Unity - Hunt and Snare [r33c] [Rufflenecks]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    So far this is just a technical demo, the amount of actual content is sufficient for around 5-15min of gameplay, porn content for 5 min, maybe 10 if you take your time.

    On the positive side i was surprised that you can swim and there is swimming animation.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Update for r5.24.3 (tldr: Really good options menu, better general optimization.)

    Options menu is really good, lets you set quality level up while keeping performance good. General optimization is noticeably better.

    Update for r5.24.1 (tldr: Getting better, slowly but surely.)

    City is much bigger now, layout has changed. Many new NPCs around, with many things to talk about and have fun with. New NPCs are in the city and in the wilds. Terrain was updated a bit with rivers and landmarks. Bartender's quest is doable in full.
    Performance took a massive hit (my PC is below minspecs, using old_processor beta branch on steam, but can handle most modern games without much problems, 40+ fps fhd in BotN and MGI: P on high). In r5.23 I was able to get steady 40+fps on medium and 25-30 on high. Now I get less than 10 on medium. High fps on low, but not enjoyable to look at.
    Next update is advanced options menu. Waiting patiently.

    Rating for version r5.23

    Stability: No crashes, but it requires "modern" CPU to work with latest optimisations (SSE4.1 support). General performance is sad, no optimisation whatsoever, especially lighting and shadows, easily can cut fps 3-4 times, sun is like thousand light sources, even in the showroom fps drops are insane. Can't see 2 gigs of vram on my 2gb card, but then happily eats away all 2gb on high settings.

    Content: Pre-alpha state, for now it lacks systems like inventory, proper save system (some barebone save system was implemented in r5.23), prey management, ship activities, shops, active NPCs, etc.

    Systems that were implemented in some basic but functional way: character creation, day and night, movement with sneaking, swimming (no diving), passive NPCs, wild "prey" NPCs, dialogues, shooting, tracking (long lasting footprints) and hunting, map with markers, questing and sex scenes. Everything is basic, but works surprisingly well. There is a showroom to see all animations with different characters. Jiggle is there, jello type jiggle.

    Gameplay: Basically VN in 3D environment for now, you talk to NPCs, play dialogue choice minigame, get a sex scene, or simple quest that leads to a sex scene. Or you shoot wild NPCs with tranquilizer, put a collar on them and then sex them in different positions in some specific points. Only one prey can follow you and game doesn't save your prey yet.

    Graphics and Style: Environments are really basic, main city hub is just bunch of asset store buildings glued together. Terrain is...it's there I guess, no landmarks other than mountains, so it's hard to navigate without using map constantly. Trees, grass look samey but okay, it's easy to never find knocked out prey in the tall grass. Character models are really good, cartoonish style, but highpoly and smooth. Body parts with enabled physics have seams, even on a statue in town they are visible on chest area. Char textures are noticeably hand drawn, if you've used drawing software like PS or Krita, you'll recognize familiar brush strokes. But in general they look good (more fur strokes needed though, or some fur texture underneath, sometimes it looks like leather or latex). Animations are top notch, scene controls are basic, but speed, camera rotation and pov options are there.

    FUN: Sex scenes are high quality and poses are plentiful, with variations depending on genders (names of FF handjob scenes made me lol). Nothing bad to say about. Gameplay is really barebones and with canine prey spawning really far away, it can take 10-30 minutes just to get there, so many players won't even see them. Characters are interesting and unique enough to remember them. Quests are good, they require you to read and remember to get proper rewards, but one quest-minigame in particular requires you to know a thing from the game world you just can't possibly know (Sterling scene minigame. Is there a way?), so it will take you several restarts to get. One of the quests isn't finished yet. Other than that, it's fun for a couple of hours per character gender.

    Conclusion: Interesting game with interesting ideas. Can get you 3-5 hours of fun in its current state. Got it on steam, do not regret spending money. If development will not stop within next 6 months, will throw more money on it. Especially if there will be more optimization, dropping down from 80+fps on low to 20 on medium with graphics like this is a no-no. Project is really ambitious for such a small team, but I want to believe. Next patch will be available Jun-Jul 2019. (y)

    tip: F1-F5 will change graphic settings in game, F1 - low, F2 - med, F3 - high, F4 - ultra, F5 - scale x2.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Okay, first, not a fan of furries but tried it because it's 3d, there is a potential but also some problems.

    If you talk about animations, there are tons of them. Problem is they are free to get. You can get like 100 animations in few hours. In games like these you have to work to get the content, this should be the case here too. There should be challenges. For example, hard to find, rare animations. Rare creatures. Secrets, more NPC's.

    Ofcourse it's a new game so maybe they will be added but in it's current state it's just a game where you can watch tons of animations, if that's your thing it's a good game.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    r4.21: Promising open world furry. The development may be long and in the meantime we have a good overview of the animated loops that can meet directly from the menu. These are well made and fluid. Possible to choose the dating preferences (female, male, futa, ...). I hope the creator will have enough motivation to continue and improve this great potential.