Archived Big Brother: "Visual Novel 2 E-Book" extracted dialogs [v2.4] (Dialog from v0.13.0.007)

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Max Headroom

pauper commilito CtSH
Sep 27, 2017
how can I use this program?
I assume you understand english and have read the OP?

Attached you'll find a zipped HTML file which is the output of my program. Just unzip it and place it in your Big Brother game folder.
(To be correct there are 669 html-files and one css-file in that zip, but that doesn't matter, and all must be in your BB-mainfolder)
With the v0.13.0.007 release the images are already decrypted, so the HTML looks for all images in the default Images sub-folder.
The "start" file is just named FormattedDialog.html. This contains a Table of Contents and the text of the "Possibilities". Clicking on the links will open the correct file for the "Game Sequence". I've included a drop-down and small bit of javascript that allows you to change the size of the big images for better scrolling.

Or short form:
unzip the zip in your BB mainfolder, doubleclick on FormattedDialog.html and follow the links.
(Does not work with BB 12 and lower.)
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Jan 20, 2017
@thug73 Wouldn't it be maybe better if a "leave =>" leads really to a leave to the first page?
An excellent idea. If I'm not too wasted tonight I'll see what I can do, plus I was going to add simple "next" and "Previous" buttons to the Top/Bottom to be able to quickly move between files.


Jan 20, 2017
how can I use this program?
You can't use the program yet, only the output. This is because only I have the program - I've not released it generally yet, because bits of the code are jumbled bits of crap and I have standards. :)

it would be so great to have the game in visual novel format without all the grinding and waiting
Agreed! Although getting a fully linked up linear story is probably beyond the scope of the program. I can't code in the links of the "main structure" if you like - choosing between going to war with Eric or not, etc. At most I can present a whole heap of vignettes.

All the sequences have unique identifiers, so theoretically if somebody wanted to create a "story list" that was list of those identifiers it could sort of be turned into an actual story with beginning/middle/end that way, but that'd be a manual process.



Max Headroom

pauper commilito CtSH
Sep 27, 2017
BTW 1st page, I have done some mods (more for me because I was curious how it works and with 12+ DS killed most of the ideas. :( ) so I looked a bit behind the curtain but for normal gamers I think the 1st page is confusing what he should click and what all this cryptic letters are for. I think it is a thought or two worth to create a better start page.

Oh just read your last post while writing this post. :)

How about to "capture" (with permission of course from ) as startpoint so everbody can choose an opportunity and look where it goes?


Jan 20, 2017
How about to "capture" (with permission of course from ) as startpoint so everbody can choose an opportunity and look where it goes?
I do reproduce the "Opportunities" (also known as "Possibilities" in the code) that Ikaruga also pulled out of 0001.dat, but unfortunately there's nothing in the raw data that links those Possibilities to the actual "Game Sequences". It's great that the Possibilities have nice English titles, but there's nothing similar for the other sequences.

As you say, all those sequences have fairly obtuse "references" that I'm using for Titles, and they make some sense, but not a lot. At this point I only see a manual solution as being able to fix this, and I'm not doing that right now! The one minor concession I've made to this fact so far is placing the "intro.start" and "open.notebook" entries at the very top.




Jan 20, 2017
I've just had an idea for organising things a little bit better...

In my extracted "Game Sequences" it would be possible to check all the possible effects that sequence has and if they're related to a particular "possibility".

So, for example, the excitingly named "" sequence can result in the event "set_poss.car_53", which basically links that sequence to the "New Job" Possibility. I'll see if I can come up with a way to group and order at least some of the game sequences based on detail like that.


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Jan 20, 2017
First post updated with a new version, which improves navigation and some other minor changes.

Next release to hopefully include my idea from the previous post. Just wanted to get this improved version released before starting those changes.


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May 11, 2017
I downloaded version 2.3 but can't seem to find any of the version 13 scenes, only the version 12 and lower scenes (the files for the game are right, so I didn't put it in an older version, at least.

Am I missing something?


Jan 20, 2017
I downloaded version 2.3 but can't seem to find any of the version 13 scenes, only the version 12 and lower scenes (the files for the game are right, so I didn't put it in an older version, at least.

Am I missing something?
No, you're totally right. There's something weird going on. I've just looked closely at the V13 release I downloaded and it doesn't even contain a 0002.dat file, which is the file which I decrypt (using BBImageTools) to then stick into my program.

So of course, with that file missing, I was still decrpting the v12 file that was still sitting there, and that's what you're seeing. I think this v13 release is changing other stuff apart from just having the files pre-decrpted. I may need to read in the other ".txt" files in the Data folder as well.

I'll look into it. First I'm going to do a "clean" install of BB v13 and make sure that it works and so on.




Jan 20, 2017
Yep, v13 really changed things and I hadn't properly noticed... there's no longer a 0002.dat file to process for all the dialog, but a series of unencrypted text files instead. I'll have to re-write my code to process all those files instead.


Jan 20, 2017
I downloaded version 2.3 but can't seem to find any of the version 13 scenes, only the version 12 and lower scenes (the files for the game are right, so I didn't put it in an older version, at least.
Okay, I've uploaded a new version (see OP) that correctly contains all the v0.13 dialog.

Now that Big Brother is dead/permanently on hold, I'll have to see where I go from here. I might do a bit more tidying up, and I would like to be able to process the MOD.txt file as well, since people will probably still update their Mods for a while to come, but I'll probably give this a bit less focus now that it's not such a useful tool for players.




Jan 20, 2017
good work on this i was just curious since you done this about a way of converting it to a actual walkthrough
Not really. There's no proper "sequence" of events in the code I extract the data from.

You can use this extracted code to see the "conditions" required for certain things to appear though, which will help you in playing through the game.

Also, reading through the "possibilities" will often give you hints on what you had to do to move on to the next step.




Jun 28, 2017
Tried it out for a few minutes and it seems to work well. One thing I can't do is change the page via dark/night modes in my browser. Any chance you can change the background from searing white to something like dark grey?


Jan 20, 2017
Tried it out for a few minutes and it seems to work well. One thing I can't do is change the page via dark/night modes in my browser. Any chance you can change the background from searing white to something like dark grey?
Can't think why these pages couldn't be overridden for that sort of thing, just like any other page, but then browsers are funny things.

If you know CSS then just edit that file and change the default background colour there. If you don't, then well I'll put it on the "to do" list, but probably won't get to it that soon. I'm stuck working on other coding projects right now.



Jun 28, 2017
Never done CSS before but after looking it up I'm changing background and text colors now. Thanks for the tip.
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