Daz White Fireflies. Advice?


New Member
Aug 31, 2017

Playing around with Daz this afternoon and a concept render for a future character. (See attachment - You'll have to open image in a new window to view full size)

I'm getting loads of white fireflies in the picture. Mostly on the top of the hair but also some random specs all over her body.

I left the render for a while to see if improved but it didn't.

Any experts able to tell me what I'm doing wrong? I understand it's quite a dark scene but that's intentional.

Jun 29, 2018
When you say you left it render for a while how long was that? For a decent sized image (around 1080p) that's darker I would think maybe 30-60 minutes to render.

Are each of the circles in the background a separate light or emissive elements? It could just be the number of light sources as well as the reflective surfaces such as the floor creating a lot of extra work for the render engine to do.


New Member
Aug 31, 2017
The image above was after about an hour. I left it for another hour after that and barely any improvement.

The background is just a texture, which is being lit by a single light source. The model is being lit by a further three lights in total. I'll see if reducing the number of lights and floor reflection will help. Thanks for the advice!


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2018
I use Blender, fireflies are also an issue, but easily fixed. I am not sure if you can do this in Daz but in Blender there is a FilterGloss parameter that acts as a cap for different types of light particles, such as dimming indirect light, or in the case of fireflies, dimming high specularity gloss type light paths. So perhaps you could look for a similar feature in Daz


New Member
Aug 31, 2017
Thanks for your advice. I'm in no way an expert in Daz however it seems that there are options for the things you have mentioned.

Update: I've just tried the same render in the new Daz Beta which includes a new feature (deep learning denoiser).

After a three minute render with this option on I have produced the following result (for info I have removed depth of field)

Looks very promising and seems to impressively speed up render times, and no more fireflies.


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2018
That's great to hear! Yeah, blender some time ago this year got a denoiser (not deep learning) and gawd is it the greatest thing ever, denoisers really speed up production and quality. Great to hear Daz is trying to play with this stuff. Soon, hopefully, it will be in the next official patch. Looking at your image, it looks like you adjusted the size, camera distance and or the focal length of your lens to be further, other than that the hair does look better. Glad to hear things are starting to work out and some of the concepts I brought up were able to help you.