
Active Member
Aug 6, 2017
I said it many times already. 0.13 will be finished and will be given to everyone as gift from me at next will
I've really enjoyed BigBrother DS, it's a shame it has to end at all. In light of Patreon though I can understand. I just hope someday soon, alternative solutions can be found that allow authors their expressive freedom and still earn a reward for their work.
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Engaged Member
May 8, 2017
I AM looking at them as books. And as books, no sane publisher would let them out the door as they are. Hell I can even compare FSN to an actual set of novels written in the same universe. The 4 light novel set Fate: Zero tells a story that is AT LEAST as compelling as FSN in a fraction of the word count.

Even if we take the work of the sam Author, Kara no Kyoukai is far more economical in its use of language, and it shows. If it was a VN, it would probably be far... far... longer because the medium as a whole tends to have pacing issues. Again, FSN has roughly the word count of the ENTIRE Harry Potter series. Now, yes it has three different routes, which is something that would be very hard to do in a traditional novel, but even granting that. The pacing can be god awful at times, with large stretches of nothing happening. And FSN's word count is different than it would be in other games, because a player is likely to read ALL of it.

You also guaranteed I'll never touch Muv-Luv, 1.8 million words is ridiculous.

And before you say the genre isn't for me. I like VNs quite a lot, but that doesn't mean I am blind to the flaws that keep popping up in the genre. I think the last one I read that I felt was relatively tightly written was 999, and even that had a tendency towards pontification.
Ok. I guess we won't agree on that. I seriously can't find F/SN over written at any part. I could maybe say so about Tsukihime but not F/SN. But isn't that a bias towards long VNs(books?)? You're saying Muv-Luv is ridiculous just because it's very long while it's known as one of the top tier sci-fi VNs. If you would said so after playing it I could understand that but putted like that it seems to be a bias. If you like more tight texts it's fine but I can't say it's a flaw if Tolkien likes background decriptions to the extreme even tho I don't really like them.
I'm not saying that GGGB is played by a majority women, just that it has in it a lot of things that would be at home in female erotica or fan fiction, especially when you look at its male characters, the tropes used for its female ones and the like. It's not hard to explain either, as Eva is a female. As for Female characters. Hey I like playing as them, and we've had a decent number of normal and porn games with female leads, but if you are trying to go for the widest possible audience, you go with a male MC. The numbers simply back that up. In Mass Effect for example under 20% of players played the game as FemShep, who was by far the superior choice. In general, games with male only playable characters sell about 75% better than games with only female main characters. It is what it is.
Agree on that. GGGB might be enticing for females for sure. My point was that they are not at its aim. I wouldn't use Mass Effect example. Too many factors for male MC rather than female in this one. But I agree male MC in general is safer. I wouldn't say it's always better tho.
That isn't to say a game with a female main character can't do well, a lot of TF games, and games like GGGB do great. But unless the game breaks through to a new audience, I have trouble imagining a game with a Female MC getting to the levels that BB or SS hit.

A lot of guys visualize themselves as the main character, I know you do not, but a lot do. And a lot of guys don't want to see the character they are identified with reamed by a BBC for example. I'm not judging, I'm not saying don't make the game, I'm just saying, from a pure numbers perspective, dropping BB even on the side, and focusing on a new game with a Female MC is likely going to cost him a TON of money.
I agree that he will lose patrons. Only quality can tell but I wouldn't be surprised with more than half leaving him. But at this point I just can't say it will have anything to do with Glamour. It will have all to do with removing BB - game they supported for year. Real value of Glamour we can judge after a year of development imo.

Not really, if anyone dies a virgin I tend to find that more sad than anything.
What a times when purity has no value:( You know how strong personality she probably had to refuse her handsome, intelligent, charming and loving brother? Respect her for that

You're ignoring the entire Josei manga market, which has been huge since at least the 1970s, and has always been very erotic, less hard core porn, and more sleazy romance novel, but still... and it's mainly straight porn, with a pretty sizable lesbian market, and of course yaoi too.

Shojo is like Shonen in that it has widespread appeal, across many age groups, even though ostensibly its target market is younger 10-16 year old girls. Josei is like Seinen manga and marketed to an older 20+ at least market.
Fair point about Josei. I never could understand why girls like yaoi. Me sister likes it and it creeps me out:/ As for Shoujo it's such a blurred term (just like shounen) it's starting to lose its integrity. It's being harder to define it every year.

Lets stop this offtop:p
I hope you keep Alice as your signature even for the Glamour game.
He already changed it on Patreon. He has some dude there. Maybe it's DS:eek:


May 1, 2017
If Glamour is set in the same city as BB, I am rooting for the female MC of Glamour to join Kyra's porn productions and have scenes with Ann (and earn money that way, obviously)

I hope that through BB characters making guest appearances in Glamour the BB story will not grow cold and then getting wrapped up properly at some point after the dust from the patreon purge has settled...

Burt Reynolds Mustache

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jul 19, 2017
Ok. I guess we won't agree on that. I seriously can't find F/SN over written at any part. I could maybe say so about Tsukihime but not F/SN. But isn't that a bias towards long VNs(books?)? You're saying Muv-Luv is ridiculous just because it's very long while it's known as one of the top tier sci-fi VNs. If you would said so after playing it I could understand that but putted like that it seems to be a bias. If you like more tight texts it's fine but I can't say it's a flaw if Tolkien likes background decriptions to the extreme even tho I don't really like them.
It just seems to me, when one VN has a word count that is larger than entire Science Fictions series, it worries me. It may be great, and there is likely a whole lot of good stuff in it, because people love it. I looked it up, and I guess the 1.8 million is for both games together or something? So it might not be that bad.

I think the bigger issue is that a story of this length is still following a basic plot structure of introduction, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution, but is doing so across a length that the story doesn't actually support. As I was saying, in 1 million words, the entire harry potter series, has seven different climaxes, FSN has like 3. And as for over written, a whole lot of the sequences at home could easily be cut in half, and the world building, while EXCELLENT, is also often redundant. Shiro's thoughts are often redundant as hell as well. Some of my favorite books needed a knife taken to them. A Dance with Dragons is a masterpiece of actual writing, but about 10 - 15 chapters could have been cut and/or condensed and the book would have been stronger for it. Many times long books are honestly indulgent, and the larger versions are often worse. Interview with a Vampire is a prime example of this.

Agree on that. GGGB might be enticing for females for sure. My point was that they are not at its aim. I wouldn't use Mass Effect example. Too many factors for male MC rather than female in this one. But I agree male MC in general is safer. I wouldn't say it's always better tho.

I agree that he will lose patrons. Only quality can tell but I wouldn't be surprised with more than half leaving him. But at this point I just can't say it will have anything to do with Glamour. It will have all to do with removing BB - game they supported for year. Real value of Glamour we can judge after a year of development imo.
I make no claims about better or worse. That is subjective outside of what will bring in the largest audience. I am just stating that the numbers show, that in general, men prefer games with male main characters. It's love to see a statistical breakdown on average Patreon earnings based on the gender of the main character, but I am guessing the average earnings on a game with a female MC will be significantly lower than one with a male MC. But to be fair I am just guessing.

What a times when purity has no value:( You know how strong personality she probably had to refuse her handsome, intelligent, charming and loving brother? Respect her for that
Linking purity to virginity is always a little odd. Someone's not a better person because they never had sex, they are simply missing out on a huge part of what makes us human. Now they can decide to do so as a sacrifice for a greater ideal, or because they don't desire sex, but why would you say it's a great thing that someone never really got to experience life to its fullest?


New Member
Jan 27, 2018
the games not working with me. it keeps giving me uneven view, i tried downloading again and its keeps staying in the same way. why is this keep happening? cant open the game properly please help


Active Member
Sep 11, 2017
Perhaps he could get a game for himself. Not a porn game. Maybe like Mortal Kombat, where he is on the receiving end of every fatality imaginable. There are ways to use a much hated character after all. Eric is basically the Über-Joffrey of porn games.


Game Developer
Aug 25, 2017
Perhaps he could get a game for himself. Not a porn game. Maybe like Mortal Kombat, where he is on the receiving end of every fatality imaginable. There are ways to use a much hated character after all. Eric is basically the Über-Joffrey of porn games.
I'm quite proud that I was able to create such a famous character.
I've seen some mentions about Eric is some other games as well :)


Oct 6, 2017
Sad day for a great game any release date info yet ? , I am thinking imagine whole great devs getting together and works on 1 project ;



Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2017
This might be a dumb suggestion and I know nothing about creating games so with that in my mind. Can DS officially sell the game to someone who has nothing to do with patreon? DS will not be attached to BB in the eyes of the law and patreon can't ban him for BB because he's not the owner of the game anymore. Just sell the game to someone you trust.


Engaged Member
May 8, 2017
It just seems to me, when one VN has a word count that is larger than entire Science Fictions series, it worries me. It may be great, and there is likely a whole lot of good stuff in it, because people love it. I looked it up, and I guess the 1.8 million is for both games together or something? So it might not be that bad.

I think the bigger issue is that a story of this length is still following a basic plot structure of introduction, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution, but is doing so across a length that the story doesn't actually support. As I was saying, in 1 million words, the entire harry potter series, has seven different climaxes, FSN has like 3. And as for over written, a whole lot of the sequences at home could easily be cut in half, and the world building, while EXCELLENT, is also often redundant. Shiro's thoughts are often redundant as hell as well. Some of my favorite books needed a knife taken to them. A Dance with Dragons is a masterpiece of actual writing, but about 10 - 15 chapters could have been cut and/or condensed and the book would have been stronger for it. Many times long books are honestly indulgent, and the larger versions are often worse. Interview with a Vampire is a prime example of this.
Dunno how it counts about Muv-Luv. It's first part is a typical as hell school love comedy that's max for 50 hours but I doubt it. More like 35. Muv-Luv Extra which is next is something similiar in lenghts (tho plot is already much more complex) and Muv-Luv Alternative that took me 100 hours. But I do admit I was slow. But it's more than 100hours on them all I would guess. Still the longest quality VN I've played. MVA is so long as it tries to create whole universe (and it did) and it uses shittons of military, battleground situations so it makes it more detailed.
Intro, rising action, climax etc. is western idea how lliterature should looks like and even tho it's usually a case it doesn't mean something may looks different. Maybe it's just a way Japanese people tend to write that you can't appreciate? Dunno if you played Clannad - it's another world famous one while it's also rather long. I think it's much longer than F/SN. I just can't remember many VNs that would be much shorter than given 50 hours and keep their quality. You point with books also gives a feeling you just prefer more concised format while it's not objectively better or worse. I very much prefer vast, detailed descriptions of everything if it's made in a way I can enjoy. There is a reason why Dragon Ball Z is a legend while Kai even tho it's the same thing without fillers is in a shadow:p
I make no claims about better or worse. That is subjective outside of what will bring in the largest audience. I am just stating that the numbers show, that in general, men prefer games with male main characters. It's love to see a statistical breakdown on average Patreon earnings based on the gender of the main character, but I am guessing the average earnings on a game with a female MC will be significantly lower than one with a male MC. But to be fair I am just guessing.
You're right that you're guessing and you're probably right about your guess. I wouldn't say disproportion is as huge as you seem to think but male MCs are in general more popular. Personally I have no favourites but observers aren't as common as those who immerse themselves.
Linking purity to virginity is always a little odd. Someone's not a better person because they never had sex, they are simply missing out on a huge part of what makes us human. Now they can decide to do so as a sacrifice for a greater ideal, or because they don't desire sex, but why would you say it's a great thing that someone never really got to experience life to its fullest?
I was just joking. It's just pretty funny for me how easily some aspects that were cherished by centuries can change. I'm not linking virginity to purity (except for games but it's pretty common kink) tho I would't necessary say that staying virgin must mean that person can't experience life to its fullest. But philosophy shouldn't be discussed here I guess. We should cut it off now.
I'm quite proud that I was able to create such a famous character.
I've seen some mentions about Eric is some other games as well :)
That's why I'm so grateful for BB. Even tho it didn't meet my expectations at the end it brought another males to our market and scary NTR \m/ Devs noticed some competition is worth it from time to time. I love it. It works for patrons and grows faster than any other non-vanilla fetish. And it all thanks to Eric. Forever in my memory. Tho as a father you should be ashamed you abandoned your child:/


May 8, 2017
@DarkSilver, I hope switching to Glamour and bending over for Patreon's Mind Police are just decisions taken in crisis to keep everyone busy doing nothing.

Get it straight. Your money came from selling to perverts and your fame is limited to perverts. In order to keep your momentum going you NEED to create more of what this audience craves for. Even if you switch to another game, your audience is exactly the same, don't fool yourself about this critical fact. Even if you dump incest, in order to serve the only audience that is sure to keep your success running you will have to tap into the many sides of human sexuality that are censored by Patreon's Mind Police. Staying on Patreon simply means you'll fizzle out over the next ~6 months and end up going back to your day job.

Your 0 and 1 priorities are to find a payment method that would allow making games that are even more perverted not less (duh!). You fully investing into making a game without incest is like a pub fully investing into selling beer without alcohol.


Game Developer
Aug 25, 2017
@DarkSilver, I hope switching to Glamour and bending over for Patreon's Mind Police are just decisions taken in crisis to keep everyone busy doing nothing.

Get it straight. Your money came from selling to perverts and your fame is limited to perverts. In order to keep your momentum going you NEED to create more of what this audience craves for. Even if you switch to another game, your audience is exactly the same, don't fool yourself about this critical fact. Even if you dump incest, in order to serve the only audience that is sure to keep your success running you will have to tap into the many sides of human sexuality that are censored by Patreon's Mind Police. Staying on Patreon simply means you'll fizzle out over the next ~6 months and end up going back to your day job.

Your 0 and 1 priorities are to find a payment method that would allow making games that are even more perverted not less (duh!). You fully investing into making a game without incest is like a pub fully investing into selling beer without alcohol.
I do agree with you. But first things first.


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2017
@DarkSilver Can you not sell the game to someone you trust who has nothing to do with patreon? Maybe they can finish the game maybe you can help them finish it wink wink

Burt Reynolds Mustache

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jul 19, 2017
Maybe it's just a way Japanese people tend to write that you can't appreciate?
I'll leave the other stuff, but I had to respond to this. I adore Japanese writers. Snow Country is one of my favorite novels of all time. Temple of the Golden Pavilion by Yukio Mishima is also one of the all time greats. I have a wall covered in manga, and have been a fan of Japanese shit for pretty much as far back as I remember. As NOVELS, most VNs just aren't very well written, though I think that anything by Urobochi Gen is a step above the usual. The STORY can be great, the Characters can too, and even so the writing itself can have problems. VNs for some reason just tend to be bloated, especially in exposition.
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