Archived [SoB] Kate


Sep 12, 2017
Hi i have no honest clue as this is the first time im replying to a son of a bitch question in almost 6 months
Yeah i know xD but it's ok , just bad that we can't fix that in the game because it destroy 2 girls story in 1 choice


The Quacker
Respected User
Aug 6, 2016
Yeah i know XD but it's ok , just bad that we can't fix that in the game because it destroy 2 girls story in 1 choice
Sooo is that some of the new stuff, in the newer stuff in SOB


The Quacker
Respected User
Aug 6, 2016
카페에서 16 : 00 ~ 21 : 00 창문을 통해 깨달으라고했습니다. 내가 왜 그럴 수 없어?
뭐가 문제 야?
At the cafe, I was told to find out through the window from 16:00 to 21:00. Why can not I?
what's the problem?"

Next time use google translate if u wish us to help you, also the cafe is in near the strip club.

"다음에 우리가 당신을 도울 것을 바란다면 구글 번역을 사용하십시오. 또한 카페는 스트립 클럽 근처에 있습니다."

kwon sun ho

New Member
May 30, 2017
Go to the cafe between 16:00 and 21:00 and break the window. Enjoy the scene.
This is not going to happen next. What should I do?
sob_21_en_ps2018_cheats psp file is writing this and I do not know what is wrong.
I will upload the save file as well.
At the cafe, I was told to find out through the window from 16:00 to 21:00. Why can not I?
what's the problem?"

Next time use google translate if u wish us to help you, also the cafe is in near the strip club.

"다음에 우리가 당신을 도울 것을 바란다면 구글 번역을 사용하십시오. 또한 카페는 스트립 클럽 근처에 있습니다."

bigles025 .

New Member
Mar 11, 2017
I met the ex fiancee in a park and set up a meeting, however I cannot find him anywhere after that, where is he supposed to be?
Apr 27, 2017
I'm gonna try to complete the rest of the walkthrough here, as i'm discovering new events.

- After talk to her dad and unlock the house several new scenes are unlocked, sex at her kitchen 18-23h, entering her house 8-9h weekend, her sofa weekend too 10-17h and you can pick her showering but no scene as far as i know weekday 8-9h.
- You can meet her ex-boyfriend Stasa at the park (saturdar 12-14h), he will introduce you to his bride Galya and invite you and Kate to visit the apartment on center sunday 20h.
-Go to Stasa and Galya apartment sunday 20h center-business center-apartmend. After times Stasa ask's you if you could train his girlfriend.
-You start to train Galya monday and wednesday 18h(fitness center), i don't think there are any scenes there yet, just trainning.
-After more visitations at Galya apartment Stasa comes to you when you are living room and ask's you if you would like to watch him fuck his girlfriend while you are tied.

That is all i know for know, i did not look a the variables i just played ad discovered so is possible that i missed something.
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Apr 27, 2017
- After watching Stas fuck Galya for the first time you talk to her monday 18 on the gym, she asks you if you are ok with fuck her while Stasa watch's.
- More scene are unlocked when with the couple when you are watching them Galya.
- Keep doing that and she will ask you to go to the apartment 18-20 week day. You get a scene on the couch with the couple.(This time you are fucking her)
- If you go sunday 13h the couple apartment there is another scene on the bedroom know without stasa roped.

The update 0.24 says tha are new scenes for Kate, but i didnt find then, if anyone has please help complete the walkthrough here.
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Jon Q Public

New Member
Apr 9, 2018
EDIT: Nevermind mind. It turns out that you have to talk to the coach again after triggering the free/1000/2000 massage convo in order to fully unlock it (order goes ask for key/meet brick for steroids/give steriods for key/get convo for massage price/talk to coach for those having trouble).
Dammit. The game's broken english tripped me. I did all the steps, but when I talked to the coach the 2nd time I didn't pick the right answer and now I can spy on her before the workout, but there is no option to massage.
Her stats are Normal/Compliant/Ready for anything. Is there a way I can change that setting?

Running version 23 with the qsp from the front page, haven't really "cheated", but I do have the qsp save editor.


Jul 31, 2017
Does anybody know how to reset Brick so I can meet him again from the beginning? He won't speak to me any more and I can't progress with several storylines because of it.


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2017
I use the CCE translation cheat, and after boosting all of Kate's stats, she no longer appears at the gym for training. I have access to her home and can make sexytime with her there, but that's it. All the Gayla stuff is limited to the weekend encounters.


Active Member
Aug 5, 2016
To open the massage room you need to put all Kate's stats to zero then do the first part of her walkthrough. For some reason it doesnt unlock when you use the cheats.


Jan 28, 2018
I'm trying to make the English translation a bit more understandable.

My questions, probably for our Russian speaking friends:
1. is Katya/Kate the one tutoring the player, or is he tutoring her?
2. 'Read text' that refers to listen to the dictaphone recording? Or does that refer to actually reading something she wrote down? (for the latter: see 1).
3. The word 'fiance' is used. Is that for the player, or for her ex?


Feb 2, 2017
While I do not speak or read Russian, I believe I can answer your questions.

1. The player is tutoring Kate. That is why her father tests the player's knowledge to verify that he will be a good tutor.
2. The player makes a dictaphone recording of text, presumably from a text book he is using to tutor Kate, so that when he is at Kate's house supposedly tutoring her he can play the recording to make her dad think they are studying while in actuality the player is trying to seduce her (massage, kiss, etc.).
3. Kate's ex is her fiancee when the player first meets him. The player goes through the sequence of events culminating in the ex being tied up while the player fucks Kate in order to break them up.


New Member
Dec 30, 2018
When you have finished to "train" her (probably after the first sex), when you go back to the fitness club, the coach will tell you that someone else need your help. It's Lucy who calls you to meet her at her place at 21:00 (in the Valley). They're seem to be only those training scenes right now.


Jul 23, 2017
For those of you that followed up to @matheusilvasilva walkthrough, here's the following :

- continue on doing massage on Monday/Wednesday and visit the couple a few times.
- After a while, when you massage Galya she will mention Katya accept it.
- Visit Katya at 9 am, if she offer you anything, decline (leave option in my english translate version), now advance time to 10-11 am by either switching room or using cheat, stay in hall, you should have a bonding scene with Katya and Galya, repeat next day.
- On the third one, she'll ask you something, no choice anyway. Then it continue at 10 am, if you get the kiss/chat choice, just leave it should pop up the correct Galya/Katya pics (I use cce cheat to go forward/backward in time).
- After the 5th time you caught them in the hall, lesbian scene start properly.
- 6tth time happened on saturday in Katya bedroom's for me, still 10-11am, same for 7th (MC mention a strap-on here if you followed everything)
- Go to the kitchen (not sure if time is important but I was there around 7pm) and you'll have the option to gift the strap-on (can be bought in sex chop in Chkalovsky.
- Next day, back to Katya bedroom at 10-11 am to see them unpack your gift. Next day, same place and time for the conclusion of the strap-on part. You can repeat the scene by going into her bedroom at 10 am. Do that a few times (not sure how many but at least 5 I would say).
- Go on sunday to meet Galya and her boyfriend with Katya at 8pm in business center, make sure it's one of the time where there's only Galya and Katya, boyfriend need to be away (if you dont know how, it rotate between all 4 of you, 3 of you with bf and Galya and 3 of you with both girls, if you use the cheat, just put back time at 20.00 and restart, it works wonder) you'll get the threesome.

And that's the end of content for Katya afaik. All variable have been used as far as I can tell.
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