Renpy show text color


Fudged it again.
Game Developer
Jan 5, 2018
Hey all Im trying to find the answer to what one would think is a simple question, Ive googled all around and have learned a few other things today, but not what I was after.

I am simply dispalying the current time on the screen like this

show text "9:AM"  at topright
Which works fine, however I am trying to change the color of the font, this is the closest solution Ive found so far

show text "9:AM" (color="#FF0066") at topright
Which also work in as much it changes the text to red but instead of saying 9:AM it says - unicode object is not callable

Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong please.
Oct 30, 2018
Try show text "{color=#FF0066}9:AM{/color}" at topright

Edit: removed the "" around the hex value (rookie mistake)
Oct 30, 2018
Whoops, I made a mistake in the code because I'm an idiot. Remove the "" around the hex value. That should work.
Will edit the previous post.
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