Archived [SoB] Modding SoaB

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May 29, 2017
My english is not so good but i would help you in storys and video files but i would work with google translator for example: (I would use the google translator if it was not a problem).


Forum Fanatic
Nov 18, 2016
my 2 cents: why not just make your own game but with a similar story line? like to me this would seem easier than overhauling the current game (and you could make it less confusing and grindy). If you do I reckon stick with qsp (I personally like qsp games, while I don't exactly prefer them they have this sort of charm to them).


Active Member
Oct 15, 2016
my 2 cents: why not just make your own game but with a similar story line? like to me this would seem easier than overhauling the current game (and you could make it less confusing and grindy). If you do I reckon stick with qsp (I personally like qsp games, while I don't exactly prefer them they have this sort of charm to them).
We have considered this and may well do in the future but the focus is on a mod at the moment for a few reasons:

  • Avenger has already built a world which we can insert our characters into without having to develop all of the characters, MC, and game design ourselves. Our new characters can be standalone entries into the world or we can intersect with other stories already in the game when we have a specific story to tell involving that character.
  • We're both using this as a testbed somewhat to see how the workflow functions, how much time it takes, and what sort of commitment it is to maintain to see if it fits around our lives already.
  • The game already has an established fanbase which will hopefully save us building our own from scratch. We can always carry over some into a new game once we've established the level and type of work that we put out. Adult gaming is so hard to get correct because different people want different things from the game. Giving people an idea of what directions we're looking at heading in (and conversely, the ones we aren't) will save us a lot of friction if we did ever develop our own original world.
  • The code, story and themes from a mod can always be split off to form a new game as we're developing it in a pretty self contained way wherever possible.
  • Quite honestly, a mod is much more easy going and less pressure to get right. Most internet projects fail because the people lose enthusiasm to build them due to them feeling "forced" into work on the game rather than enjoy the process of doing so. Me and Malice are having fun at the moment and pretty much put our heads together once a week to share ideas and report on where we're up to with the things that we are working on. It's a nice, relaxing and fun way to work.
We're not looking to setup a Patreon or make money off this, we're just fans of the original and want to add a bit of our own content for free so that everybody else can play through. For such a large and popular game, there's a very small modding community around SoB and it's focused more on translations (and they're fantastically good) or cheat mods to save the grind. If we can get a nice mod off the ground then others may want to start creating their own content mods and everybody wins from that in the community. It would also give us experience of modding the game ourselves so we could potentially direct people who are starting out.

We're just taking it easy and working in the background in a no stress environment, seeing where this goes rather than planning out a huge project up front. Malice is a very good writer with similar ideas on content and I'm enjoying working with him.


Jul 15, 2018
my 2 cents: why not just make your own game but with a similar story line? like to me this would seem easier than overhauling the current game (and you could make it less confusing and grindy). If you do I reckon stick with qsp (I personally like qsp games, while I don't exactly prefer them they have this sort of charm to them).
Just my take on it:

Its tempting to start from a clean slate (mostly coz I want to overhaul the whole Diara Glower line :)) but making a new game would be a pretty serious undertaking in terms of the time you have to commit to it, since ideally a new game would need hours upon hours of content for players to actually enjoy playing it and not get frustrated that they downloaded something that wasn't worth it. For instance, iirc, SoaB has more than 20 characters already, all with their own story arcs etc. To make a game with that much content would take some serious time and effort.

Modding on the other hand is just adding more cherries on top of an already pretty good cake. (no puns intended). Since the peeps working on modding the game are doing it for fun and not for profit, it makes sense not to commit to that serious an undertaking right now. So we can add one char at a time and now peeps who already enjoy SoaB have more content to keep them entertained (and fapping).
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Forum Fanatic
Nov 18, 2016
fair enough, although I am interested in this idea of new models, kinda tired of the current ones, and the sister char diara, would work better as an aunt or the mom imo since she seems way older than mc (who I beleive is 18/19) where as she seems in her 30s and still at uni :|

but good luck look forward to seeing what you come up with.


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2017
Daria Glower is almost 40 years old in real life, but most of her videos in the game look like they're from the early 00s. I would like to see a mod of her content that includes one or two of the watersports scenes she's done. I'm not super into that sort of thing, but it would be a change of pace*.

If I had one real complaint about the game it is related to this. There's such a weird span of time covered by the content. Some of the videos (Mom, Sister, Stepsis, Twins, etc) are 15 years old or older. Others (Antonina, Lizaveta [with one or two exceptions], Alena, Anastasia, etc) are much more current; some of these videos are so new they may have been shot in 4k.

That may have been a deliberate choice by Avenger, for aesthetic reasons, but it's kind of goofy.

* "Pee in my mouth.... you know, to mix things up a bit." Porn is weird. :closedtongue:


Jul 15, 2018
If I had one real complaint about the game it is related to this. There's such a weird span of time covered by the content. Some of the videos (Mom, Sister, Stepsis, Twins, etc) are 15 years old or older. Others (Antonina, Lizaveta [with one or two exceptions], Alena, Anastasia, etc) are much more current; some of these videos are so new they may have been shot in 4k.
I wondered that too. When I was initially planning to expand the mom and sis chars I looked up Savanna Samson and was surprised at how few usable scenes she had. I guess Avenger just went with the pornstars he really 'enjoys' :) Or he went for her because of the one scene where she is teaching Shurik and MC.

I don't mind though, and quite like it in fact. It's a good way to come across content you haven't seen.


May 15, 2017
That's a good ideea for all the SOAB fans out there! I, sometimes, make some experiments adding a few extra scenes to the game but, i don't know, it just isn't the same... i don't have the element of surprise. I'm not a programmer but i understand the logic of the code and i just copy-paste whole fragments of the code and just change the variables and texts.
It wasn't perfect, but i managed to make Savanna a high class escort girl bringing me a lot of money :)... she is my favorite, too bad i cannot find many videos of her and what do i find the quality is not so good.
I really wish i can help you in the future but unfortunately my slacking days will be over soon.
Good luck out there!


Jul 15, 2018
Hi all,

So, for people who already play SoaB/other qsp games:

I would like to solicit some opinions -

a). Would you prefer a mod that stays strictly within the template of SoaB's character progression (which typically boils down to boy meets girl - boy raises girl's depravity by performing a task over and over {involving a repeated clip and sometimes a progressing clip, and at times through the power of his boner} - boy fucks girl)? Or would progression through evolving text/mini quests leading to sexy times be preferable/a viable alternative?

b). How do you prefer your videos? Long (clips within 30 secs to 50 secs)? Short Cuts (clips stay at around 15 to 20 secs)? Even shorter cuts? Are longer videos still an issue if the game allows you to press a button to skip the remaining clip and move to the next scene?

c). How much grinding for stats is ok? When does it become overbearing/not fun? To clarify - I personally think some amount of game has to come between the sexy videos, to build tension/suspense/excitement etc. But excessive button clicking which in itself does not give the player anything new to look at/read quickly becomes a chore.

d). How important are alt routes? If the narrative does not easily allow for an alt/love route for a given character is it still important that one additional route is made available to the player?

e). Is the writing a means to provide context to the videos? Or is it an integral part of the sexy vids? To clarify - What is the role/function of the writing in the game? Is it only to provide the context leading to the scene with the player self inserting thoughts/dialogue/behaviour in the scene? Or is it an integral part of the sex scene and needed to make the sex scene sexy? Do you prefer that the context of MC's relation to the Character is provided and threshed out in the writing leading up to the scene and the player is left to self insert his own dialogue in the sexy clip with the text accompanying the clip being descriptive but not excessive?

f). If you could change something about SoaB's design philosophy and progression - what would it be?



May 15, 2017
My opinion!
a) Grinding is part of the game and it will lose the originality that makes this game so special and i believe it's not a problem... people playing the non cheat version are doing it special for this, people playing the cheat one don't care about grinding. Also quests are part of the game and a combination of these two will be perfect.
b) Videos, i think, are enough for 20 sec long. For ex, if you press "Blowjob", that she will do the entire clip for 20 sec, can't see something else... also are in the loop.
c) Same answer like a)
d) I believe love/alt route can cover everyone's fetishes, no need for additional one, you just expand the story (of course! everything should be by choice, not forced). For example, you can add NTR on the love path and the alternative one can cover everything else (prostitution, bdsm, interracial, even watersports like a member suggested... and many more).
e) Translation is so bad in some cases that get used to just press the "Fuck" button and just watch the movie, takes more time deciphering the text than the scene. Of course, some description will be ok rather than a blank page and if is good writing i don't mind reading it.
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Well-Known Member
May 16, 2017
Regarding the either/or options, I think a mix of each alternative is ideal.

There are some characters for whom it's going to be naturally much more difficult to corrupt.... Mom, Sis, Aunt Nina, Julia (on grandson path), Yana........ these ladies are all relations, so it stands to reason that it will take forever to get them into bed, with a significant amount of hoop jumping. Similarly, any of the married women you encounter in your game play (Anastasia, Melissa, Lizaveta, Rada, etc.) should take some time. But the other available conquests don't need to be as grindy, just sort of as conventionally grindy as you'd encounter with a real relationship (altho I do like how much of a horn dog Irina is; she's sort of DTF from day one). I think the game as it exists now does this pretty decently.

Regarding video length, it is again situational. The grindy clips pre-corruption should be relatively shorter, imo. But once you get into the groove, as it were, I'd like it if the clips were a bit longer. It would also be nice if the clip for each selected position wasn't always the same for each click, but I understand that's a limitation imposed by the source scene and would also be a function of clip length. (I know there are a couple scenes in the current game that do vary this a bit; the night time DP option with Mom and Shurik has two different angles that are random) But this is something that could also vary depending on the character type. It would also be fun to randomize what positions are available with each encounter, as sexytime in real life isn't always rote.

The writing/dialog is 100% integral to the gameplay, which is what makes SOB's horrible translation such a laugh. I think it's safe to say most of us found this game because of the incest kink, and without the writing there's really no way to convey that, considering the videos are free of audio. To that end, alt routes can be fun diversions, but they aren't necessary. I will say the existing alt routes for Mom and Aunt Nina are a little bit disturbing to me, but if those same paths were translated to other characters they would make more sense from a narrative perspective. One of the things that's always bugged me about the Aunt Nina alt path is if Sergei were willing to resort to drugging and raping his Grandaunt, what's keeping him from doing that with all the NPCs? What's with the selective rapey-ness? Granted, not every pornstar used for source content has shot rape-play scenes, so it's not like you can even make that an option for everyone. But the fact that it's just Nina has always struck me as....weird. (Although now that I think about it, this is also how you add Sasha to your harem. But post-training sex with her is consensual, where it never is with Nina Alt.) It has also confused me how Nina has a pregnancy path, considering the actress used for her scenes is now in her mid-50s (although the source scenes are from 10 years ago in some cases).
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Jul 15, 2018
any idea about Jav actress
Hard to use actresses from jav since a lot of their scenes have everyone's genitals censored. Also because most of the actresses work with Asian men, which would be too immersion breaking if I were to use said actresses since the MC in SoaB is not even remotely Asian.

@LMalice although I've slowed him down recently with some (now finished) work projects.
Naw, you just tactically gave me time and space to think on and improve the structure/content. ;):cool:


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2017
I think Maria Ozawa might have a good bit of content that would work for this game. Or if you're just looking for "Asian" as opposed to specifically JAV, there are number of Western performers who have a ton of content. Kianna Dior, Asa Akira, older Asia Carrera stuff, etc. Lots of viable options.
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May 28, 2017
I've personally been thinking about adding a location that's added to the game but doesn't really interact with the game. Either something like a brothel that is basically a hotel where you get to fuck everyone, but I scrapped that idea because like you said, there needs to be some level of effort to get scenes. I did like the idea that you could invite one of the game characters to stay with you, so you have a free hand in adding Daria Glower or other actresses scenes without having to interfere with the nodes that Avenger wrote.
Afterwards I started working on you buying a large building (might or might not need upgrading to get another floor and thus more tenants, wasn't sure) and then you basically have to seduce girls using two stats:
- Familiarity (Simply how well they know you and feel about having you around and do stuff with them)
- Appetite (How far they are willing to go and how often, increased by having them catch you or walking around naked, purposely not locking the shower).

Problem I found was that doing coding, script writing, video editing and setting up all the GFX was getting to be a bit too much of a time commitment. But I like what I see you guys do.

I don't know, but I do have some interest in helping add characters/elaborate on current characters (Daria Glower has so many threesome scenes [MMF] that somehow just don't get to be in the game, but if you get to fuck Shuriks sister it only seemed fair to me that Shurik can fuck MC sister), clipping and writing etc.

So if you are still open to have someone else on board, is there a specific direction you're already following? Like, if I add someone, do they also get stats like all the original chars? It's not harder to put another house on the street for example.

Let me know, if positions are filled I'm cool with sitting back, but I like this game, having more chars added might make it last longer.


Active Member
Oct 15, 2016
I've personally been thinking about adding a location that's added to the game but doesn't really interact with the game. Either something like a brothel that is basically a hotel where you get to fuck everyone, but I scrapped that idea because like you said, there needs to be some level of effort to get scenes. I did like the idea that you could invite one of the game characters to stay with you, so you have a free hand in adding Daria Glower or other actresses scenes without having to interfere with the nodes that Avenger wrote.
Afterwards I started working on you buying a large building (might or might not need upgrading to get another floor and thus more tenants, wasn't sure) and then you basically have to seduce girls using two stats:
- Familiarity (Simply how well they know you and feel about having you around and do stuff with them)
- Appetite (How far they are willing to go and how often, increased by having them catch you or walking around naked, purposely not locking the shower).

Problem I found was that doing coding, script writing, video editing and setting up all the GFX was getting to be a bit too much of a time commitment. But I like what I see you guys do.

I don't know, but I do have some interest in helping add characters/elaborate on current characters (Daria Glower has so many threesome scenes [MMF] that somehow just don't get to be in the game, but if you get to fuck Shuriks sister it only seemed fair to me that Shurik can fuck MC sister), clipping and writing etc.

So if you are still open to have someone else on board, is there a specific direction you're already following? Like, if I add someone, do they also get stats like all the original chars? It's not harder to put another house on the street for example.

Let me know, if positions are filled I'm cool with sitting back, but I like this game, having more chars added might make it last longer.
Myself and Malice are working on a mod at present, with the division of labour split with me as the coder and him as the script writer/scene sourcer. We go back and forth in terms of how we should structure things in the game in terms of what works well for the story at hand.

Our story doesn't touch any of the original characters as of yet and we've added a new location which will act as something of a quest hub which ties into the overall story. There's no plans to change any of the original characters, although Malice is the story man and if he decides to move in that direction then I'd be happy to. It's just easier to have a standalone thing due to the problems it may cause without.

I don't want to give away the story because it's more literary then the current stuff in the game (I feel anyway) but I'll say that we have a quest hub in the Exurbs which will introduce the story/concepts and we're quite open ended about how we could move in different directions from that. There's certainly room to add in characters that other people want to do as the story framework is quite large in that degree. However @LMalice has his plans on how it will progress and it's worth dropping a message to make sure that both sets of content feed into each other.

In terms of coding and game design structure, we're following Avenger's lead so that the mod will be as portable as possible and others can work on it if they so choose without having to learn everything new. So our items are stored in the same way Avenger does, our progression is tracked in the same way, our file structure is the same, etc. We also use the Attitude and Depravity systems already in the game as a way of progressing through content and tiering it off/create grindpoints to control pacing.

We won't be totally removed from the game as it stands, we'll obviously share locations such as the Exurbs/City/Home etc. I'm just rather concerned about stepping on Avenger's toes as I've been in the position of writing a game that others mod and if they start treading on your characters then there's a sense that you have to try and work with them to achieve what you want to achieve which sacrifices your own vision. So I think longer term we'll probably 'borrow' characters for scenes that we write in the story but try to make sure that it doesn't affect Avenger's story or direction of them but the focus as it stands is adding the characters we need for our story. That's more because we need to get our little part of the world up and functioning before we introduce existing characters to it.

I'm always up for more collaboration. As you know, the game is quite modular where you can drop content in and out so as long as we don't cross lines with each other in story/actress terms then I'd be interested. As I said, it might be worth seeing what @LMalice thinks as there's never too much content in a game!

We're currently introducing our content with the corruption theme but as long as the things you want to bring in aren't going to land anyone in jail then I'm up for you taking it in whatever direction you want. Giving writers the ability to write without limits is something that I'm passionate about and it means that everybody has clear lines of authority in projects. So if there's a coding decision to be made then we'll consult but it's my call and if there's a story decision to be made then we'll consult but it's ultimately Malice's call because he wrote it.

We're a lot more relaxed and chilled out about this than it sounds from this stuff. There's no deadlines or time limits or pressure to finish anything, just contribute as and when you want (although if you're planning on dropping out then giving us an idea of where you might be taking the character in broad strokes would be appreciated!). We communicate mainly through PM on here and we're enjoying crafting something fun to play around with.


May 28, 2017
Myself and Malice are working on a mod at present, with the division of labour split with me as the coder and him as the script writer/scene sourcer. We go back and forth in terms of how we should structure things in the game in terms of what works well for the story at hand.

Our story doesn't touch any of the original characters as of yet and we've added a new location which will act as something of a quest hub which ties into the overall story. There's no plans to change any of the original characters, although Malice is the story man and if he decides to move in that direction then I'd be happy to. It's just easier to have a standalone thing due to the problems it may cause without.

I don't want to give away the story because it's more literary then the current stuff in the game (I feel anyway) but I'll say that we have a quest hub in the Exurbs which will introduce the story/concepts and we're quite open ended about how we could move in different directions from that. There's certainly room to add in characters that other people want to do as the story framework is quite large in that degree. However @LMalice has his plans on how it will progress and it's worth dropping a message to make sure that both sets of content feed into each other.

In terms of coding and game design structure, we're following Avenger's lead so that the mod will be as portable as possible and others can work on it if they so choose without having to learn everything new. So our items are stored in the same way Avenger does, our progression is tracked in the same way, our file structure is the same, etc. We also use the Attitude and Depravity systems already in the game as a way of progressing through content and tiering it off/create grindpoints to control pacing.

We won't be totally removed from the game as it stands, we'll obviously share locations such as the Exurbs/City/Home etc. I'm just rather concerned about stepping on Avenger's toes as I've been in the position of writing a game that others mod and if they start treading on your characters then there's a sense that you have to try and work with them to achieve what you want to achieve which sacrifices your own vision. So I think longer term we'll probably 'borrow' characters for scenes that we write in the story but try to make sure that it doesn't affect Avenger's story or direction of them but the focus as it stands is adding the characters we need for our story. That's more because we need to get our little part of the world up and functioning before we introduce existing characters to it.

I'm always up for more collaboration. As you know, the game is quite modular where you can drop content in and out so as long as we don't cross lines with each other in story/actress terms then I'd be interested. As I said, it might be worth seeing what @LMalice thinks as there's never too much content in a game!

We're currently introducing our content with the corruption theme but as long as the things you want to bring in aren't going to land anyone in jail then I'm up for you taking it in whatever direction you want. Giving writers the ability to write without limits is something that I'm passionate about and it means that everybody has clear lines of authority in projects. So if there's a coding decision to be made then we'll consult but it's my call and if there's a story decision to be made then we'll consult but it's ultimately Malice's call because he wrote it.

We're a lot more relaxed and chilled out about this than it sounds from this stuff. There's no deadlines or time limits or pressure to finish anything, just contribute as and when you want (although if you're planning on dropping out then giving us an idea of where you might be taking the character in broad strokes would be appreciated!). We communicate mainly through PM on here and we're enjoying crafting something fun to play around with.
Thank you for your thorough message, and I think I understand what you're going for. Rather adding things on than intermingling in already established nodes etc. I can dig that. I think I need to shoot a message to @LMalice then, see how the story is going and where/how I could see myself adding something of use to that. And obviously it matters the actresses he considers casting so there's no overlap between who he wants to cast and who are playing parts in my mind. And for the record, while I might have some kinks like squirting, deepthroating and gentle choking, I have no interest in f/rape or bestiality and detest both fake and real underage stuff, be it implied, purposely cast because they look underage or actually underage doesn't matter, I detest every variant.
So whatever I would want to bring to the table would probably not cross any line that hasn't been in SOAB already.

I'm actually interested in for the sake of story/immersion maybe add vanilla videos (like a short clip of her smiling when you tell a joke instead of just the text expressing that she smiled or when you walk into a location a short video of her noticing and moving towards you, stuff like that) rather than going any extreme places.

Anyway, yeah, time to message Malice!
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Well-Known Member
May 16, 2017
One thing I would like to see is a scene locker mod. Sure you can just go to the npc directory, but that's like hundreds of individual files. It would be convenient if you could have a list of characters and their scenes that you can just click on and play once they've been unlocked. It wouldn't affect gameplay in any way, but it would, er, speed things up a bit.

Of course, you could also just hit up PornHub or SpankBang.
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