Sep 30, 2020
Bunch of annoying crybabies. I am actually surprised by how "nice" Mars is in general, and I wish he was far more cruel and abusive. If it was up to me he would treat Lepart worse than the pig-bitch does. Rape and verbally ruin him, be a demon.
I would like that your actions subtletly changed how Mars portrays himself, if you lie to everyone he should be more dismissive and downright abusive.

But be glad Mars isnt your average naive moronic likely autistic shota protagonist whit a foot long that for some reason manages to make women gush out vaginal fluids over his social incompetence and sexual inadequacy.

If this game was trash Erin would be the main protagonist, and he would be almost exactly the same BUT have a foot long and women being actively horny for him.
Nov 9, 2022
Treating women like they want to be treated (like shit) isnt sexist, what makes you sexist is when Twitter decides you are sexist.
Generally yea, on top of the fact that most women who dig a man will let anything slide till they slightest bit of emotion or humility, so this game probably is the most realistic when it comes to common relationships because of that.
I'd like to say there's exceptions, but dating now is just finding the one working lightbulb in a cursed asylum when trying to find the one unless its for one-night stands, then your just trying to keep away from the ones that might kill ya or bleed you dry like single 40 year-old moms who had plastic surgery and think they're still in college.
Apr 28, 2022
Still working on finishing the game so I don't have all the plot so far, just had some thoughts that I wanted to jot down:

Story is surprisingly good. I'm not really into NTR stuff but I decided to give this a shot, and I've enjoyed it well enough to go about five hours. There's a lot of interesting story seeds being planted that I hope pay off. It helps that the NTR scenarios are more complicated than "Hot asshole ruins a good dude's life because it's funny and hot"...

Except for Lepart, who is basically exactly that. Yes, there's some degree of mindbreak in the other stories, but for the most part the stories are either deserved, avoidable, or 'good' mindbreak where they're better off than how they were (Julia being broke, miserable, ostracized, bullied son/Yvet being in a poor dysfunctional family getting sold off/Mihra's extra comedy of the guy who cucked her childhood friend then getting cucked by you/the hero being a stupid asshole), Lepart is just sad; you progress her storyline & he's not a factor and the worst you've done is make her smell your dick...And then she half-breaks him into a miserable pet. Obviously he made a lot of mistakes, he shouldn't have deprived her of sex, he should have willingly put on the arm and lived his life, but it feels uniquely mean-spirited compared to the other stories.

The part that threw me off was how Mars immediately goes along with it. Yes, other people constantly call Mars a sleazeball murderer scumbag, and we hear about his offscreen exploits, but the actually seen actions and plot of the game suggests an introspective guy with a bad reputation who ends up cucking terrible people. Maybe some of the dialogue trees I didn't take reinforce a more assholish Mars, but the one I got doesn't come off as someone who'd go along with abusing Lepart for some pig pussy.

That said, it's an accomplishment when a porn story makes you feel something about the characters, especially one that only gets a single scene in-person before the reveal. I didn't write all this to go "I hate this, please change it" because I think that sort of kneejerk demand is awful for writing, but the option to be nicer to Lepart would be on my personal wishlist (Dev note mentioned the possibility of a path where Hilda doesn't get ahold of them, so maybe I just need to wait). Not necessarily idyllic "Mars fixes their relationship and they live happily ever after", but making Lepart a more willing partner (maybe even some 1-on-1 time) would be pleasant. Could even go the ironic route of Lepart & Iris swapping positions in the sub-pecking order (considering she's been the asshole in most of the scenes & the focus on how much of a lowly impulsive slut she is) but maybe that's just my bisexual interests invading a review.

In any case, definitely going to keep an eye on this. Most of the higher quality Western H-Games tends to be heavy on the granular gameplay mechanics with a limited/lighthearted story, interesting to see the inverse. It's also fun to see how the later art dramatically improves, in terms of shot composition & anatomy.
I agree with most of your post, except the lepart part. Its stated that pigobi women suffer without sex and can even suffer health problems without it. Plus, if Mars didnt NTR her then someone else would have.
Lepart is an example of a shounnen anime romance protagonist (in fact the entire game is a deconstruction of anime/hentai writing tropes). Lepart is the guy who refuses to make a move on his girl, no matter what her circumstances are, like many anime protagonists. But unlike those protagonists, he suffers the consequences of his inaction.
This is where NTR shines, its like a cautionary tale reinforcing an idea: 'Dont be like Lep, have the balls to make a move on your girl or someone else will.' Mars gives him multiple chances to be a better man, but Lep refuses each time in order to hold on to his self-serving morals.

Add in a pigobi's unique biology, and Lep is actively harming his partner by not fucking her, he deserves to be cucked in the worst way.

(Fun Fact: Lepart is Named after/based on one of Nitroliths regular discord members named Lepworra. Lepworra is a bit of a fem/bottom and is very fond of traps. The funny part is that i'm the one who told lep that Nitro cucked him 'in game' as he hadnt played the newest update. His reaction was priceless~)


Aug 10, 2020
True, I feel somewhat sorry for him though. I was also curious since there was a scene where he thought about destroying everything in revenge, so I thought there could be maybe an ingame path
Sep 30, 2020
I agree with most of your post, except the lepart part. Its stated that pigobi women suffer without sex and can even suffer health problems without it. Plus, if Mars didnt NTR her then someone else would have.
Lepart is an example of a shounnen anime romance protagonist (in fact the entire game is a deconstruction of anime/hentai writing tropes). Lepart is the guy who refuses to make a move on his girl, no matter what her circumstances are, like many anime protagonists. But unlike those protagonists, he suffers the consequences of his inaction.
This is where NTR shines, its like a cautionary tale reinforcing an idea: 'Dont be like Lep, have the balls to make a move on your girl or someone else will.' Mars gives him multiple chances to be a better man, but Lep refuses each time in order to hold on to his self-serving morals.

Add in a pigobi's unique biology, and Lep is actively harming his partner by not fucking her, he deserves to be cucked in the worst way.

(Fun Fact: Lepart is Named after/based on one of Nitroliths regular discord members named Lepworra. Lepworra is a bit of a fem/bottom and is very fond of traps. The funny part is that i'm the one who told lep that Nitro cucked him 'in game' as he hadnt played the newest update. His reaction was priceless~)
To summarize, imagine that Pigobis are like Dogs, and you try to make your dog vegetarian just because you think it is morally righteous, but instead of vegetarianism it is celibacy, that is downright abusive.

just like dogs are carnivores, pigobis are sextoys, ignoring the nature of things ends up in the misery of everyone.

that is the one thing i really like about the writting of this game, it doesnt deal whit the utopian ideals of romantizing things, things are very fucked up, but ignoring them makes them worse, and even worse is pretending that just because "you want it" you can change the nature of things, like Lepart tried to do whit the Pigobi, his idealism of things blinded him of its true nature.

Erin ignored Sera and Sera slowly started to lose her mind, he also ignored the abuse he was getting from Cecille and it quite literally almost ruined his life (if it wasnt for Mars giving him an out)
Apr 28, 2022
True, I feel somewhat sorry for him though. I was also curious since there was a scene where he thought about destroying everything in revenge, so I thought there could be maybe an ingame path
That just proves you have a soul. The best NTR makes you empathize with either the cuck, the slut or the bull, because the feelings of betrayal/superiority/shame and lust are what makes peak story that has a level of complexity that most vanilla stories just plainly lack.

Its a shame most NTRs (especially new ones) lack the level of quality writing you see here.

I would also like to see more NTR that ends in violence and tragedy. Most dudes react violently if they are cucked in real life, but i suppose that kind of breaks the fetish...
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Jun 17, 2018
At this point the only salvation i see for erin is just make him a woman and let mars make him his bitch. The funny part is that is not so out of character for erin since he seems to like mars's dick
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