
Active Member
May 31, 2018
I'll say up front that I'm rather fond of tentacle porn, especially well done tentacle porn such as in this game. With that caveat out of the way...

There's something regarding the backdrop to this game that I find more than a bit puzzling. Succubi are demons. Demons are supposed to be evil, right? There are two of them in this game, one of which plays a major (and unavoidable) role behind everything that happens in the game. The other can also have a MAJOR impact on the story. If the (evil?) demons are promoters / proponents of the tentacle beasts, then it's kind of hard to swallow that the tentacle beasts are just poor misunderstood creatures who just want to co-exist with people. It's especially problematic if one goes down one of the paths that involves submitting to the tentacles and/or corrupting the church. If you're infected/infested by them and hence carrying out their will, then you no longer have free will. Worse, your offspring are now abominations. This isn't evil?

In one of my earlier playthroughs I became a follower of one of the old gods, beginning to be transformed into a cat-girl, and supposedly being protected from the succubus in the process. But this same MC was also infested by the tentacles. So are the tentacles not something demonic? If not, then why do both of the succubi want to see the tentacles spread? And if the tentacles are demonic, then why does the god fail to protect you from them? I'm confused.
Um, well, aren't you carrying out their will only because you made the choice to go down the submission path? Or am I mixing the metacontext of the player's choice with the character's?

I might have to play the game a little more to get the right context for your argument.


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Jan 21, 2018
Well, besides the most important question of whether the tentacles are evil or not, there's the issues of will and of offspring.

IIRC (it's been a few weeks since I last played this, so pardon me) as a player you can make choices to submit at certain times or you can be infected by being overpowered (losing) in certain encounters. "Submission" is game path, yes, but when I'm talking about will it doesn't really matter all that much if the MC was a consenting party to being controlled. She's still being controlled. The only thing that consent affects (besides how the player perceives the game's flow) is how much the MC is enjoying what is happening to her as she's being violated. After she's been violated she enjoys it because the tentacles alter her so her attitude towards her new reality is one of acceptance -- regardless of whether she originally consented or not.

Then there's the separate issue that the offspring of everyone that is infested by the tentacles are now more tentacle creatures. None of the affected can be said to still be human (or whatever species they used to be). The fact that the 'people' can no longer bear more people, only more tentacle creatures, should be ... concerning. Or would be if the affected people still possessed freedom of thought. Which they don't. The game does have the mind control tag, but the game doesn't really make abundantly clear that if you become infested you're basically now a slave to the tentacles going forward. Not to put too fine a point on it. The only thing that varies is how much of a cooperating slave you are. Do you eagerly do their bidding or do you resist as much as possible.


Active Member
Game Developer
Aug 2, 2017
I'll say up front that I'm rather fond of tentacle porn, especially well done tentacle porn such as in this game. With that caveat out of the way...

There's something regarding the backdrop to this game that I find more than a bit puzzling. Succubi are demons. Demons are supposed to be evil, right? There are two of them in this game, one of which plays a major (and unavoidable) role behind everything that happens in the game. The other can also have a MAJOR impact on the story. If the (evil?) demons are promoters / proponents of the tentacle beasts, then it's kind of hard to swallow that the tentacle beasts are just poor misunderstood creatures who just want to co-exist with people. It's especially problematic if one goes down one of the paths that involves submitting to the tentacles and/or corrupting the church. If you're infected/infested by them and hence carrying out their will, then you no longer have free will. Worse, your offspring are now abominations. This isn't evil?

In one of my earlier playthroughs I became a follower of one of the old gods, beginning to be transformed into a cat-girl, and supposedly being protected from the succubus in the process. But this same MC was also infested by the tentacles. So are the tentacles not something demonic? If not, then why do both of the succubi want to see the tentacles spread? And if the tentacles are demonic, then why does the god fail to protect you from them? I'm confused.
Ok...this is only SOMEWHAT explained in the story. If you play by following the mysterious woman, helping Keawe, etc., and crafting the fully corrupt bracelet...you'll get a dream event when you go home that same day. In that dream event, Ka'lahani the succubus explains her rationale for wanting to "experiment" on you with tentacles.

Basically, tentacle creatures themselves are not evil -- at least, not in this game. They're most definitely misunderstood, but at the same time, can be highly dangerous if allowed to simply breed out of control.

Ka'lahani is a succubus -- and succubi feed off of mortal lust. (You can consider that evil if you want. Ka'lahani just views herself as amoral -- above the whole idea of good and evil.) Lust can be produced in many different ways, but Ka'lahani has chosen to experiment with tentacles herself, in order to generate massive amounts of lust (some of it her own) at a time. She's gotten herself addicted to tentacles -- not necessarily a good thing on her part.

Athra, the other succubus, has no interest in tentacles per se. But...she DOES have a vested interest in generating as much lust among mortals as possible, and she has her own devious plans for the city of Tyrmidon. Plans that involve her new "pet," Pink Minx, as well as you and your household. For starters, she wants you to corrupt the Church -- the bastion of morality and purity in Tyrmidon.

That help to make more sense of things?
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Active Member
Game Developer
Aug 2, 2017
Then there's the separate issue that the offspring of everyone that is infested by the tentacles are now more tentacle creatures. None of the affected can be said to still be human (or whatever species they used to be). The fact that the 'people' can no longer bear more people, only more tentacle creatures, should be ... concerning. Or would be if the affected people still possessed freedom of thought. Which they don't. The game does have the mind control tag, but the game doesn't really make abundantly clear that if you become infested you're basically now a slave to the tentacles going forward. Not to put too fine a point on it. The only thing that varies is how much of a cooperating slave you are. Do you eagerly do their bidding or do you resist as much as possible.
First of all, only the MC has been affected so that she either impregnates others with tentacle spawn, or "convinces" them to get themselves tenta-fucked and pregged with tentacle spawn (if the MC is "female" tentacle altered, that is). Everyone involved can still give birth to normal offspring.

The MC knows full-well what they're doing. They're not mind-controlled themselves. And as far as the ones that the MC affects...they COULD be considered mind controlled, but it's more along the lines of "convinced" using a combination of alien pheromones and sexual innuendo.

Btw...there ARE paths through the game where you don't have to submit to tentacles or get affected by them AT ALL.

  1. Follow the mysterious woman. Defend yourself against tentacles. Don't allow yourself to get tenta-molested. Help Keawe. Craft a pure bracelet. And defeat the tentacles when they attack your home. In the future, this story path will include facing Ka'lahani in battle as well as working with Keawe to find the source of the tentacle infestation.
  2. Don't follow the mysterious woman. Go to the Church for help. Either ask for help from the Abbottess or from Sensua. If from Sensua, capture a tentacle and return it to the Church. Help her summon her father, and agree to her father's terms. In the future, this path will involve corrupting the Church, but only to the point where the Abbottess will agree to allow Sensua's father to enter the city. (Currently he's banned from entering.)
In both cases, you don't HAVE to submit to tentacles or get tentacle-infested or affected at all. In the first case, you're still attractive to tentacles, but that's not the same thing.
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Engaged Member
Game Developer
Jan 21, 2018
First of all, only the MC has been affected so that she either impregnates others with tentacle spawn, or "convinces" them to get themselves tenta-fucked and pregged with tentacle spawn (if the MC is "female" tentacle altered, that is). Everyone involved can still give birth to normal offspring.
Thanks for making that clear to me.

BTW, even while I was still confused (before your explanation) it did not lessen my liking of this game. Although I must admit that after your two posts explaining things I like the game even more. Better understanding of what's going on helps me to better focus on how I will proceed through the game when I get around to playing it again. The playthroughs are different enough, and fun enough, that I intend on having both an altered MC and a non-altered one. And that's just with the sorceress.

I'm still waiting for when you announce that you've fixed the bugs in the huntress, and added to her playthrough, so that playing as a huntress is as viable as playing a sorceress. (The last time that I played the game it was impossible for a huntress to use a bow and win an encounter with the bandits. It's damn near impossible with the sorceress, but at least it can be done.)


Jun 6, 2018
Guys, I have encounterd a serious bug in the early stages of the game. It occurs when I trie to play past the point of when the Succubus ecounter happend the first Time and you can pick only the option of going home. The game then gives me an Error Message (see picture). I also encounterd this bug when I tried not to go with the women and just went to any of the avaible options (like for example the Fetish shop), and after I tried to leave the choosen area another Error message appeard. Any help is appreciated


Active Member
Game Developer
Aug 2, 2017
Thanks for making that clear to me.

BTW, even while I was still confused (before your explanation) it did not lessen my liking of this game. Although I must admit that after your two posts explaining things I like the game even more. Better understanding of what's going on helps me to better focus on how I will proceed through the game when I get around to playing it again. The playthroughs are different enough, and fun enough, that I intend on having both an altered MC and a non-altered one. And that's just with the sorceress.

I'm still waiting for when you announce that you've fixed the bugs in the huntress, and added to her playthrough, so that playing as a huntress is as viable as playing a sorceress. (The last time that I played the game it was impossible for a huntress to use a bow and win an encounter with the bandits. It's damn near impossible with the sorceress, but at least it can be done.)
The huntress should work properly now. Also...don't win the encounter with bandits. Instead, run into them with full energy and deliberately lose. You'll have a VERY interesting experience, and if you create a diversion so your companions can escape, they will too. ;)


Active Member
Game Developer
Aug 2, 2017
Guys, I have encounterd a serious bug in the early stages of the game. It occurs when I trie to play past the point of when the Succubus ecounter happend the first Time and you can pick only the option of going home. The game then gives me an Error Message (see picture). I also encounterd this bug when I tried not to go with the women and just went to any of the avaible options (like for example the Fetish shop), and after I tried to leave the choosen area another Error message appeard. Any help is appreciated
That's bizarre. What browser are you using to play with? I've never seen an error like that, so I want to see if I can reproduce it in the same browser you're using.


Active Member
Game Developer
Aug 2, 2017
I am currently using Mozilla firefox !
I think there's something wrong with your system. I just tried running this on Firefox and had no issues whatsoever. Try another browser (like Chrome) and see if you have the same issue.


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Jan 21, 2018
I think there's something wrong with your system. I just tried running this on Firefox and had no issues whatsoever. Try another browser (like Chrome) and see if you have the same issue.
I use FF and I cannot replicate the problem reported by @Rebonze.


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Jan 21, 2018
I am, however, getting the following scripting error in the arena:

TS error 01.jpg
I did not get this error in the versions I played before Christmas. Attached is my save to make it easier for you to replicate. Latest FF running in Windows 10.


Jun 6, 2018
Well it works in Chrome, thats kinda weird and now the order of events has changed, the meet women event didnt occur, when in comparsion in the firefox version it did. Well thank you for the advice mouseguru. I hope that I can now enjoy your work!


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Jan 21, 2018
Another bug:


To trigger, click the Content Controls link in the sidebar. Then click the "back" link at the bottom of the displayed page.


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Jan 21, 2018
I vaguely remember something about a fix to the forest merchant encounter so that if he has no inventory remaining then the encounter doesn't occur? Well, it's still happening.


Active Member
Game Developer
Aug 2, 2017
Ok, I'll fix those reported issues and include the fixes in the next release -- which will have some new content, not just bugfixes this time.

I've been steadily working on the new content for the past week or so (and fortunately, I can maintain multiple versions of my code due to the wonders of a code repository, so writing my new content didn't interfere with the numerous bugfixes I had to release!), and I expect another release in another week or so, with a final release of all of the new content I listed above towards the end of January.
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Engaged Member
Game Developer
Jan 21, 2018
After the MC acquires a cock from Sensua's father the MC's stat display does not mention it in the description.


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Jan 21, 2018
Yet another bug: after acquiring the herm cock if you fuck your opponent's pussy your arousal does not decrease. It decreases correctly if you fuck her ass though. Attached is a save to help you debug this.


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Jan 21, 2018
And another bug: if you click on your MC's name to view stats, and then click the "back" link on that page you will jump to the market square even if you're at home. However, the back link works correctly if you're in the forest. So it may be a problem just if you're at home.


Active Member
Game Developer
Aug 2, 2017
Thanks for the bug reports.

Cock stats aren't implemented yet, so that's a known issue. I'm aware of the issue of clicking back from your stat page as well; that will get fixed this month.
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