VN - Unity - Abandoned - Life and Passion: Beginning [v0.81] [Valdar]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Frustrating level rising: Enthusiastic

    If you want to get mad, play this game!
    If you make a wrong choice = game over.

    You play the game like this:

    Start new game, enter name... you click on a button, game over
    Start new game, enter name... you click the right button, then the wrong button, game over
    Start new game, enter name... remember what you clicked to make it through the game and see the correct ending.

    Thats not how a game should be. Its not a game.
    Its made by a person who has no idea how game development is working. he has got no intellect to build and construct a game with a good flow of game play.