Seeking Sandbox games (spacific criteria).

Mar 31, 2018
I love these games but I can't stand NTR and I can't stand the forced (unavoidable ingame) gangbangs/gangrapes that so many games are fond of. to clarify, I don't mind this if it's on my order, but dont force me to watch a bunch of blokes fuck what is (in my mind) mine. Call me possessive but i'm always like 'Get out of it, they're mine!, I will lynch you!'.
Since they're such popular genres I've had trouble finding anything where I can avoid it (yes my search-fu is weak) and so I figured i'd just ask this fine community.
Don't mind genre, character gender or content, not much offends me really, I'm just possessive and cuckery is apparently popular these days. Like I said, I don't mind if that kinda stuff is in there as long as its avoidable/at the players behest.
Things I liked for reference purposes: Liliths throne, free cities, life with a slave, eratohoK (got a lot of flack for its translation but for some reason I really liked this), the sandboxier the better but anything is fine.


Jul 16, 2017
I totally agree with you... I also hate it when they push such content... Any sane person won't have hardon to see his Girl getting banged or raped... as you said 'Get out of it, they're mine!, I will lynch you!'

I am working on a game 90% close to your taste (It will be totally free... no patron buillshit)...
but I am limited by processing power... Single IRAY render is taking 4 hrs average...
so my game have limited paths.... to save time on extra paths renders... as result it will have a linear story progress...

If you want search after a month on f95 for "Adventures of Agent X" or something similar... I haven't fixed a name yet...
It has Adventure, Romance, A Genie(Girl- love intrest of MC), MC won't have any superpowers... he is just a Nerdy guy(and a undercover agent)... , there will be a fallout event... Alien attack on earth... and post-apocalyptic setting after v0.2


Dec 9, 2018
Hmm harem based yes? As of fucking more than one npc and preferably no sharing?
Cause life with a slave is one npc no? Im slightly confuced .
Oki sooo...
Im gonna guess what could ticle ur fancy then and name 3 games :
1. Whoremaster (because u named free cities) 2. Roguelike (moded) 3. witchtrainer silver ( but u are fucking just one , and other are being worked on)
All 3 have one in common , u fuck more than one female without sharing with others . And in whoremaster the sharing is optional (as the name sugests)
As a bonus 4 (slight ntr) Harem hotel , if u are OK to fuck a women that fucked her BF and left him to be with u . Well if u are considering that as NTR .

And thats about it that comes to mind , and is not a shit game .

All these games are basicaly a wild quess , try to be more specific if none of these are good for u . Cause not sure if they are suposed to be text based as mandaroty (u named 3 that are) Or can be Rpy/flash based.

Hope this shit helped a little.