Unity Dungeon Tavern [v0.2.5 Hotfix] [TinyHat Studios]

2.40 star(s) 7 Votes


New Member
Jul 3, 2023
Wait... are they selling this on steam already? damn, no wonder why people complain about early access games.
Honestly I like early access, it give us players a chance to change what the game should be on 1.0. Imagine skull and bones or Suwiside squad kill the JL hit ea instead of full release these games won't be immediately dead in the water and gamers can suggest meaningful changes to gameplay, because in the end of the day it's the gamers who will buy games. Perfect example is Baldur's Gate and a plethora of ea games from indie studios.

That being said H-games are entirely different these games are primarily to milk patreon so don't be shock when these games release in ea just to be milk for years. As a bonus the more broken and bare bones the game is the more content and fixes they can "release" to satisfy them patreons.


Active Member
Jan 12, 2018
skull and bones or Suwiside squad kill the JL
Neither of those games would have been saved by early access considering how much of idiots the developpers are. Especially skull and bones which spent a long time in development hell. Early access works when the devs communicate with the player base like Larian does, but Ubisoft absolutely doesn't give a fuck.


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2017
Nah, he has a point. Ubisoft may not care about player experience directly, but they do know that poor reception = less money, so people saying it's shit would get them to change it if they can.

Early Access can't and won't save every game, but it can help. And it's good for the devs too, who get a return on investment before dumping millions of dollars in programmer pay into a game that turns out to be the E.T. NES game.

The real issue is that it's normalized not only releasing games when there's barely any game there, but also charging for the half-baked experience.
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New Member
Jan 21, 2018
Are there any other games like this? this remembers me Yukiya Hot Springs and the Kurai-Ya games, these are so fun, any ideas?? pls
2.40 star(s) 7 Votes