Daz 3d help needed


Jun 13, 2017
Boy I have screwed something up good. After filling up my C drive, I had little choice but to move my Daz studio over to my D. I like to keep things organized as possible so I moved the program and all my assets, library, etc. so everything was on the same drive. Went through step by step instructions from Daz forum and everything seemed to be fine. Everything got moved and everything was still accessible just like before. Download manager worked fine. I started posing some stuff and the hands on my Gen 8 character got that funky messed up look. No problem it has happened before, just use the adjust rigging to shape and fixed, but not this time. It did not work. I loaded another character from my saved scenes and the hands were messed up as well. Looked through all my saved scenes, and every single one had the hands messed up 15 or more characters, all the same. Adjust rigging to shape did nothing to fix any of them. Trying to fix this in a panic, I came across another issue, all of the eyelashes are now halfway in the pupils. All of them. Not getting a lot of help over at Daz so I thought I would try here. I got one answer but it was so complicated it would be easier to just scrap everything and start from 0 so I gave up on that. Has anyone out there had anything like this happen, and if so, did you get it fixed? I am afraid I am going to have to nuke it from space and start all over.


Jul 3, 2017
Your problem might be unrelated to moving of files. It sounds more like you have a bad character morph installed. Check which morphs are active when a character is loaded in the Parameters Tab under Currently used. Actually it's easier to find the bad morphs if you just load a standard G3 or G8 figure, and check the Currently used (there should be no active morphs).