoiler free as possible):

    Plot/Story: This game has a pretty interesting storyline. It is a mystery game with the supernatural out in the open and copious opportunities to romance the girl you're interested in. The mystery unfolds over time as you'd expect. The full mystery has yet to be completely revealed so I can't say if it will be worth the effort, but so far, so good.

    Characters: The characters are pretty good, though I will say some feel a bit formulaic like ones out of those old teen sex comedies like Porky's. Still, there are interesting motivations that don't feel stereotypical in most cases.

    Art: The art in this story is good. They do a good job of embodying the supernatural while trying to keep things sexy. For example, it's almost impossible to make a zombie sexy as they're more-or-less just rotting corpses animated, but this game pulls it off. The environments feel real and lived-in.

    Harem or Not: This is the absolute weakest part of this AVN and it is the main reason I deducted a star. When this game was first released, the dev gave it a harem tag and this game is absolutely built like a harem-focused story. It was later removed because it is not actually a harem game. In harem games, every love interest is into you, almost from the start. In these games the story unfolds because of the characters who are interested in the MC. You can turn down someone in a harem game if you want, but you're probably going to crush their hopes and dreams. This game is built like that. Every potential love interest needs your help and if you help them in any way or show interest in them, nearly all of them will fall madly in love with you and will be crushed if you end up turning them down. If you romance them all, though, you'll get away with it for a while, but you'll be forced to make a choice at some point after getting nearly everyone mad at you. I'm all for non-harem games that have multiple potential love interests, but when there is no good way to be friends with those who you aren't romantically interested in, then I have a problem. If you play this game, make a choice right up front who you are going to pursue and then be an asshole to everyone else, because it is the only way to avoid getting involved with almost all potential love interests.

    Overall: If being an asshole to any LIs you don't want to pursue doesn't turn you off, Monster College is shaping up to be a fun mystery-focused AVN.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    I enjoy the overall narrative and the characters but the moment to moment writing is incredibly hit and miss. Some of it is decent but there's a good bit of 'its so bad it's good!' and also just some plain bad.

    Visually the game is alright but I find that there's a lot of superfluous animations. Not saying they weren't good but a good chunk of them don't really add anything.

    There's music and sound effects, but they didn't really work for me so I muted them, as is tradition.

    All told I quite enjoyed the it, even if I felt like I was doing so kinda in spite of itself for at least a third of it.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    User Interface:.....4/10
    User Experience:....7/10
    Avg:..............6.29/10 [3.15/5]

    You know, I REALLY want to like this game. I love monster girls. And not in the "Girls with animal ears are monsters" type of way. Like actual part monster, half-woman half-spider(doesn't matter which half), way. Meaning, I'M the prime demographic for the idea of the visuals of this game. I'm sure DAZ has a limited library of monster girls, seeing as the ones in this game aren't the best. And the vampires have fangs on the wrong teeth. Which I'm willing to look past, but something about the composition of all the shots in this don't do it for me. A lot of empty negative space, never been a fan of extra soft lighting, and the angles are all strange. Which is odd, how can you animate a werewolf transformation but have shitty camera angles? It also opens to Anne giving off weird vibes, is she supposed to be sexy and alluring? Because she's not. And yet again, MC is a psychology student. I still do not understand why people write stories where MC is a psychologist, as if it's desirable or he'll manipulate people, but then he acts like an idiot the whole time. Honestly, I think it's just a way to justify having MC finish everyone's sentences. The dad speaks to MC like he's a child on top of it. "That's right son, here's a gold star." I also don't understand how a werewolf goes bald. Isn't hair part of the package? And this even has a section where a character says "Isn't psychology used to seduce women?" They try to say no, but at any and every opportunity, the writer tries to make it clear MC is using his psychology studies to "seduce" these women. But if you have more than two brain cells, you can see 90% of it is love at first sight. Anyway those are my initial gripes, lemme get through the story.

    You play as MC, who I can only characterize as a sterotypical 80/90s jock, that has a girlfriend that's obsessed with him? I don't know, she seems like it. Either way, she wants him to move in with her but he's worried about his dad. He also does the totally not insecure thing of yelling "I'm not an insecure person!" So you're given a few choices about being in love with this girl that you, the player, have known for about 48 seconds. I guess it's more just "Future anne content" choices. They have sex, he transforms into a werewolf, he runs away, she gets sad. And outside a few sentences about leaving his old life, Anne is almost NEVER mentioned again(until suddenly she appears later). Then you get MC bumbling around meeting all the women and for no reason they all find him charming or his reputation precedes him. What reputation? Most of the characters actively say they don't like talking to all the other characters you meet. Who's already spread rumors about him? And you get no leading lines like "Alright I have to head to the library" or whatever, the scenes just end and MC's dopey ass face is staring at some new girl in a completely different location at a completely different time. So much of this is written like a jock that thinks emo/scene girls are sexy and different. Because they're all monsters, gotta be goth, right? But really, it all ends up being the same "MC goes to college to experience sex" story that is everywhere, except everyone put on halloween masks for the fetish of your choosing. And if anyone says differently, between every conversation MC rehashes every way he finds the girl he just talked to sexy. The most annoying part of most of these games is the horny brain bullshit. This one is constant. There's more dialogue from the MC's thoughts about how sexy or how much he wants to have sex with these women, than actual dialogue. The only decent male character is Lenny but it's so obviously a ripoff of Norm Macdonald's character in The Orville, so it's cheapened a little.

    So MC does the typical jaunt from set piece to set piece learning about all the women "Ah, I'm a monster but I'm so different. But I'm so normal." You know the deal, learn their one personality trait and decide who is your favorite. And I hope you like barbie doll proportions(minus one scene where suzy suddenly had small tits in the art room), because outside of Rachel and Grace, all of them have the exact same body type. Yeah, it's appealing, I guess, but they're supposed to be monsters, diversity is part of the allure. The only ugly person in this is MC, and it's made worse with his wolf mutton chops. Add tot the fact that werewolves are just not appealing to me. That's closer to furry territory. I guess a main story point is the Menehune Stone being stolen. It just kinda crops up in random conversations after that. Like "Wow, you're fun to be around. You know about that stolen rock?" There's minor side stories that sort of go places. But the only noteable one is with Maxine, and not because the story is good. It's actually because MC is told "No." for the first (and only) time the entire story, and throws a giant hissy fit to Olga because he can't get a book. I thought he wasn't insecure? Where'd the big man go now that he's told no? And there's two entire sections where MC sneaks to Dragomira's house and says what he'd wanna do to her. He also comments about how sad she looks, but not only is he never looking at her face, he's also behind her. Only the camera can see her face so how would he know? The horny brain insert is already the MAJORITY of the writing in this, making me listen to two idiots drool during a fucking panty raid is almost torture. Not to mention the plethora of non-choices. There's so many times it gives you a bunch of choices, only for MC or someone else to just give the answer. So basically, "No, reader, you're wrong and stupid. Let me make the choice for you." What is the point of giving me a choice, if there is no choice? I wouldn't say that if it was there for emphasis or flavor text, but this is clearly just "Making that branch of story would be a pain in the ass."

    MC meets: Rachel the rainbow colored vampire that, as soon as you get to know her, ditches the one thing she was trying to fight for. Her modern style. Dragomira the ancient femdom vampire. Olga, a ragdoll that pretty much tells you "We're going to have sex right here" when she says she doesn't want immoral acts in her library. She's also, arguably, the most fleshed out story in this. Lily, the jealous gorgon that just disappears. Her intro is one of the most drawn out segments in which MC uses his cringey psychotherapy to analyze her mannerisms. Dean Sharp is the one I am most interested in, at least visually, she's also the only one that doesn't fall for MC's shit. So, even though I like her, here's hoping she's not part of MC's escapades. Emily the friendly ghost. Literally just casper. Kyle the virgin vampire, he's included on this list solely because he's a joke. Sofia the teenage witch. Just a jab at Sabrina or Wednesday Addams, depending on who you wanna ask. She's the tsundere because her ex died. She's ALMOST a decent character, but ends up being one note and grating. And MC trying REALLY hard to tell you that she's likeable beyond "She's physically attractive" is a joke. Shosha, Grace and Suzy is one of the only times the game ever branches. And even then, it's 1 or 2 points for that character. Hippie, fast and loose, and nervous are their characters, respectively. Grace gets a tiny bit of exposition later, but really they feel like side characters. MC continues his "people reading" here as well. The last two big ones are Maxine and Nina. Max is a zombie that's losing her marbles. And Nina is being pushed REALLY hard to be the face of this VN. She's a weird combo of dom and sub and demands MC is the Alpha. And given the playerbase on this site, none of them will like her because she's been fucking the only other werewolf most of the game. I don't care either way, but a lot of weirdos get uppity about women in these games. So you're welcome for enlightening you. And they do this "There's something mystical about her that I like." That's called hormones and being horny. Look it up. She also says it was Alex's fault she almost died, but last time I checked, MC threw her off a cliff. But anyway, that dumb trope in writing where you, the reader, will never know, feel, or understand WHY they have feelings for each other? They do this here with balloon titties. And Maxine's first mistake makes no sense as Max and Nina went to the showers TOGETHER. How did she just decide to go to the mens shower?

    With all the psychology stuff, nobody cares. Are there sad sacks that WANT to believe all of that and even try it? Sure. But it's universally known that guys that do it are jokes. All MC's internal monologues about how someone's sitting or acting just say to the player: "I DON'T THINK YOU KNOW WHY I POSED THE CHARACTER THIS WAY" or "LOOK SHE WANTS THE SEX" And it's completely undermined by MC constantly having to say how horny he is, or how sexy so and so is. He's not smart, he's not witty, he's not charming. The only time he's done anything in this story to fit those categories, is catching Lily, and helping Rachel. Every other time he's just been present for the event to happen. MC even gushes that he meets Prof. Wilson, like this stuff matters later on, at all. And you, the player, are given no agency on how to feel about any of the characters because MC tells you how he's going to feel. Your only input is "Sex? Yes or no?" He'll say fluffy romance speak, then say he's horny for her, then say how much dick she wants. Are we supposed to like this guy? He's pretty annoying. Did you know? It is, in fact, possible to get sex when your entire persona isn't about getting laid. Astonishing, I know. I get it, it's an AVN. But they can be about more than just having sex. Or at least lower the amount of commentary MC has. There's something offputting about someone telling you someone else is hot. Let me come to my own conclusions.

    The English is almost good. There's a lot of phrasing and stuff that needs work, as well as sentences that don't make some sense. But It has 4 languages so I'm a little more lenient towards having many okay translations over just google translating one draft to the masses. The UI/UX is default minus two screens and a font. Customize it all. This ALSO has the window title "A Renpy Game" and I know full well it's because instead of changing "show_name" to false, they deleted the title variable. Simple fixes overlooked... Negligence or laziness. The Art is hit and miss. Like I said, I love monster women. But aside from a couple of them, I've seen all this before. On top of the animations being not that great. Nina's fight moves? Her arm is insider her breasts more than out. Rachel's walk cycle? Her feet, the FOCUS of that shot, were sinking into the floor. I don't know, like I said, hit or miss. Even the banner art has Sofia clipping into Grace. And most of the womens' nipples poke through their clothes. The dialogue, when MC isn't thinking about how hot someone is, or just isn't speaking, is fine. But he drags it way down. It's a shame, really. The story is... Minimal but not bad. I guess, to put it politely. Guy learns he's a werewolf and bad things start to happen at the school. I enjoy sparse story beats that are handled well, and this seems to do it. It's just a shame that the in-betweens of MC being an actual slobbering moron exist. I said it before, I really want to like this. There's, what? Two, maybe three, AVNs that have monster women. So I get what scraps I'm given. But the dialogue, ESPECIALLY from MC need to be improved. He's a dumb thumb head that tries to act sympathetic, but he's just staring under their skirt the whole time. Not a fan of that.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    The MC is charismatic, funny and has a good heart, which is something that I appreciate. The only thing I dislike about him is some incongruities with his behaviour in certain scenes. With some girls he acts super confident, being very sharp and flirty; and with others he acts like a virgin who has never seen talked to a woman. Doesn't make much sense. He's also quite stupid in some specific moments.

    The graphics, models, and animations are excellent. Some of the best I've seen in VNs. Magical creatures in other Vs tend to use low res and very basic models that look cheap, but in this one they are all greatly modelled and designed and look great! The girls are all beautiful imo and the vast majority are different from the ones you often see used once and again in multiple VNs.

    I don't care much about sex scenes, but I would say that they are fine. The only one I really disliked is the one with Dragomira. The characters suddenly turns into a cuck and an insecure teenager and well, I just skipped it (even though Dragomira is the girl I find the most attractive) 'cause it was just too cringy.

    The story and dialogues are good enough. There are still some things to unveil, and I am genuinely interested to see how it all ends. There is a harem route which is appreciated. Very recommended VN.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Story: ★★★★
    Dialogue: ★★★★
    3D Models: ★★★★★
    Sex scenes: ★★★★★

    Additional comments: I liked the horror theme.
    I did experience a bug in v0.7.13 that I had to click ignore
    on a number of times during the game in order to advance,
    because of this I am subtracting one star.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This games less than a year old but the amount of content makes an embarrassment out of a lot of more established creators, I thought this game had been out for years there's so much to it.

    The only fault is that the dialogue can be iffy at times but the story is one of the most original, I mean others have tried the Harry Potter esque theme but they rarely put the effort in, there is a lot of effort put into model creativity and character variety, as well as story elements. What the MC and the girls are matters to their story, it's not simply college game with a monster coating. One of the best sex scenes decently utilized the MC's monster powers and the female models are excellent.

    Heavily recommend, Dragomira supremacy.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    This is an OK game if you're into the setting (Harry Potter-like fantasy for teenagers with edgy monsters). I don't like the writing/story, it's really like a generic monster novel for teenagers, but I wouldn't say it's bad. If you're ok with it, I recommend playing the game. Renders are nice, models are unique (I'm not that into this kinda realistic 3D monster girl style, but again, it's a matter of taste), UI/gameplay is great, so the game has some really good qualities.

    My main isssue with the game is the endless inner monologue of the MC. It has no real added value, no extra information, just unnecessary blabbering about nothing that you have to click/skip through. Who thinks it's a good idea to force the player to read through it? Who spends game development time to type all of this shit? Or is it AI generated? Why is it necessary??? This could be easily a 4-5 stars game without it. Why spoil a good game with retarded wall of texts???
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is great. Just good consistent story, love routes that cross over each other, lore out the ass, and a really hot mermaid. If I can just get my zombie girl sex scene already it would be 6 stars.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Yet another gem I missed for a long time.
    this one honestly wins alot withthe story, even if monsters isn't really my thing, most of them are pretty hot.
    and the Dom warewolf thing is pretty great.

    All the LI's are unique, and they have thier own personalities.

    great game 4,5/5
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Well, the game got me reading and for now I am enjoying the plot and mysteries. The writing seems a bit crammed - the events sometimes jump from one to the other, like one moment MC is with the girl, next thing - father talk and off to college you go. But I guess the smoother transitions would've required more render time and efforts. Also would've been cool to have more heart-to-heart talks, for now there are little of those although I am on a chapter 3 now, maybe it's too early.

    What bugs me about the plot is the fact that MC got torn from the girlfriend but they are in a relationships. And there are different girls around, but he is still in a relationships and I am not fan of cheating. Only in 4th episode it turns out that MC broke up with the girlfriend, although there was no actual closure in game.

    The renders are nice (exept forthe endowment part - yeah we get it it's a werewolf and MC, but that looks overgrown in both states). Different girls looks weird and fun, Oliver is an amazing guy. MC himself is a bit of horny retard, but tolerable. Sadly, there are no chemistry between MC and the girls. They basically just want to fuck and don't show any particular interest in getting to know each other as people. And that makes it impossible to decide if you want to have sex with them - who knows if a girl is a nice one man kind or a party slut. That is sad.
    Also - some behaviour needs options. Like with Nina. Haven't got a flying feck about her, but the MC keeps hitting on her. No-no-no. The girl IS taken and she IS with some asshole. And as the story goes she falls deeper and deeper as a person. Or the situations with some girls who tries to use my help any chance they have and I am generally good, but to the point. But there is no options to wish them well and go do my own things.

    Major dissapointment - I get dragged in is that idiotic lambda lupus
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    So MC absolutely must have reasons to help girls with their problems and in game those reasons are only sexual. And if you don't want to get down with the girl - why waste your time and efforts? Pure goodness of the heart doesn't justify that.

    All in all - 5 stars for the mystery and nice renders. Character depth needs more work. Connecting emotionally must come before connecting sexually. Also some logical fails that are very annoying.
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  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Great stuff. Love the artwork and the story is interesting enough. I did have a grumble but I can't remember what it was - that's how trivial it was. Keep it up. I'm looking forward to seeing how things progress.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    TL/DR: Cute MG game by an Italian Dev. Playing as a werewolf protagonist is very, very fun. It is exceptionally rare to be able to play as a legitimate monster-guy. The game is a bit too SoL / bad comedy for my taste- but outside of that and mildly wonky English the game is very solid.

    + Clean Ui with codex that tracks progress and major events.
    + Power growth narrative and some pathing based on which powers you have chosen.
    + Your MC is a big dicked monster and does have some scenes in his various stages of monsterdom.
    + There are core plots / mysteries / and various lore hooks to follow up on and pay attention to
    +Nice variety of monster-girls.
    +Scene quality is high. But diminishing a bit as the game gets older.

    - The werewolf model that is being used is legitimately ugly. I reckon that is just a limitation of assets for the dev to work with. Still kinda sad though.
    - The characterizations are a bit boring / fakey / porny.
    - The MC is a dumb-ass.
    - The game tries to be funny but fails at it.
    - Eroticism in the scene content writing is pretty meh- might be the translation.
    - Not enough sex in the Mcs stronger forms.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Decent game, the forced conflict between players is a bit poorly written tho. There is literally no possible way to opt out of Nina's route so you have to end up "cheating" on her make her hate you if you want to go for Sofia
    Likes: B2B2
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Story - 5/5 something new and interesting
    Renders - 4/5
    Animations - 3/5
    LI's - 5/5 - Love Sofie/Rachel and Nina, very good variety.
    Music/SFX - 3,5/5
    MC - 5/5 proper chad MC with big dick, not some wimp

    I love there is harem route, also i like universe with so much variety of characters.
    Overall easy 5/5. Must play! In my opinion one of the best games of 2023 on F95.
    Keep up good work dev, im looking forward for more content and updates!
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Good game worth playing. With variety of LIs. There is also a nice story going on. There is balance between story and lewd part. Writing is good. If you love a nice story game with good renders you will love this game. I enjoyed this one.

    Keep up the good work dev, looking forward to next updates
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Monster College [v0.7.0]

    Jesus buttfucking Christ this was a treat to play!

    What it is:
    MC finds out he's "magical" (no spoilers) and gets sent to sexy monster hogwarts. It's a mostly linear story with minor branches and it's extremely well written and jam packed with interesting and steamy scenarios.


    + Renders and animations: 5/5 very cool and sexy and the porn bits are superb! The animations are among the best I've seen in the lewd gaming genre.

    + Story & world building: 4.5/5
    It's mostly a scenario driven story where our MC gets to know the characters and does stuff with them. And sometimes stuffs them.
    The main setup is a bit tropey (monster hogwarts) but it's done with well written, likeable and believable characters and it isn't just "people talking", something that's sadly become extremely common these days. Maybe this isn't actually groundbreaking but the bar has been set so low by most other titles on this site that this project really feels like a masterpiece in comparison.
    The storytelling is honest-to-god "interesting things happening" instead of just talking. Wow.
    The character designs are super unique and each character has their own unique traits and problems to deal with. Nice.
    The excuses to put MC + side characters in lewd situations go above and beyond what's normally encountered in the lewd VN genre. There's plenty of build-up and the scenarios feel really fresh and unique.
    MC for the most part actually takes the time to get to know the girls and even flirts and escalates physical contact in ways that feel natural before any banging happens. This is extremely rare these days, so mad props for the dev for actually taking the proper time to do good set-ups. I'm feeling immersed as fuck playing this VN.
    I feel like this "immersion-focused"-aspect of lewd storytelling is severly overlooked these days and I'm super happy to see a dev who takes a serious approach to believable escalation and scenario construction.
    There's of course still some porn logic involved and this isn't exactly a slow-burn story, but you should definitely expect something that's one or two orders of magnitude above and beyond what you'd normally encounter here on F95 when it comes to scenario set-ups and how natural it all feels. And that's even comparing this project to the top 10 titles on this site! It's so, so good!
    Ok so why not a full 5/5 for story? Well, there's a little too much internal MC monologue for my taste and I feel there isn't really the sense of urgency I would expect from a top-tier story. There are no life-and-death situations putting me on the edge of my seat, or difficult moral dilemmas.

    + Eroticism. 5/5. Wow. This is how it's fucking done you guys! This dev gets it in a way that's super rare to see. The game is packed full of steamy scenarios which feel natural, horny, and with characters I care about! It's about as far as you can get from the tropey "first handjob, then blowjob, then titjob, then pussy sex, then anal"-formula. The way shape and form of the sex scenes are tailored to the character and situation and they are all super unique! There's nothing standard at all about anything! Expect the unexpected!
    There's always an interesting twist that you've never seen before. Just. Fucking. Wow. I'm 100 % blown away by this fresh and unique approach to sex scenes. This dev should hold seminars in how to create steaming hot scenarios. Just, wow. Try it and see for yourself! Just don't go in expecting this game to cater to your very specific niche kinks. This dev does it differently.

    +Sound: 3/5.
    Yep, there's sound effects and music. I particularily liked the moans and such, but It's nothing super special. It's there and it works. 'Nuff said.


    - Illusion of choice, either/or choices and needless stat points.
    I'm not sure to what extent the choices and points actually matter. I seem to be able to get sex scenes regardless of how many affection points I have and most of the scenarios seem to play out almost exactly the same regardless of how I choose to solve certain problems, which makes me wonder if that system really needs to be there. On top of this, some of the choices seem to be "Pick girl A or girl B" which I frankly don't like at all. Give me the full harem experience if I want to, please. Overall, these mechanics seem obscure and left me feeling quite unimpressed. I know creating a good meaningful choice system in a mostly linear VN is hard, so I don't feel like this is a major flaw, but I need to find something to complain about for this review to feel "balanced" so this is what I came up with.

    - No gallery unlock, no directions or hints for missed scenes.
    So after my playthrough I have 3 scenes still locked. Now let's say I want to see them, what can I do? It turns out there's no other solution other than trying every fucking option hoping something will unlock a scene, since there are no hints or directions explaining what I've missed or what I need to do to find what I've missed. This sucks major ass! The game is good, but is it good enough for me to go through it many many times, trying every single one of the million or so possible combinations of choices? Hell no! No game in the world is good enough to warrant millions of playthroughs! (Except DotA2) Luckily, there seems to be at least one modder doing a walkthrough/gallery unlock mod. Unluckily, it's not updated to the current version at the time of me typing this. Dev should really consider what to do about this. At least give me a hint or any kind of direction about what to do!

    Is it nitpicking? Yes. Should you skip this game becasue of these flaws? No, absolutely not.

    Summary: If you care about the eroticism aspect of your lewd VN's and you are okay with enjoying something that isn't exactly your particular niche fetish then you absolutely need to try this game right fucking now. It's super unique in a very good way and I guarantee you many fappable moments or your money back! If you're into the vampires & witches genre then this is probably the best lewd VN you'll ever play. No joke. It's overall very very good judged by any objective metric I can think of.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Review for version 0.7.0

    Pros -

    Really great game , I like the pace and story progression equally done throughout the entire playthrough , no renders feel wasted or stay over.

    Cons -

    Didn't like the slight grindfest and being forced to do scenes just to gain path ahead. That's all.

    Great game , needs just a little more polish to be perfect
  19. 5.00 star(s)



    1) The story is cool, quite engaging. Maybe there are inconsistencies here and there (in dialogues) but it can be polished easily.
    The college setting + monster universe = a lot of fun. That's quite unique combination, a bit of fantasy, a bit of myths, amazing.
    The story also has a good pace - it doesn't turn into mindless fuckfest or smth, it's more story-oriented.
    This is the first AVN i bought on steam with tag "Early Access Game", but the setting was just too tempting and... - no regrets.

    2) Girls are beautiful, unique, each with well-written personality, with flaws and imperfections.
    My Fav so far is Rachel (readhead vampire), some renders with her just drive me crazy.

    3) This game has "multiple endings" planned, depending on who you choose to end up with, very hyped about that.
    I am a "weirdo" who likes replaying the game through different paths to see what changes in a game and what ending we can get. Considering how many LIs are in a game, replayability should be on a high level, I only hope it will be rewarding by having decent endings for each girl's story (or girls).

    Well, MC is a bit childish, also he looks a bit similar to Lust Academy MC (monster setting as well) and damn that MC is so stupid and cringy, some bad memories heheh.
    Also dialogues need some polishing, sometimes they are inconsistent.
    Oh, and from time to time some renders are not perfect, i mean details, like girls feet sinking in floor, it ruins the mood a bit.

    In overall, playing the game is highly recommended, it's worth it.
    Also it would be great to get even more info about this world, how things work, about relation between races etc. I am really a sucker for monster universes.

    Anyway, Dev is doing great job with a game, good luck with it.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    The setting is very beautiful and unusual. The music is excellent, as are the facial expressions. The dynamism of the shots and transformations is good. The university is reminiscent of Xavier's School in X-Men and this is also a plus. Nice story, excellent animations, great work.The fact that it is in Italian is extraordinary. Thank you