Cheat Mod Unity Big Brother: Custom Cheat Menu [v0.13.0.007] [RazorX]


Active Member
Apr 2, 2021
Hi. anyone know how can i make work that cheatmod for this game? i am new around here and for this game too, pls hit me, help me....thanks!


Active Member
Apr 2, 2021
hi. one question about this game, after i put that cheatmod in that folder and back to launch game on laptop where appear cheat menu, i already click on that text but nothin happen, why? can anyone tell me how i can do to work? pls, god bless u all


Jul 3, 2020
Ahoj lidi, tady je vlastní cheat menu pro velkého bratra, který jsem udělal na základě Ikaruova cheat menu. Prošel jsem a vyčistil, reorganizoval, otestoval a přidal do toho další věci včetně způsobu, jak podvádět položky (jakékoli položky ve hře), stejně jako jsem přidal chybějící položky do možnosti expresního doručení a přidal jsem také další věci.
Každá možnost byla mnou testována, ale pokud máte nějaké problémy, dejte mi vědět, také to bylo testováno s čistým nastavením v0.13.0.007 a funguje to perfektně, vše, co uděláte, je podvádět notebook a měli byste vidět možnost nabídky cheat Nahoře.

Stačí rozbalit Mod.txt do stejného adresáře jako BigBrother.exe a je hotovo.

Aktualizováno dne: 14. 1. 2018
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Film School Girl - V hlavní roli máma
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New Member
Dec 26, 2020
you're welcome, that was the aim :) i put it at the top and bottom of the pages that had a good amount of content so it makes it faster to navigate.
Where exactly do I have to paste the file? I'm really confused ngl, I would be grateful if u tell me


Jun 1, 2017
Hey guys here is the custom cheat menu for big brother i did based off Ikaru's cheat menu. I have went through and cleaned up, reorganized, tested and added extra stuff to it including a way to cheat in items (any item in the game) as well as added the missing items to the express delivery option i also added other stuff too.
Each option has been tested by me but if you do have any issues let me know also this has been tested with a clean v0.13.0.007 setup and it works perfectly all you do is cheat the laptop and you should see the cheat menu option at the top.

Just extract the Mod.txt into the same directory as the BigBrother.exe and you're done.

Updated On: 14/01/2018
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I'm still pretty new to this. I'm not sure if the BigBrother.exe is somewhere else or is it where I downloaded the game cause I extracted the Mod.txt into where I downloaded the game and I don't see the custom cheat menu anywhere when I launch the game or when I try to add the other mods the one I had before just gets replaced.
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