Why does everyone hate RPGM?


Jan 13, 2018
Just curious why people don't like it. I've always found it the easier engine to use as it's more visual than renpy and an easier learning curve with a lot of features already built in.
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Active Member
Jun 4, 2017
When playing on the likes of Renpy, it's a simple case of one click of a button/icon to get to a location.

With RPGM, you have to navigate them manually, generally through poorly designed levels, sometimes without any indicators for locations or a map for how to get there. It's laborious.

Also, navigating dialogue is better in Renpy (ability to go back, skip or auto). Editing saves/stats is easier in Renpy.

These are porn games, people generally want to get right to the action.

While RPGM is an outdated engine, they both still have their places. Visual novels are better suited to Renpy, while adventure games are more suited to RPGM.


Game Developer
Jul 16, 2017
Why does everyone hate RPGM?...whomever goes as far as to be so passionate about it probably needs therapy asap but anyways...
easier learning curve
...in the beginning yes...but quiet the opposite if you delve into territory the engine wasn't designed for which is kinda inevitable if you want to create something unique...not counting the extra work needed to avoid...
poorly designed levels
...re-use of vanilla assets and your game basically looking like the next...overall one invests the same amount of time and energy regardless of the base used in order to create a game worth playing so if you like RPGM more...go for it...if you think Ren'py suits your project better...go for it...in the end a game is only as good as the blood sweat and tears invested in it's creation and the engine has very little to do with that at all.


Jan 13, 2018
I've seen Visual Novel Maker from the makers of RPGM, does anyone have any experience with it? It looks to have the same sort of easy drag and drop interface like RPGM but what is it like features wise? Can you do town maps in it?


Engaged Member
Game Developer
May 2, 2017
I've seen Visual Novel Maker from the makers of RPGM, does anyone have any experience with it? It looks to have the same sort of easy drag and drop interface like RPGM but what is it like features wise? Can you do town maps in it?
Apparently it uses java scripting for coding in new mechanics. I don't really have any experience with it, but from what I heard around the internet, java scripting is sluggish as hell.


Forum Fanatic
Nov 18, 2016
while there are good reasons why people choose or don't choose rpgm. everyone doesn't hate it. in fact it is quite popular. in my opinion porn games is what keep rpgm alive and kicking as a product. now if you just wanna have a fap fest then yeah you gonna stay away from rpgm games. but if you have a porn game but you also want to make it a good quality and somewhat interesting and compelling game (in my opinion roundscape is one of those types of games) then you are not going to use a visual novel style like renpy because for the simple fact... they are not games. like yes i know they are classified as games but really they are not. they are a book that has choices now you do have ones like summertime sage, or dreaming of dana, which push this engine more closer into proper game territory, your standard choice vn is just a book with options that can affect the story. like those books that you make a choice for the character and it tells you a page to go to. so if you just want to make a interactive gamelike porn game then yeah do a vn, but if you want to do an actual porn game then you either make a game engine (which i doubt anyone would actually do) or you use available game types, which technically includes VNs but it is easier just to say they are exactly that visual novels, that being said the vn engine renp'y can be used to makes games (examples already listed) however if you want to have more than just clicking gameplay you are not going to choose Renp'y as it doesn't do the greatest with being immersive when its a point and click. like to be honest you will find classic reading VN format more immersive than the game style VN as the constant clicking and looking at time etc. while it tries to pull you in more often than not will push you out. thats why rpgm is actually quite popular because if you have a good one you can waste hours playing it and being involved with the world that is set up for you. however some games are just better as a VN than rpgm and vice versa, e.g. pretty much all of icstor's games would be better in renp'y Milf City is proof of that, as these games do not rely on rpg elements, the combat system is practically useless and when used in these types of games set in the modern world don't make much sense, like really you gonan kill a rat and it drops a gun? (that is more a loot balancing issue but you get the idea of how it just doesn't fit in) like imagine how much better icadventures new game would be if they had also moved to renp'y. anyway that is my shitty essay on why rpgm isn't hated its just over saturated with bad games because of lazy creators who don't realise how stupid it is to use this engine for their game. I personally was getting sick of rpgm.... then i sunk more than 10 hours in 2 days into roundscape and I ain't complaining, so basically in my OPINION the idea that rpgm is hated as a product is just a misdirect of the hate towards shitty rpgm games that should have just used any other engine out there.


Forum Fanatic
Nov 18, 2016
while there are good reasons why people choose or don't choose rpgm. everyone doesn't hate it. in fact it is quite popular.......
while i obviously could have summarised and shortened my point, I won't cause i suck at that, but if you agree with the message feel free to write a simplified version of this. if you don't agree or don't care, I suggest to not waste the time.


♥ Ren'Py Fangirl ♥
Sep 18, 2017
The RPGM games I've played all have the same problem with them - they're visual novels running on an engine designed for role-playing games.
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Jun 17, 2017
Because navigating maps are a PIA! (Pain In the Ass)
Plus it's like playing a Mario Game or Zelda. Kind of hard to feel like you're playing an actual 'Adult' game.


Mar 4, 2018
as a mere player, I do not hate them.

They usually (all?) come with native gamepad support, a big plus. and somehow the tiny/ "chibi" on-map characters and things help me immerse into the game ("kawaii!")

Problems I encountered imo. were not because of engine : I can not see how eg. poor balance in battles (way too easy/ way too "hard"/ boring/ etc.) should be an inherent problem of the engine.
Storytelling / characters/ dialogues / immersion and general "feel" can be good to me (MGQ paradox1, Rune's Pharmacy).

main problem with me is I can not avoid going play-to-win state of mind, so having to lose to get sex scene ... I miss most sex scenes then. :D
Aug 5, 2016
Two reasons I am not inclined to using RPGM is that MV runs like complete trash on my computer and ren'py is always faster. Also, encryption of RPG media files, which is becoming a trend thanks to devs not wanting their assets to be readily accessible makes it fucking annoying to play. For visual novels there just isn't a point because the "gameplay" element of RPGM is either underutilized or shoehorned in to make a grindy fucking mess of a game where every 2 minutes I have to fight some fucking asshole monster just to get to the next area.

I like RPGM for games, but I'm not always here to play games. Sometimes I want something that runs more like a slow movie where I can click through and scroll back as I please. RPGM works for games like Legend of Queen Opala, Roundscape Adorevia, and three games in particular I really enjoyed that used it were Overwhored, Noxian Nights, and Ouroborous because they were fun to play as both games and an occasional boner.

But if I'm trying to see some hot chicks get plowed, RPGM just creates a ton of obstacles. I will say that ICCreations' and Icstor's games using RPG VX Ace have a good balance between running around fighting/solving puzzles and fucking girls, but that's hard to strike. RPG MV is such a RAM hog I will often pass over a game that uses it just because it's RPGM MV.


Conversation Conqueror
Respected User
Dec 17, 2017
I don't hate RPGM; I'm just much more likely to play a game that doesn't use it. Here's why:

  • It's not really suited for visual novels. Creators put in a lot of running around, which is gameplay that doesn't appeal to me.
  • Ren'py lets you load and save anytime. RPGM doesn't. Save right before a scene you want to watch multiple times? No problem in Ren'py. Big problem in RPGM sometimes.
  • RPGM crashes a TON more.
  • RPGM sometimes runs very slowly.
  • I can easily look at the code in Ren'py games and fix bugs in the code, or use the console to fix things or cheat.
  • Getting through long strings of dialog in RPGM can be a slog. In Ren'py I can turn on instant text, so it's 1 click per paragraph.

Take a look at the Ren'py fan remake of Anna Exciting Affection, or the comments about Milfy City being in Ren'py instead of RPGM. Most people (by a large margin) who've tried them prefer the Ren'py versions; it's almost always better for this type of game.
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Jul 26, 2017
first of all it's really heavy for my computer. i can't play roundscape adorevia for example.

secondly, some games requires you to play more than once. e.g. my girlfriend's amnesia and farmer's dreams. if you want to see more scenes, you gotta do everything from the start all over again and it's the worst.

and lastly it adds unnecessary grinding. walk there, talk to someone and walk back to where you started. it really grinds my gear.


Aug 24, 2016
Most RPGM games look like ass and run like shit. The engine is also notorious for having memory leaks. Bugs in Ren'py games are easier to user fix than RPGM ones.

Deleted member 231062

Oct 4, 2017
Because you have to waste so much time running around. Sometimes they don't even add a "fast walk" feature. And the combat is soooooooooooooooooo slow... There should be at least an "auto combat" for easy enemies.


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2017
Since theres multiple versions of rpgmaker it's a bit vague to just say "rpgm". Like if you hate the nonadjustable screen size, lack of options etc. it's not a critique that applies to most rpgm MV titles.

A modern MV game by a dev who knows what he's doing it's not comparable at all to an XP title.
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Active Member
Jun 27, 2017
One of the opinions I've heard: the RPGM games are easy to make, so internet is flooded with low-quality ones
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