Unreal Engine - Breeders of the Nephelym [v0.761.52] [DerelictHelmsman]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    It reminds me Breeding season but just in 3d.
    I wish they also make shotas in the future just like Breeding season was going to do calling them neoteny, before they abandon the work. It would be good if Breeders of Nephelym has the same feature in the future. Also I hope in the future except Shotas, we are going to have a story, and even battles. Cause now it feels like its empty.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Well first im gonna start by thanking DerelictHelmsman for his outstanding work and of course unreal engine (renpy engine is a lost cause) for this game has a lot of potential.

    I have to admit that the first thing that popped into my head when l started playing was "just a who fucks who game" phrase but as I said before this game has a lot of potential.

    It just need some ideas and guess who can give best ideas for games? Gamers, I mean real gamers the ones who play real games, not the games that you jerk off to and 5 second later you completely forget about it until the next time you get all horny.

    Of course I consider myself a real gamer and guess what I have some ideas that I hope consider useful.

    1. Combat system (It doesn't have to be a good one, a simple one will suffice)

    2. a Crafting menu that can be used for crafting items like hair dye, potions, weapons and armor etc (some items can only be used by certain races like bows only for elves and humans or sharp nails for warges)

    3. Special and rare or legendary creatures for every species that are one of the kind and they can only captured once and they are very hard to find and catch

    4. Skill menu or tree for unlocking abilities like crafting certain items or ability to add/remove certain traits for certain cost of materials or even turning wild ones to blessed ones

    5. Customizing appearance of captured creatures via items like hair dye and body part changing size potions that can be crafted

    6. Capturing creatures by combating them or their mates instead of giving them drinks :) (it's just very easy and inconvenient to capture them by giving them milk and also it's kinda silly that they are all horny and don't fuck each other instead of just jumping on the main character)

    7. Certain abilities for every species like fire breath and flying ability for dragons and extra health and stamina for bulls or extra damage for warges and it also should apply for spirit form of the character

    8. Multiple saved spirit from for character that can be upgraded via skill tree activate by player preference on anytime

    9. Story line not just main story line also side ones with the npcs

    10. There is no adult game that considers great without threesome and orgies

    11. Changeable size for spirit form with items (size changing potions for instance)

    12. All offerings should have a minimum percentage of being infertile and more for incest offerings (60% I think) instead of being always infertile and of course ability to remove it

    13. Upgradeable barn (60 capacity at maximum upgrade)

    14. Roaming random captured creatures around the ranch instead of being just in the barn

    15. Upkeep cost of creatures (they have to eat right?)

    16. Having companion (they have to be blessed) in combats and exploration of the world

    17. Applying jobs for blessed creatures of your ranch (like fern that give bj for harvesting semen)

    18. Harvesting materials from the beautiful world of the game

    And also it's a pity that the game is under develop since 2017 and still is on its early stage my suggestion for DerelictHelmsman is hiring more devs (I mean come on main character still sprint funny and some spices still don't have male gender). Don't get me wrong dev done a great job so far, it's just take a lot of effort and time to fully develop a good game (real game not just who fucks who game) and by the time its finished its methods and graphics and all the things that game offers are outdated and no one buy it
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    • Based on Breeding Season -- an abandoned masterpiece
    • Futa option so no males
    • 1 person is making this! Lone hero.

    • Needs more written content to expand the world. The other sentient characters only offer 1 maybe 2 dialogue interactions.
    • Breeding Season did it better -- more interactions, more dialogue, more events, better immersion, so many memories.
    • Randomly-generated body-types means a LOT of really fat, obese pets. Turning "random bodytypes" off makes the females the same shape.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    The breeding game genre is one that can go sideways fast but this is a lot of fun. It doe not feel frindy, and the softness to the character design is great. As with an Unreal game on a not so fast system there is lag but it has never been so bad as to ruin the gameplay. Favorite part so far is the variety, I currently have a Titan sized Catgirl and a about a dozen hybrids. Hoping for more NPCs or an eventual storyline but even without it this is just fun from the mix an match standpoint
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This rating is for [v0.724 Alpha]
    Might change as updates comes.

    To start it off, i've been following this for a while now and it's everything that i hoped for.

    Good points;
    -Be it Furries, Scalies, Avians or else, you're covered. There's for everyone's taste in that matter, be it fully furry or just neko style (watch that it is still limited so far to some races).
    -Map is gorgeous and pretty big with still a fast travel option unlock-able by fucking a Lamia at each teleport points.
    -Models are on point, i would prefer some more variations in the boobs but it's good nevertheless. Same goes with the penises, there's choices, but still would like some more.

    Things to watch out for;
    - Very heavy on the CPU at high res.
    - The fur effects are pretty laggy so try not to zoom on it too much if you don't have a strong PC.
    - Low res does trash a bit of the creatures' skins/details like the scales.
    -Character creator is hard to comprehend for new players.

    Gameplay in succinct;
    Easy to get, the elf at the start gets you a quick idea on how things work, going in the village on top will complete that knowledge by talking to the NPCs. Different ways to capture a creature by either using milk and semen or just beat it in a quick fuck. Just watch for your stamina. You go around the map and look for spawn areas that are marked by big ass (literally) angel statues floating above an open area.

    Note, there's a way to play as a customisable furry by using an in-game cheat and just use the "beastification" non stop as it is usually limited in time.

    So in short, if you like furries and monster girls/men. In a kinda gotta catch them all style then breed them. Go ahead. If you don't ? Then why the heck are you in this website m8 ?
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This is my favorite game on this site! The 3d graphics and physics are stunning!

    The only con i can mention is of course the lack of music and sounds... it makes a game a bit weird, altough playing your own music while the game is running is still an option until the dev implements some...
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    The lack of sound is a bit odd but visually and just quality wise of the models I can't complain. Overall I like the concepts and what the dev has done so far. Highly recommend people give it a try if the tags fit your interests. :3
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    What I liked and why:
    The environment
    I love the style of the game, from the glowing runes on the trees, the statues of well endowed women with waterfalls coming from their nipples, to the vagina portals you use for fast travel. The game has a fairy tale style that isn't trying to be too serious, it's a treat to look at.

    What I didn't like (yeah that was quick) and why:
    The animations
    Disregarding the fact that this far in we still don't have much animation variety (a few have been removed, actually), what's there is just boring. You have basically two animations per position: Pumping and cumming. It's brief and frankly just overall unsatisfying to look at. Playing as a male I've noticed that his penis seems to change shape depending on the size of the partner and when he pumps it doesn't really look like he "enters" rather his dick just stretches out and inward. The animations themselves feel very robotic, the way they swing back and fourth doesn't look quite right but it isn't something I can really explain.

    The character models
    I feel bad putting this here because I actually like the body types they have here though some get a little too big for my tastes. What I mean specifically is the sameness of all the different races. Almost all females barring the exotics look the same but with different animal accessories. The demons have horns and purple/blue skin, the cats have cat ears and paw gloves but they all share the same body, face, and usually hair. It feels like every "monster" is the same person just wearing a different outfit.

    The gameplay or lack thereof
    Since adding surprise sex the game has become even more simple. Before, each nephelym liked either a particular semen or milk from another neph. You had to figure out which to feed them in order to capture them. Now? Surprise sex and wear your mouse out by clicking to keep one meter from filling while another fills, then they're yours. You still have to use milk/semen for same sex capturing but a seduce option is on the way for female breeders. Even before this change there still wasn't much in the way of goals or content beyond breeding for the sake of breeding. You have traits which help in creating interesting combos such as fat giant elves or skinny mini titans but none of the races look distinct enough from one another to allow something truly wild. There are hybrids but, again, they look like the same chick just wearing mixed up animal accessories. If you play without using cheats this is the current progression: Build a foxen/vulwarg house, capture a few, sell milk/cum until you have enough for another housing, rinse and repeat.

    TLDR: I like the way the world looks but the game is barren with samey models and lackluster animations, gameplay is nonexistent which can be fixed with time but the models and animation style are here to stay, bringing the game down in my opinion.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    There is a lot of potential in this game, but a lot of games have potential so i will judge this game based on its current state as of 0.708.

    I will keep it short:
    This game is fun and models looks nice so why only 3 stars?
    The game is HIGHLY unfinished, its just bare bones and even if these bones look great there is still no meat to them.
    The content is spread so thinly that if you focus on only one aspect you will have nothing to do after 5 min of gameplay.

    Maybe in 2-3 years there will be enough content to play with, as of now while fun and good looking there is not much to do here.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    absolutely gorgeous game. I could play this until the end of time.
    This is exactly what ive been trying to find for a long time now.
    Love all the species and all the npcs, the environment, all of it! absolute perfection. Still hoping for some sound down the line but hell - i can wait <3
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Love the free roaming in the world, animation and design. however i do miss some more camera option, and better zoom controls + positions. dunno if anything of that is on the way tho. anyhow, good work!
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    Anti Cuck Lord

    i feel the freedom its almost to much its like skyrim but with a bunch of porn mods . the game is a bit lacking content but fuck that the freedom good god the freedom . its also funny as hell running from a trap XD (miss me with that gay shit <removed>) .the camera is pretty good wish they had sound overall i enjoyed the game for awhile its like get a game from one of those ten random steams 7.5/10 for fap (mainly for the sound other wise its a 9/10).(y):ROFLMAO:
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    The perfect game:

    Never before have I wanted to rate a game 5 stars so quickly and monster girls aren't even my thing.
    At the time of writing, I have only given 1 other game a 5-star rating.

    I was expecting something like a small area and barely any fappable content.

    Nothing could have prepared me for what this game is. I was stunned by the open world, the graphics and the content. This is the new golden standard adult games should look up to.

    Seriously, this game left me astonished. The only problem with it right now is the fact that it doesn't have sounds and a plot/story. But like I said there's TONS of fappable content.

    The mechanics are easy to follow but as a new player, a tutorial could be useful. Also, a map and explanation of key bindings would also be nice for starting players. A faster way to traverse the map after you played the game and captured Nephelym who can fly could also come in handy. There are portals you can use to get around faster but flying would be great in this game.

    Other than that, this game has it all.


    P.S. : *Keep in mind, you need a decent PC to play this.*
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Fully traversable 3D world with appealing character designs. Lots of animations, nice shaders and lighting. Characters are procedurally generated with a high degree of uniqueness. Already lots of fun and still has a huge amount of potential.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    One Game that show's how good a Monster Breeding Game can be 9races so far and more to cume(öhm come) the game is solid bug patches and patches with new contend are mostly in a week or in a month for one man that works on it its Puuuuurfect i Love it and its the best Breeding Game out there.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I have to say,this game is VERY well done. the graphics are FANTANSTIC,the animation is smooth,it is all seamless with no loading, and it runs quite nicely with no glitches. it is legit unbelievable that only one man is working on this game. HUGE respect to him for being able to pull it off. the only annoying thing is that there are no music or sound effects,but i am certain he will add them later. I only wish for a walkthrough so i know what has been done exactly,and for some story development.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    the game itself is really good but it could considered just a sandbox untill some substance is put into it!good animations good concept but i think a story is a must in this or i dont think its getting anywhere
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    It still needs some work because there are some bugs here and there and you also need a pretty decent pc to play it without fps drops, but that is about it when it comes to bad things about this game.
    Overall this is a very good game with a very good amount of content, great character customization, a lot of scenes with something for everyone(if you are into demihumans or furries). It's worth trying and pretty sure you'll love it.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    This is what an Unreal 3D game should look like. Decent models and a great environment. Obviously, the game still needs more work done and content added.
    This is the best visually pleasing 3D adult game I've seen so far. Good job in the art department dev(s).

    Game play wise, it is rather simple. Buy supplies for capturing creatures, capture them using said supplies, harvest resources they produce, breed, sell the resources or them, profit.
    The only issue is, if you are unable to capture any creatures at the start and didn't spend your starting money wisely, you are screwed and have to restart. Probably should be a way to earn money in the case this happens.

    This game has the most variables for a character creator I have ever seen in any game, adult or not. (well Black Desert might be super extensive but I dont have that game). Some values seem to do nothing yet, but the creator is quite amazing to see in such a game. Current hair models could use more polish but could stay as is and be fine for me.
    Since the character creator is rather expansive in areas, I do wish for a few clothing options (or perhaps cosmetic unlocks for in game).

    Haven't gotten very far in the current version yet, so I'm probably missing some things. I do know that some interactions (breeding) don't have animations yet, like some wolf x fox animations, harpies not able to do anything with fox or wolf types. The deed is still done though by confirmation of text. I was able to knockup a harpy by fox even though there is not an animation.

    Exploring can take time to find the locations you need to go for each creature type. Traveling on the large map can become a nuisance the further one goes. Perhaps a portal system for better traveling experience, such as a portal located in each zone that can be unlocked by some means (location discovery, money/resource required, adult scene, etc).

    3 stars only because it is an alpha game. Will probably update if released version comes out.
    Keep up the good work dev(s)!
    I'm looking forward to it's completion.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    v0.703 Alpha
    Thought I would update this since it has been a while.

    The game has continued to improved with the addition of traits as well as the new hybrid race. The game continues to look amazing with no loading screen however the games still suffers from one major problem and that there is plot/story.

    Money is only needed to buy trait levels and housing, after that it is not needed anymore.
    For the actual breeding there are only 5 sex scenes in which only certain sizes will work.
    Both of these problems leads to the next problem that is that once you have seen all the sex scenes the only other reason to play is to find or breed new variations of the species as in new colours, different sizes. Which meant that after an hour or less when you have unlocked all the house and have a high trait level the game becomes boring as you have done everything in the game.
    There are also unique scenes for the characters in town and in your farm and the kraken but aside from the helper that gives you shiny and the lamina for the portals the other scenes with the unique characters there is no reason to view the scenes again.
    Getting around the place takes a long time since the game area is so big as a result I will prefer if there was a sprint allows button so that i don't have to keep holding shift.
    The game currently has no music
    Also when you breed two characters and watch the scene rather than skip it you have to re select the characters again if they failed to get pregnant which does irritate me especially when you have a a lot and you filter then you have to filter again.

    While i have mentioned a few negative points for the game which is the reason why it has lost a star i do believe this game is great and has the potential. Combine this with a active developer and this game will go far.

    On a side note why the developer thought it would be a good idea to place the home teleport so far away baffles me as it makes journeys using the teleport longer than they have to be.